Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

102 - Snap back to reality

The fog dissolved, and David felt reality snap back into focus. He blinked, adjusting to the sudden influx of sensory information. Every nerve in his body seemed to be firing at once, his muscles twitching with newfound power and speed.

Whoa. This is... intense. I feel like I could dodge raindrops. Or catch them. Probably both.

He flexed experimentally, marveling at how fluid and responsive his movements were. It was like his body was anticipating his commands before he even gave them. As the last of the rainbow goop that had cocooned him during the evolution process dripped away, a chorus of shocked exclamations erupted around him.

"Sweet mother of--" Wally's voice cracked mid-sentence.

"Holy jumping--" Adam's eyes were so wide they looked like they might pop out of his head.

"Great googly moogly!" Gideon squeaked, his tiny paws covering his mouth.

Even Kozlov let out a surprised grunt, his usually stoic expression slipping for a moment.

David stretched, his new form unfurling like some kind of nightmare origami. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the powerful muscles ripple beneath his sleek fur. He could definitely feel the extra mass, and it was a bit strange to find his eye level a few inches further off the ground than it had been.

"Man, it's weird to feel air on my face again," he remarked, rubbing a wing over his newly exposed skin. "Forgot what that was like."

He took stock of his new appearance. His body was longer, more streamlined, covered in midnight-black fur that seemed to absorb light. His wings were larger, the membranes still patterned with the crescent moons he'd grown so accustomed to. His face, now mostly hairless, felt alien, the skin pale and almost translucent, stretched taut over sharp, angular features. He could feel his eyes, larger now, pulsing with an otherworldly glow.

Well, hello handsome. Or should I say, hello eldritch horror? Don't get used to it, world. One day soon I'll be snazzy, and there's nothing you can do to stop me anymore! Muahaha!

Curious about the others' reactions, David turned around. The sight that greeted him almost made him burst out laughing.

Claire was crouched nearby, her massive form hunched over in what could only be described as a grumpy sulk. Perched atop her head was a cluster of Cuddlebugs, but they looked... different. Their tiny bodies had transformed, mirroring David's new Deceiver form in miniature, except much fluffier. But what really caught his attention were the two new additions hanging by their rat-like tails from Claire's horns.

Claire's eyes narrowed as she met David's gaze. "Don't. Say. A. Word," she growled, though there was a slight hint of amusement beneath her irritation.

David couldn't help himself. He grinned, revealing a mouthful of fangs and needle-sharp teeth. "What's the matter, Claire? Got some new accessories?"

The dinosaur's tail thumped loudly against the ground. "I swear, David, if you don't get these... these things off me--"

"Aw, come on. They're just showing their affection. In a very... upside-down sort of way."

One of the hanging Cuddlebugs chittered happily, as if agreeing with David's assessment. It spun in place slightly, staring down at Claire while fluttering it's wings in a show of affection. Claire's eye twitched.

"I liked you better when you were just ugly," she grumbled. "Now you're ugly AND insufferable."

David struck a wide pose as he flared his wings, his new form casting an impressively ominous shadow. "Excuse you, I'll have you know I'm a certified ninja now. With a side of fabulous."

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling the fur of the Cuddlebugs on her head. "More like a ninja WITH fabulous. How did you manage to look both better and worse at the same time?"

David shrugged, a motion that sent ripples of shadow across his wings as the Advanced Camouflage tried to compensate for the ambient light. "It's a gift. Now, are you going to keep complaining, or do you want to see what this new body can do?"

Claire's eyes glinted with mischief, a rare smirk playing across her reptilian features. "Oh my, David. Are you propositioning me? Because I hate to break it to you, but I'd smash you flat. Literally."

David's newly enhanced brain short-circuited. His jaw worked soundlessly for a moment, eyes wide with shock. "I... what? No! That's not... I didn't mean... Claire!"

He floundered, wings flapping uselessly as he stammered. "You can't just...that's not fair! I was talking about sparring! Combat! Not...not..."

Kozlov exploded into uncharacteristic laughter that seemed to originate from deep in his belly. He smothered it quickly, but Wally and Adam were already staring at him as if they didn't recognize him. He composed himself quickly, offering a noncommittal shrug at the pair before turning his amused gaze back to David.

Claire's jaws gaped wide in what could only be described as extreme amusement. The Cuddlebugs on her head chittered in amusement, the ones hanging from her horns swinging back and forth like furry pendulums.

"Oh man," Claire wheezed between chuckles that sounded more like a lawnmower failing to start than laughter. "Your face! I didn't think you could turn that color anymore. Guess that new skin of yours isn't just for show."

