Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Arc 5: Academy of Tranquility

"Hello everyone, this is Silver Royal. Be glad that you are in my presence.", I smile as I lean back on my gaming chair. Crossing my arms in a prideful way.

[Alogater: Yooo Princess!]

[FinnTheYuusha: My Queen!!]

[177013: QUEEEEEEN]

[Valentine Bite: Greetings, Roy!]

[Aster Cos: Hello]

[Gerandal: hello, Princess]

[Man-Niisan: It was a hectic month but I am back to fix you!!]

[Enel: Helloo]

[Rainpuff: Ayyyyy]

[Yamahan: Princess!!]

I spun around on my gaming chair, smiling brightly.

"Guess what? I got my own place to stay in Darkovah. I don't like living in the dorm that much, the food was good and all, but writing reports whenever I go out is such a hassle.", I shrugged with a smile.

I am sure Mitsuki and Hoa are overjoyed after I left. I see the fear of me in their eyes, so a weight must've been lifted.

"This is early in the morning where I am, I don't have a lot of time since orientation day is happening this afternoon. I am here to just banter around— oh, I found where Tenma lives. Expect an off-collab soon~", I winked.

[177013: OOOOGH YES!!!]

[Allogater: That would be fun!]

[Valentine Bite: A shame I cannot be by your side]

[Occultic Flame🔧: You went away and go for someone else?! Also, throw the wrench away!!]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: Everything you do is awesome!]

[Bishma: I look forward to seeing the collab]

[Fugma: Just name the date and I will leave my schedule empty.]

Hm, people are more excited for an off-collab than I thought. This is great!

"Heha~ I see you are all excited. I have to make due on my promise~", I laughed, getting excited at the prospect of meeting a friend in person.

"Oh! This reminds me, I have something special for the upcoming 700k milestone. If you have a VR headset, be ready."

I stood up from my chair, pushing it back so I have more space.

"Sometimes, I thought to myself, what did I do to deserve such a big community? Sure, I can do whatever I want in life. I choose this as a hobby originally... it's not even a full year yet, but talking to you guys have been more fun than anything I have experienced."

The chat was silent, stopping for a few seconds.

"I am sure most of you are here to seek entertainment, to escape from reality. And as an entertainer, I am happy that you guys goes along with my charade. But first, I have to apologize since I'll be getting into some real talk."

Slowly, I turned off my virtual room. Then my avatar, facing the camera as myself.

I took in a deep breath, "As I say many times before, I am not acting as an arrogant girl. This is who I am, this is what I am. I may be a Gem Holder, but I am no different from you all— I am human."

I stopped for a moment to look at the chat... they are sending hearts out.

"I know some of my past actions are rash and outright unfair from a point of view. Let me be crystal clear, I am not a good person, I am someone who refused to live with a mask on... heha~ ironic, isn't it? A Vtuber who refuses to wear a mask."

"I am not talking about a physical or virtual mask. But one in our psyche.", Humans always put on a mask to protect themselves, a good person's mask...

"I pioritize myself before others, I put others in predicament, and I revel in the suffering of others. Ah~ the feel of superiority is just the best...", I smile at the camera with my eyes half closed, "So, are you willing to accept me?"

[Gerandal: I can't even tell if you are just being yourself or... being yourself?]

[177013: BASED]

[Allogater: Based princess!]

[Occultic Flame🔧: tbh, I hate and love that part of you]

[Valentine Bite: I would love to meet you in person!]

Due to Euphoria, the reactions are all positive. So I turned my avatar and virtual room back on.

"Now, let's look for some fanart.", I quickly change the subject.

Opening Tweeter, I check out my art tag... hmm...

"There are a lot of nsfw arts of me.", I mused.

[177013: oh no]

[Enclair: She found out...]

[FinnTheYuusha: Pls don't prohibit them]

[Gerandal: damn]

[CrimsonFckr: It isn't right to look at the p0rn of your student]

[Valentine Bite: So sexy]

[Occultic Flame🔧: It's kinda expected]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: I feel weird]

There is a lot of art about me being dominated and me dominating others. I do give that dominatrix vibe with my model. I guess it's a given seeing how I don't separate my art tag from my NSFW tag.

