Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Playing with friend

Two days after learning The Pandemonium Princess' real name, Charlotte mostly stayed at the penthouse since her house arrest was not lifted yet. With her luck and calculating ability, Charlotte almost made the Illumination bankrupt and they cannot do anything about it.

The girl was the VIP guest of the Secretary of Defense, she has special protection.

So Charlotte is feeding her mischievous side, and her current victim is Hoa.

Charlotte was sitting on a chair, smiling at the dumbfounded Hoa.

"Charlotte... could you please... not just barge in, that's a violation of privacy.", Hoa complained, she had gotten her feelings together after the round of gaslight Charlotte made on her.

"Rules are made to be broken.", Charlotte smirked, "And this city is dangerous, a free-for-all as the landlord said."

Then an explosion went off somewhere outside, followed by the screams of people. And finally, the usual music going off 24/7.

"Yeah, like that.", Charlotte laughed, "You see, you don't get privacy or anything like that.", she pointed at the painting, "See, there is a hidden camera left by the previous guest."

"Uhh... let me just...", Hoa created a ball of fire in her hand, and threw it at the painting, burning it along with the spying device.

"That's property damage.", Charlotte pointed out with a smug.

"I'll pay. That's just a cheap painting.", Hoa shrugged, going back to setting up a shrine of some sort.

"Heha... just finish with your ritual for the day.", Charlotte shrugged, "I have some fun..."

She grinned as Seria gave her a text message, her house arrest was lifted.

"... installed for us."

Charlotte pulled down her sleeve, revealing a watch.

"I have a new toy I want to test out."

"Fine.", Hoa rolled her eyes, "I'll be done in an hour."

So Charlotte used the drug-producing ability of Euphoria to fast forward her perception of time. Like watching in fast motion, to her honest opinion, Charlotte finds this very entertaining, the silent prayers of Hoa are going somewhere as a red trail escapes her and links her to a higher existence.

Though Charlotte knows whoever the Lord of Madden Flame is, they cannot enter this solar system because of the Oort Cloud, a pod that protects humanity from outsiders.

"I am done.", Hoa stared at Charlotte, her eyes glowing red.

"Good.", Charlotte nodded, and she got off the chair, "Hold my hand, it'll be quicker."

"Uhhh.", reluctantly, Hoa held her hand.

"Our current location... is just a Delusion.", she spoke calmly with a smile. 

They teleported down to the basement instantly. Which freaked Hoa out.

"Instant teleportation?!", Hoa exclaimed, stepping away from Charlotte.

"Of course not, I just altered your perception of time and ran down here. Devil shenanigans.", Charlotte flatly lied.

"O-Okay.", Hoa calmed down just a tiny bit.

Charlotte brought her watch to her face, and with a soft voice, almost a whisper, she spoke, "Come."

The roaring of an engine erupted, and a motorbike covered in silver arrived in front of Charlotte. It's a sportbike, a monster in its own right due to the loud roars of its engine.

"Are you sure it's okay?", Hoa asked, pointing at the sportbike, "Like, its engine is pretty loud."

"I made it that way.", Charlotte hopped onto the sportbike, dawning a full-face helmet that is also the color silver.

"You like silver huh.", Hoa frowned.

"Of course, it's my theme color.", she handed Hoa a helmet of her own.

"Uhh... thanks.", the other girl put the helmet on.

Holding the break, Charlotte cranked the throttle back, making the machine roar. She switched gear, as her eyes glowed their azure color.

"Do you... have a license?"

To that question, Charlotte looked back with a devious grin, "No."

"Chết tôi rồi... (I'm so fucking dead)."

They launched out of the basement.


"I REGRET THIS!!!!", Hoa screamed for the entire world to hear.

"It's fun! WOOOOOO!!!", Charlotte yelled in excitement.

Charlotte was going top speed around the city, weaving around the scared people. It was feeding her ego, her pride as a dominator.

"Oh?", Charlotte spotted a familiar face. She slowed down, making a U-turn, and stopped next to a man.

"Hello, Autumn.", Charlotte greeted.

The man, Autumn, dropped his grocery bags down to ready his guard. He widens his eyes, recognizing the girl.

"Charlotte? You look so different.", Autumn was surprised. His main focus was the girl's outfit, ripped jeans, hiker shoes, and the jacket Charlotte made from Reverie.

"Yeah, I just got over a mental blockade. The emotionless girl is no more.", Charlotte lifted up her windshield, "I am Charlotte Silvi, nice to meet you."

Autumn smiled, he nodded, "Glad that you are your true self, no one actually wants to be under the effect of their Devil."

"Is Dawn not with you?", Charlotte asked.

"Nah, she's doing her daytime job at the moment. I got my money for the month, so I'm going shopping for both of us.", he has a bright smile that would make any woman fall in love with him.

"Charlotte...", Hoa finally spoke up, blushing as she stared at Autumn's face, "Who is... this?"

"Hmm, Autumn.", Charlotte looked to him, "What is our relationship?"

"That's a tough question, girl.", he laughed, "This is only our second meeting, so acquaintances might be the correct answer."

"Wrong.", a devious smile appeared on her face, "Accomplices, we are accomplices in a crime."

"Yep! That's enough of you for today! Bye!", and he booked it with groceries in his hands.

"Mhm?", Charlotte glanced back, "What's wrong, Hoa?"

"C-Can you introduce him to me?", Hoa asked in a shaking voice.

Oh, the girl is in love.

"It's just a crush, you'll get over it in time.", Charlotte closed her windshield, "The ride is still going on!"

"We have been at this for two hours!!!"

They speed off at top speed once again into the sunset.


"Huh, so this is your power.", Seria grinned, removing a stake from a wolf, before looking at the entire animal kingdom of America, "What is your name?"

"Pandemonium Princess"



"You need not our name"


"You cannot defeat us."

"We are many."

"We are one."

"One die."

"Another replace."




Seria rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah, talk shit all you want. I already understood your power."

"I cannot burn your soul because of some shitty game logic", her grin widen, "So how about we make a deal."


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