David's pale face had indeed flushed an impressive shade of crimson. He sputtered indignantly, trying to regain his composure. "'re terrible. Absolutely terrible. I can't believe you just...Ugh!"

His dramatic huff only set Claire off again, her massive form shaking with laughter. The Cuddlebugs clung on for dear life, squeaking in what sounded suspiciously like giggles.

"Alright, alright," Claire finally managed, feigning wiping a tear from her eye with one stubby claw. "Let me get these little troublemakers off, and then we can see what your new 'fabulous nightmare' form can do. In combat," she added with a wink, sending David into another fit of embarrassed spluttering.

Gently shaking her head, Claire began the delicate process of dislodging her new 'accessories,' and David couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. He was stronger, faster, and arguably more terrifying than ever before. And he had a few new tricks up his non-existent sleeves.

As Claire finally managed to dislodge the last of the Cuddlebugs from her horns, David bounced excitedly on his feet, eager to test out his new form.

"Alright, you fat lizard. Let's dance," he grinned, dropping into a mock fighting stance.

Claire snorted, a plume of warm air ruffling David's fur. "Dance? More like 'try not to get stepped on.' I breathe too hard and you might end up as a bat pancake."

The others gathered around, eyes wide with curiosity. Wally was the first to pipe up. "So, uh, what's it like being a Sub-Adult? You get any cool new powers?"

David opened his mouth to answer, but Claire cut him off with a chuckle. "Yeah, like the power to turn into a tomato. Did you see how red he got earlier?"

"Claire!" David spluttered, feeling his face heat up again. "I swear, I'm going to--"

"Going to what? Blush me to death?" Claire teased, her massive tail swishing in amusement.

Gideon, ever the professional, interjected. "Fascinating. It seems the physical changes extend beyond appearance. The ability to blush suggests significant alterations to blood flow and dermal structure, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a medical marvel," David grumbled, trying to regain his composure. "Can we focus on the cool stuff? Like how I can do this?"

He suddenly lunged forward with incredible speed, aiming to dart off behind Claire. However, in his excitement, he slightly overshot his mark. His claws scrabbled for purchase on the ground as he tried to correct his trajectory, resulting in an undignified slide accompanied by a surprised squawk.

Claire turned her massive head, one eye regarding him with amusement. "Very impressive. I especially liked the graceful landing."

Adam snorted, trying not to laugh as his little trunk curled upwards in amusement. "Damn, that's some next-level speed. You're like a... really fast, slightly clumsy ninja bat now."

"Ninja bat with a built-in mood ring, you mean," Wally snickered, earning him a glare from David. The man dropped down on his front legs playfully in response, tongue lolling out as he barked with laughter.

Kozlov, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "The increased speed is notable, but control seems... lacking."

David picked himself up, brushing off his dignity along with some dirt. "Alright, alright. I'm still getting used to it. But check this out, I can create decoys now."

He concentrated, focusing hard on the idea of moving to his right. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, a shadowy figure flickered into existence. It was vaguely David-shaped, but that's where the resemblance ended. The decoy's proportions were all wrong, one wing comically oversized, the other barely a stub. Its face looked like it had been squashed and stretched, with eyes at different levels and a mouth that seemed to wrap halfway around its head on one side. As it attempted to move right, it wobbled drunkenly, its mismatched limbs flailing in a sad parody of coordination.

It almost seemed relieved when it dissipated a few heartbeats later.

David stared at his creation in horror. "Oh god, what was that?!"

The others couldn't contain their laughter. Wally was bent double, wheezing, while even Kozlov cracked a smile.

Claire's eyes widened in a mix of amusement and concern. "David, I think your 'decoy' might need medical attention. Or an exorcism."

"That's... that's not supposed to happen," David mumbled, his face flushing red again. "Let me try that one more time."

It took a few more attempts, each resulting in increasingly frustrated grumbles from David, before he finally managed to create a convincing decoy that moved left while he darted right.

Claire's eyes widened slightly. "Okay, that's actually pretty impressive. When you can get it to work, that is."

The others murmured in agreement, clearly intrigued by the display despite its initial fumbles.

"Alright, alright," Claire said, her tone softening. "You've shown off enough. What else can you do with this new form of yours? Besides impersonating a very confused shadow, that is."

David's excitement bubbled over, despite his earlier mishaps. "Oh man, there's so much more. I've got Pheromone Control, Advanced Camouflage, and...well, I'm still figuring it all out, to be honest. Picked up a bunch of Mutagens and a couple abilities too, but no free slots."

