Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

New Assistant (3)

"I cannot believe this", Athen was flabbergasted.

After visiting the infirmary, Athen decided to get Charlotte back to her room to do some work and tests. Surprisingly, she understood and finished all assignments within just an hour.

"These... were easy."

"Hell, it was easy!! These were some of the hardest tests ever made by man... man... that explained it."

Charlotte tilted her head, which prompted Athen to give a simple explanation.

"Your Gem, Akashic."


It was true that with every test she did, she felt like she had done it before. Since Akashic is the collection of human knowledge, the knowledge about these tests and their answers is already inside there.

Though strangely, she cannot recall anything, she just knows it when the question lies before her.

"Hah...", Athen let out a sigh, furrowing her brows, "Now with tests being useless, there is only one thing I can do for you."

The fire appeared on Athen's palm, it quickly turned into a book. A smile appeared on the woman's face.

"Now for my favorite subject! Literature!"


Akashic screamed, which Charlotte found amusing. The Gem must not like this subject for some reason.

"We will start with mythology, every kid likes mythology. Now, the story of The Titanomachy."

Charlotte hugged her legs, listening closely to Athen. Akashic had already revealed some parts of the story to the girl, but it felt more enjoyable when Athen told it with great enthusiasm.

"The was once nothing, then Chaos appeared birthing the whole universe. From Chaos three Primordials were born, Erebus, Darkness Incarnate, Nyx, Night Incarnate, and Eros, Love Incarnate. With the blessing of Eros, Erebus, and Nyx spawned three gods, Aether, Light Incarnate, and Hemera, Day Incarnate, and Tartarus, Abyss Incarnate. From Hemera came Gaia, Earth Incarnate, from Aether came Uranus, Sky Incarnate, and from Tartarus came Okeanus, Ocean Incarnate. From Earth and Sky there came the Titans, the first gods, Cyclops, the first smiths, and Hecatoncheires, the first builders."

Athen flipped to the next page, giving Charlotte a glimpse of the words written on it, the letters were in Greek.

"Uranus, disgusted by the second and third born of Gaia, cast them down into their mother's womb which caused her great pain. Not wanting to give in, she implored their firstborns, the Titans, to overthrow their father. She gave them a sickle and said which one to hold would inherit the throne of Uranus, all but one of them were scared, the odd one was Kronos, the God of The Harvest, who took the weapon. Together with his brothers and sisters, Kronos cut his father into different pieces, scattering him across the sky so his presence on the land was no more."

"Kronos did become the king, yet he did not release his siblings from the depths of his mother. So the Moirai, the sisters of Fate, born of Nyx alone, gave Kronos a prophecy that one day, one of his children would overthrow him. Scared, he ate them all but one. Zeus, the youngest, was swapped with a stone and saved by Gaia."

"From then, he grew stronger every day and gained the power to control lightning and his grandfather. When confronting his father, Zeus landed a sucker punch and made Kronos vomit out all of his children. Zeus then escaped with his siblings."

"That Sibling included Hestia, Goddess of Fire, the oldest, Hades, God of the Dead, the eldest son, and Poseidon, God of the Sea. Later, two other daughters of the Titan Hyperion joined them, Hera, Goddess of Family, and Demeter, Goddess of the Season. Together they ventured deep into Gaia, just at the edge of the Earth's Depth and entrance to Tartarus, where they found the Cyclops and Hecatoncheires, so they freed the siblings of the Titans. The Cyclops then forged the god's weapons and equipment to aid their fight against the Titans."

"Hades was given the Helm of Invisibility, which shrouded his presence from the world itself, and the Soul Bident, which can pierce through any armor to attack the soul directly. Poseidon was granted the Crown of Okeanus, letting him control the sea at his will, and the Aqua Trident, giving him the power to master all marine life. Zeus was gifted the Aegis Shield, which can block any attack of any direction it faced, and the Tempest Spear, a weapon that can channel the might of thunder into a single point. The Cyclops made for Hera the Heart Bow, which possessed the ability to create arrows imbued with her godly energy and can track down its target wherever they are. Demeter was given the Time Gauntlets, having the power to accelerate the time of anything she punched. And Hestia was awarded the Hellstorm Rail, an ancient gun that shoots fire bullets that can never be put out."

"How can the Titans fight against them?", Charlotte asked.

"Well, they had Prometheus, God of Creation, create for the Titans some cool weapons. But he ultimately defected to the other side after seeing how prideful the Titans were, and his power to see the infinite future gave him no choice if she wanted to survive."

"Now, the Hecatoncheires built them a fortress on Olympus, so they called themselves Olympians. And with the foresight of Prometheus at their side, victory was assured."

"After their victory, the Olympians cut the Titans up in pieces, much like what Kronos did to Uranus, and scattered them all over Tartarus so they can never regenerate. Nothing describes the fight itself so it is left to the reader's imagination. For some of the Titans, the Olympians gave them punishments, like Atlas was made to hold up the sky."

Athen looked over, Charlotte was getting tired. She should finish soon.

"Now for some bits of lore, these should put you to sleep. The tale and growth of the god Ares in becoming Mars."

In Charlotte's lucid mind, the tale of the God of War's story passed to her with Athen's enthusiastic and lovely voice.

"Ares, born of Zeus and Hera, was the God of Violent Warfare. Humans sang their prayers to the god, hoping he would choose their side of the conflict. He was powerful, yes, but also reckless in his passion which got him into great deals of trouble. In a war known as the Trojan War, he picked the side of the Trojan, yet with his blessing the people of the Great Wall still fell. Furthermore, he was humiliated by a human, stabbed through the chest with a spear."

"After the war, he watched the last Trojan, a man named Aeneas, guiding his way to a land far from Greece, where his descendants would become the rulers of the world. There, Ares conceived a child with Silvia, a descendant of Aeneas, and birthed two children. One was Romulus, the other was Remus. Ares, knowing of the old prophecy, changed his form and his mind, taking the name of Mars, he did not wage war in the name of excitement anymore, but in the name of the peace that came after him."

"Gods indeed once existed, where they are now is a mystery. But their blessings are still with us."

The book closed, enveloped by fire before vanishing with the flame. Athen carried Charlotte to her bed, putting the girl's hat away in the closet.

"Goodnight, Charlotte."

Did you ever hear about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

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