Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Reset 15

In an empty white room, which seemed to expand to infinity. A lone girl sat there staring blankly at the far distance land without an end.

Her age seems to be at around 15—16 years if you factor in only her body, thin and immature, even giving off the air of innocence with her porcelain skin. Yet the calm and collected azure eyes look as if they belonged to a calculative mind. Yet again contrasting the wild mess that was her silver hair, as if a storm had passed by, and somehow they are a bit moist...

Tainting her innocent beauty are the two black eight-pointed stars on both sides of her shoulder, just there existing for an unknown purpose. Not to mention the black gemstone embedded into her chest, which emits a low hum in unison with her heartbeat. 

She has no memory of this place, her mind was wary of this endless void. But her body said otherwise, it was completely relaxed without worry. There was a history unknown even to herself, well, at least to her mind.

Knowing sitting still would give no progress, the girl stood up from her position. Her body felt light when moved, and strangely familiar as if she had done this many, many times before. So she stood up faster than her mind could have known, almost making her fall, and planted her face on the hard white floor.

Again her body moved automatically moved, and her right leg came in front preventing her from getting hurt. All the while her mind was having trouble processing everything, like an infant who suddenly gain the body of a fully grown adult. It is strange, giving her a chill down her body every time.

Just who am I? What am I?

She clicked her tongue, face warped into annoyance. It was frustrating with so little information, she has to find out more, whatever that may be. Now she just needs to complete her first goal—reaching the end of the endless void. Somehow... she just knew it was not exactly endless.

Taking in a deep breath, she focused her eyes on the front, straightening her posture. She calmed herself down, telling her mind to let her body act naturally. A step at a time, try not to make any comment on the common action of walking.

She took the first step, again her body was lighter than her mind expected, again her mind tried to adjust with little success, so she let her body do it's own work. 

"PD 73-C is having trouble calibrating her body."

Her head snapped back. She heard a voice coming from behind, it was faint and almost unnoticeable. 

The language was strange, this is the first time she heard it but she could understand it.

PD 73-C? Is that my name? No... it sounded so wrong. 

She began walking, with difficulty, towards the voice. Her ears perk up trying to catch more sound. 

"PD 73-C is walking toward the East side, she might have developed enhanced hearing. Be ready to apprehend the subject."

Her gem let out a low hum only she noticed. Her azure eyes focused more as she approached the other side, her legs tensed up ready to evade incoming danger, while her hands got into a partial defense position. Again, my body is acting on it's own... as if I had done this before, who exactly was I?

The closer she got the more the illusion of infinity falling apart. It was not a void... but a room, what kind of room is this? She stares at the wall where her figure cast down a dark shadow.

She reached her hand out touching the cold white wall. She can feel there is something behind this wall, there are signs of life beyond this prison of white. More importantly, she can tell something akin to a "pulse"—air flowing through micro cracks in the wall.

The girl narrowed her eyes, there must be a weak point...

Her hand runs along the wall, using only her feeling, the unnoticeable rumbles created in the micro cracks. 

Not here... not there... not there either... closer but not there yet... here!

After a few steps to the left, she felt an intersection between many cracks, the weakest point of this wall.

What do I do now... She narrowed her eyes. 

Then black lines spread out like roots. Her eyes widen when she noticed how the black veins matched the cracks.

Say the magic word~~

Her body tensed up, she can feel her mind expanding to search for the voice. It came from everywhere... but nowhere at the same time. It said to say the magic word... but what is the magic word?

Reverie. That faint yet familiar word popped into her mind.

Using a low voice, almost like a whisper, she let out the magic word, "Reverie"

The black veins seeped into the wall, filling in the micro cracks. And the cracks expanded, creating more of a weak point. 

"PD 73-C is doing something strange, be ready"

So there are people... people waiting on the other side. She took a deep breath, focusing her mind on the wall in front. Her right hand formed a fist, separating from the surface by an inch.

As if her body was trained to do this movement forever, she stepped her right foot forward and her left foot behind. She twisted her left ankle, leaning herself but not too much, thanks to her right foot being used as a foothold, throwing her entire weight forward. All the power coming from her body channeled into her fist moving forward.

All of that energy transferred from her body to the wall, making a 'thud' sound.


The wall did not break, instead absorbed by the black veins making them expand even further, even forming cracks on her side. Damage absorption, damage conversion, accelerated growth. Just what is this? And what do I do now?


"Reverie...", she repeated automatically

She felt the black contorted, decreasing inside the wall leaving the barrier more fragile than ever, the damage was done and cannot be fixed, it can only be destroyed. And with a knock of her right hand, the wall crumbled down into chunks of bricks and mortar.

And beyond her confinement are people dressed in all black, wearing heavily armored tactical gear, and most of all, they are all pointing their rifles at the girl.

"Put your hands up, we do not want to use lethal force on you", one of the men spoke in a calm voice, but the fear and stress he hid underneath were visible in her eyes.

She complied, something tells her there are live rounds in those magazines, and she can smell the scent of gunpowder inside them. Not the best time to provoke them, not yet.

One of them got close to her, he did not possess a firearm, instead, he had clothes, "PD 73-C, Here are your clothes"

What—She looked down—I am naked? I am naked!

She quickly took the clothes, not caring about the soldiers pointing their guns at her, her face reddening with embarrassment.

What they gave her was a plain white cotton shirt and white cotton shorts. She put it on hastily while grunting. Dammit! Why did I not check myself first?!

After pulling her clothes on, the personnel parted to both sides, the two closest to her still held their rifles to her head. What stood behind all of those soldiers was a tall blonde woman. No, man, it is hard to tell with that long hair. He wore a lab coat, a pin in the form of a single butterfly silver wing, under it was his nametag - Issac Apocrypha. What a menacing name.

"Hello, PD 73-C, I apologize for having to meet you under this circumstance. But all were necessary for your transferring process.", he spread his arms out, giving her a gleeful smile, "Congratulation! You are now going to become a part of Project Belial, which researches the concept of Void."

He leaned forward, his green eyes full of expectation, "So, do you have any questions?"

She stares at him for a bit. His voice was sincere, but there was something about him that I cannot see through... and question... yes, what question should I ask? Is it not obvious?

She took a deep breath, "What is my name?"

He showed a kind look, similar to a parental figure, "Charlotte Silvi, my dear"

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