Claire shook her head, but there was fondness in her eyes. "Only you would stockpile shit you can't use yet with someone like Omega breathing down your neck..."

As the group continued to discuss David's new form and abilities, the atmosphere lightened. The initial shock of his transformation gave way to genuine curiosity and excitement. Even Claire, for all her teasing, couldn't hide her pride in David's evolution.

"You know," she said softly, when the others were distracted, "I'm glad you made it through okay. Even if you did come out looking like a rejected Halloween decoration."

David grinned up at her. "Aw, Claire. I didn't know you cared."

"Don't push it, bat boy," she growled, but there was no real heat in it. "Now, how about you show us what else this new body of yours can do? Without, you know, actually fighting me and becoming a David-shaped stain on the ground."

"Challenge accepted," David said, miming cracking his knuckles to hideous effect with his new body. "Prepare to be amazed! Or at least mildly entertained. Alright, tell you what. Here's a totally useless application of something, but might tickle your fancy, Claire."

Let's see if I can pull this off. If I can control my scent, maybe I can...

He closed his eyes, concentrating hard. For a long moment, nothing seemed to happen. Then, suddenly, both Claire and Wally's eyes widened to comical proportions. Their nostrils flared as they began to sniff the air intently.

Claire let out a low, rumbling moan that made David's fur stand on end. "Oh my god," she breathed, her massive head lowering to get closer to David. "Is that... no way."

David couldn't help but smirk. "What's the matter, Claire? Smelling something you like?"

Claire's eyes narrowed, but she couldn't stop herself from taking another deep whiff. "Shut up. I don't care what you say, this is amazing."

Wally, who was circling David excitedly, chimed in. "Dude, you smell like the world's best cup of coffee. How the hell are you doing that?"

Gideon's tiny nose twitched. "I can't really smell anything, does he really smell like coffee?"

Kozlov nodded, a rare look of approval on his face. "Strong coffee, too. Good trick, little bat."

Adam's trunk waved in the air, sampling the scent. "Definitely coffee. Man, I miss that stuff."

David puffed up with pride. "Pretty cool, huh? Watch this."

He concentrated again, and suddenly the scent shifted. The others reacted with varying degrees of enthusiasm as David cycled through different smells from memory, fresh-baked bread, ripe strawberries, even a hint of chocolate. He began to realize exactly how strong this Bonus potentially was as he shifted through them, each taking only a moment or two to come into effect.

"Okay, okay, enough with the olfactory buffet," Claire grumbled, though her twitching nostrils betrayed her interest. "What else can you do with this scent thing?"

David's expression turned more serious. "Well, it's not just about smelling nice. Its actually a pheromone thing. Supposedly for attracting prey and stuff."

He focused once more, this time channeling the ability as it was intended. A subtle shift occurred in the air around him. To most of the group, there was no discernible change. But Wally's ears perked up, and he took an unconscious step towards David before catching himself.

"Whoa," Wally said, shaking his head as if to clear it. "That's... that's intense. I suddenly felt like I needed to get closer to you. Not in a weird way, just...I don't know, like it would be a good idea somehow."

Claire's eyes narrowed, her head tilting slightly. "Nice try, bat boy. I can smell through your little trick. It's like... there's two scents layered on top of each other. The pheromone thing, and then your actual scent underneath."

David's bald snout wrinkles in surprise. "Really? That's impressive, Claire. I didn't think anyone would be able to detect that. Hrm. Guess it's not foolproof if the Sniffery is strong enough."

Gideon was practically vibrating with excitement. "David, do you have any idea what type of things you could do with an ability like that? Fake scent trails, hell man, you could copy the smell of whatever you're hunting to smell just like them. Most things can't really smell themselves, you know. Maybe you can talk to Pinchy! You know, insects communicate mainly through--"

David chuckled nervously. "Uh, maybe later, Gideon. I'm still getting the hang of it myself."

Claire snorted, the sound reminiscent of a falling rock "Yeah, let's not turn David into a walking science experiment just yet. Though I gotta admit, the coffee smell was pretty great. Think you could do that again sometime?"

David grinned up at her. "Aw, Claire. I didn't know you cared about how I smelled."

"Okay, it was funny the first time, but watch out," she growled, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Or next time I might just decide to see if you taste like coffee too."

