Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Interlude: Eldritch Knowledge

Nyarlathotep, The Thousands Face Trickster, the Crawling Chaos. They have many names and titles across the universe. But here they chose Nyarlathotep because it was a good name.

By Earth's terms, they are an Eldritch God. But is that all there is to them?

No, they are not simply a god created by Chaos. But the Will of a Solar System manifested and projected to other Solar Systems.

There are currently many Eldritch Beings like them here on Earth, but they had to hide… to avoid the prying eyes of the World.

Not Nyarlathotep, they made a deal with the Will of Earth. As long as life remains on Earth, they will protect it no matter the cost in exchange for the ability to use their powers for free.

A deal was made a long time ago. Though they were not the first to sign a contract of eternal servitude.

YHWH, Yahweh, The Almighty, The Three Rings, was the first Eldritch God to become a guardian of this planet.

But their contracts were different.

The Thousands Face Trickster can never be a true god of this planet. Because they only want to play around, to witness the rise of another civilization.

YHWH was completely different.

"God works in mysterious ways", humans often say that about God. Because a higher existence can never comprehend the mind of mortals and vice versa.

Only when Jesus Christ, the Second Ring and the Son of God, came down to Earth… possessing knowledge beyond humanity, yet stuck with the view of a mortal.

Jesus fell in love with humanity.

It was when Jesus made his rebellion against God. A bet of some sort between the Father and the Son. Wiping out humanity was not allowed, as The Great Flood can only be activated upon the agreement of all three Rings.

Nyarlathotep on the other hand, there was only one of them on Earth. And they lived through the eyes of mortals for a long time, so their deal was different.

Like Jesus, the Crawling Chaos fell in love with humanity.

Despite all of humanity's wrongs, how the World made them so violent. They were beautiful.

So they were willing to protect humanity. But not as a god, Nyarlathotep wanted to protect humanity as a mortal entity.

Yet, they still remember the stars, and where they came from.

Looking up to the sky, where stars litter the universe. Each one of those stars are all Eldritch Gods. But they will face them all if needed.

"What are you doing out here, Nyarla.", a calm voice asked them from behind.

They turned into the form of a mature woman, with light purple hair and magenta eyes, wearing a pink jacket and pants, along with a black scarf. They tilted backward, smiling as they saw who it was. Long blond hair and emerald eyes, wearing a lab coat and carrying the insignia of a butterfly wing.

"Hello, Issac. What brings you here?", there was a hint of mischief in her voice.

"Was just worrying about Arco, again.", he sighed, sitting down next to Nyarlathotep, "Stargazing again?"

She nodded, looking up to the sea of stars, "Each and every one of those dots… are potential enemies.", she pointed at a star, "That's where the newest arrival came from, Fomalhaut as you call it."

"The Original Flame as you call it, correct?"

"Yep, it was the first star to shine yet it would be the final to be extinguished. A strange one that thing is.", Nyarlathotep scoffed, "But in the end, nothing really matters."

Issac agreed with her statement, "But it's nothing wrong to fight for survival."

"I know, that's why I want to protect this world.", she wore a melancholic look on her face, her right arm stuck up, reaching for the stars, "I will protect it… this beautiful yet flawed world."

"Fight for all that's beautiful in the world.", Issac said unconsciously.

Nyarlathotep just laugh, "Hahaha! Man, you really gotta bring that quote out, didn't you? Heh, of course, I fight for what is beautiful to me… I love this world… yet there are too many enemies to fight against."

"That's just the nature of this world, can't change it.", he shrugged.

"So you placed your bet on that girl?"

Issac nodded, "She's the Guardian of Humanity, I was ready to adopt her… but Arco wanted to take care of her, I can't say it's a good idea. However, I think it was a good judgment to stick Arco onto her. She can provide much more than I can…"

"Money, status, protection.", she listed the things on top of her mind, "But morals are something the Pandemonium Princess cannot provide."

"Well, at least Arco is giving me regular updates on her.", Issac shrugged, hiding his worries, "So, what do you think of Charlotte, from your perspective as an Outsider?"

"Contradicting, incomprehensible, arrogant, psychopathic… illogical.", then Nyarlathotep realized the point Issac was getting at.

He nodded, "Charlotte is too human. Ironic isn't it? The one who is the most human is too inhuman."

"Well, that's a way to look at it.", she stated, looking up to the stars, "But I don't think that's what's wrong with her."

"And what would that be, Crawling Chaos?"

"She has no Ambition."

"No Ambition…", Issac thought about the reports again.

She certainly has her needs, but they are all the things she can achieve. Ambition… Charlotte has no ambition, she does not reach for the impossible since everything is possible if she puts her mind into it. Then again, no one knows what she thinks, maybe not even herself.

"However, I think that's a good thing.", she stares up at the stars again.

"What do you mean by that?", Issac questioned.

"That girl is selfish, arrogant, and disrespectful. I've witnessed many beings similar to her across the vast cosmos.", she stood up, transforming into a mass of tentacles and mist, yet kept a humanoid shape though vaguely.

"Charlotte Silvi, the human that is more human than anyone, yet the most inhuman of all. I believe she will win this round of the Great Game."

Nyarlathotep knows many secrets of this world, one of which is the identity of Shar, the Records of Nature. That thing is only a mere droplet of what this world has to offer.

They visited the Akashic Library; they know how hostile that place is. That place is only a fraction of what Akasha has access to.

They spoke to Pan, they knew about their Inheritance. The memories and knowledge passed down the river of time from ancient times.

And most of all, they knew about Chaos, the Records of Cosmo. That it must never win even once.

"With no ambition, she will win this round of the Great Game. She trusts nobody because the Primordial Liar is by her side."

"She cannot be backstabbed. Because she never learned about trust to understand betrayal."

"Not like last time…"

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