Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 38

Episode 38

“Do not disappoint the expectations of the Council.”]

[Player Kang Yoo-seong’s status within the force increases to “Agent of the Council”!]

[The Shadow Council is temporarily granting 100 “Shadow Puppets” to the Council’s agents! ]

Angels poured down from the sky with brilliance. However, the Shadow Council participating in the battle did not easily reveal their identity.

They simply hand over their puppet soldiers to agents who can carry out the will of the council.

It is not a type of familiar that can be permanently possessed like Kcamangi. After all, they are soldiers temporarily assigned to Yoosung in order to lead the sacred war to victory.

Otherwise, there would be no way to face the watchers of light pouring endlessly from the sky.

The heavenly army made up of the 9th rank angels, the 9th rank angels, was literally pouring in.

The holy light scattered by the angels swept across the earth, and the flames of the white phosphorus arrows fired by the elf archers faded away. A heavenly hymn rang out.

“The angels of the Lord are with us!”

“God wants it!”

“Kill the infidels!”

A cry filled with the madness of faith. Humans were climbing towards the walls of Tours in front, as if overwhelmed by the madness.

They paid no mind to the pouring molten iron or pure white flames above their heads. As if climbing the ladder to heaven.

The desert elves were no different.

“The Apostle of the Shadow Goddess is with us! “Brothers, do not give in!”

Each person cried out to the god they believed in and the clash began without even fearing death.

In the clash, Yoosung raised his head. Not as a player, but as an agent who commands the forces of the Shadow Council.

One hundred shadow puppets were waiting for Yoosung’s command.

Just as monarchs intervene in the world within the tower in various forms, so do powers. They can directly reveal their identity and exercise their skills, or they can give players the power of a force and an army to enforce their will.

Like right now.

The ground where humans and elves clashed was not a meteor battlefield. When I looked up, the angels' wings were suddenly engulfed in light, preparing to bombard me with brilliance. Toward the shadow that is the enemy of light and must be extinguished.

[The Shadow Lord bestows a buff, crow wings, to player Kang Yoo-seong!]

“A characteristic of the game is that it has the wings look.”

At the same time, wings made of dark-colored feathers sprouted from Yooseong's back. Immediately after, Yooseong kicked the ground and muttered.

One after another, black wings sprouted from the backs of the shadow puppets.

A meteor traversed the barrage of light, scattering the frost lord's magic. The shield of cold blocked the pouring bombardment and it exploded like an explosion.

Countless pieces of cold swords were slashed at the angels.

At the same time, Yooseong stretched out his arms. The ice bolt cold bullets used through the hero skill ‘Frostsmith’ were used all at once.

Suddenly, shadow puppets rushed among the angels, and immediately their bodies became strangely distorted.

Like black slime changing its shape at will, skewers emerged from the flesh and bones of the shadow. The shadow blade tore the angels apart like a hedgehog spewing out poetry in all directions.

The number itself is nothing compared to the endless number of 9-rank angels. However, the difference in power between the entities was more overwhelming than expected.

The light scattered from the sky intertwined with the darkness and was swallowed up. There was a dark cloud over the world, and that was right then.

“For the God of Light...!”

A sound was heard along with a roar.

The man was rushing in, spreading his wings of brilliance. Like Yoosung, it was a man wearing a black surcoat with a golden cross engraved on it.


Yoosung took a breath when he saw that outfit, but no. I was soon able to understand his identity.

“No, I don’t want anyone to think I’m a mangem, so I go around with wings like a dog or a cow.”

“I, Supreme King Philip, will not forgive you in the name of light!”

“Can you become a magical girl?”

The Supreme King, one of the three kings.

And he broke free from the bonds of man. It didn't take long for things to change.

[Warning: The 8th rank archangel descends on the body of the Supreme King!]

[Force: The Destroyer of Fire forges the sword of light with the flames of karma!]

Before you know it, the sword in the hand of the Supreme King and ‘Archangel' has turned blood red. was engulfed in flames. Yoosung was no exception.

[Force: The Frost Guardian forges the frost sword with the cold energy of Cocytus!]

Although it does not appear directly, the forces of fire and ice also exerted considerable influence.

The frost sword in Yooseong's hand began to take on an incomparable coldness.

The shooting star spread its black wings and rushed in, leaving behind the Shadow Puppet fighting the angels. The distance narrowed.

You may be thinking that there is such a difference between the 9th and 8th ranks, but it is definitely not a difference that should be taken lightly.

Among the angels that make up the ‘Watchers of Light' faction, the total number of angels between the 8th and 1st ranks is less than a hundred. However, the 9th rank angel is ‘a being that pours out every time the Lord of Light exhales' and is in fact no different from the mass-produced type.

Therefore, even if it was just a class difference, even if it was not a substance but only an incarnation, it could not be underestimated.

‘That doesn't make any difference.'

Glacier hell. Cocytus. As its name suggests, the frost sword in Yooseong's hand began to glow with an incomparable edge.

Likewise, the Archangel's sword, wrapped in fire, rushed in. Kaang: The swords clashed again.

