Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Mu, Nation of Tomorrow

"So... this is Mu.", I leaned on the window to look at the island nation below.

Mu is interesting, as it has a dead volcano and mountain range splitting the country in half, West and East side. One part is influenced by the West, and the other, by the East.

And for my destination... the dead volcano, Darkovah, and the center of the world's technology. I would need to go there first before entering the capital, because the capital is right under Darkovah, Novah.

Darkovah, the City of Light, where humanity shines the brightest. And Novah, the City of Darkness, where humanity advances the most. 

There is a saying about these two cities, 'Bloom in the Darkness, and Shine in the Light.'

"Miss Corday."

I glanced at the flight attendant, she was looking at me with a strange look... no, her eyes were just bionic eyes. I don't like them.

"Yes?", I adjusted my position.

"Are the services to your liking?", she asked me.

"Hm, I enjoyed the food.", but not your eyes, "And I can bring my cat."

"Thank you for choosing Mu Airline, the best luxury airline of them all.", she bowed and left me to my own device. Hm, that was a load of—


Mu Airline is a private jet company, which I got on because I wanted to experience what a luxury airline is. It only cost me fifteen thousand Dollars. I still have a lot of money from the time I gambled in Las Vegas.

I get to bring Pan and avoid the other Pans in the sky and ocean. Eat delicious foods and enjoy the best drinks. I got to watch a movie, full of blood and gore, my favorite type.

Of course, I am not alone, I have two bodyguards with me, Athen and Enna... they are on separate flights... flights to be more exact.

Athen had taken a commercial flight, she arrived before me and would pick me up from the airport. As for Enna, she is above me, flying with a Light Redirector, fancy words for camouflage.

I finished my glass of spider milk, a delicacy of Mu's Eastern Capital, Azuvah. It might sound gross but the milk is quite delicious, a hint of sweetness from the venom really is better than sugar.

I would like to visit the spider farm in Azuvah someday. I won't now, I have things to do before that.

My current mission is to meet up with two Gem Holders Athen and Enna. It's a mission, something about delivering a weapon of mass destruction, from Japan to Mu, securing it in Novah's Vault.

As for the two Gem Holders, a boy who is apparently younger than me, Rita. His Devil is Malsumis, God of Chaos and Destruction.

My natural enemy is Chaos, the Records of Cosmo, I don't feel too comfortable with someone's Devil having 'Chaos' in their title...

And Jack the Ripper... it's not too difficult to know what Devil she has. I only know that she is a surgeon.

"Pan.", I called the cat.

Pan was sitting on another seat, with its own servant, feeding it with treats. As soon as I called it, it turned to me and jumped into my lap.

For Pan, the Records of Beast, I don't treat it like an enemy. I'm quite neutral with it.

I take really good care of Pan, my reward being the very soft white fur that I like to caress. The amount of Echidna Factor in animals' death makes Pan stronger, so I don't have to care too much about its health.

"Pan.", I spoke to the cat as I rubbed its belly, "I have a job for you."

Hearing my words, the cat stared at me and hopped on my shoulder, carefully gripping my white dress with its claws. It has been getting better with me for the past months.

"What is it, Charlotte.", Pan whispered in a deep growl, it even used my name.

"I want you to scout around Darkovah while I am in Novah. I have a job and you are a lazy cat.", I tapped its chubby stomach, prompting a yelp from the cat, "Get more exercise."

"Grr... Fine.", the cat jumped back down to my lap, where it continued to sleep.

After ten or so minutes, the flight attendant came to me. Like before, she bowed before speaking.

"Miss Corday, we are about to land so I will clean the table for you.", she bowed and cleaned up my table quickly, and efficiently.

I held Pan close to me because I frankly don't have much trust in things that are not from Babel. Babel possesses the best of the best, the most I felt when Rick flew me from the Headquarters to Las Vegas was relatively smooth. The take-off had less rumble than this luxury jet.

I felt the descent, and I hugged Pan tightly. I don't like this at all—

My danger senses blurred up, something is coming. Then as I looked at the window on my right, I saw what looked to be a... wyvern. With it's shape looks like a white European dragon, with the exception of two front legs, and golden eyes that seem... insane.

Wait, what is a wyvern doing here? Wyverns are supposed to be in the Arctic, not here in the warmer climate.

No time to think, I take in a deep breath and glare down at the beast.



I was about to use Justice, then I remembered that I have a bodyguard. I just looked at the wyvern, smiling gleefully.

