Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Nine Seals, Nine Levels

The landscape around me began to lose its color, but not fully, more like a dull gradient took over. I just reset my emotions so there isn't enough fuel for me to maintain it. Plus, I would explode if my Inner World absorbed Elderstahl by even a fraction.

But even with this meager amount, I can feel Elderstahl weakened a bit. The mumbo jumbo behind it, I don't fucking know.

My Reverie was able to touch the sword and was atomized instantly. Burning through several kilos of the sludge in mere seconds. My current reserve is about two hundred thousand tons of the remaining trash continents.

Hey, this is a pretty great way to get rid of trash, just throw them against a sword that can split planets that vaporize and atomize anything that got too close.

There is progress, sure, but it is very slow—

Oh, the Reverie that consumed the wood just gave me information.

I smiled, "Hoa, gather all the cosmic energy and blast it at me."

"What are you trying to do?", she asked, leaning her head to the side.

"Just do it, I have a plan.", a fucking terrible plan.

I stopped the flow of Reverie from the book, bringing it up to me. At the same time, Hoa grabbed the ground, channeling the magenta and purple energy into herself...

"Hah... I am wasting this for you, Surtr.", I sighed, closing my eyes.

"By the Blessing of The Golden Order...", I open my eyes, glowing a golden light.

I feel my connection with Qaeidat Dhahabia become clearer...

The tree stump became dull in color, yet still full of life. Gotta bomb this place later.

"Charlotte, are you ready?", Hoa asked.

"Always.", I replied, full of confidence.

Then she blasted a beam of iridescent purple energy at me— which I blocked by using my book.

"For the Cosmic Energy of Yggdrasil... I request the quenching of The Blade of the End, Elderstahl."

A silhouette of a biomechanical golden bat appears behind me. Golden alchemical circles surrounded me and the blade covered in Reverie.

"To think you would make a Contract with a Harbinger of Life, I am truly impressed.", Surtr stated, "And it is working faster."

Yeah, the Alchemical circles applied time dilation and density manipulation onto my Reverie sludge. Making it harder to be vaporized and actually form a—


"I got it!", I laughed, "Surtr, deactivate the Seals!"

"What?", he questioned.

"The Seals trapped the excess heat of the blade, not letting it cool down!", I explained to him, "We need to let go of the excess heat!"

"But that would boil away thirty percent of the ocean. Me and the Regent might not be affected, but you will die instantly.", he said, pointing out how crazy this is.

"Hehahahahaha!! Don't worry! I can handle it!!", I turned to my best friend, making her flinched with my crazed state. "Hoa! I need you to do me a favor!"

"You are creeping me out, just state what you need already.", she sighed.

"How fast can you absorb heat?"

"Instantly.", she stated as if it was the most casual thing ever.

"How far can you spread yourself?"

"Only about three meters, but I can increase the range with my Fireballs.", to demonstrate, she creates floating fireballs from her body.

"Good enough! Now surround you and your balls around the sword!"

Hoa did as I told, hovering towards the sword. Ah, I can feel the heat lessen a bit.

"Surtr, now!", I called out.

His eyes dimmed a bit, hesitating for a moment, but then I felt a firm resolution from him.

"First Seal: Niflheim - Release.", he commanded.

And a visible heatwave escaped from the sword, threatening to vaporize anything it touched. But it never reached me, stopped by the Regent of Fire Vampire.

"Second Seal: Helheim - Release."

Another massive heatwave escaped, this time even more intense as it dried up the whole place. Yet this was nothing for Hoa.

"Third Seal: Nidavellir - Release."

The stump rumbles, causing massive earthquakes under the ocean. And I can barely stand the distorted world from its heat, now completely evaporated my Reverie.

"Fourth Seal: Jotunheim - Release."

And now I am bleeding from my nose, my vision got distorted so much I can't even trust the calculations— some just make no sense. What the fuck do you mean the probable temperature is infinite?!

"Fifth Seal: Muspelheim - Release."

I had to take a step back, grabbing my lance to create a wind barrier around me... things are getting bad now.

"Proceed.", I called out.

"Sixth Seal: Vanaheim - Release."

The sword erupted in flame, I could see Utopia melting even with that amount of protection. But with quick thinking, he siphons the seawater to help with the cooling.

"Seventh Seal: Alfheim - Release."

Elderstahl then glows like a star, carrying the heat of an actual star too— I feel both dreaded and fun at the same time. I tried to fight this thing... I am an arrogant bitch, but even I know I can't possibly fight against a fake star.

