Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

113 - Domino effect

A few hours passed, the sun dipping lower on the horizon. David sat near the opening of the shelter, his wings wrapped around him like a leathery cloak as he pored over his newly reorganized Status. Claire's soft snores drifted from the lean-to, a comforting white noise.

A distant bark snapped him out of his focus. His ears twitched, swiveling to pinpoint the sound. Wally, probably. Which meant Kozlov, Gideon, and Adam weren't far behind.

David glanced back at his work, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "You know," he muttered, "when I got this fancy Advanced Status, I really should've messed with it more." He shook his head, chuckling. "And what was with my name being there? Like I'm gonna forget who I am looking at a menu only I can see. Real smooth, System."


Ξ Gloomshade Deceiver Ξ

Rank: D
















Aesthetic Refinement Mutagen C

Proprioceptive Enhancement Mutagen B

Metabolic Surge A

Leap C

Traits 4/4




Precisely manipulate high-frequency sound waves to see with more than just your eyes.

Multi-stage ability: Repeated uses against the same enemy may reveal weaknesses. Applies Combat Expertise, and may trigger an Echo.




+12% Damage, Stam Regen, Exp Gain at night.




Allows for rapid flight and gliding. Mild Stamina drain. (stam+)




Your form is small, weighing no more than 115lbs. (stam+)

Abilities 5/5




You emit a loud screech, damaging enemies in a cone. Low chance to inflict Stun, Deafened.

(20 Stamina, +X Overcharge, Ranged) Offense/Control.




A soothing melody that adds a greatly increased Regeneration rate to yourself and your allies for a short time.

(50 Stamina, 100% Increased Regeneration, 5 minute duration.) Restorative.


Doom Blade


Channel destructive Wildsoul energy into a melee strike that ignores all defenses. Failure to slay a stricken target results in severe backlash damage.

Extreme Stamina cost.


Nocturnal Strike


A quick, lunging attack that steals a small percentage of the target's Stamina.

(-3% Target Max Stamina on hit, 4' Range.) Offense/Control.


Nightshade Swarm


Call a swarm of tiny, nocturnal creatures that flit about, distracting enemies and spreading minor afflictions. Swarm size and debuff potency increase with Ability rank.

Mutagens 6/6


Ancestral Terror Mutagen


Your body deepens its primal bond, fortifying your strength and weakening the resolve of enemies that can perceive you. Your gaze may trap enemies in instinctive Terror.

Blood Memory: Inflicts Terror, causing enemies to hesitate, cower, or flee.

(+Offense, +Defense, +Control, Passive.)


Soporalytic Mutagen


Your attacks have a moderate chance to inflict paralytic sedation, inducing severe muscle spasms and rendering targets unconscious.

(++Control, Physical Passive.)


Secretive Mutagen


You become more elusive, making you harder to track and detect.

(-30% Detection Range, Physical Passive.)


Apical Mutagen


Assert your dominance, add bonus effects to Abilities dictated by Ability Type.

[Control: Drain a small percentage of Enemy Health and Stamina]

[Offense: Sunders a percentage of Enemy Defenses]

(+4 Health/Stamina, Control Passive. 10% Defense Penetration, Offense Passive.)


Corruptor Bloodline


Ancestral memory of venomous shadow-stalkers that move with preternatural swiftness, unseen. Afflictions you inflict fester and intensify. Provides intrinsic control of affliction delivery.

Corruptor's Touch: Release a small dart of liquid, inflicting applicable Status Effects on contact.

(+Speed, +++Control, Physical Passive.)


Caustic Miasma


Your body produces a corrosive, hallucinogenic compound that numbs targets while inflicting vivid hallucinations. Extended exposure may cause severe tissue damage.

(++Control, ++Offense)

His eyes skimmed over the display, lingering on the shiny new 'B' rank next to Flight. A goofy grin spread across his face as he nodded at the other slight increases.

Huh. Might be some kind of cap on how fast things level up after a point. Tied to Evolution? Level? Wave?

He rolled the possibilities around in his mind. If he had to bet, probably a mix of level and wave. The thought of waves brought back memories of his recent dream, Xi's cryptic warning about what was coming.

It's like a patch or something. Wave 1 was basically an alpha test. Or a really brutal demo.

David snorted, shaking his head. "Right, because the Overseers are totally running this like some indie game studio." He paused, a fragment of memory tugging at him. There was a game he used to love, never had time to really dive into... what was it called again? The name danced just out of reach, frustratingly close yet impossible to grab. Before he could chase the thought further, the sound of approaching voices reached his ears. Kozlov's deep rumble, Gideon's higher-pitched chatter, Adam's quiet responses. With a mental twist, David closed his Status. He turned slightly and reached out with a wing, gently nudging Claire's massive form.

"Rise and shine, lizard breath," he whispered, poking her scales. "The cavalry's almost here."

Claire stirred, one eye cracking open to glare at him blearily. "Mrrgh," she grunted eloquently. "Already?"

David grinned, patting her snout. "Yep. Time flies when you're passed out and I'm doing all the work."

