Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Going out

Happy New Year everyone!

Even though Charlotte has the rest of the night to sleep, she does not want to. She was full of energy, nothing but curiosity and wonder running through her body.

So Charlotte went down to the ground floor without informing anyone. The place was not very busy, there was only a receptionist behind the table in the lobby. The lobby itself is pretty, with a marble red floor with the depiction of an illuminating star, and gold decorations all around the place, excessive and only to flaunt how rich this place is.

The receptionist saw Charlotte walking out of the elevator, she stood up and ran to the girl. Charlotte took a good look at the receptionist, kind and attending face, with green eyes along green hair too, her figure was mature, but not as mature as Athen's. Her name is 'Mozam' as said on her employee tag. There was a strange aura to her, something Charlotte noticed instantly.

"Hello, how can I help you?", she asked with a friendly smile.

It's all formality... but there is some genuine worry in there...

"I want to go outside.", Charlotte spoke casually.

Mozam tilted her head, "Did you get permission from your guardian?"

"No.", she shook her head.

"Then I'm afraid you need permission first, or I can't let you out."

"Okay then.", Charlotte accepted.

"Have a good night!", the receptionist politely waved.

So the front door was a bust, and she went back to the elevator. Charlotte have very little information about Mozam, there was something weird about the receptionist. She did not possess an aura like Silla or Athen, so not a Gem Holder. There was no smell like Enna or the Hellhounds, so Hell and Angel were not that either. Thinking a bit more, Mozam was human, but also not human, some parts of her body felt... artificial.

The elevator dinged, and she was at the penthouse again. The matters of Mozam can be left for later.

She stepped out, scanning the room with her senses. There are the steps of insects crawling, machines running under the floor, nothing special, there was no one here yet.

How can I go out without Athen's supervision... out of my safe haven...

She looked at the scenery below. The City of Sin is best enjoyed alone, without anyone confining her. It would be fun to venture out alone...

Charlotte found the freedom in front of her, her nature is that of a human. The more something is out of her reach, the more she craves it. Having the very essence of humanity in her only enhances that feeling.

Looking around, she spotted the pair of vigilantes going for another round. They are so free and so nice, it makes Charlotte a bit jealous.


She stared intensely at the pair, quietly nudging their senses. With controlled hostility, Charlotte draws their attention to her. The man called Autumn shivered under her gaze, he looked around to find the source. Storm also found her stare to be dangerous.

Come on...

Her eyes glowed, a misty azure aura exuding from her eyes. She was tunning herself with the aspect of humanity's survival instinct. Knowledge about survival weaved into her eyes, becoming more and more like the most dangerous creature to humanity - humans themselves.

Ah, they finally noticed.

Both vigilantes look at Charlotte. The hostility she put on them vanished instantly, both of them were surprised at the change. They are talking to each other, Charlotte focuses her hearing on them.

"What the hell was that?!", Autumn stared at Charlotte, she waved, "Storm! I haven't felt this much pressure since Arnold!!"

"Woor wooor wiirrr", the tornado, Storm, spoke.

"I know, right?!", Autumn retorted, "And it came from her!"

Autumn pointed at Charlotte, she just tilted her head with a small smile.

"Woor wiirrr! Wooosh!!", Storm replied.

"Does she want something? It came from the witch's place, should we be careful?"

It seems like they are hesitating...

Let me try! Survive, take over her body!!


Survival took over Charlotte's body, and her facial expression became duller than normal. She looks at the pair of vigilantes, sending hostile messages with a fixed interval, a few short shots, a silence, another short one, silence, short then long for a few more tines.

.... . .-.. .-.. --- / .. / -. . . -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- ... ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. .

Did ya do it right?

I did.


The pair looked in Charlotte's direction. Autumn furrowed his brows and looked at Storm.

"Wow!", Storm exclaimed.

"The fuck?! Morse code?!", Autumn widened his eyes, "What did she say?"

"Woor! Wiiirrr wir woosh.", Storm replied.

"Damn, let's check her out then.", Autumn nodded.

They flew towards Charlotte. Survive returned control to the girl. Storm got to Charlotte first, landing softly on the porch and stirring up her skirt.

"Woorr?", Storm asked.

"Sorry, I can't understand you."


Storm transformed back into their human form. Fair skin, gently touching the porch, leaning back to take a deep breath. Her white eyes, like pearls, stared at Charlotte like looking at a strange creature. Her dark gray hair flutters in the wind, though in a different direction. And she is not wearing anything.

"Dearie, what is it that you want?", Storm spoke quietly, but there was a whirling sensation to her words, "You said you need our assistance, was it that you want?"

Autumn caught up to Storm, who flushed at the sight of the naked woman.

"Storm! Why are you in your normal form?!", he covered his eyes but also took a peak.

"This child here can't understand me in that form, Autumn. You should know that you might be the only one able to talk to me.", she smirked in amusement.

"What if someone else sees you?! Won't you be flagged for exhibition?!", Autumn yelled.

"Heh, this is the City of Sin, the law is basically a guideline that can be ignored.", Storm laughed.

"Urgh!", he grunted, then he turned to Charlotte, looking at the girl who does not mind these sorts of things, "There is a child here! Don't set a bad example for her!"

"I think I have someone way worse as an example..", Charlotte muttered.

Autumn jumped over the porch, sitting cross-legged on the ground. Now that Charlotte has a closer look, the man is quite young, maybe in his 20s, sleek maple-colored hair cut into a mullet, and a grumpy but handsome expression. For his wear, he wore a tank top and a jacket, jeans that were clearly torn and weathered.

"So what's your deal, kid?", Autumn asked.

"I want to explore the city... without my guardians.", Charlotte simply stated the truth.

"And why?", Autumn raised an eyebrow.

"It is my requirement, 'out of my safe haven', for my power to further develop."

Autumn nodded, "And what's your Devil's name?"

"I will tell you... if you tell yours.", she looked at both Autumn and Storm.

Autumn laughed, "Okay! I accept, but you'll have to tell us first since you are requesting our help.", his icy gaze bore into Charlotte.

"Charlotte Silvi."

"What?", Autumn frowned, clearly thinking of someone.

"My name is Charlotte Silvi, my Devil is Survive - the Concept of humanity's survival instinct."

"Heh, that's big! Man, we ran into someone interesting tonight!", he looked to Storm, "Right?"

Storm nodded with a smile, then spoke, "I am Dawn Angelia, my Devil is Storm - the Concept of disastrous wind and rain."

Autumn stood up, putting his hands on his hips, smiling brightly, "And I am Autumn Emberance, my Devil is Aslaug, the daughter of the dragon slayer Sigurd and the Valkyrie Brynhildr, also the mistress of the famed Viking Ragnar Lothbrok!"

Charlotte frowned, "Who?"

She did not recognize any of those names.

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