Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss



Charlotte avoided Athen's eyes.


"...yes?", she was scared.

"Are you okay?"

"I am."

Charlotte is once again in the medical bay, because of what is happening to her. Within her room, Charlotte is wrapping herself in a blanket, but the blanket is damped due to the amount of sweat Charlotte is sweating.

"If you're okay, then why are you brooding?", Athen sighed, "Are you going through puberty?"




"From our new... intern.", Athen glanced at Enna, who waved at her, "Your eyes turned magenta, correct?"

"Euphoria... gave me it's full power."

No no no, my dear. I didn't give you access to my Anima Pactum, there is no fun in giving all, fufu. You need a bit of edging~

"Athen, what is edging?", Charlotte asked out of curiosity.

Athen blushed a bit, "Uh, um... you are too young to know what it is!"

Charlotte tilted her head. She realized what Athen was saying, so she smiled slyly.

"Hm~ tell me, I think I am ready.", she said in a teasing tone.

"Don't use that tone for me! Young lady!", Athen clicked her tongue, "So THIS is the one that affects personality."

"No... it unlocked my personality.", Charlotte let out a quiet laugh.

If Survive suppressed her emotions, then Euphoria amplified them. With both of them active, Charlotte's true personality comes out. For Athen, it is the stuff of a nightmare.

Her voice is smooth, like listening to a serene voice, it made Athen calm, which freaked the woman out.

"Heh, I like that look of embarrassment.", Charlotte rested her head on her hands, "I want to annoy you so, so much more... can I?"

"Of course not!", Athen yelled with reddened cheeks.

Charlotte only laughed at her reaction, "Heheha..."

She slumped down onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Charlotte was feeling very good, mentally, but her body still ached a lot due to the hormones produced by Euphoria.

Charlotte knew she was growing, but she did not enjoy the process at all. It reminded her of pain, even if she cannot feel pain.

"Athen, can I be alone for a bit?", she asked.

Athen sighed, "Okay, but you better not run away this time."

"Sure, have all the time you want.", Enna nodded.

With Athen and Enna out of the room, Charlotte focused on herself.

"Euphoria, when will this end?"

Fufu, until you reach your full potential. A month perhaps, I am just giving you what you would have in a normal situation, with enough food and the best environment. Think of it like becoming the best version of yourself, my dear.

My best version...

Satisfied with that answer, Charlotte grabbed her phone away from the table. Bored, she opened up a game called "Ape x Legend", she has been meaning to try it for a while now.



4 hours later, Charlotte was still playing.

"Ah. I reached Platinum."

Charlotte was a monster at video games, especially games that triggered her instinct to dominate others. She finds it better to be alone instead of a three-man team, because her teammates would only hold her down, plus, it feels better to be victorious alone and have all the glory to herself.

Charlotte was selfish, and that selfishness made her feel good. But for now, she put her phone down, it was dark already. She was also looking for food.

Getting out of the very wet blanket, Charlotte took out another set of white clothes given for a patient's use. Changing out of her previous clothes, Charlotte saw her body had grown quite a bit. Previously, her height only reached Athen's breasts, but now she was way over those melons, her chest had become hills and her overall shape had become leaner.

With a smile, Charlotte nodded. She was happy with this uncomfortable feeling a bit more.

She exited the room, where Charlotte tensed right away when she saw who was opposite of her. Silla in her military uniform, sat stiffly while gazing over Charlotte with her crimson-red eyes.

"Silla...", Charlotte muttered.

Silla shook her head, her voice was serious, "Refer to me as General Sillarco, or Abigail Sillacro. The situation has changed after Sul did his stunt. The government was furious at me and demanded I answer the situation. So I won't be able to protect you for a day."

Charlotte nodded.

"Until the situation is resolved, you are under house arrest. But don't worry about it too much, you are under my protection.", Silla smiled, "As long as you are in this place, you are untouchable."

She stood up from the seat snapped her finger and disappeared.

She was happy that Silla really cared for Charlotte, something Charlotte only noticed now. From how Silla gives the best conditions for Charlotte, albeit forcefully, it did help her awaken Survive, and gain a new companion. How Silla wants her to get into new things to get Charlotte away from her books, to diversify Charlotte into other subjects, and not keep her interest in one thing. And how much Silla protects Charlotte and makes sure she feels at home, even if she faces the Progenitor of Civilization or even the Strongest Nation.

Charlotte realized how much Silla loved her, despite how much Charlotte hated Silla. It was unconditional love, like a mother to her child.

"What will I do now...", she sighed, "For now, let's just eat."


Charlotte ate alone in the penthouse, she did not want anyone to interrupt her right now. After all, her emotions were unlocked and she was exploring herself.

With her emotions active, Charlotte felt her meal was more tasteful, and she found more words to express her feelings.

"What a nice meal, the chicken was nicely roasted, a great combo with the savory gravy. Heh, what did Silla use to make it?", she wondered to herself.

