Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Silver Royal (3)

Hoa is in a panic, she was on vacation to get some slack from her job, but of all people she ran into someone who looked like a princess straight out of a novel, she has the same untouchable aura at that!

She leads Hoa out of the Casino, not before getting the rest of her money. Hoa was surprised that someone who was younger than her by a year won so much.

"Come on, we don't have all day.", Charlotte said, almost commanding.

She's... beautiful...

"Y-Yes!", Hoa quickly followed Charlotte, who was way ahead of her.

The girl had never met someone that has more authority than hers, even back home in Vietnam, she doubted that the Communist Party would want to meet her if they knew who she was, maybe even kill her.

She does enjoy peace after all, no need to start a civil war, not right now. But Hoa does want Charlotte as an ally, not sure how.

They both entered the elevator, which was not interrupted thanks to a card Charlotte had. Hoa observed the girl, Charlotte kept a neutral face most of the time.

Hoa waited in silence, but the elevator music drove her crazy. Just how high do we have to go?!

"Charlotte... um... how high are we going?", Hoa awkwardly asked.

"To the penthouse, where I am staying."

That made Hoa want to vomit more than she already does. She was next to someone who would be described as the 0.1%.

"Um... how rich are you...?", Hoa asked, looking a bit shaken.

Charlotte thought for a moment, "Yes."

"Uh, what?", Hoa thought she was hearing wrong.

"I know I am rich, but I don't know by how much.", she shrugged. And once again, Hoa was awed at Charlotte. She turned to Hoa, "How about you? You must be fairly rich to be able to come here."

"Well... um... I errr... I don't want to talk about it too much...", because most of her possession came from illegal means, "I do work in the selling of hope..."

Charlotte nodded, she understood what Hoa meant, "So religion huh."

Hoa kept up a smile, but her heart was beating rapidly. She was regretting her decision right about now, yet she could not turn back.

"Yeah... I would rather not talk about it.", she rubbed her head.

"Okay, everyone have their little secret.", Charlotte caressed Hoa's cheek. The girl cannot do anything under the pressure coming from those azure eyes, "Hmm~ I like this expression... hehaha... it makes me feel good."

This girl has a screw loose! Đụ má! She's awakening something inside of me! Please, O' Lord of Madden Flame, who came from a distant Star, grant me strength!

"You don't have to be so stiff with me, Hoa. We are friends, remember?", she gave Hoa a kind smile, one with a sort of affection.

W-Wait, when did we become friends?

"I...", she cannot say a word.

The combination of the intense azure eyes and the kind affectionate smile of a loved one, overloaded Hoa's mind. She had to use her Devil to keep her brain up, or else she might faint.

In all of her life, Hoa only let a few people touch her, her parents were among them, and a few of her followers can be counted on one hand. Hoa hated being touched, even the slightest breeze of contact, would send her into a blind rage and would result in a beating from her.

But Charlotte on the other hand... was special in more than one way. Her touch was comfortable as if handling a delicate piece of art.

"We are friends, right?", her gaze became soft as she tilted her head. Those eyes spoke genuine worries, asking Hoa for reassurance.

"Y-Yeah...", she gave up.

"Thank you, my Scarlet Flower.", Charlotte let her hand down, then at the elevator number.


"I guess it's time for us to deal with your cramp. Tell me, are you still feeling it?", Charlotte stepped out of the elevator before Hoa did the same.

Hoa checked her body... the pain was still there but the stress was gone.

"You don't feel stressed anymore, do you.", she guessed correctly.

"What did you do?", Hoa asked with frightful eyes.

"Just some human biology.", a sly smile appeared on her face, "You feel stressed, so I put you in a more stressful situation. I don't feel like going in-depth so I'll just leave it at that."

Like calling a puppy, Charlotte waved at Hoa to make her follow the strange and slightly scary girl.

Realizing she was stuck on the thought of Charlotte, Hoa looked around the penthouse, seeing how nicely decorated it was, she knew something to change the subject, "The interior is nice.."

"Hm, I guessed. Not to my liking, I like more... chaotic things. Hehaha...", she clapped her hands, bringing attention to herself, "Now that we are here alone... let's have some fun."

Her bright smile was scary, bringing Hoa an uncomfortable feeling.


Charlotte was having fun teasing the girl just made a "friend" with. Seeing her stiff expression and blushing when Charlotte got close, brought her the unimaginable happiness of dominating someone.

"Hoa, my friend, how about a drink.", she walked over to the fridge, "What do you want?"

"Um... if you could, milk coffee, condense milk specifically.", she meekly requested.

Charlotte nodded, she indeed found condensed milk and already brewed coffee. She also takes out a carton of milk for herself.

She also takes out two glasses from the cupboard above and a block of ice from the freezer.

While making the drinks, Charlotte stared at Hoa who was uncomfortable on the sofa.

"So, Hoa. Can you talk more about your religion?", Charlotte decided to make Hoa more comfortable.

But it had the opposite effect, it made Hoa fidget in her seat. She narrowed her dark eyes at the girl making the drink.

"Are you some sort of government agent?"

Her words made Charlotte think for a bit. Is she a government agent? Is the Babel Organization a government agency? No. But then again, Charlotte is in it, but is still a child according to most people.

"Maybe?", that was the best answer she could come up with, "I don't really know. More of a test subject in my opinion."

"Wait, so am I going to go to jail?!", Hoa was as tense as ever.

Despite her new 'friend', Charlotte just shrugged, "No, nothing will attack you.", she crushed the ice with her own hand, easily, intimidating Hoa even more.

Charlotte passed the drink to Hoa, who took it with caution. Charlotte then sat down next to Hoa, taking a sip of her milk.

"You don't need to answer if you aren't comfortable. Me on the other hand, I am restricted from saying anything where I am from, though I can be very open about it since I didn't have strict rules put on me.", she stared at the ceiling, "Hm, where should I start? Hm... ah, yes—"

Hoa put her hand on Charlotte's mouth, shutting her off.

"N-No, I don't need to hear any of your past, I wouldn't want ANY government to put their eyes on me!!", her eyes were shaking, full of fear.

Charlotte removed her hand, letting out an amused scoff, "Heh, a shame, really.", her eyes lowered down to Hoa's bottom, "Ah, does it still hurt?"

Taking a moment in, Hoa silently nodded.

"Let me help you feel better...", she placed her hand on Hoa's lap, "I Hope you don't mind."

The golden liquid of Hope came out of Charlotte's hand, invisible to Hoa. It seeped through her clothes, and into her body, healing it.

"W-What did you do?! The pain is gone?", Hoa was left more confused than ever.

"Devil shenanigans.", Charlotte shrugged, taking a big gulp of her milk, paying no attention to Hoa.

After all, why should Charlotte pay attention to her 'friend'? She already has a powerful entity backing her up.

Lord of Madden Flame, a god outside of the Solar System, who projected their will upon the Earth through a single girl - Phạm Xích Hoa, the Blooming Flame. Charlotte already knew Hoa was lying about her Devil.

But for now, Charlotte will keep that secret to herself. She does not look forward to her 'friend' running away, after all.


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