Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Dreamless One

I cannot dream, I cannot see anything in the black void that is my mind. Yet I... dreamt of one day, for a single moment, I can finally see my subconscious clashing together, my mind piecing everything to form a fantastical world that would last only for a moment.

My name... Charlotte Silvi, the owner of the Akashic Records. I am the entire history of humanity, every possible past, every impossible future.

I can achieve anything I wish for, as my condition is special, very special. But for dreams, because I can achieve anything if I want to, I cannot dream.


I sat up from my bed, I already got enough sleep. Hmm, I should really clean up, since nobody except me and Pan can navigate my room safely.

Speaking of Pan, I called the cat out.

"Pan.", I called. The cat that was sleeping on my table perked its head, instantly awake.

It doesn't need sleep, but it sleeps anyway because it's a cat. Pan is cute, I like Pan.

The cat hopped over to my bed and into my lap. It stared at me and I stared back.

"Pan, I'll be cleaning so play with Seria.", I spoke as I petted the cat, making it purr.

"No.", Pan replied as directly as ever.

I nodded, completely understanding why Pan would not want to be with Seria. That woman is the Devil itself, she is cruel and twisted, and at the same time very kind.

Absolute Evil is something I don't like. There is a saying along the line of no one is born evil, but Seria is the exception to that. 

I lifted Pan and placed the cat on my head. I'll start cleaning from here on out.


I summoned the black goo out of my body, commanding it to cover the entire floor, half sinking my stuff. Reverie has two stages that I understood, when undisturbed it would do nothing unless I command it to consume, the second stage is it can absorb damage or kinetic energy to be specific to expanding its growth. The former stage can move things, so I shoved everything into a pile...

I need more shelves... maybe a bigger one.

For now, I am done 'cleaning'. At least it looks more presentable than before... if you ignore the pile of trinkets.

It's currently five in the morning, only Seria may be awake at this time. That woman doesn't sleep at all.

"Guess I'll set up a stream... wonders if anyone is awake right now.", I headed over to my computer and booted it up.

I opened the streaming platform, Utube, and the S1LV3R application. Putting on my collar, and recalibrates the model.

The blond virtual girl blinked as I blinked, I swayed my head and she followed soon after. Good, nothing wrong yet.

I went to make a stream, as usual, no thumbnail. I just put a chibi version of my Virtual self holding the letters 'Welcome to the Silver Royal'. My channel's name is Silver Royal, people call me Roy for short.

"And... start.", I pressed the start button with my mouse.

Ah, the stream loading screen starts now. It's an animation of my model doing parkour up two tall buildings, like the time I ran away on the first night in Las Vegas.

Oh, five hundred people are already here.


[Allogater: Early stream?]

[Crispford: Hello, Miss Royal!]

[Yamahan: Finally, a stream for my timezone!]

[177013: Queen!]

[Valentine Bite: The Princess has awaken]

[FinTheYuusha: Good morning!]

[Gerandal: Morning stream, lez gooo! Fuck sleep!]

[Occultic Flame: a wonderful way to start the day]

[Aster Cos: hello]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: good day, our fine Princess Silver Royal!]



The usuals are here, I guess it's time to reveal myself. I pulled my chair closer to sit on it, cross-legged.

With a press of a button on OBS, I changed the scene to my room or the Virtual version of my room.

A whole load of greetings came fort. I just smiled at how many people bowed before me, captured by my Virtual self.

Wonder what would happen if I showed my true self.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad some of you wake up early or stay up late. As usual, I thank you for coming here.", I nodded, giving the camera a smile.




As usual, Allogater is demanding I turn on super chat, for them to send money to me. But no, I would never do that.

I am Charlotte Silvi, after all. I am the daughter of a hero and under the guardianship of the strongest psycho in this world. I am rich.

"I am rich, I don't really need money. If I wanted to make more, I would only need to crash a casino or two, because I am that important.", I spoke with the utmost pride.


[Lamstock: That's why you don't have friends.]

[Valentine Bite: So cool~]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: That confidence is what I love about you!]


"Yeah yeah, keeps on showering me with praises.", I laughed a bit, "Heha, I don't really need friends when I have myself. Being a Gem Holder is never lonely, having a little voice in your head and all."


[177013: Yeah, I can relate to that! Never lonely with my buddy, Michael!]

[Sugoma: D-Did you just doxxed yourself, @177013 ?]

[177013: OH SHIT!!]


And the comment was deleted right after that. I let out an amused chuckle, since the Organization can track anyone down with their connection through the internet alone, that does not make any difference. No one can escape our eyes.

"Heha, let's leave it at that. I don't really have anything planned for today, so let's just talk about random stuff.", I leaned back on my chair and did a little spin.

"So I bought a trinket yesterday. It's a metal D20 die, made of tungsten.", I said as I began to open up some tabs on my computer, showing it to my chat.