The agent of fire and light was there. And the agent of cold and darkness was there too.

‘Oh my god, it’s a plague. ‘I tried to make a deck, but it ended up being a bunch of paper.'

I never thought aerial combat would emerge so quickly.

As the fight continued, Yoosung inwardly clicked his tongue at his own mistakes. Fortunately, I was able to use Shadow Blade from above using the Shadow Puppet, but I cannot use Raise Death and Blood Chain in this sky.

All they did was designate an assassination notice and mark the archangel with a death mark.

It was truly a final boss worthy of the name of Tier 7 Hard.

And it was only when Yooseong's body was covered in blood with the sword of fire and light that he finally struck a turning blow.


At the same time, it is an equipment skill embedded in ‘Golden Fanaticism’. The Archangel's shield activated and wrapped around the body of the late King.

Defends against a fatal blow once.

I knew it as soon as I saw it. The true owner of this black surcoat is the king filled with the madness of faith.

It is a circus that was blessed by the Angel Chi for devout knights during the temple, and it ended up being a disposable vessel that would be used and discarded for the arrival of the Archangel. It wasn't funny.

Immediately after, the Supreme King stabbed the sword of fire and light towards the shooting star.

Likewise, Yoo Seong's ‘Golden Fanaticism' activated the Chicheon's Shield and returned the King's strike to nothing.

They exchanged swords with each other. And each blocked the death blow with the Archangel's shield.

However, when the meteor's frost sword struck again, nothing could block the coldness of the sword. That was it.

[The Descending Body of the Supreme King and Archangel has been defeated!]

[The flow of history is distorted, and the player's historical equipment is also distorted!]

[The Shadow Lord shows his satisfaction and corrupts the “Golden Fanatic”!]

[Special Achievement : Achieved acquisition of Corrupted equipment! [Achievement points...]

A message came to mind. The heavenly light has faded.

The torn bodies of angels were falling endlessly toward the ground. The brilliance was enveloped in darkness, and the curtain of night covered the twilight.

There was no need to even say which side that would mean victory.

The war is over, and Yoo Seong's work in the world inside the tower has also come to an end. But it wasn't over yet.

A room at the top of the castle's castle.

“I first set foot on this land when I was kidnapped by humans.”

The Queen of Syria spoke while sipping wine that waved like a wave from a golden goblet.

“Awaiting the miserable end of being chained and having no choice but to become their plaything.”

“That is why, when you rescued me, I swore to the Shadow Goddess in front of the corpses of my compatriots. “The day I set foot in this holy land again will be the end of the Holy Kingdom.”

Saying that, the Queen of Syria looked out the window happily.

“And above all, I will make sure that their race pays the price of blood.”

“After all, there was frost on May New Year.”

“But now I’m just afraid.”

Nevertheless, the Queen of Syria muttered bitterly. Hearing those words, Yoosung asked.

“What are you afraid of when you’ve won everything?”

“Is the end of this war, this mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, the ending that the Shadow Goddess wanted?”

“Well, you don’t have to worry too much.”

Yoosung shrugged his shoulders calmly, and the Queen of Syria cautiously asked,

“Was this blood and death really the ending our goddess wanted?”

“Oh, that’s right. I was so happy and happy right now that I didn’t know what to do. As an apostle of God, I guarantee you that.” “...

Yes, I’m so glad you said that.”

Although the meaning was a little different from what the Queen of Syria thought, it wasn't a lie either. It was literally the 50% truth. There is no such thing

as a god in the world. There are just transcendental beings who are happy looking down at the bugs.

But don't bother scratching it . There was no need to make a fuss. That’s why Yoosung was silent. That was all.

“I’ll see you again.”

After a moment of silence, Yoosung said, taking out from his arms the necklace token of trust that the Queen of Syria had given him earlier. “

Yes, strangely enough, I had a feeling that I would do the same.”

The Queen of Syria smiled and answered.

Therefore, there was no need for grandiose words between the two. The shooting star fell silent, and the scenery of the world stopped. Afterwards, the history of the

tower, which was overlaid through the shooting star's activities, continued briefly, and the other Apart from the lock equipment, the loot from the tower began to pour in.

Still, nothing happened to the ‘token of trust' given by the Queen of Syria. As

I left the tower, the world of the game greeted me with a shooting star. With reporters gathered in.

“Breaking news! The King of Heroes has just conquered Tier 7 Hard for the first time in the season!”

“The cross pattern on the outfit has disappeared! Has there been a replacement for new equipment in the tower?”

“It’s breaking news again! Just now, the King of Heroes’ equipment has just been updated...

“No, it’s all breaking news.”

Yooseong muttered in bewilderment. He lowered his head. The cross pattern on the chest of his surcoat, which should have had a golden cross pattern engraved on it, disappeared. There was just a black surcoat without any decorations. “Ever


. “We are targeting the top more fiercely than ever throughout the season! Do you have anything to say about your heroic performance as a player?!”

Reporters raised their microphones one after another, and Yoosung was silent for a moment.

After the silence, Yoosung opened his mouth and the clown monarch's laughter rang out.

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