Infinity Guardian System

Chapter 35: Hael Gets Beaten Black And Blue!

Chapter 35: Hael Gets Beaten And Blue!

Hael stood there surprised as he looked at Captain Aliea who descended down the dais that she stood on and came to stand 10 meters away from him.

"I won't be using my cores in this fight. Just my physically enhanced cybernetic body, which you know, as a gunslinger is the least powerful among all the classes of cybernetic fighters," Captain Aliea said.


[Resist The Opponent For 3 Minutes!]

[Rewards: +400 EXP.]

"All I ask from you is to not lose your two front teeth," Captain Aliea said, and before Hael could give his reply, she took a single step forward and then...


The entire world suddenly began rolling strangely in Hael's eyes and in the next second, he smashed his entire body into the opposite wall, creating a cobweb of cracks on it.


BAAANG frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓

The sound of two knees slamming onto the ground echoed out as Hael slid down the wall and fell on his knees, and then...

Follow current novℯls on ƒгeewё



Two crimson droplets rolled down and dropped onto the ground as he raised his hand up to his nose and swiped. And on his hands, he saw his own blood.

Turning back to look at Captain Aliea, he saw she was still raising her hand into the air in a slapping motion and was currently 20 meters away from him. And realization dawned on Hael...

'I got sent flying back ten meters away with a backhand slap!' He thought in shock as he looked at Captain Aliea who looked at him emotionlessly before slowly putting down her hands...

"If I had activated even just one of my cores and poured its power into that slap, your brain tissues would have been the one staining that wall," she said, disdain flickering in her eyes...

"You're helplessly weak, yet you disdain Cybernetics!" Captain Aliea said, and in the next second, she began running towards him once more.

One second, she was 20 meters away and the next she was only 5 meters as he quickly rolled to the side and then...


The entire wall where he had crashed into formerly was blown apart, as Captain Aliea's knee smashed into it head-on with horrifying force...

And slowly she raised down her knee as Hael looked at the broken wall in shock.

[If that had crashed into your head, you would be 90% dead!] The system's warning rang in his head as Hael's eyes flashed in horror.

"I can't see that confidence anymore, Kiddo. The confidence that made you challenge me back then. You sounded so strong, like you had something backing you up.

But look at you, the side of your head is now dripping with your blood, and your nose is bleeding. I'm not even using a percent of my strength! And that is enough to make you feel horror? How pathetic..." Captain Aliea said, disappearing once more and then...


A kick slammed on the back of Hael's head as he was sent flying forward, but Captain Aliea once again disappeared and reappeared in front of his face as another kick rapidly materialized in front of Hael's eyes smashing head-on once more, blood and spittle flying around the white room as he helplessly tumbled back from where he came from.




For the next five seconds, it was like Captain Aliea was playing football, except the ball was a 1.8 meters body which was being sent around the room before finally crashing into the wall...




The sound of footsteps could be faintly heard in Hael's head as he felt the hand grab his neck and tear him out of the wall he crashed into...

Blood sprayed down the small crack on his forehead, and his badly mangled face, but Captain Aliea had nothing but a listless expression on her face...

"Magic or Cybernetics!? You're unworthy of both!" Captain Aliea said as she jerked her hands backwards and then slammed Hael into the wall, using him to tear through it completely as he helplessly rolled away into the next room.

"Your na?ve attitude and lack of focus will only make you die sooner than you think. You will die before 17, making not a single ripple in spacetime! A coward's and bastard's death!

So, when you meet someone like me willing to help out and make sure you at least live for two more years before dying.

Then shut up and simply follow my order, like the good houseboy that you are..." Captain Aliea said as she entered into the room where Hael crashed into, proceeding to grab his hair only to feel the bloodied hand grab onto her wrist, causing her to turn her attention to Hael with a raised eyebrow.

"Awwww, someone needs more beating..." Captain Aliea said with disdain but her face changed when Hael suddenly tugged on her arms and in the next second, a leg smashed onto her face with speed as she blocked it with his hands, but suddenly the air at the side of her face shifted as a kick pierced forth towards it like a sword and it slammed towards Captain Aliea's second arm pushing her away as Hael revolved twice in the air before landing onto both his feet crouched on the ground, with blood pouring down...

Shock flickered in her eyes, seeing Hael was still able to remain on both his feet, albeit helplessly crouched, and she herself was actually pushed back by his kick...

"Helplessly say?" The gruffy voice could be heard coming from none other than the crouched Hael who slowly raised his head with a smile on his face, amidst the blood raining down his face...

"I can't say no to that. But dying a coward's and bastard's death!?" Hael asked as he rose himself upright and shifted into a battle stance.

Spreading both legs apart, Hael clenched his right hand into a fist, placing it on his waist while stretching the palm of his other right hands to her,

It was the War Demon Stance of The Winterfall Dynasty!!!

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