Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Side Story: Angel Gone

Quick notice, I have some business so I'll be extending my break to August 17th

Quiet steps, a skip here and there.

A girl wearing an ordinary brown dress, humming to herself. She plunged a knife into one of the guards, then slashed another one with the same knife.

Her eyes shine an emerald green color, still smiling as she inspects her knife - an ordinary kitchen knife that can be brought anywhere.

She was humming to herself, as she made her way into the mansion. Nobody stopped her, passing through the servants cleaning as if she was a part of this place. Nobody noticed her, and nobody will ever until their final moment.

For her line of work, she is the deadliest. Nobody would suspect such a young woman with brown hair and an innocent gleam in her eyes. That is what gives her the edge over all other hitmen.

Taking out a map she secured using her connections, she hums as she walks toward her target.

Checking the bedroom on the upper floor, she found it in disarray. With a tilt of her head, she slashed the bed open... finding it filled with silvery strands of hair, the hair of Greeks.

This made her sure of her target's sins. Removing every last bit of guilt she had.

Sniffing the air, her eyes snapped toward the ground. Like a bloodhound, she sensed the rot and decay of corpses and a hint of burned flesh.

With that, she hid the knife right in between her blossoms and made her way down to the lower area.

Slipping by a guard, stealing the keycard from him. She casually opened the locked door, went inside the dungeon. Where she found crucified corpses of Greek women with their hair ripped out.

She went to inspect the corpses, her eyes devoided of emotion. With her hand on her chest, she offers them a prayer for their soul.

"Who are you? I don't remember having a maid looking like you here.", the voice came from behind the hitman.

But she did not turn around, "Clementine Valentino, daughter of the mafia boss Ulrich Valentino of the Valentino cartel."

"Answer me, what are you doing here?", Clementine clicked her tongue and summoned fire to her hand.

"You are the Gem Holder of the Conceptual Chimera, not Helios as you said. Anything you eat will become a part of your power.", the hitman said casually, "Though the only way to gain another's power is to eat out their heart raw. In other words, you are a cannibal."

She took a step to the right, avoiding the fireball thrown by Clementine. By then, the hitman turned around, facing the gold-haired and green-eyed lady of the house.

"I am Charlotte Corday, it is a pleasure to meet you.", she performed a courtly bow, grabbing the hems of her dress, "I believe I am the reincarnation of the Angel of Assassination, and I was hired to bring an end to you."

"Charlotte?! Charlotte....", just hearing the name, Clementine began to pants heavily.

"Hmm, seem like one of those problematic one. So to make you feel more comfortable, please, call me Corday.", she took out the knife from her cleavage and casually walked towards the raving girl.

"Y-You are not her!!", but the young lady of the Valentino snarled, swinging her arms now covered with scales at the hitman.

Corday stopped, just far enough for the claws to not touch her. Strangely, Clementine finds no hostile feeling from the hitman, even if she is holding a knife, and declares the intention to kill her.


The knife slashed across her right eye, Clementine luckily dodged a slit to the throat. With clear anger, the lady tried to tackle Corday.

"Oh my, sorry for not aiming better.", Corday bowed while dodging the tackle.

The memetic effect of Charlotte Corday's power is messing with Clementine's mind. She ate all of those people and animals, gaining not just their strength, but also their instinct. The calm logical human part of her is telling not to be worried as the person who has a clear intention to kill is harmless, but the beasts with their instinct are warning her to run away or take care of Corday right away.


Corday slashed her back, making Clementine roar in pain.

"In my name, Clementine Valentino.", she glared at the innocent maiden.

"Unleash yourself, the monsters trapped in me!!"

Her body fully changed, a grotesque monster bearing dozens of powers, from people and animals stitched together like an abomination.

"Anima Pactum - Chimera!!"

The monster barreled down at the hitman, forcing her to run out of the dungeon. Corday saw those eyes, human reasoning was gone and only a beast remained.

She ran around the mansion, ducking through servants who were unlucky enough to be crushed by their lady. Corday saw that it could sniff her out, so escaping the premises of the mansion was the only way.

She crashed through the window, sustaining some cuts herself from the glass shards, and bruises from landing.

Though Corday's trouble did not end yet, as men in black tuxedos and fedora surrounded the house with guns pulled up.

Some of them immediately shot Corday in the legs, bringing her down.

Then an old man walked over, smoking a cigar looked at her.

"Is all the staff taken down?", the man asked, uncaring for Corday's condition.

The men nodded.

"Good, then threw these staffs into the incineration.", then he stare at Clementine who is just wrecking the yard out of pure rage, "That daughter of mine is out of control again. I have to go take care of her..."

And the man walked away, while Corday collapsed from the blood loss and pain. But she still smiles.

She died before, being executed on the gallows for assassinating... Corday cannot even call that an assassination, even though her title is the Angel of Assassination, she just went to a guy's home and stabbed him without bothering to remove the evidence.

Dying once again means nothing to her... but she would like to finish her mission first—

She woke up with the sudden pain coursing through her body, the thugs did not finish her off and just threw her body with the corpses, weighing her down so she could not escape.

Out of sheer instinct, she tried to push the bodies away to escape, but there was too much piling on her.

"No... please... not like this...", she let out a little cry for help.


"What doth thy wish for?", a soothing and calm voice spoke to her.

"I...", she almost said escape, but that voice calmed her down. Corday thinks back at the crimes Clementine committed, those poor Greek people kidnapped and killed, and the acts of the mafia...

Corday wants to bring them to justice, bring Judgement upon them.

"I want the Valentino family dead, especially Clementine Valentino... I want them to face Judgement."

"Then thy shall give thou flesh to I. I shall act in thy place and bring upon Judgement, for I am the Arbiter of Equilibrium.", that voice brought upon a serenity she had never felt before.

Closing her eyes, in the vast darkness she saw a chalice in the form of a cage made of intertwined vines, holding inside it a blue flame swaying in the wind.

"All will be well, child."

Corday felt the warm embrace of a higher being, and she fell into a slumber.


The incineration house burst in blue flame, alarming the thugs who pulled out their guns— but they all shot themselves, compelled by an unknown force to pay for their sins.

Nothing is more valuable than life, after all. And any price can be paid with that invaluable thing.

Walking out of the burning house is a maiden with a plain face, yet her blue hair is like a brilliant bonfire, and her soft golden eyes grant all comfort when they stare into them. All of that draped in a pure white robe, like a priestess - untainted and innocent.

They are the Arbiter of Equilibrium, Lughz Dustur the Enigma Code - Eldritch God of Order, Judgement, and Equilibrium.

"Hmm...", they nodded to themselves, "I am lost."

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