Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


You know, drinking isn't my style of relaxation, but smoking is.

It takes about 7 days to travel from Ireland to Norway at full speed, disregarding safety for everyone involved.


Oh, we hit something. I can only hear the sound a bit so probably nothing special.

Surtr is out and about playing with Ouroboros Omniscia. It has so much stuff that kept his interest up, studying mechanical engineering as it is something that piqued his mind.

Apparently, his technological level isn't as high as Earth's, so Mars never got around to stuff like digital or even analog technology.

Heh, get on my level.

I won't say it to his face, of course. Since he is one of the beings that can kill me, and crazy enough to turn Worlds into a fucking sword.

I leaned back on my chain, pushed myself away from my desk, and spun around on it. I am so fucking bored.

I would've played around if not for the single most annoying thing in the world. Responsibility.

Theia and Roko are real threats, especially Roko... who can create swords carrying divine properties. And of course, no matter how brain damage that thing is, she realizes how strong anti-matter is.

For Theia? Tiamat doesn't seem like it wants to deal with her. Being a bitch as always.

Hah... maybe I should wash away my emotions for a bit. Having a factory reset always brings my mood up, or decrease my bar seem more accurate.

"A land of Serenity and Quietness."

My eyes turned silver, and white sparks of lightning escaped my body, taking all the color away...


I closed my eyes as I continued to let my body loosen.

"Through the looking glass, I am the Void, I am Infinity."

The ever so slight uneven wave vanished... the sound of machinery was no more than a mirage.

"So come forth, my World of Chalk."

I opened my eyes, and here was my Inner World. A land of emptiness, white chalky ground stretching as far as the horizon goes, and a grey sky without any cloud or sun.

And I began to walk, and with every step, I left behind a piece of everyone. My memories of them become hazy, yet I find myself trying to hold onto them more...

Each step I leave behind a color, a color of someone else. My feelings towards them turn neutral, yet my hatred for some cannot be uprooted.

I am humanity, humanity is me.

Every color that splashed here turned white, sinking into this desolate place. Returning to me, my feelings about them sink into my imperfect view of humanity.

"This is what I wanted...", I muttered to myself.


I don't know how long I've been in this place for, I kept on walking forward without a destination in mind.

This place is my world, my Inner World, my true self. Despite how lonely it is here, I never felt the emotion.

I am by nature a solitary person...

Yet I enjoy myself when I am with my friends... friend, heh... since when have I become so human?

No matter.

I still have them— oh, right...

I never heard from them again, slowly, one by one, their voices disappeared from me. The voices of the Akashic Records, they fulfilled their mission...

Liar... all of them.

To escape my safe haven... to unlock my powers...

They are all "me".

They were born from my loneliness inside that place, me answering my dearest wish at that time.

A family...

"To think I was that innocent.", I laughed at myself, "I am alone... that fact confirmed that their existence was not needed."

All I can rely on is myself and myself only.

Yet despite how selfish I am...

I am selfless.

Well, not really. I am still a teenager full of angst.

What I do is for the sake of humanity. This... barbaric species that seeks to thrive beyond its nature. To break the chains of the world...


To do that, I must plunge the world into a state of chaos once again. For the desire of all...

"Some must be sacrificed for the masses.", I smiled.

And I will not be one of the sacrifices... as I am not benevolent, my hands don't reach out to people.

Humanity learns from its mistakes, a cycle of destruction that can end humanity at any time... yet we all still live to learn from was errors we made.

The past is the foundation for the present, but it in no way dictates what we as humanity must do. The future is always built on the dreams and aspirations of the present. For mankind, time is not an unrelenting stream, but an echo from one era to another.

That is what history is for, a bulwark against the all-consuming flood that is time, and a resonator to pass on the echoes of humanity.

I think I've cleansed myself enough now. Proven by the point of having self-reflection again.

I ended it, and returned to my room.

"[Your Highness.]", Utopia showed up on my screen.

"Hello, my Silver Knight.", I smiled.

"[You have gone into your Inner World for five days. I recommend not doing it for this extensive amount of time.]", he responded.

That long, huh...

I nodded, "Yeah... you are probably right."

This habit of mine is unhealthy, my mind is already fucked beyond all comprehension from my repeated use of my Inner World.

Oh, and I technically didn't smoke for five days.

I grabbed a cigarette from my table and I began to smoke, feeling its psychoactive effect...

"How long do we have until we reach Norway?", I puffed out a cloud of smoke.

"[Tomorrow morning. I hope you rest for today, Your Highness.]"

I nodded. I really do need rest, walking straight in an infinite world is not good for my health at all. But what can I do? Factory resets are so therapeutic.

Fuck, do I need a therapist to drama dump on?

I finished my cigarette, letting Reverie consume the bud. Then I headed to bed...




Snow... they are cold. Which is pretty obvious.

I stood on the deck, feeling a lot better and a lot more melancholic.

Utopia, being the best knight he is, heated the floor so I wouldn't have to step on snow. And due to Hoa and Surtr, I get myself two free heaters.

Looking across the fog, I can see uninhabited islands scattered around the ocean. And not a single human in sight.

"So where do we find Elderstahl?", I asked.

"Underwater. When I cut off that dimensional tree, I planted her into the stump, thinking that if I left it like that, the cosmic energy would be enough to quench the blade.", he crossed his arms.

"Underwater, huh...", I smiled, "Utopia, transform."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]"

And the ship rumbles, transforming into his mecha form.

"What is happening, Miss Silvi?", Surtr calmly asked.

I took out a cigarette and leaned back, falling onto my throne.

"Mecha!", I excitedly replied. Mecha are cool!

"That does not explain anything.", he stated.

"Just let her do her thing.", Hoa sighed.

Then the monitors lit up, illuminating the bridge with their blue light. Half of which I don't even know what they mean. They just look cool!

A silver mermaid with four arms, diving deeper and deeper into the cold ocean.

"[Your Highness, there is an anomaly that is very faint. A kilometer below the surface of the water.]"

One of the screens changed display, showing what looked like a tree stump with glowing magenta and purple veins, pulsing.

And stabbed into the stump is a black sword glowing red, nine strange Runes etched into the blade pulsing white. Even from here, I can feel the power it is emanating...

A weapon made from the Cores of eight planets, forged by a Jury of the Pale Court...

It is huge, standing three meters in length.


The Strongest God Slayer, The Blade of the End...


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