David stuck his tongue out rudely and was forced to dodge a lazy mock bite from his enormous friend. He arched his back, snarling with faux viciousness as his fur rippled in mesmerizing patterns that bled into his wings before dissolving into laughter as he was finally dogpiled by the Cuddlebugs. The tiny summons, now slightly larger and covered in long, fluffy black fur, could no longer contain themselves as they swarmed over him squeaking in delight. David winced as their claws poked into his newly bald face, but grudgingly allowed it when they began to lick him furiously. Even the two empowered specimens perched contentedly on his back, two islands of calm amongst their fluffier brethren.

David bounced on his feet, wings twitching with excitement. "So, what do you say, Claire? Ready to go find some trouble?"

Claire's massive head swung towards him, her eyes narrowing. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

"Dead serious," David grinned, revealing his new array of sharp teeth. "Come on, it'll be fun! Plus, I need to test out all this new stuff. Can't let Omega catch me with my wings down, right? And when was the last time we got to do anything together? It's been...a long time, c'moooooon!"

Claire let out a long-suffering sigh that sounded like a rockslide. "Fine. But if we die, I'm blaming you."

"That's the spirit!" David chittered, already scanning the horizon. "Now, which way do you think we're most likely to find something big and scary?"

As Claire began to respond, David's attention suddenly shifted. He crouched down, using a sharp claw to scratch a strange symbol into the sandy soil.

"Hey, sorry, almost forgot. Quick question," he said, gesturing to the unfamiliar mark. "Any of you seen this before?"

The group gathered around, examining the symbol with varying degrees of confusion and interest.

"Hrmmm," Gideon murmured, his whiskers twitching. "It looks like cuneiform, but I can't place it exactly."

Wally tilted his head, tongue lolling out. "Looks like chicken scratch to me."

Kozlov grunted noncommittally, while Adam's trunk waved in bewilderment.

Claire's massive head lowered, her eyes narrowing suspiciously as she studied the mark. "Where'd you see that, David?"

"Oh, just on this new ability I picked up," David said casually, though there was a glint in his eye. "Something called 'Doom Blade.' Pretty cool, huh?"

Claire's head raised upward to stare into the sky, an air of defeat seeping out of her as she sighed. Her eyes closed, and she let out a groan that seemed to shake the earth.

"Doom Blade," she repeated, her voice a mix of exasperation and resignation. "You picked up an ability called Doom Blade? Of course you did."

She opened one eye, fixing David with a look that could have melted steel. "You know what? Let's go. Right now. Before you manage to pick up anything else that sounds like it came from a teenage edgelord's fantasy novel."

David pumped his wing in victory, nearly smacking Wally in his excitement. "Yes! Adventure time!"

As they began to prepare for their impromptu outing, Claire muttered under her breath, "I swear, David, one of these days..."

David flapped his wings, rising into the air with a newfound grace. His mind raced with possibilities, each more exciting than the last.

Oh man, this is gonna be awesome. Maybe we'll find a giant snake monster. Or a swarm of mutant wasps.

The Cuddlebugs swarmed around him, their tiny forms a blur of motion as they settled into their usual positions. He could feel their excitement mirroring his own through their mental link.

Glancing back, David saw Claire shaking her massive head, her eyes a mix of fond exasperation and resignation. She cast a final look at the others, who seemed torn between amusement and concern, before lumbering after him.

"Hey, wait up!" Claire called, her voice carrying easily on the wind. "If we're doing this, we're doing it smart. No rushing off half-cocked into who knows what."

David paused mid-air, considering her words.

She's right. Gotta be smarter about this from now on, remember? David 3.0 doesn't just rush in...he sneaks in with style and a plan.

"You're right, Claire!" he called back, as he cracked a fang-filled grin. "We'll do this smart. I'll scout ahead, you follow, and we'll tackle whatever we find together. How's that for a plan?"

He could almost hear Claire's eyes rolling, but there was a hint of approval in her voice when she replied, "It's a start. Just don't get too far ahead, bat boy."

David darted forward, reveling in the speed and agility of his new form. Behind him, he could hear Claire's heavy footsteps as she followed at a more measured pace. The contrast between them was almost comical, his sleek, shadowy form zipping through the air while her massive bulk trudged along the ground.

Man, this is great. New body, new powers, and a whole world of trouble to get into. Omega's Quest? Bring it on. We're gonna do this right this time.

As they set off down the mountain, David couldn't shake the feeling that this was a new beginning. His evolution was about to be put to the test, and he was determined to prove he could handle it.

Watch out, world. David 3.0 is coming for you, and this time, he's got a plan. Sort of. I have a plan to make a plan, and that plan will be...okay, maybe Claire can help with it a bit.

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