Claire snorted, the blast of air throwing his ears back and filling his outstretched wing. "Keep talking, bat boy. I'll show you work when I sit on you."

As Claire began to unfold herself from her resting position, David's mind wandered back to his earlier musings. Waves, updates, games... it all swirled together in a confusing mess. But one thing was clear: shit was about to get real, and they needed to be ready.

The voices grew louder, Wally's excited yips now clearly audible. David squared his shoulders, pushing aside his philosophical bullshit for the moment. Whatever was coming, they'd face it together. For now, though, it was time to catch up with the rest of their motley crew and see what they thought about the other group in the area.

"Alright," he said, more to himself than to Claire, "let's see what kind of trouble our resident mad scientist and his merry band of misfits have cooked up this time."

Claire yawned hugely, her jaws stretching wide enough to swallow a small car. "Never enough sleep," she grumbled, blinking blearily.

David rolled his eyes. "Oh please. I'm not even supposed to be awake for three-quarters of the time we're hanging out. You're living the dream, Sleeping Beauty."

Claire's eyes narrowed, a low growl rumbling in her throat. "Watch it, bat boy. And for the record, it's Kozlov's merry band of misfits, not Gideon's."

"Excuse you," David retorted, puffing out his chest. "Gideon was the Summon League Champion in my dream. That's a well-respected imaginary title that was doubtlessly hard-earned."

Claire's snout shot forward, aiming to poke David over. But as she made contact, he poofed into smoke, the decoy vanishing. The real David stood a half-foot back, just out of reach, a shit-eating grin on his face.

For a second, Claire just stared. Then her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Oh shi-" David gulped, his mane floofing out reflexively, then tore ass away as fast as his legs could carry him.

Claire wriggled out of the lean-to with surprising speed for something her size, hot on David's heels. He could practically feel her breath on his wings as he sprinted across the Observatory grounds.

Just as David was wondering if he'd finally pushed his luck too far, Kozlov and the others appeared over the surrounding wall. Without missing a beat, David leapt into the air, hovering a few feet above Claire's reach.

Claire skidded to a stop beneath him, looking like she was seriously contemplating making a grab for him. David couldn't help but notice she seemed a lot more awake now.

Wally, finding the whole situation hilarious, sprinted over and started jumping repeatedly, trying to catch David like a dog after a wayward balloon. His teeth clicked together crisply at the apex of every leap, and he couldn’t help but be slightly impressed at the distance the wolfish man could bounce when he wanted to.

"Having fun up there?" Claire called, her tone dangerously sweet.

"Oh, you know me," David replied, trying to keep the nervous quaver out of his voice. "Just... hanging around. Giving you time to wake up, and definitely not fucking with you before you’re all the way awake."

Kozlov approached, looking tired but slightly amused. "I see you two are as lively as ever."

David's attention was drawn to Gideon, who was... riding his summon? The termite-looking thing had grown significantly since David had last seen it, now large enough to serve as a mount for the diminutive scientist.

Huh. Makes sense, I guess. It's probably his only real method of attack, so of course it'd level faster. Mental note: work on Nightshade Swarm more.

"So," David called down, still maintaining a safe distance, "how was your field trip? Discover any new and exciting ways for us to potentially die horribly?"

Gideon's eyes lit up, clearly eager to share whatever findings they'd made. But before he could launch into what was sure to be a lengthy explanation, Kozlov held up a huge paw.

"Perhaps we should discuss this inside," he suggested, eyeing the sky warily. "And David, you might want to come down now. I doubt Claire's legs will get tired before your wings do."

David glanced down at Claire, who was still watching him with predatory focus. "You promise not to maul me if I land?"

Claire's reptilian features twisted into what might have been a smile. "No promises, bat boy. But I might consider a temporary ceasefire if you make it worth my while."

"Deal," David said quickly, descending cautiously. "I'll tell you all about how I reorganized my Status. It's riveting stuff, really."

As his feet touched the ground, David couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Whatever Kozlov and the others had discovered, it was bound to shake things up. Kozlov had never cared if they discussed anything outside as opposed to anywhere else, so something must be off.

"Alright, folks," he said, clapping his wings together. "Let's head inside and see what kind of trouble we're getting into next."

Kozlov immediately trundled off into the lobby of the Observatory, his massive form casting a long shadow across the dusty floor. The fading sunlight filtered through the cracked windows, painting the room in a warm, golden glow. Everyone piled in after him, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. Claire, far too large to fit through the human-sized doors, simply sat close to the entrance, her enormous head filling most of the doorway.

David, ever the opportunist, attempted to squeeze under her face to enter with the others. His wings scraped against the rough concrete as he wriggled forward, the sound reminiscent of sandpaper on wood. Just as he thought he'd made it, Claire rested her head on him, smooshing him flat against the patio.

Claire faked another yawn, her hot breath washing over David and making him growl as he attempted to wriggle free. The action pressed him even further into the ground, squishing him into only a vaguely bat-shaped lump. "Oh, would you look at that," she drawled, her voice reverberating through David's entire body. "The temporary ceasefire expired. Think I'll take a nap right here."

