Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


I hung upside down on the balcony, with the railing hanged in my knees. I was waiting for Alpha-01, Beta-05 had already contacted him.

"That's dangerous.", Beta-05 commented, taking in the view of the city with me.

"I know, but having blood circulate in my brain helps me think faster.", I replied. 

"I think you looked at the wrong problem...", she muttered.

Oh, she meant me hanging upside down. No, it's not dangerous at all, everything is fine.

"So, what do you think of this city?"

What do I think of this place? Well, it has a cyberpunk vibe, especially at 'night'. I look up at the artificial sun. Considering that Novah is split into different parts, it's very efficient yet flexible at the same time.

The area where the hotel is, it's the Tourist Zone where people can look at the great inventions of Novah. Then the Research Zone, where said inventions are made and tested. Then there is the Apartment Zone for those who don't have enough money to buy a house in the Residential Zone, it's the equivalent to the slum, but even then, it's still very advanced.

"I like it here, but I don't want to live in this place. Darkovah seems to be a better place to live.", not that I would live here.

New York City seems to be a better place than this, and the current rebuilding is on it's way with the full support of the government.

"Yeah... I spend more time in Selestah than in here, it's a nice city on the Eastern side. You should visit that place sometimes."

Oh, they came with a truck.

I straighten my legs, letting myself fall down. I was going to greet the others, but Beta-05 held my leg.


"Let go.", I spoke in a hostile voice, "I don't like being touched."

That made Beta-05 slipped her hand, using that split second, I wiggled my way out.

The first floor isn't that tall to be honest, so I just ran down the side of the building and got onto the ground.

With my sudden appearance, all guns are pointed at me. Alpha-01 waved his hand a second later, telling the others to lower their gun.

"Hello there.", I tilted my head to the side.

"It's you...", Alpha-01 muttered, "Report on the situation."

"Number of enemy, 21, status unconfirmed. All are on trial with my Anima Pactum.", I lied blatantly.

"More information about your Anima Pactum would be appreciated.", he sternly spoke.

"I can send people to... Justice Court, where they would be on trial... they may or may not pass the trial. If they pass, they will be alive and appear back in the room. If they don't pass... they are dead."

My lies are convincing at the very least, if not completely truthful to the listeners.

"Why didn't keep one for interrogation?", he questioned me.

"That is not my job.", I responded, "I only subjugate."

"It is getting dark now, so I will go back.", I have already walked.

"What about scouting the area ahead?"

I cocked my head back, leaning down with one leg straighten to balance myself. They are now more cautious of me than ever.

"I already have. Nothing can escape my sense of Justice.", another lie.

Oh, Pan landed on my shoulder. The raven cawed in agreement.

"And you don't have the authority to order me around."

"But you are in our land, we held the third highest authority, below the Custodian and the Prime Minister. As the protectors of Mu, I have the duty to protect our land and the authority to enforce those are dangerous.", he stood his ground.

"But can you catch me?", I rotated myself, standing up right, "Charlotte Corday, the Angel of Assassination, is my Codename. My organization doesn't give Codenames out like candy."

"Do you know what she did? She murdered a man, not assassinated but murdered. With conviction alone, she walked into his house, stabbed him with a knife she bought that same day. Why was I given this name? Because I have the same conviction and boldness of that woman."

That was also true for my original Codename, Constantine. Nyarlatothep gave it to me because I have the boldness and dominating presence of an emperor. But that name make me relate myself to that man, the King of Emperors.

Athen is Athen because... well, Athen is the capital of Greece. Her Devil is Zagreus, the Prince of the Underworld and... King of Greece. There is that.

I spun around, and I waved.

"See you tomorrow, Man-niisan.", and I disappeared with Delusion.


Alpha-01, or by his real name Hayata, he just stared at the vanishing form of Charlotte. Man-niisan was his user name when he is off duty and surf around on the chaotic sea of the internet.

Silver hair, a blunt and cocky attitude, in Mu. He can only think of one person only.

"Silver Royal...", Hayata muttered.

"What's up, leader?", Raef came around, tilting her head.

"Ah, it's nothing.", he turned to Raef, "So is there anything we can find?"

"Beside weapons and explosives, I found this...", she presented a letter, carrying the symbol of the eight pointed star in red.

He opened the letter... written in blood.

(To obtain infinite knowledge, to end the suffering of mankind. We, the Akashic Insurgency shall obtain the treasures of humanity.

Our current objective is to snatch away the Philosopher Stone, prepare for the attack at any moment.

D-2 and L-7 will handle the main objective. All other shall distract the protection squad.

Remember, only property damage and reduce civilian harm to the minimum. Directly killing is strictly forbidden.



P.S, buy milk.)

"...", Hayata is speechless, "Delta-03."

"Sir!", Delta-03 saluted.

"Send in reinforcement, we need tighter security.", he then read the last line, "Also, have the Special Force post agents around any milk store."

"This code...", Hayata clicked his tongue, "If only we have someone to interrogate... Corday..."

Shaking his head, banishing any thought about Silver Royal or Charlotte.

"Request Zeta-01 to go and keep watch on the room, station two personnel there for now.", Hayata commanded.

""Sir!"", all of them saluted.


I came back to the training area, going to the two Custodian who are have an intense sparring session. Clashes of spears accompanying sparks flies everywhere, their movement barely visible to normal people.

Well, I am not normal, I can see them just fine.