Oh, there is one good fanart here. I downloaded it and put it over to my OBS. This is an art of me together with my avatar, leaning our backs to each other, the real me wearing a blue dress, while my avatar wears a red dress.

"This art is pretty nice, showing both side of me in different ways. My real self and my avatar, how my innocent self and the bold Silver Royal, both sides of the same coin.", a wolf hidden in a sheep's clothing and a lion proudly showing itself.

I checked the artist's page... hm, AutomaticWasher1981...

[Allogater: this is art!]

[Triastic: beautiful]

[AutomaticWasher1981: Omg I am on camera!!]

[Valentine Bite: It's like Michaelangelo was mixed with anime]

[Derhma: nice]

They are into Yin and Yang stuff, often portraying the duality of humanity. I like it.

"Let's look for another one...", So I kept on digging through the numerous nsfw... hm... I do find a few more arts, but they are just above average.

I throw all of them into my OBS, letting the viewers see.

"These are pretty nice, and I appreciate them all. It's kinda surreal that people know who I am...", I smile, looking at these arts...

Huh... I like to be known, I like to prove that I exist. But seeing these arts... knowing that people dedicate their time and passion towards me... haha... it makes my heart flutter a bit.

"Thank you all..."

The chat overcame with thousands of white and yellow hearts, showing their love for me...

It feels good to be loved...

Ah... I am tearing up... I hate crying... but this is fine, I guess. Hah... this is what I get for listening to Sinclair...

"E-Ehem... thank you all for loving me...", I bloom a smile, "I promise what's coming will blow your mind..."

I kept on looking up arts of myself, being such an arrogant petson~ an ego search once in a while doesn't hurt at all.

After some more chatting with the chat, I look at the clock... 

Oh, it seems like I need to get ready now. I can't miss orientation day.

"Well, I need to get ready for the academy now. See you guys on a later date~", I gave them a wink with a bright smile.

"This is Silver Royal, thank you all for coming and enjoying my stream. Get up and move around, and go to bed if you are tired. See you guys next time, bye~"

And I end the stream abruptly, turning off my collar and getting up to stretch. Before I go to Ataraxia, I have something to finish.

I turned around, seeing my own room... and the disassembled Fallen Starlight. 

Now, I didn't just destroy my favorite weapon. I want to upgrade it! Yes, upgrading an already overpowered gun is just overkill. No, maybe even ultra kill.

But why do I have to care? I am Charlotte Silvi, the most free person on Earth. What's wrong with modifying a God Slayer?

Anyway, in the course of two months, with nothing bad happening, I have successfully given Fallen Starlight the ability to reload and handle bullets. Normally, I would create bullets with either Justice Mist or Malice Flame, which cost me my Reverie goo. I don't have that floating trash continent in my possession, yet, so I'm kinda skimpy on using my resources.

Now! If I do this correctly... assembling it back together... yes... I am happy. Very happy!

I pulled a lever on the right side of the gun, opening the side of the bolt carrier. Here, I can put a Holy Bullet, which I took out before I gave the gun back to Seria, inside. And with a light tug, the Holy Bullet is loaded.

Now, I haven't had the chance to test this yet. Mostly because the gun automatically go for Jesus Christ, and for a while now, I don't hear any news about him after the incident.

Oh! I made Fallen Starlight foldable too. It was almost as tall as me and quite clunky to wear if I do say so myself. Now, I can pretend it's a portfolio bag, I just need to put it in an actual portfolio bag... which I also bought. Just press a button and it snaps in half, with a hinge at the bottom, swinging down and latched onto a Rune I placed at the bottom of the handle.

Not that I would carry this into the Academy, this isn't America and I haven't developed enough angst.

The hardest part about this project was disassembling the Fallen Starlight. I had to cut it up with that black knife - I always keep it in my luggage - at precise angles so as to not touch or damage the Runes on it. On top of that, I had to carve new Runes, without any prior knowledge, in order to connect the separated pieces.

Honestly, it was a lot of work just to make it foldable and capable of using ammunition. But it was interesting.

