Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Trip to Hell (2)

Charlotte takes a trip down to the lower level, things are not as pretty as expected of Hell. Bugs made of magma fly around Charlotte, threatening to inject molten lava into her body.

Since they are so small, it would be difficult to aim and shoot them down, possibly damaging her body further. So Charlotte devised a plan.


The black goo oozed out of the crystal in her chest, but not her hands. They enveloped her whole body, even her face and hair. The clothes are consumed by Reverie, but that is a loss Charlotte can take. Charlotte did not allow the goo to take over the briefcase and the gun since it would be more useful to let the gun be itself. Plus, she still needs her ration to be in good condition. Though the Reverie does block her vision somewhat, so the goo covering her eyes becomes thinner, granting her the ability to see albeit a bit darker than normal. I might grow to like this.

One of the bugs flew towards her, not knowing the semi-physical form of human curiosity. It landed on Charlotte's shoulder and before it would even attack, the black goo consumed it and made the creature into a part of the suit. Charlotte did not even notice it.

The other bugs noticed something was wrong, but their limited brain did not consider the possibility further. They all rushed at Charlotte from all directions. Without a second thought, Charlotte whacked one of the Hell bugs in front of her with the gun and crashed down to the red stone floor.

With the suitcase on her left, she smashed it down onto two bugs that were too close to each other. One avoided getting crushed completely, so Charlotte stomped her feet flattening it. Many bugs tried to get past her Reverie barrier, only to be consumed by the curiosity of humanity. More and more were consumed, adding volume to the Reverie at a rate some droplets drooped onto the crimson stone below before returning to the central mass.

Her azure eyes moved once again, locking onto another bug. She waited for it to come, but seemed like it was a bit smarter than the rest as it held back, only watching Charlotte. She waited a bit to see what will happen. 

And so, they entered a staring contest. But Charlotte got bored quickly, so she threw the black goo at the bug with perfect accuracy. The goo quickly consumed the bug and splattered to the ground. Her eyes flashed a faint bright azure color. A smile creeps upon her face. Her heart beats loudly. She was excited. Still, she presses onward down the path to the lower level.

My precision is getting better...

"This feeling... it's my power... hehe...", Charlotte giggled.

This one feels very familiar... yes...

Charlotte remembered the first day she was awake when she felt the whole world around her. The instincts that came to her easily, her heightened senses, and the knowledge of just about anything.

"Akashic Survive... the collective knowledge of human survival."

Correct! Congratulations on awakening Survivors from their slumber! Hehehahaha! Never in my infinite knowledge would think that person is crazy enough to drag you into literal Hell! Funniest thing since I burned that man!!

You burn... who?

Oh, Adam Tell! Can't ever forget the face of the man who brought us so much suffering, watching as karma caught up to him was fun!!

Charlotte felt a bit suspicious. Reverie stated 'it' was the one that burned the Project Manager, not 'Charlotte'. Did Reverie take over my body?

Reverie, answer me a question. Did you take over my body?

Instantly and unexpectedly, Reverie answered.

Well~ not just me, but all of us! As I said, we, Akashic, are composed of eight aspects of humanity, we are essentially eight different Devils with our respective powers but blend well together at the same time! Isn't that cool?!? Well, that girl whom Oath is breathing down our neck is a whole different monster! Hehe, she is quite something to get that Prince on her side.

Charlotte stopped her steps. 

Do you know what Athen's Devil is?

I do! It isn't that hard to figure out when I am the collective consciousness of human imagination and curiosity!!

What is its name then?

I can't say! Not with the Oath still in effect! And you didn't ask!

You are right...

Charlotte was about to continue, but something clicked in her mind. Something was not right. She thought back to what Reverie said... how it steered to another topic.

Reverie, do you have the ability to take over my body again, or once all eight Akashics are unsealed?

We can, but that won't be an issue for you! Do you remember what Lucifer's host did?

She did a lot of things... I'm not sure what you are pointing out

Hehe, the Anima Pactum.

Those words made the memory of Silla's horrific look resurface, the black eyes with blood bleeding out of them, the draconic limbs and scales, and her smile which sent chills down Charlotte's back. 

"The Anima Pactum... what is it?", Charlotte spoke out loud unintentionally.

Hm? I wonder ~ hehe, you will find out when you trust us enough. And don't trust that woman, like, at all. The Fallen Angel's host is like himself, weaving doubts and setting seeds for chaos. She is messing with you for her amusement.

That was something Charlotte knew very well. I know.

You can use Anima Pactum to have a chance against that woman when you trust us! Trust the Records of Humanity! We only want the best for you, the very best~!

This time, Charlotte was the one who didn't respond. She continues down the pathway, also ignoring the questions from Reverie. A small payback, perhaps.

After a while, Reverie let out a huff.

Humans are always so petty... and I love it! I'll leave you to your device, be careful and have fun in Hell~!

Finally, alone, Charlotte focused on the scenery before her eyes. A land of crimson stone stretched to the Range of Comdemn, passed the Heresy River. Down in the field of stone, there are many firey Hell Hounds like the stray one. Charlotte can see eight visible ones, and... something else lurking in the distance.

The only way to describe the creature is a horrific interpretation of a human. Long skinny limbs as if they were just bones wrapped in pale skin, bald, black hollow eyes, and gaping mouth. A chill ran down Charlotte's spine, she saw it and it saw her. Charlotte could feel something rising out of her stomach, she could barely hold it in.

