Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Arc 4 – Euphoric Dance: Her Humanity

[Allogater: Oh? IRL stream?!]

[Gerandal: Yoo, Princess!]

[Aster Cos: Hello]

[Valentine Bite: Greetings, Princess!]

[177013: Hello]

[FinTheYuusha: Hello Roy!]

[Arduin: Sups!]

[Meru1in: Hello, Princess]

[Yamahan: Hello~]

I held a selfie stick, holding it with a masterful grip with absolutely no shaking. I smiled and waved at the phone, waving to chat.

"Hello everyone, it is your glorious and amazing princess, I am Silver Royal. Be glad that you can meet me.", I did my usual introduction.

I spun around, showing where I am at— the hotel room. It has two beds, and a table between to separate the two. A huge but cheap printed painting over the bed, I think it's The Starry Night by Van Gogh.

"I am in Mu, finally found a hotel fit for me to stay in.", I sat down on the bed, crossing my eyes, "Things were very hectic this morning, I heard from a friend of mine the delivery of the German-you-know-what happened. But at least I got to see the famous Mu Action Squad, their tactical gear looks awesome."


[177013: yeah! MAS ftw!]

[Man-niisan: they do look very cool]

[Valentine Bite: have you seen the Vatican Paladin?]

[Occultic Flame: I want to see them]

[Bitchlag: they are amazing!]

"Well, enough about them. I want to go out tonight for some fun, so will you accompany me?", I gave them a wink.

The chat, as always, burst into a flurry of yes. I can't help but smile, seeing how the opinion of someone is easily swayed by me.

"Well then.", I stood up from the bed, "Let us go."

I didn't use the door, because why would I want down to the ground floor like any sane person? I am just that extra. Instead, I went to the balcony, overlooking the Central Park.

I spotted something, a white cat with blue eyes. My cat is lazing around on a tree.

Should I call it Charles? Or should I just stick with Pan? I think I'll use its name.

"Charles.", I called.

The cat perked up, now staring straight at me. I gave it a little wave, but like all cats, it just ignored me.

"Let's go for a walk.", and I jumped off the balcony.


[Allogater: PRINCESS!!]

[FinTheYuusha: Nooo!!]

[Valentine Bite: Noooooo!]

[Gerandal: Noooo!!]

I produced some Reverie goo on my hand, sliding down the wall safely. Much to the bafflement of the chat.

"Well, I am a Gem Holder after all.", I shrugged, "Things like this are easy."

I look around, people's eyes are on me. Most with a surprised expressions, some are calling the police. Then with the power of Survive and Euphoria, I create an air that would make people avoid me, the Imperial Aura.

My eyes glowed brighter, and the people began to walk away, avoiding my gaze. With them gone, I made my quick escape, going towards the Central Park— where Charles is.

The cat hopped onto my shoulder, it let out a cute meow. Chat also think it is cute too, seeing them going wild over my cat.

I sat down on a bench, overlooking the giant artificial lake, "I like this park, it is pretty calming."

A smile formed on my face, since I sensed two people coming. My eyes flickered to the side.

There they are. A girl in a high school Japanese uniform, her icy blue hair grown down to the length of her shoulder, frosty eyes. Going around with a katana on her waist.

And of course, the Israeli man in a pure white tunic and robe. Brown eyes, a beard, and long brown hair.

It was them, Okita Mitsuki and Jesus Christ.

"Oh! You must be Silver Royal!", she ran towards me. But she froze after having eye contact with my azure gaze.

"Hello.", I break the ice between us.

Mitsuki closed her eyes, exhaling a cold puff of air. She returned to her bright smiling demeanors.

"Hello! My name is Okita Mitsuki, part-time Demon Slayer of Shirakawa!", she thrusted her hand out, straightening her back too, "Nice to meet you!!"

"As you know, I am Silver Royal, the most prideful and competent person on the internet.", I shook her hand with a smile, "Nice to meet you too."

"Aah~! I got to shake your hand!! Woooo!!!", she squirmed and did a little dance. Quite cute.

"Of course, you would be. You are with me after all.", my eyes glanced over to Christ, "And you must be Jesus Christ, the Son of God."

He nodded, "Indeed I am, but I am not here on Earth to save humanity, but to observe it."

I glanced back at the chat, who are going crazy at seeing Jesus Christ. I mean, he is the guy after all... and he must know who I am but doesn't say anything. I like him, a swell guy in my opinion.

"Say hello to everyone.", I moved the selfie stick to get them into frame.

"Hello~! I'm LocalDemonSlayer12 in chat!", Mitsuki waved both of her hands.

"Greetings.", Christ nodded.


[Gerandal: Mitsuki, mah girl!]

