Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Musical show

So, their one night stand... or many night stands, resulted in a very big incident...

Guinevere got pregnant with Lancelot's child.

And that child was Archfedd Pendragon.

"The mystery of this place is the conception of the successor to the throne, Archfedd Pendragon. The greatest secret of the Pendragon is that... there are no more Pendragons."

Damn, this has a lot of implications if this got out into the public. The royal family is a bunch of frauds? This will cause an uproar for those who believe in the legitimacy of the Pendragon bloodline...

And honestly, I am impressed by Lancelot. Got a full harem of men and women? Most are married. Even impregnated the Princess and now his bloodline rules Britain.

[Golden King's Trial #3]
[The secret of the royal family was exposed, a web of lies and falsehood. The bloodline of the dragon ended before it could even start.]

[Gospel: completed]

[A mind full of curiosity yet cool in deduction]
[Investigator of the Unknown]

Huh... no reward.

"Shouldn't you give me something like Excalibur for completing a Gospel?", I asked and began to smoke another cigarette.

[Would you want to?]

"Yes, this place is a Dungeon, right? At least give me a reward for my trouble.", I shrugged, "I proved myself not to only be a brute after all."

[Reward: Galatine - Shadow of Excalibur (Replica)]

Then a portal appeared, dropping down a silver magnum revolver with a gold frame.

I picked it up... 

"This is a gun.", I stated.


"I thought Shadow of Excalibur, Galatine, was a sun-powered sword?"


"This gun is a sword?"




[Why not?]

"Bruh.", I sighed and put the gun into the holster in my trench coat, "Anyway, next trial."

An entrance rose out of the ground, onto the next trial then. I wonder what awaits me next?

While walking down to the next trial, I took out Galatine... hmm, the grip is made of cork and leather, it feels nice to grip.

"Hey, Welt Ealam, how do I use this thing?", I asked out loud.

Then another portal opened, dropping down a piece of paper. I grabbed it before it flew down.

Hmm... so this gun absorbs sunlight, or more specifically, photons to charge up energy. It can hold up to six charges in the form of bullets, and one bullet has the power equal to an artillery salvo.

A weapon does not have to be overly powerful, it just needs to obliterate the enemy. And nobody can survive artillery fire.

Oh, I reached the next exit already.

Entering through the glowing gate, I found myself on a stage overlooking an empty theatre.

[Golden King's Trial #4]
[Feel the music within you, sing the melody of humanity and the World. Let your voice be heard, let your soul be felt by the denizen of the universe!]

[Gospel: Sing to your heart's content]

Why the fuck did Romulus want me to sing? By this point, I don't think this has anything to do with him... maybe this is all fun and game for The World Border and the actual challenges would be boring.

I don't really care.

I look around and see several instruments... what should I use? I obviously could be like Sinclair and play the piano, she was some sort of musician, right?


"Hey Welt Ealam, could you ask Qaeidat Dhahabia to send me her guitar?"

[Request sent]

While waiting for the delivery, I think about what song should I sing? My first song, or something that is in the work?


My melody... a song that describes me the best... I think...

A blue screen popped up in front of me as I was thinking. That was fast, or space and time act differently here.

[Delivery: Orvel Marisu]

And the golden electric guitar dropped down, I grabbed it before it could hit the ground. I have no idea what an Eldritch weapon would do so it is best to be careful when handling them.

I planted Quirinus down, and I began to test it. This one has seven strings and quite light for something made of... 300% gold... damn, even the strings are made of gold. The main selling point is the Alchemical circle in a brighter hue of gold, it looks like something from Earth... but it isn't, I can feel the foreign energy.

The circle is... oh, the Amp. The Alchemical circle is like the motherboard that translates the notes into music and is like an amp...

I played a riff, feeling the sound amplified and echo through the whole theatre... hehahahaha... this... might be a little too much for me to handle.

But I will handle it... I will practice until I get the hang of this... until my soul can take it.

"Hehahaha~ this... is fun.", I smiled.

So, over the course of an hour, I play short riffs and melodies, getting used to it. I even used Survive's full power to speed up my learning and adaptation rate...

The age-old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger really applies here.

Things are going well... I might feel a bit of discomfort from this but everything is okay... my body is learning, my mind is adapting, my soul is overcoming this wall...


"I think I am ready.", I said as I dispelled Survive.

A blue screen popped out in front of me.

[There are judges who will review your performance.]


[Your song shall be heard by representatives of many factions, let it be known that you represent humanity, to show the fire that scarred this world thousands fold over.]

Okay... that is a lot of pressure. I can't help but smile, I will be performing for Eldritch Gods... hehahaha!! This is fucking crazy!!!

[Representative of the Harbinger of Life: The Enigma Code]

Appearing in one of the back seats was a white humanoid being, draped in flowing white cloths and a hood. They had no head, instead, it was a golden cage containing a blue fire. And their wings, two of them, spread to show their majestic pure white feathers. The Enigma Code, Seventh Harbinger of Life.

[Representative of the Universal Market Trend: The Numeral Equal]

Then what looked to be a silver Rubik's cube with ten Mobius strips orbiting around, it sat right in the front row. Then a thin RGB hand with four fingers and two thumbs reached out to the contraption, extended from a dark portal. Weirdest thing I've seen.

[Representative of the Wayfarer of the Abyss: The Final Showdown]

What the fuck is that title?

On one of the booths up top was a woman wearing what looked to be a prismatic bodysuit, her face was pretty cute. With long prismatic white hair, she shines like a sore thumb. Those starry eyes... damn, she must be the most beautiful thing in the universe.

[Representative of the Elemental Lords: The Nowhere Wind]

Just like the title, a being made of wind appeared, red in color. There is not much to say about a red tornado... somehow sitting.

[Representative of the Council of Entropy: The Ageless Laughter]

Then a man in a formal red suit appeared in the booth opposite to The Final Showdown. Wearing a black top hat and a white smiling mask with no eyes. He stares at me intensely, just like The Final Showdown.

Those two seem to be the theatric kind...

[Sing the song of your soul, make the Avatars of the Stars praise you for who you are]
[A human]


Well then... let's get the show rolling.

I took in a deep breath... taking off the sleeve covering my left arm along with my trench coat. Underneath, I was wearing a sleeveless white shirt, buttoned up to cover the gem in my chest, snuggly resting above my breasts.

I stroke a loud riff, bringing the whole theatre's attention to me


Would you guys like a series following the adventure of an Eldritch God?

Also, sheep

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.