Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Today versus The Ancient

The Troodon ran around me, but I'd calculated that. I turned around and bashed my shield against its sharp feathers. Then the shield blasted, reflecting the damage done by it—

The raptor disappeared again, moving faster than before— is it catching up to my calculation?!

I swung my lance, which it caught with its jaw. But noticing how it cannot dent Quirinus, it tried to swipe at me with its tail.

I just stepped back, narrowly avoiding it.

"In the Name of Humanity."

Wind began to swirl around Quirinus, as well as electricity crackling. I bashed the incoming raptor with my shield, then took a step back and thrust my lance— landing a hit on its side.

The Dino King chirped and I drew first blood, it retaliated with a beam of light blasting from its mouth— I barely dodged, ruining my second trench coat as the beam partially scorched the right sleeve.

It looked surprised as it didn't do as much damage as it expected. But the impact sure did a number on my right shoulder.

With the blood swirling together with my lance, dyeing it a pinkish red, I began to chant.

"I shall tell you a story."

I swung my lance at it again, making it back off for a second.

"A Tale of the Beginning."

Its claws and talons glow white with the power of Judgement, capable of attacking my soul directly.

"Heaven and Earth split, and the Void congratulated Infinity..."

Sparks of electricity became uncontrollable, flying everywhere as I stabbed the lance into the ground at an angle, aiming at the ancient beast.

"My Law of Existence shall reshape the World..."

And I launch forward at lightning speed, grazing the raptor on its leg. I quickly turned around, pointing my lance at it, the swirling storm of my lance just kept getting more chaotic, barely contained even.

"Mortar of the Souls, Divinity's Hell is the Eve of Humanity!!"

I thrust my lance—


A beam of wind hit the raptor's side, tearing its fur apart with its sharp wind blades, drawing more blood that made The Dino King chirp in agony.

That is not all! From the spot where I first stabbed my lance, electricity began to crackle— tracing its path toward The Dino King, shocking the raptor.

Yet it still stands, glaring at me with its golden eyes despite being heavily injured—

Then I remembered. A Jury of the Pale Court is split into two different entities, the Sinner and the Witness. There should be two...


I rolled to the side, avoiding a bipedal dinosaur that somehow avoided my detection until the last minute. How the fuck did it do just that?

The thing looks like a T-rex, but that would be too cliché. No, from its body shape, I realized it was probably an Allosaurus. Like the Troodon, it has white fur but bluish-grey skin beneath it, and golden eyes glaring at me.

Now, which one is the Witness and which is the Sinner? I can't tell.

The Allosaurus roared at me, I preemptively dodged out of the way in case of a beam. No, it was nothing of the sort.

As if a raptor shooting laser beams wasn't enough. This hypercarnivore summoned a greatswordno, it's more like a huge slab of iron stuck on a stick!!

It grabbed the sword with its mouth, and it ran towards me. I tried to run, nope, not facing something as absurd as an apex predator wielding a giant sword!

Who the fuck taught a dinosaur to use a sword?!

The trees didn't slow it down, as it just chopped down dozens with its sword. It only speeds up even more.

And the Troodon already recovered, hunting me down with renewed anger.

Aah! Fuck it. I threw Prydwen at the Allosaurus, turning it into its ship form— which only constituted it cleaving the ship in half. Then Agápi kai Pólemos at the raptor, which it dodged with ease.

I didn't even bother with my fancy chanting and summoned Ouroboros Omniscia. I quickly switched the position of my lance to my right hand and the coffin to my left.

"Gear Up: Imprisoned Arsenal, Ouroboros Omniscia."

Electricity crackles as the coffin morphed into a gauntlet. Just in time to clash against the claws of the raptor, knocking it away with an electrical shock.

Just in time for the gauntlet to create a shield twice my size, blocking the sword strike. Hrggh... I can feel the weight of the weapon, my legs caved under the strength of the Allosaurus, and the ground beneath me cracked and created a crater.


"Justice.", a blue spear made of Justice Mist shot at it from the side.

It canceled its attack, dodging the spear.

As I got up— I dodged an incoming attack from the Troodon. Then I got flung by the greatsword hitting my shield— I hit a tree square on.

When my calculations were completed, I realized that the Allosaurus threw the sword! It ran fast, stomping on the handle, flinging it into the air to grab it with its mouth and strike at me with a spinning slash.

I put my gauntlet down and activated the chainsaws to pull me away, narrowly avoiding the fate of the tree sliced in half. I will have a word with whoever taught a dinosaur how to use a sword.

It has only been a little over five minutes... I see no way of beating this pair... Dino King, you truly earned your title.

I scratched the ground, sending four flashes of electricity at them.

"In the Name of Humanity!", the lance awaken again.

I cannot run away from them, I can't even see a chance of beating them. So...


Hundreds of weapons formed above my head, blades, and barrels of blue Judgement.


Both of them disappeared, running faster than my eyes could see. Huh... I see, I think I have a way to protect myself.

