Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The City of Gold – Entry

I met up with Mitsuki as everyone had gone to sleep, and I made sure of it with Utopia playing auditory memetics to put them down.

But someone was watching us, Francis was leaning on a tree with her arms crossed. She glares at us.

"Where are you two going?", she spoke with a hostile tone.

"Why can't girls go on a date?", I grinned.

"Don't try to fuck with me, Captain. Tell me where you are going.", she clicked her tongue.

"Isn't that obvious? El Dorado, the City of Blood.", I turned to the hill of roots.

"Let me go with you.", she stated, "Don't try any funny business."

"I refuse.", I flexed my left hand, and electricity began to surge, "This is for me and Mitsuki, don't try to ruin our fun time."

My eyes flash the color of silver, ready to bring her down. But Mitsuki came in between us.

"Wait, you two! You don't trust Charlotte, I know, but you also don't have any say in this!! This is between me and my friend here!", then she beat her chest with a proud smile, "But I stake my honor that we won't try anything funny! No danger to the students, no setting up some elaborate plan to put them in danger! Is that okay?"

Francis glared at me, then looked at her, "How can I trust you?"

"She's Japanese, honor is a big thing over there if you don't already know.", I sighed and shrugged, "It's bullshit to the point that talking shit about someone can land you in prison."

"Hey!", Mitsuki playfully pouts, she knows it's bullshit too, "That's uncalled for!!"

"Now would you please get out of our way.", I turn my attention back to Francis, "I went on this trip to have fun, after all."

"So be it...", she disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind a trail of green mist.

I cracked my knuckles. 

With a punch, I blew a hole right through the roots with fire and electricity, revealing a distorted space. Not like the holes in reality like other Dungeon, but a faint vortex of gold with a faint citrus smell.

"Awaken the Dream of my Soul."

I took a step forward, and a black flame burst from my chest.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

I raised my arms up as we passed through the portal, and entire the City of Gold, where it shone even under the darkness of the night. A vast city laid in ruins, buildings, houses, traces of a civilization that lives inside a Dungeon.

"I shall bring upon my Design in Blazing Glory!"

A scarf made of the same black flame wraps around my neck. Ah, the residents of these Dungeons are making their appearance, Dragonborns being more reptilian than humans.

"Through the Flame of Malice and Reverie!!"

I closed my eyes, hearing the roars of the people, they did not welcome me, they did not recognize me as their monarch. Then, I shall make them submit.

"Bring forth the Encore! For a Brighter Tomorrow..."

Then I open my eyes, exposing my silver eyes burning with a black flame around my irises.

"I shall sink you in my Melody."

I turned to Mitsuki behind me, "It is not your time to shine yet, so just try to keep up with me."

"Alright!! Lead the way!!", she nodded.

The Dragonborns can feel the pressure from me, which causes them to stay away and cower in fear as I walk forward. These people have adapted to this land, but they are still human - they are still my subject.

"Listen to me, Dragonborns of El Dorado. I am Charlotte Silvi, the Silver Princess of Humanity."

Now with me and Mitsuki at the dried-up fountain, the Dragonborns surround us with fear in their eyes. But they are not all cowards, as a warrior with gold scales walked up to me, but still careful enough to space himself away from me.

"Prostrate yourself, you stand before a monarch.", I commanded with a cold tone.

And he dropped to his knees, compelled by my voice. He was clearly shaken and sweating under my gaze.

"I... I greet you, Your Highness...", his voice was shaking, "I am Huascarn, High Protector of the Golden Citadel..."

"For what reason does your people hide themselves in this place?", I crossed my arms, questioning him.

He answers immediately, "Ou-Our ancestors fle-fled from the people in red and metal... that is what the stories say."

"Very good.", I nodded, "And why have you not returned?"

"Y-Your Highness, we... can't.", he shivers, "A long-dead god forever haunts this place, we are cut off from the world outside..."

"Hmm...", I took out my phone, "Utopia, can your drones return?"