I got to study how to carve Runes, so that's something...

Hmm... I want to test the new Fallen Starlight out... okay, since the fire is silent it shouldn't cause anything problem.


I teleported on top of the roof, looking around to see if there are any cameras... no, there are none. Good.

I reattached the gun, letting the Rune do their work reconnecting the two halves. With a speck of Justice Mist going into Fallen Starlight, waking it up from a long nap.

I pointed it to the sky, holding the gun with my left hand and supporting the stock with my right.

"O God, This is my Gift to you."

The Archaic Runes on Fallen Starlight glow a deep blue. I can feel the Holy Bullet inside spinning, in order to replicate the firepower it usually has.

"Made from your Final Present to Him."

Runes inscribed onto the bullet, granting it more penetrating power, the homing ability, and most important of all... the capability to kill God.

"Blood and Sweat from Our Labor."

I imagine a familiar face, Seria... you shall be my target.

"Reforged by the Hands of the Akasha."

"Fallen... Starlight.", and I pulled the trigger, firing a white bullet into the sky without a sound... it changed direction, heading towards America.

Yes... it worked... Fallen Starlight didn't blow up or anything! Hehahahaha!! YES! I did it!!

I jump up and down in joy, seeing my first custom weapon operates perfectly!

Ah... that was fun. Now, I have to go to school.

"Delusion.", I moved back inside, getting my laptop and a pen. I don't need books when I have an entire library that I can freely access.

I took one look at my room, more spacious than the room I had in Babel Headquarters. A queen size bed pushed right in the corner, then my workshop where I can tinker with whatever I feel like on the opposite corner. My computer setup is put right next to my bed. Of course, I would need to add more things to this place.

Putting what I need into my portfolio bag, I need to go to Ataraxia early to find a spot to sit.

Just as I was about to leave, I have a terrible feeling... hm... I stare at Fallen Starlight on the ground, then at Quirinus laying by the walls.

I folded Fallen Starlight and put it into my bag, and I grabbed Quirinus in its briefcase. Carry both of them to Ataraxia.


"Ah! Charlotte!", Mitsuki came to greet me, she was holding a stack of flyers with her.

"Hello, Mitsuki.", I nodded.

"Here! A flyer for you!!", she handed me one.

I took it and look at the list of events... Principal's speech, getting to know the teachers, music concert, all normal— wait, what?

"Why is there a battle here?", I frowned.

"Oh, the arena fight! It's to test the abilities of the new students, where the best-scoring people with compete against each other to win a special prize!", she was more excited than normal.

"Did you participate?", I questioned her while folding the flyer.

"Of course! I almost killed everyone! And I won a premium ticket to visit Novah's Vault, seeing all of the world-destroying Relics and God Slayers.", she leaned in closer, "The ones they have displayed are replicas, fake stuff. The real deals are hidden even deeper inside."

It would be stupid if they display the real things.

"So do you have any idea about what the prize might be?"

"No idea! The last prize was a fighter jet!! You never know what the Principal might gift!"

While we were talking, a boy approached us. He wore a purple jacket and jeans, pretty normal. What's not normal is his magenta hair and innocent eyes, looking into them was like looking into the universe itself, filled with galaxies and empty void.

"Hello! Here is a flyer for you!", Mitsuki gave him a flyer too.

"Thank you.", he politely bow his head, I could hear the German accent from him, then he glanced at me.

Taking the opportunity, I spoke first, "Hello, my name is Charlotte Silvi."

"Hello... I am Asteral Rhine.", he bowed again, "And you are... Silver Royal, correct?"

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet a viewer of mine here.", I smile at him, making him blush and look away.

I am cute after all, despite my personality.

"Well, I am going to the auditorium now. I hope to meet you again, Mitsuki."

"Bye, Charlotte!!", she waved and went back to giving out flyers.

Oh, and Asteral is following me.

"Can I stick with you for the time being?", he asked, long at me with his galaxy-filled eyes. They are pretty, I want to rip them out and use them as decoration—

"Of course.", I wipe away my intrusive thoughts.

"Thank you.", he show a wry smile, and blushed a bit.

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