[Crimsonfckr: the mascot girl herself]

[177013: OMG! Another beauty!]

[FinTheYuusha: Nice to meet you all!!]

[Yamahan: Jesus Christ, it's Jesus Christ!]

[Meru1in: Gotta run now]

[Allogater: I'm not a Christian, but you are a cool guy JC]

[Farmlen: Damn]

[FGulag: This world does have everything!]

[Drem: Amen!]

[BinRose: Seeing the real deal is way better!]

[REDDOG: This girl is awesome]

I saw the views climbing higher and higher. Over 30 thousand people in fact. Christ is popular, wonder what the Vatican is thinking right now.

"Anyway, you two are not here just for a meet and greet, right?", I tilted my head.

"Ah! I forgot!", Mitsuki clapped her hands, "There is something the Principal gave me an errand— ah, could you please turn off the sound recording for a bit? It's a private matter."


"Thank you— wait, what?", she stared at me with a surprised expression.

"I said no, is this my private matter?", I firmly stood my ground, or sit. Whatever work.

"Err, yes...", she was being quite nervous.

"Then it is my choice to want this conversation to be private or not.", I stated, "So, what is it?"

She rubbed the back of her head, "Well... the Principal wanted to confirm your legal guardian, he wanted to know if what you wrote was true or not."

"Oh, it's true. My legal guardian is Abigail Sillarco, what about it?"

"What?", was her reaction.


[Allogater: WHAT?!]

[Gerandal: holy shit!]

[Ferrial: What?!]

[Germos: wat]

[Dermamon: what?]

[Thatsexyguyinyourdream: what]

[Crimsonfckr: gotta fucking run!!]

[177013: holy shit]

[FinTheYuusha: damn!]

[Meru1in: goodbye!]

[Beffycay: Bruh moment]

[Jean9: Bruh]

Huh, that reaction from the chat is quite reasonable.

"Would you like me to call her?", I took my phone out of the selfie stick.

"I— I wouldn't dare to!", she is backing away now.

"So I'm calling her then.", I shrugged and dialed her number.

[Sups, my girl!]

"Abigail, I need you to be here."

[Alright~] "So, what do ya need me for?"

She appeared right beside me, wearing a T-shirt with the words "Fuck Bitches" on the front and dark blue jeans. Charles also jumped away, climbing on yet another tree.

"The Principal wanted to confirm if you are my legal guardian or not. Are you?", I stared at her while opening my stream and putting it back on the selfie stick.

"I am! Oh, hello everyone around the world! I am Abigail Sillarco, the Sentinel of the West Coast! Hope you have a good day today!", she waved cheerfully with both of her hands.

Once again, the chat goes wild.

"N-Nice to meet you!", she lowered her body, bowing down to Seria.

It is nice that I am not her target for torment for once.

"Hello~", her attention turned to Christ, "And hello to you too, JC!"

Christ nodded, "Greetings to you, General."

"Well, is this enough to confirm that this ball of unpredictability is my child?", she forcefully hugged me.

I take it back, I am still her target of torment!

"Or do you think I am a fake?", she tilted her head, resting her cheek on my head, "I am just one phone call away from sending the full military might of the U.S.A at Mu."

"Th-That's extremely uncalled for!", Mitsuki became more nervous, "I'll report back to the Principal right away!"

If Seria said she would do it, she will. That's how much power she held in her hands.

"Good~ now, I have some bitches to fuck over! Trust busting and all of that shenanigans! Bye~!", Seria translation: 'Just lazing around and do some weird stuff'

She vanished in a storm of blue fire. I balanced myself from falling over and sat upright like before.

"Well then, is that all of your business?", I asked.

"That is all.", Christ replied to my question, "I will be going now. Mitsuki, you can stay here for as long as you want."

"Okay, Jesus-sensei.", she bowed out of respect.

Christ went away with soundless steps. He is one of the World's Four Wiseman after all, he knew when and where to be. And this conversation is not his place to be.

I stood up, "Come with me if you want some fun."

With that cryptic message, I walked away. Charles also hopped down from the tree to follow me. While Mitsuki hurriedly ran to me, since I went pretty fast.

"So, have any of you guys thought of going out for a late-night motorbike ride?", I asked the chat with a smile.


[Futalovered: there is something refreshing about riding a bike!]

[Convest: Of course!]

[Gerandal: oh no]

[Man-niisan: oh fuck no]

[177013: oh yes!]

[Allogater: the wind blowing is nice]

[Cybersword: nothing beats a late-night ride]

I went out of the park with a hum on my lips, as if I am just strolling, not noticing the people spying on me. Am I really that popular?

