Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


Since nobody gives out questions now, I'll post the current questions with their answers. I should've expected this from Scribble Hub, we are read-and-dash kind of people lol.

What does the painting of Charlotte and Seria that was painted by Van Gough mean?

They are pictures relating to their pain and suffering, Van Gogh's power is all about pain, she takes away the pain of others into herself and puts them onto a canvas that captures those feelings. And pain changes over time, if Van Gogh paint Charlotte a picture, it would be different from what it once was.


Author, How smart is Charlotte really?

It is hard to describe Charlotte's intelligence, she is good at adapting and getting creative, usually choosing the fun options in favor of the smart one


This is for Athen, Are you a gamer? Cus you use a lot of gamer words

Athen: Well, outside of work I play a lot of games, so I do call myself a gamer. For what kind of game I play? I enjoy Doom and fast pace action in general.


For Charlotte What is your favorite game?

Charlotte: multiplayer shooter, and cooking games. 


Who is the Eldritch God you like the most?

The Pale Court, of course. A benevolent being that casually rampages across the universe for what they believe is right.


Beside Charlotte, who is the most enjoyable character to write?

Definitely Sinclair, because she is just an older and more nihilistic Charlotte :)

But non-Charlotte aside, Londinium. He is the literal embodiment of "Yeah, and?", I enjoy how he just ignores Charlotte's opinion for the sake of his own.


For Charlotte Why did Charlotte cut her hair?

Charlotte: there is nothing deep about it, just intrusive thoughts, really. It's a new style new me kind of thing.


How would Athen react to seeing the file [PD-73] regarding Charlotte's childhood? -Question for the Author or Athen.

Athen: THEY DID WHAT?! That's it, I'm writing my letter of resignation and joining the fucking G.O.C! I can't work with people that experiment with children to this extent!! 


How did you feel when building the world of infinity in the void?

I believe I explained this in a previous Author's Note. But basically, I made Charlotte first before the settings so I had a lot of freedom in creating my world. It was a lot more difficult with a character before a world was made. Overall, I'm happy that this world was made, something I feel so unique to myself.


How does Charlotte's ultra instinct work?

She sees mathematical problems and formulas all around her. And when she interferes with the natural calculations, she gets the exact values for the most effective attacks. But she can damage her brain if there is too much to calculate, or if she expand the formulas too much.


What is the Disney that you mention?

Disney is a front for an Eldritch God Faction all about entertainment, The Jesters of Light.


Charlotte what's your opinion on nihilism (Nietzsche), existentialism, perceptualism and solipsism?

Charlotte: I don't like them, as they put humanity's view into words, limiting what we see as reality is. The world in my eyes can be completely alien to somebody else, it could be fake to what colors the world truly holds, and that is fine. We could see the world as something meaningful made by our two hands, or we are just a footnote in the history of the universe. I don't enjoy philosophies about how we view or should view life, limit is the first thing humans think of, and the second thing is how to break those limits.


Amongst the Harbingers of Life, who is the strongest if they fight? Also, what are their attributes?

I'll answer the second part first, as that is simpler to do.

The Pale Court: Order and Judgement

The Machine Overlord: Order, Evolution, and Transfiguration

The Necro Lord: Order and Memory

The Golden Order: Order and Exchange

The Stellar Express: Order and Destiny

The World Border: Order and Creation

The Enigma Code: Order, Equilibrium, and Judgement

The Starlight Psychopomp: Order and Entropy

The Plague Garden: Order, Decay, Growth, and Propagation


Destructive level-wise, The Plague Garden is off the chart, as her mere existence alone can destroy a world in seconds, passively. But she is pretty much useless against most Harbingers, maybe taking out The Necro Lord.

Anyway, if the Harbingers fight, The Stellar Express would win, being a train almost twice the size of our Sun, it can just ram through anyone.


For Sinclair, what is your version of Charlotte's domain expansion?

(Author here, the Inner World manifestation is based on Reality Marble from Fate, not Domain Expansion)

Sinclair: mine? Well, I call it Velvet Tragedy~ where I give people a piece of my power, and watch them die as their body or mind be overloaded~ boom! Literally with Euphoria!


How does the Reality Marbles work? The Inner World thing.

Inner Worlds are just reskinned Reality Marble, but the difference is that the Inner World is a feat of individualism, manifested through sheer force of willpower, not through magecraft.

It mainly stems from my belief that everyone has their own way of seeing the world, the way a person sees on a biological and cognitive level could be completely alien to another.

It reveals the true nature of the character to the barest. 

Like Elderstahl's Forge of Eternity, she is the very concept of a Sword made from Fire, yet unquenched and unfinished. A landscape of lava with red hot swords.

Charlotte, as a reader pointed out, her existence is lonely, represented through her main color being silver, white as it is comprised of all colors but bland at the same time, having a shine of silver to hammer in her loneliness. A bare and bland white world without any color.

And here is a freebie, Sinclair's Inner Worlds, she has two that bear the same name, and are representations of her mentality. Velvet Tragedy is her twisted view as a performer and a selfless person, giving her power away to see them twist and turn and die. And when the show end, the performer leaves behind a world of corpses.


Hey Elderstahl, do you have daddy issues?

Elderstahl: Eighth Seal - Asgard: Release—


I'll keep answering your questions if you have any more. So feel free to twist that knob of introvertedness.

Oh and, I have a Patreon now, check it out if you want to support me. You get early access to Broken Glory - Chains of Vanity.

Infinity in the Void will continue next month after April 1st.

Additional questions!

For Hoa - What are your thoughts on your relationship with Charlotte? What do you think of her as a person?

Hoa: it is more of a mutually beneficial relationship than a friendship, I hate her and I'm pretty sure she doesn't think of me as a "friend". For her personality, I am supposed to be the Vampire here, but she is a whole other fucking breed! It make me tired...

To author - what rolls did each character get for their luck on D20?

Well, there is no luck stat in the stat sheet, but I have a few sheets containing their roll modifys.

Charlotte has +12 all across her stats.

Athen has +5 in all except for CHA and WIS. Her CHA is -2, she's a girlfailure.

Enna has +10 in STR and CON.

Hoa has +15 in DEX, INT, WIS.

Seria has +20 on everything.

That's all I can reveal for now.

To the author - What gift did Tenma receive from Charlotte for her birthday?

A free 3D avatar that is better than any artist in the world!

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