Ah, in less than a second, the wyvern was beheaded. I saw Enna, holding her gigantic crimson greatsword, her eyes tracing the falling corpse.

She muttered something and with my ability to read lips... 'End Flame' was what she said. She turned her head at me, and she gave me a friendly wave and a nod.

I waved back. Enna then flew up to the sky again.

Enna is fun to tease, everyone is fun to tease. Except for Seria, that woman is dangerous.

Hm? I tilted my head over, looking at the flight attendants. From their rough and ragged breath, they didn't expect a wyvern to come and attack.

"Pan.", I stared at the cat, "Is this your doing?"

"No.", Pan replied. There was no lie, I don't think animals can lie, it's a human-exclusive thing.

"Okay.", I nodded.

I should put Issac— I should call him Director now, shouldn't I? Since he's now my boss. Yeah, that sounds good.

If an animal that isn't in Pan's control, coming to attack me... hm...

The Records of Nature, Shar... is the only one left.

"Pan, do you know anything about the Records of Nature?", I asked.

"Shar... we do not know."

I see.

Hmm, the jet is taking another round to readjust for landing. I will have to call Athen to get me, I think resting for today and not use my sportbike to ride around the city... Enna will get it for me.

Uneventfully, the plane landed with a jolt. I did not enjoy one bit of the landing.

Looking out of the airport, I spotted Athen in the waiting area with another woman. This woman stands out a lot because she has peach color hair in a bob cut.

And... I feel quite familiar...


I saw her glancing at my way, along with a sense of danger. That must be Jack the Ripper... the infamous serial killer known for their brutal methods.

A smile crept up on my face... I want to fight her. I want to be the one who comes out on top...

The flight attendant approached me, already wearing her professional mask, "We have landed safely... I hope you have a good day. And thank you for choosing Mu Airline, the best luxury airline of them all."

I nodded and quietly sat up, not giving attention to the woman. She appeared quite nervous, heha, I like it.

With Pan on my shoulder, I left the jet and walked down the stairs, where a car awaited me. A silver Lamborghini from the look of it.

The butler-like driver opened the door for me with a graceful bow. I stepped into the car and relaxed.

"This is nice.", I muttered as I let myself feel the cool air of the AC. And I like this smell too.

Quietly, without a word, I and the driver exchanged a conversation through the eyes. He nodded, understanding my reasoning for not speaking.

It didn't take too long for us to get to the airport, just a few minutes on a smooth ride.

I left the car, looking at the quite handsome driver, not my type... actually, do I even have a type? I gave him a nod, giving my silent appreciation.

I walked to the entryway, my own longue where the first one that greeted me was... Enna. She was already eating.

Her hair was less messy than when I first met her, there were still some loose strains but overall she didn't look like a caveman. And her eyes, a hazy golden color, they are beautiful... I want to gouge them out and decorate them on my shelves.

"Enna, hand me over a cookie.", I commanded.

Her body jolted to life, and mechanically walked over to me, with a cookie in hand. I took it, enjoying every last bite of the snack.

Like always, she doesn't like to be commanded. Yet seeing her uncomfortable brings me great joy .

"Good job on the wyvern.", I pat her on the shoulder.

"It's nothing, really.", Enna chuckled, "It's my job, after all."

"Come now, we don't have all day."

With Enna following me, I used Delusion to change my clothes in the sealed walkway, from my silver dress to my silver jacket and leggings. With a press of a button on my left glove, I changed the color from blue to purple.

"Where is Athen?", I asked Enna.

"We will meet up with her soon.", she replied with a nod.

"Good, I don't want to delay anything.", I still have to have my fun, and explore my school. Ataraxia Academy is in Darkovah, after all.

When we entered the tunnel, I was greeted by Athen who already had my suitcases, two of them this time since I wouldn't be going into fancy places.

"Charlotte, you are here.", Athen nodded with a smile, "I see that you are ready."

"I always am.", I retorted.

"Ah, right. Harpocrates.", she snapped her finger, "This should be enough, now, let me introduce you to our captain of this operation."

From behind Athen, a woman a head shorter than Athen, about the same height as me, 165 cm, wearing a brown trench coat, she looked at me with her peach-colored eyes... in them are an expression I am all too familiar with, curiosity... and madness.

"Hello hello~ I'm Jack Rippa, you can call me Saucy Jack, Little Jackie, Bitch, Psycho Rippa, and everything in between!", she did a spin, she showed me her crazed smile, one full of euphoria and insanity, "I can't wait to dissect you, bit by bit."

Oh fuck, another Seria.

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