[Occultic Flame: They sell them?]

[FinTheYuusha: gotta add one to my collection!]

[Gerandal: how heavy is it?]


"The die is pretty heavy, it stuck in my wall when I threw it. Remember, my house is made out of brick, not those flimsy American drywall.", it's actually made out of steel like the rest of the Headquarters, but who cares, "But my guardian, being so nice, fixed it."


[Meru1in: Such a spoiled girl]


I nodded, agreeing, "Yeah, I know I am spoiled. But I can't do anything about that, life gave me a good hand."


[Meru1in: why do you guys subbed to her?]


"Why do you guys like me anyway?", I asked chat.


[Allogater: Rizz]

[FinTheYuusha: I'm a bottom]

[Valentine Bite: your confidence!]

[Aster Cos: you're cool and realistic]

[Occultic Flame: I like your personality, reminds me of a person I met a while back]

[Gerandal: Charisma]

[177013: I simps for cool women]

[Yamahan: good at the game, a literal human bot]

[Man-niisan: "I can fix her"]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: I just like you!]


"Thanks.", I picked Pan up and placed it on my lap, stroking it like a villain. I mean, the people that take care of me are technically villains so I have the right to act like one.

"Also, I have an announcement.", I turned on the handcam, then placed the letter Ataraxia Academy sent me, "I'll be going to Ataraxia."


[Sornercan: WHAT?!]

[Dennis: What is that?]

[Valentine Bite: OMG!]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: Same school as me?!]

[Aster Cos: I also have that letter]

[Occultic Flame: I'm going to meet my idol?]

[Meru1in: I can't believe it]

[Gerandal: I teach there!]

[Man-niisan: don't doxx yourself, Roy]

[YHWH: Damn, girl!]

[AtaraxiaHead: you weren't supposed to show anyone that!]

[Yamahan: So... will there be a change to the schedule?]

[Motivatedstorm: Will your image hold in that place?]

[General Report: Will there be any repercussions?]


"I'll be fine.", I laughed, "Hahaha... no one can touch me anyway, my backing is something no one wants to mess with."

Then I got a text from Seria... 'Charlotte Silvi, don't say anything about Babel'

Huh, she used my full name. It must be serious. I don't want that woman to be angry at me.

"Anyway, I'll be going to Ataraxia Academy, let's see if any of you can find me.", I winked.

The chat went crazy for some reason, but that's okay with me. Oh, the number of viewers reached 2k, not bad.

Maybe not doing what Reverie tells me to do is a good choice here. Steady growth is better than overnight fame.


I stand correct.

"Enough about my school life. We also reached 150k last night, so I want to do something special... hm, a collab will do nicely."


[Serotoin: Collab???]

[Valentine Bite: Who shall the unfortunate victim be?]

[Occultic Flame: Jerma?]

[Allogater: Pray for her first victim]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: May I recommend Dojo Arataki?]

[Man-niisan: Please be kind]

[177013: Your trash talk actually does emotional damage, so hold back]


"I already have someone in mind.", I smiled. The person that can handle me, but I think just barely.

"For now, let's just chat a bit more. At least until I get bored."

So I just let out the complaints I have, and some good banters with the chat. I went on until 6 A.M.

Streaming is fun, I get to meet a lot of new people. But I have some restrictions on me, like an NDA or something, I cannot talk about Babel Organization, or my identity as the daughter of that man, or anything about my surroundings in any direct sense.

For some reason, I am allowed to make vague references to the organization. I know some big plans are going on, but I have none of the details.

"That's it for today. Maybe I'll stream at a later hour. Goodbye everyone.", and I turned off the stream.

With that done, I looked down at the cat.

"Pan, are you still trying to kill me?"

"Yes.", it replied, "Human is a danger to the animal kingdom, you are our greatest enemy."

"Sure, sure.", I pet Pan, taking lightly of its words. I don't hold resentment or hatred for them, and they cannot harm me in any way.

"Do not take my threat lightly, Akasha. Outside of your domain you are nothing but a sitting duck."

Euphoria, my Imperial Aura, please.

Sure, my dear.

I exude an intimidating aura, making the cat's fur stand. It tried to escape, but my hold was too strong for it.

"I am the combined knowledge and history of humanity. If I wanted to I can hunt each of you down, one by one."

Then I turned my aura off.

"But I won't, as long as you stay in your lane. You can hate humans all you want, Pan, you can enact whatever plan you have.", I held the cat up high, looking into its blue eyes, "As long as I am not involved, you and I are neutral to each other. This is our pact, between the most human of humans and the animal kingdom."

I put Pan on my head. Without my fedora, it's a good replacement. 

Speaking of my fedora, I don't need it anymore since I get unlimited stamina from Euphoria's boost in... everything. I still wear it from time to time, but not every day.

Now... where should I go next? Oh, I know. Let's check out my school first before enrolling.

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