"Eighth Seal: Asgard - Release."

Then I hear the scream of the blade, a screeching tone that slowly breaks the Alchemical circles one by one. Even the power of an Eldritch God is no match for it.

"Ninth Seal: Midgard...", Surtr hesitated for a moment, "Release."

All hell breaks loose. Everything was consumed by a blinding white light— but I managed to open my book, letting another tide of Reverie flood the place.

I equipped my mask fully, turning around and running without informing the other two.

"Utopia! Flood the place!", I yelled out my command as I slid back into the ship as it closed.

Without answering my call, he did as I commanded, letting seawater flood the arena— but looking out from the window, it still remained dry.

Though slowly, I can see the light getting consumed by Reverie, and the remaining Alchemical circles were working overtime, spinning as they slowly crumble away.

With the help of water that soon was able to flood... I can tell it is close to over.

Hahahahaha!! I can't believe this worked! Sure, my eyes may need actual glasses, and the heat killed ten percent of all fish in Norway, but I did it!

Hoa fazed through the door, I can tell that she is hotter than usual. Absorbing the excess heat of eight worlds and all. And she seems exhausted, I can tell even if this form of hers has no facial expression.

"I... am... not... doing it... again!", she yelled at me, "That was the most difficult shit I've ever done! Dear my Lord the Madden Flame, I think I have found my limit..."

"You should go rest.", I smiled, offering her a hand.

"...", she looked at me, then turned back into her human form, "My role is done, right?"

Well, I want to use Hoa as a meat shield, but I think she deserves that rest. I am racist, but I am not a slave driver.

"Yes, just don't burn anything down.", I nodded.

"Who do you think I am?", she snorted and left.

"Utopia, drain out the water again. Let's see the finished product.", I smiled as Utopia opened the door for me.

The hot steam hit my face, making me sweat. Yes... this is it.

Stabbed in the center of the tree stump was a black sword that slowly transitioned to a glowing red like lava.

"It is complete.", Surtr stated, walking beside the sword and picking it up, "Elderstahl, my greatest creation, the sword that shall execute all that stand in the way of The Pale Court."

"You remember our deal, right?", I grinned, "Lend me your sword."

"You have my permission... but you do not have her permission.", he stabbed the sword into the ground.

Then Elderstahl transformed into her humanoid form. Now a warrior with yellow and red hair, flowing vibrantly like fire. Golden eyes shining like the sun itself. Her Viking armor was replaced by black armor, similar to a knight.

Even though her presence is not as overbearing as before... I can tell that she is way more refined.

"Charlotte Silvi, you have to want it to take to handle me. But you have yet to prove yourself worthy of using me...", she summoned a smaller version of her sword form, pointing it at me.

Me? Not worthy of wielding a destructive weapon? Sure, Excalibur ghosted me because I am not the model for a good ruler. I am a tyrant. But Elderstahl? I am worthy!

"Then I shall prove it."

I still remember the first time I fought against her, I was fucked up. But this time...

"How much percentage will you use?", I asked.

"Eighty percent will make the Earth explode, fifty percent will end all life, thirty percent will destroy the ozone barrier, ten percent will boil the ocean. So for you to prove yourself... two percent."

Two percent, huh. Well, that difficulty is quite a bit high...


I think I just have the perfect solution.

My eyes turned into a frosty blue, cold and piercing at the same time.

"The Torch of Instinct shall Light the way...", I puffed out a breath of cold air, "For my Ambition to Shine."

"Embrace the Void, Dive into Infinity."

Sparks of electricity made their presence known, changing the world around me. For moments, I see nothing beyond... pure white snow.

"Surpassing Nature is my Way of Life, as I am the Ruler of the World."

Snow began to fall, bringing the temperature down significantly. Ahh... what a lonely world this is...

"To Ignite the Ambition in My Heart."

My hair lost its shine, and my expression mellowed out. Yes... this is it. My mask retracted, revealing my faint smile and hazy eyes.

"To Continue the Eternal Flame of History."

I equip Fallen Starlight in my right hand, charging up a single bullet. And on my left, Quirinus began to channel wind and lightning, creating a power similar to Elderstahl, the power to destroy the World.

"That is my Mission."

The power to calculate the world itself and to adapt to the changes... combined with the spark of Desire... my calculation speed is now... five million times faster.

Nothing so grand, just an extreme refinement to what I am capable of.

And that is enough to deal with a weapon made for the sole purpose of killing.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder..."

I pointed my lance at Elderstahl.

"I shall grant you your Finality."


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