"Can you film this for me?", I took out the phone from the selfie stick, flipped the camera, and threw it to Mitsuki.

She fumbled, surprised at my action. But ultimately she caught it.

"Watch how I deal with creeps.", I kicked up a pebble, snatching it in midair, then threw it at a nearby bush.

"Argh!!", a scream came from the bush.

"To anyone dare to sneak up on me, forget it.", I provoked them with Euphoria's Mockery, "Or are you too scared to gang up on a little girl?"

Screams erupted around me, affected by Euphoria. They are normal people, so they might receive some internal rupture. Mockery is powerful, just the slight feeling of being insulted can cut as deep as a knife wound.

"I am a Gem Holder, messing with me would spell your doom.", I sneered while turning to the camera with a smile, "And that's how to deal with creeps."

"Are they going to be okay?", Mitsuki frowned, clearly not liking the way I harm others without batting an eye.

"I am American, my guardian is Abigail Sillarco.", I clasped my hands behind my back, "She doesn't have a great sense of morality, I mean, she is the one who burned the entirety of Old Mu. Could you imagine being raised by such a woman?"

"What are you going on about, Roy?", she questioned me further.

"Abigail is my role model, do you think a decent person would come out when she raised me? What happened to the foolish countries who attacked her beloved America?", I questioned her under my azure gaze.

I stayed silent for Mitsuki to think about it. Her eyes widen, realizing what I was getting at. Old Mu burned down, erased from the history of humanity, only remembered as the one who oh so foolishly attack the U.S.A directly. And the Al-Qaeda who indirectly caused Pandora's Sin, Seria brutally murdered over four thousand people, all related to the attackers, torturing and showing them despair, before giving them a slow death.

"I see nothing wrong with harming people who intended to harm me. I have been described as a violent person before, and that is true.", I began to walk backward.

"Miss Okita, I don't fear backlash or people canceling me. I have more than enough power to defend myself, and to me, my opinion matters more than anyone else. As long as I live by my own creed, I am satisfied."

We are out of the park, so I turned back. To see my sportbike parked on the sidewalk. I had Enna get my bike from the airport after all.

"And thank you for holding my phone for me.", I smiled.

"I... stopped the recording.", she mustered up her courage to say that.

But that made me laugh, "Hehahaha! Oh, this is very funny! Very funny!"

I used the selfie stick to knock the phone out of her hands, and I swung at it in the air, landing on my hand. I pressed the Utube app, and the stream is still going on.

"The screen is one giant fingerprint identification scanner. Only I can do whatever I want with my stuffs."

Mitsuki just stared at me in disbelief. Seeing how great I am, and maybe... how blunt I can be. And the chat too, they have mixed opinions about what I said.

"You followed me for my takes, right? Because I am not afraid to voice my opinion.", I gave her a wink.

I made my way over to my sportbike, pressing the watch on my wrist to activate it. I took out the fullface helmet from the trunk, and slapped the phone onto it, also connecting the recording to the internal microphone in the helmet.

While putting on the helmet, I asked, "I'll go on a late-night ride now, do you want to come too?"

"N-No, I'm fine.", she stamped on her spot.

"Don't catch a cold, alright?"

Oh, and for Charles, I took out a small cat-size fullface helmet. The cat jumped up on the seat, to let me put on the small helmet. So cute. Chat thinks so too.

"I'll be going then, I would like to meet you tomorrow when I come to finish my registry."

And I rode away at a decent speed, less than what I liked.


Mitsuki could not contain her grin any longer. She breathed out a heavy fog of cold air, again and again. She clutched her chest, beating fast at an alarming rate, she was afraid that it would burst out of her chest. Her frosty pupils shrank.

"W-What is this feeling...?", she muttered to herself.

Her mask was slowly crumbling, the farce of the cheerful and bright girl was just a front to hide what she is. She put her left hand up to her mouth, attempting to hide it.

"Hah... hah...", more cold mist escaped her breath.

She just experienced being dominated, under the intense gaze of Charlotte, being played around by the girl... awakened something in Mitsuki.

"No... no... no... Don't wake up, me..."

The plant life around her began to be covered in frost.

People say to never meet your idol, certainly, she is thinking like that now. Those azure eyes held some sort of power behind them, crushing, playing with her heart like a fiddle.

"I want to sink my blade into her... no... I want to lick her... be her pet...", a giggle escaped her lips, "Roy... I want to experience that gaze again..."

That is who Mitsuki truly is, a psychopath and frankly a bit insane. The blood of murderers runs in her after all.

"Silver Royal... my Kaguya... so close yet so far...", her eyes gaze upon the crescent moon, "Silver Royal... Roy... please... my princess, accept me as your loyal dog..."

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