Their agility and strength are absurd, even in those heavy armor... heha... technology is amazing.

"Charlotte, where have you been?", Athen approached me.

"Just doing stuffs.", my eyes are still watching the spar.

"Doing stuffs doesn't bring me closure, it just worried me more. We are talking about you here, Charlotte."

I rolled my eyes, "Busted a group of Akashic Insurgency. The MAS is investigating the area."

"Of course...", Athen sighed, "Did you do anything rude?"

"I was just being myself."

"That's being rude, at least be more polite.", she poked my shoulder for some reason, "You can, can't you?"

"I'm just being myself, and I am barely holding on from this act.", acting behind a mask is hard.

I like being myself, I want to mess with people... that is just in my nature, or nurture? I am Seria's adopted daughter so it's hard to tell.

Ah, on the topic of family...

"Oh, I have some questions.", I grabbed Athen by the collar.

Before she could get away, I used Delusion to get us to the rooftop. I also remove my mask, to face Athen directly.

She knocked my hand off, and backed away.

"CHARLOTTE! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!", Athen was triggered, and cautious.

"Like I said, I have some questions.", Malice, show yourself.


Black wisps of flame floats around me, dancing around in their malicious ritual. The Wrath and Evil of humanity... Malice. I took a step forward.

Athen took a step back, "C-Charlotte, what are you doing?"

"I am not in a good mood at all.", I bluntly said, "I found out that I have a sister."

The flame moved behind me, forming a towering shadow. Only my blood red eyes can be seen now.

"Why? Why did you hide her away from me?", I was calm... "ANSWER ME!!"

"I...", she choked on her words.

I know I can just ask Reverie for the information, however, making Athen vomit out the information I needed was more satisfying.

"Answer me, will you?", I tilted my head to the side.

"Calm down! Charlotte, please... calm the fuck down!!", she yelled at me, her face morphed into an ugly expression... of pain.

"I am very calm.", the wall of black flame behind me became bigger.

"You are not!", she shouted, weapons, shields, armor... she manifested them all, "I don't want to do this, Charlotte... please... I... I have a reason to hide it away from you. You can meet her, but... not now, not now okay?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Contract."


"Contract, let's make a contract.", I swayed my head to the side, looking at the number of weapons Athen summoned, spears, swords, bows, shields, so much... I cannot get past them easily.

This is Athen's true strength, her ability to summon a seemingly infinite amount of artifacts from before the gods die off, and the heroes of legends. Not only that, she can recall and use those weapon as if she was the owner. A jack of all trade, master of all.

"Contract... what are you putting?", the prospect of a contract is much more relieving to Athen.

"I want to meet my sister."

The Malice flame grew bigger again, envelopimg me in it's dark shadow... only my azure gaze shine brightly.

A piece of parchment paper appeared between us, written in Greek. Seems like I have unconsciously forced Athen make a contract.

"Now, it's your part of the contract.", my voice was cold, yet burns with an anger as hot as Hell itself.

"Charlotte... just tone this down a bit, okay?"

"Say. Your. Part."

"Alright! Alright! I will let you meet her, but be nicer until then, okay?!"

More Greek letters appeared on the parchment...

"Hah... By the Authority of Styx, Goddess of Oath, may our deal be true and unbreakable.", she said, touching the floating Contract.

"By the Authority of Styx, Goddess of Oath, may our deal be true and unbreakable."

The Contract burned up and left nothing behind. Right away, I felt a collar was put onto my neck... Styx...

Athen also rubbed her neck, "Now I have less than a year to fulfill the contract."

I tilted my head, "A year?"

"Yeah, did you think the Contract is permanent? Without a set time, the duration will default to a year's time."

I smiled... heha... a year isn't bad...

"But my Contract with Enna is a lifetime.", I pointed it out.

"Every place has a different kind of Contract, Styx's Contracts are fair and would not work if the deal is unfair. I have to get some benefit as well as you do.", Athen said, still rubbing her neck, "I don't like it either, and if I don't fulfill my end of the contract I'll be strangle slowly by Styx, or receive a judgemental look from her until I fulfill the contract."

"I see—"

I stopped my words, I felt someone looking at me. I turned around... there is only Malice flame behind me. Styx... that was her.

I have to... be nice? What does that even mean? Euphoria, how do I be nice?

Fufu, just tone yourself down just a step, my dear.

That is hard... but... I have a great idea.

I closed my eyes. Euphoria, partial take over.

Of course, my dear.

I opened my eyes... I feel... lighter, as if a burden was lifted away.

"Charlotte, may I ask why the fuck are your eyes glowing purple... no, magenta?"

I merely smiles, "It is nothing of your concern, Athen.", I hate this already.

"Uh...", Athen was becoming more concern.

"Now now, let's us get back.", I snapped my finger, extinguishing the Malice flame.

Sorry, Malice. I will find you someone deserving to burn next time.

As long as you are satisfied, my lady.

No, I'm not at all. I WANT TO BURN THAT F— CONTRACT!

Keeping up my appearance, "Would you please hold my hand, Athen?", I tilted my head, putting my mask back on.

She hesitantly took my hand, avoiding as much skin contact as possible. Why? But I don't really care.


We teleported back to the training area, just in time for the Custodian to finish the fight. Both of them stood stoically against one another.

"I will go back to my room for a good shower, see you tomorrow, dear Athen.", with that, I walked away.

"...She's creepier now...", Athen whispered.

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