After a few seconds he answered, "[Unfortunately, it seems that he spoke true, Your Highness. There is no exit. I apologize for this oversight.]"

"No need to worry, I can do something with this.", I smiled.

"Then are you willing to let be liberate you from the clutches of this god?", I crossed my arms, staring down at Huascarn.


"Or don't you believe in your Princess?", I removed my glasses, letting the full weight of my Eyes of Judgement on him.

"N-No! I apologize for my transgression!!!", he cowers down, "Please forgive me!!"

"You are forgiven, Huascarn.", I stated, putting my glasses back on, "Now lead me to this god, and I will end it."

"Of course, Your Highness!! That god is in the center of the citadel, in what we call The Monster Garden, please be careful!", he stood up and turned his back to lead me to that place.

I look around at the City of Gold, despite being a ruin, people still live here and have normal lives. How many centuries did they stay here? I wonder.

"What did he say?", Mitsuki asked me.

"Nothing too special, this is a Dungeon that we can only escape by defeating the Boss.", I stated, "And I'm pretty sure there are enough Imprints to make this place permanent."

Like the Minos Labyrinth which used to house the Minotaur, death binds it to the world and merges the Dungeon with reality making it unable to collapse.

If anything, killing this god would connect El Dorado to reality, but even that takes time so the gateways will still exist for some time.

After a few more minutes of walking, we reach what looks like the foundation of a palace still standing, where I can see mutated animals... yet I find no connection to Avalon, so they are monsters made by this Dungeon. And in the distance, I see a castle made of gold.

"We are here, Your Highness.", Huascarn turned back to me and bowed.

"You can leave, I'll handle this.", I dismissed him.

But he shook his head, "If I can, may I witness the moment you release my people from this place..."

"Quite daring of you.", I chuckled, "Heh, fine by me."

"I will not forget this, Your Highness.", he spoke in a grave tone, as if he choked on his words. This might be quite emotional for him, but this is just another day for me.

"Mitsuki, do you want to fight a god?", I asked her in Japanese.

"Wha‐ I can?!", she got all excited.

"Because I find that fighting gods is... beneath me.", I cracked my knuckles, "This is a relaxation trip after all."

"Okay! Just clear the way—"

I was already on it, walking into the Monster Garden, where something that looked like a blue jaguar with spikes on its back lunged at me.

I took a deep breath, and the Book of Akasha appeared before me... then the black flame of Malice and Reverie burned the book away.

"Declaration of Annihilation: Limbo Requiem."

A circle of black flame expands around me, merely 8 meters or so, and with it rise shadows of weapons of those forgotten by time. Countless warriors laid their lives down for the future, yet they will never be known.

Thus, this is the Nameless Graveyard.

I pulled a sword from the ground, its hazy presence signified by its shadowy half-translucent look, just like its wielder.

I sliced the monster in half, and it burst into black flame.

"Listen to me~"

I pulled out another sword, thrust it into a wolf.

"O' souls of the Forgotten~"

Picking up three knives and threw them at three greenskins dwarves.

"I shall sing your songs~"

I picked up a spear, vaulting over a fallen stone wall.

"Those whose names are gone~"

And pin the spear into a python.

"You shall be remembered ~"

I picked up two swords, spun around.

"Because I am your Princess!"

Letting go of the swords, they impaled two other monsters.

"To me you are known~"

Ah, in this battle there is only me~

"For I am the Princess clad in Silver~"

Because this dance and song...

"Merciful and Kind~"

Is for the nameless people who fought for the future.

"For you built the Future~"

To celebrate them.

"Every drop of blood! Every tears of joy and despair~"

To congratulate them.

"You shall not be Forgotten~"

Because I am humanity.

"You who perish~ for those you cherished~"

I shall rejoice in their existence.

"I shall never forget you~!"

I took in a deep breath and smiled.

"Because I am the Silver Princess!"

Pulling out a sword and shield, pointing the sword at the incoming horde with a wide smile.

"And let this dance be my praise to you all!!"

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