I scratched the ground with my gauntlet, sending sparks of electricity around me to blow up the soil. I grinned widely.

"Deconstruct.", sparks of electricity went around me, seeping deep into the earth and spreading to the trees around me.

I can tell every single grain, vibrating and excited by the lightning. I can sense it all, I can see it all. This is Survive's trump card... the power to calculate the world.

I pressed down, sending chunks of dirt, stone, water, and wood, all into the air. Electricity crackling between the millions of pieces.

Ah... my nose is bleeding, I can't handle this much calculation for very long.


Around me, a fortress was being built. Stone is cut into bricks, water is mixed with soil and its materials to make binding agents, and wood is propped up to create the foundation. Eight layers were built simultaneously, taller and taller until it reached five stories tall.

All the while, I transformed Ouroboros Omniscia into its laser gun form. Hah...

I hope this can keep those things out. 

Humanity may have conquered the World, no place without our touch, no species we are incapable of killing. But what about the beasts of old? The dinosaurs who once changed the land with their steps?

This simply isn't a battle between man and beast, between me and a Herald. This is a fight between the strongest species of today against the strongest species in history.


I heard the noise, the Allosaurus was banging against the wall. And I can sense the steps of the Troodon hopping between the walls... this won't do.

I flicked my wrist, summoning my knife which I then threw up for my mouth to catch.

Just right in time as I heard a chirp coming from above, the Troodon was here... as it was free-falling, I aimed my laser gun at it!


A direct hit to the face, sending it tumbling down. Even then, the beam of light wasn't enough to make it fall over.

I whipped my head, sending the knife toward the raptor. It narrowly dodged, only getting the tip of its tail cut off.


Guns and blades formed around the Troodon, launching and shooting at it from all sides. In a choir of bullets and steel, its form was soon lost...

And I finally defeated it... seeing its form dissipate into motes of light.

But I also realized... the Troodon was not the Sinner, it was the Witness. This was way too weak.

And finally... the Allosaurus broke through the final wall. It roared.

I widen my eyes in horror... the Troodon reappeared on the apex's back.

I see why the Jury of the Pale Court is terrifying... if I want to kill them, I need to kill both the Sinner and Witness at the same time.

Yeah... that is a fucking cheat code.

I cannot outrun it, nor do I have enough power to defeat both at the same time. I—


Fuck it all!!

"I am Charlotte Silvi! Master of Mankind!!"

If you want raw physical might!! THEN I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU!!


Crystals began to grow uncontrollably around me, making both of them back off. Ouroboros Omniscia turned back to normal, crashing down beside me. I let go of both of my weapons.


Then it grew on my body, covering me in magenta and pink crystals. Fu... I want to go all out.


Break out of my crystal shell, my eyes are now glowing magenta, and my hair dyed pink.


Gauntlets and grieves made out of Euphoric Crystal and silver frame formed. A mask covering my mouth in the shape of a smile, teeth made of crystal, and form made in silver.





I appeared beside the Allosaurus, but it didn't even notice me. So I just punched it in the side, sending it crashing through several walls, and having them collapse on it.

I grabbed the neck of the Troodon, throwing it down.

Yeah... I am losing it.

Performing that much calculation must've fucked my brain. Even when my muscles are screaming, I can't stop, I can't.

Fighting the pull of Euphoria is pretty much impossible.


I will rampage.

The Allosaurus soon reached me, as if it just appeared out of thin air— it tried to strike me with its sword, which I caught, transferring all the energy into the ground and creating another crater.


It let go of the sword, and kicked me! Flinging me through several layers of walls. Okay... that fucking hurt!!

Okay, who the fuck taught a dinosaur martial art?!


I avoided another beam of light. Then I stomped the ground, creating a terrain of pink crystals. Even then, the pair just went after me as if nothing was wrong, the Troodon fired severals beams at me, which I blocked and dodged.

Then the Allosaurus—


I countered the sword slash with my punch, breaking my gauntlet but also knocking the sword out of the giant lizard's mouth.


I clashed my kick with its tail swipe, creating a shockwave that broke my greave and knocked the Allosaurus' tail away, staggering it for just a moment.

"Oh no you don't!!", I punched the Troodon away as it tried to ambush me, it looked like I just made the dinosaur disappear.


Time stopped for me, but with the Allosaurus here, it looked like the dinosaur was in slow-mo. Electricity crackles around me, and I found myself moving around the dinosaur, punching it a hundred— no, thousands of times—

From all sides, I was battering the Allosaurus— 

Then I realized, I already spent more than half of Euphoria's time limit. Desire's time skipping also affected my time limit... DAMMIT!!

"CLIMAX!!!", and I kicked the Allosaurus in the skull, punching a hole through its body.

Right away, I felt its presence disappear... and reappeared far away. I need to kill them both at the same time, which I probably can't.

But now...

My survival is guaranteed. I can finish this trial.

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