Well, I know—

You stay quiet.


Everything was amazing, the world has so, so much more color to it. She dances around the penthouse, a little spin here, a jump there, and a few waltzes in between.

"This feels amazing...", she let out a cold and amused chuckle, "Heha... I love this feeling."

Charlotte went out to the balcony, as the day before today, she watched the City of Sin, but now with a grin and enjoyment of those beneath her. She feels like a ruler looking down on her subject, but more than that, she feels like a princess who wants to explore the world.

She wishes she could just leave, be like Silla whom laws cannot hold down, be like Athen who has seen a lot, be like Enna who cares not for a single thing, and be like Vanessa who recorded everything she saw in paintings. What is stopping her from going rogue?

A lot of things, but mostly related to the Babel Organization. She is a part of it, Charlotte had no choice, to begin with. With a worldwide organization, them finding her is only a matter of time, and she is sure that besides the people she met there are more people who can beat her.

"Issac gave me a choice... what will I ever do?", Charlotte chuckled, "Guess I need to destress a bit."


While Charlotte was talking to herself, Athen and Enna were peeking at her through the camera.

"Intern... what do you think about Charlotte?", Athen asked, her hand trembling.

Enna tensed up, "Uhh, I only knew her for about a few hours... she looks... as if she's... high?"

"High...", Athen sighed, "I have been with Charlotte for a pretty long time, she was usually quiet and only read books. But this Charlotte... she said it herself... is her true self."

"Tell me, what is her true power?", Enna took a bite out of a chocolate bar, "She told me her power is called Reverie."

"I guess you are in the circle now", she rubbed her forehead, "Her power, we called it Devil, is the Akashic Records, the Records of Human."

Enna stayed silent for a bit, then she slumped down on the table in exasperation, "Fuuuuucckkk... that's why I was so scared of her..."

Athen nodded in agreement. Charlotte is pretty scary with her natural level of skills, she only needs a loss to win every time.

"Charlotte is dangerous...", Enna closed her eyes, "And is possibly a sadist."

Athen froze for a second, she felt a chill going down her spine. A sadist... no... 

"I can see that you are denying it, but trust me, I saw those eyes and her smile. Eyes that want to break people down, shatter them bit by bit until there is nothing left but a husk."

Athen was about to deny it, but another person came into the camera room. It was the receptionist Mozam.

"Greetings, Miss Argentum and Miss Enna.", she bowed, "On behalf of Lady Arco, I invite you two to dinner with the Illumination gang."

"What about Charlotte?", Athen pointed to the screen showing Charlotte, who was playing with her balisong.

With a sad look, Mozam said, "Miss Charlotte is currently under house arrest, a direct order from Lady Arco herself. She unfortunately cannot join, and Big Boss said that we leave her alone until Lady Arco is back."

"So Charlotte is going to... stay there?", Athen frowned further, "ALL ALONE?!", she smashed her fist into the metal table, forming a dent perfect for her fist. Enna only stared at it with a bored expression, then a smirk.

"What she needed is some time alone.", Enna said while still lying down, her eyes dead serious, "Charlotte is way past the age of needing guidance, she's at an age where she needs to find herself."

"What do you know?!", Athen lashed out, glaring angrily at the Fallen Angel.

"Because it's the lesson Lucifer taught Heaven. You cannot control someone powerful, that will only backfire tenfold. Just support the path she will eventually choose."

Athen gripped her hand, and she stormed off, "I will go and talk to Charlotte! You can't stop me!!"




Charlotte glanced at Athen, who just come from the elevator. 

"Hello, Athen. Why have you come to meet me?", Charlotte smiled, tapping the sofa in the living room, "Sit with me."

Charlotte was tilting her head, from side to side, her eyes constricted, completely focused on Athen. With an uncomfortable look, she sat down next to Charlotte.

"Um... hey, Charlotte...", Athen massaged her brows, "Look, you are acting really strange. And I don't like it at all!"

Charlotte widens her eyes. I am strange now? 

"Wasn't I strange before?", Charlotte asked.

"You were a weird, quiet kid. But now... Enna said you are becoming a sadist."

Reverie, what is a sadist?

Someone who enjoys causing others pain~!

With that cleared, Charlotte shook her head, "No, I'm not a sadist. It's more like... I like to dominate others, the feeling of winning is something... addicting..."

As the Gem Holder of the Akashic Records, she is the literal incarnation of humanity. And what has humanity done from the dawn of intelligence? Dominate and overcome the natural world. Now that purpose has been achieved long ago, where would that desire to dominate be aimed at? Yes, to her fellow human. Charlotte desired to stand on top of everything because it is her nature, the nature of humanity itself.

She hugged Athen, surprising the woman, who froze up when she received the hug. Athen was warm, it brought Charlotte a sense of comfort, she felt like she could do this forever...

She feels safe with Athen... and very sleepy too.

"Athen... goodnight...", and Charlotte dosed off with a bright smile.

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