The humanoid monster walked on all four limbs, it came toward Charlotte albeit slowly. The Hell Hounds avoided the creature, making sure to circle behind it.

Even though she had a disgusted feeling about the creature, her senses were not warning anything. Charlotte moved, stepping towards the horrid monster. 

Closer and closer, the smell of putrid rotten flesh entered her nose. She winced in disgust, trying not to change her expression. Somehow, for some reason, the feeling of panic did not rise in her chest.

It and she stared at each other, her azure eyes and its empty eye sockets.

"Who are you?", Charlotte asked the creature.

It took a long minute to inspect Charlotte, not stepping closer than 5 meters away. With its horrid voice as if it was just a husk, it answered.

"C-Caalamiity of... Huumaaanityy... Faamiinee"

Calamity of humanity... 

Charlotte remembered what Silla said weeks ago, about a Devil named Pandora's Box. Having a bit of interest in that name, Charlotte did a bit of research on the net, she found out the things that were released are called 'Evil of Humanity' or 'Calamity of Humanity'. The Evil of Famine was not as Charlotte expected, it was more friendly than she thought.

"And I am Charlotte Silvi, nice to meet you.", Charlotte replied without a hint of disgust, she hid it very well.

The creature, Famine, tilted its head, "What are you?"


It tilted its head, "Huuumannn...? Then... why.. so broken?"


Charlotte tilted her head, wondering what it said. What does it mean by broken? Charlotte does not feel anything broken about herself, did it mean the scars from the Hell Hound? Or the cracked bones?

"Sssoouuuul... fraaagmeeennteed... iincooompleeettee....."

"Something is wrong with my soul?"

"Yeesss... broookeenn... reeecontrrrucctt... brokeenn aaagaaaiiinnn... reeecontruuucctt..."

"I see... thank you for informing me.", Charlotte nodded, "Moving on... are you a demon?"

"Noooo... I aammm.. a Caalamiittyyy... of Huummaannity... Faamiineee..."

"Where do you come from? I am from...", Charlotte went back to the files she read, "...Greece, I supposed?"

The instant she spoke the word 'Greece', Famine jumped back and screeched, "YOOOUUUU SHALL NOT SEAL ME!!"

This time, all the alerts in Charlotte's mind went off. Her instinct told her to get ready for battle. Her heart beats faster, cycling adrenalin throughout her body faster. Her eyes glowed blue as if they were producing a mystical mist.

"HUUUMAAANN!!!", Famine lunged at Charlotte, ready to end her.

She stepped to the side, avoiding it just by a hair length. Her gaze followed it, glued to the Calamity of Humanity even. It hunched down, almost falling to the ground.

Destroy. Kill. Delete. End our obstacle.

Those cold words whispered into Charlotte's mind removed all of her emotion. Disgust, is gone. Hesitation, is gone. Curiosity, is gone. All that was left was the drive to kill, to the point they could be shown through her eyes, sharp like a newly sharpened blade yet had gone through thousands of battles.

In a motion as if practiced, her gun aimed right at Famine's back. Taking into account the recoil, she pulled the trigger. 

The hammer of the gun hit the bullet inside, sending the bullet down the barrel. Charlotte swung her arm upward right as the bullet was about to exist. 

The bullet flew upward a little. Famine raised its head up to turn towards Charlotte. The moment it turned around, the bullet was already touching its forehead.

The result was clear, clean, and simple. The holy bullet pierced the Calamity's brain, it exploded from the inside and reduced the creature's head to nothing.

But it was not over just yet.

Even without a head, Famine still ran towards Charlotte albeit blind. The same thing happened again, Charlotte soundlessly stepped to the side to avoid the mad monster's hold.

Again, Charlotte aimed her gun at Famine, this time it's leg. Without hesitation, a bullet was sent towards it. This time hitting its spine.

The impact severed Famine, leaving it in two halves. The lower half vanished into dust while the upper is still clawing towards Charlotte.

Charlotte waits for it to crawl to her. With Famine's danger level lowered, Charlotte divided her attention to the pack of Hell Hounds circling her.

Dealing with about eight Hell Hounds will be difficult. The best option is to cull their number down.

Without a word, a part of the Reverie goo stripped itself from Charlotte to spread to the Hell Hounds. It latched itself onto five beasts before eating them away.

The remaining three, including a big one, turned tail and ran far away. Charlotte did not mind, the less trouble the better.

The unfortunate beasts growled in pain as cell by cell, filling in the inside, then turning them into more Reverie goo. Charlotte watches as they slowly sink to become a part of her goo, with no emotion and not much curiosity, just to confirm their death.

Her eyes moved back to Famine, it was getting pretty close so Charlotte put one final bullet into it.

A sharp noise emitted from its chest similar to shattered glass. Famine fell limp and vanished away in gray dust.

Only when the dust had gone away, Charlotte return to normal.

That was... familiar... welcome back, Survive.

As usual, there was no reply. But Charlotte did not mind much.

With nothing left to do, Charlotte watches the Hell Hounds scream in pain, waiting for it all to be over. She observed closely at the goo, which looked like it was dragging the hounds into the goo more than consuming it since tendrils seemingly wrapped themselves around the hounds before consuming them with the thicker layer of Reverie.

After 10 minutes had passed, Charlotte moved on again. She wants to find something interesting, something fun to do.


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