Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Side Story: 13 Hours and 3 billion years

In the deepest part of the world, there are two beings who walk in a vast city underwater, under a false sun made of a giant siphonophore, casting a blue light over all things.

A woman wearing a black dress and hair as dark as the night sky, her eyes glow a crimson red color full of hatred—the Other Ego of Earth, Theia Khaos.

Following closely behind is a False Dragon, bearing iridescent scales over their body, a pair of horns growing on top of their head, white hair turning purple, and most striking of all, eyes that reflect the universe itself. Roko Mesmarel, the Fragment of the Universe.

"Mesmarel. The grudge between me and that lizard runs deep.", Theia suddenly started to speak, "Do you want a retelling of our fight encounter?"

"No, not really.", Roko flat-out rejected.

"So, when even before the whole Template of Life thing and the Oblivion Light Incident.", Theia ignored the False Dragon, continuing on, "That lizard and I were pretty much on the opposite sides, never met, never actually communicated outside of just knowing one and another is there."

Theia hopped over a knocked-over stone pillar, smiling with enthusiasm. She is lonely, very much so, and Roko has to bear with it.

"We were roughly in the same orbit so it was inevitable looking back at it.", she raised an index finger, "13 hours~ our fight only took 13 hours, between the Primate of Destruction, me~ and that lizard, The Black Dragon of Conflict~! Hehe... it was a fierce fight."

"I have the power to manipulate all elements.", a white flame ignited in her palm, "But I can't really use it well like before, as a large portion of my body was merged with that lizard."

She snuffed out the flame with her grip.

"Well, it was pretty funny when Mellum1Ego of Jupiter accidentally flung an asteroid at Earth~! He was given the duty to protect the four planets bearing Life, it was hilarious when the dinosaurs went extinct! I could even hear that lizard screaming and cursing him from all the way in my prison!!"

A maniacal laughter echoes through the ocean. The residents of the city - abominations with no form to call their own - were attracted by Theia's joy, showing themselves around every nook and cranny.

"Hehehehe~ and that lizard's dinosaurs were so close to achieving sapience~ hehehe~ and then...", she smiles wickedly, "My influence on the Life on Earth started to show."

"Ah~ hehe... there is a reason why the life on Earth looks like me and that lizard, it's our influence~", she looked back at the uninterested Roko, raising two fingers, "Those who are born from flesh, and those who are born from shell."

As they walked, the formless abominations of the depth made their appearance. Pulsating monsters came rushing at them from all sides.

Theia kept on casually walking forward, as the Sea People came charging at her from all sides. But with a wave of her hand, thousands of cuts appeared on their body, and they all floated up as they all perished.

"Come on now, Mesmarel~", Theia glanced back at Roko, who was holding an invisible sword made from the Concept of Atmospheric Pressure, "Let me have some fun."

"Let's just get this over with...", Roko grumbled, "Destroy the world."

"Ah~ yes! That's the purpose of this trip in the very beginning! To destroy this world.", she giggles to herself, "Ah, but the year I was freed... it has been amazing."

She opened her arms, "Life is so wonderful~ I love each and every one of the life here, so precious, from the smallest bug to the biggest of animals. Hehe... but unfortunately..."

Her hate for the World outweighs her love for life. She had bore this grudge for over three billion years, there is no way a fleeting amount of exposure could change this deep-seated hatred.

From far away, a figure formed from the shadows. A cloaked being whose cloth connected to the very shadow it hid under.

It observes the duo as they travel down the path leading to the massive temple in the middle of R'lyeh.

A smile bloomed under the veil it wore, and the shadow behind it began to bubble up, tendrils and fangs, claws and eyes, lashing out quietly. It was excited but kept itself composed enough to not reveal itself.

Theia and Roko enter the temple from above, climbing the walls by creating staircases of ice and hopping into a window. Where they walk around a hallway, overlooking what seems to be a praying site.

"That's our target.", Theia gleefully smiles, "The final layer of defense."

They were staring at an orb on an altar, covered in sickly greyish-blue flesh.

"Cthulhu, the Dragon of the Depth, and Tiamat's Final Guardian.", she pointed at the orb, "Mesmarel, you know what to do."

Roko sighed and vaulted down. They do not want to do this, to fight and destroy the world... but this is their only path.

Sooner or later, by the hands of the other Records or by the light of The Pale Court. Their fate was written from the very beginning, and there is only one red string to follow no matter what.

This is what it had come to from those 13 hours, the final stance after 3 billion years of brewing hatred and contempt.

Roko Mesmarel, the Fragment of the Universe, drew their sword.

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