The weight of Claire's massive head was overwhelming, forcing the air from David's lungs in a comical wheeze. He could barely move, his wings pinned uselessly to his sides. David's muffled protests were hilariously garbled, his voice distorted by the pressure and his face being smooshed against the ground. "Mmmph! Clrrrre! Gmt mff!" The vibrations of his attempted begging tickled Claire's scales, causing her to snort in amusement.

Kozlov sighed, turning to Claire. "Claire, please release David. We have an urgent matter to discuss."

Claire immediately lifted her head, her expression shifting to concern. David flopped like a fish for a moment before scraping himself off the floor and oozing into the lobby.

"Thanks, big guy," David wheezed, nodding at Kozlov. He then turned and hissed hideously at Claire, who growled back. Their mock aggression lasted only a second before they both snickered.

David's face grew serious as he turned back to Kozlov. "We've got some not-so-great news to share too. But you go first, big guy. What's got you looking like someone pissed in your cereal?"

Kozlov frowned, his massive shoulders sagging slightly. "We encountered the Owl."

David's wings stiffened. "The one that tried to turn me into bat kebab before I evolved? That Owl?"

Kozlov nodded. "Yes. However, they've...changed from your previous description. They appeared mostly rational during our interaction, with only a few concerning lapses."

"Changed how?" David asked, dread creeping into his voice.

Kozlov hesitated. "They've developed a third eye. Center of the forehead. Pitch black, very unsettling."

David's jaw dropped. "A third eye? What in the ever-loving fu-"

"There's more," Kozlov continued. "Their neck has elongated and thickened, they don’t resemble an owl quite as much now. Their coloration has also altered significantly. Darker, with unnatural patterns, based on your previous description."

David's mind raced. The Owl he'd tangled with had been grey, about as heavy as a person, with solid black eyes. This new description was... well, it was fifty shades of nope.

"That definitely sounds like a special Evolution…," David muttered. "And definitely not from one of the Overseers we know about. Unless Omega's branching out into body horror, but I doubt it."

Gideon piped up, his voice a mix of 'holy shit' and 'I wanna study it'. "It's fascinating from a scientific standpoint, but...yeah, no, it's mostly just terrifying."

David nodded, then turned back to Kozlov. "What did our feathered friend want? Last time we met, they tried to kill me, then recruit me, then kill me again. In that order."

Kozlov's frown deepened. "They claimed to be seeking information. About the Overseers, evolution paths. They showed particular interest in your encounter with Omega."

A chill ran down David's spine. "And you told them...?"

"Nothing of consequence," Kozlov assured him. "But their interest was...intense. Bordering on obsessive."

David ran a hand through his fur, his mind whirling. "Fantastic. So we've got a bat-shit crazy, definitely evolved Owl with who-knows-what abilities and a hard-on for Overseer gossip. Anything else? Did they ask for my digits or my blood type?"

Kozlov shook his head. "That's the extent of it. However, I suspect this may be a prelude to larger complications."

David sighed, his wings drooping. "Yeah, about that. We've got our own slice of 'oh crap' to share. Turns out, we're not the only survivors in the area anymore. And they're not exactly the 'let's be friends' type. At least I don't believe they are."

He launched into a brief explanation of Azanah’s appearance, their confrontation, and her hurried departure after a quick name drop and some veiled threats in response to her own attempted head-games. The massive bear listened attentively, pausing him for a moment to ask a few questions when he reached the point in the story where she signaled her companions to reveal themselves before allowing David to continue.

Kozlov nodded, his massive frame shifting slightly as he processed the information. "I've been reasonably sure that as time passes, more survivors would spread out and explore. It's a natural progression." He paused, his brow furrowing. "What concerns me is their apparent lack of friendliness. I'm torn between respecting their audacity in confronting you two, and being wary of their immediate honesty about prior plans. It's... a bit unusual."

David snorted, his wings twitching irritably. "Yeah, 'unusual' is one way to put it. I'd go with 'sketchy as hell,' but maybe that's just me."

Claire's head swiveled towards Kozlov, her scales scraping against the doorframe. "Why did the Owl let you go? Doesn't seem like the type to just chat and run from what David said about him."

Adam stepped forward, his bristly fur catching the fading light. His elongated snout twitched as he spoke, always reminding David of a bizarre mix between a wild boar and a stubby elephant. "It didn't seem to care about us at all, really. Just wanted to ask questions. Once it ran out of those, it just...flew away. Didn't even bother with a goodbye or anything."

David's ears perked up at this. "Wait, seriously? No threats? No creepy stare-down? No recruitment pitch for Evil Dark Badness Inc?"

Adam shook his head, his tusks glinting. "Nothing. It was like we ceased to exist the moment it got what it wanted. Well, as much as it could get, anyway."

Gideon piped up, his small form almost lost in the shadows of the lobby if not for the constant clicking from Pinchy. "I'd say they’re definitely unhinged, but not in the way we initially thought. It's more...dangerously focused. Like it's operating on a completely different wavelength from the rest of us."

David sighed heavily, rubbing his wings over his eyes in frustration. The leathery membrane of his wings rasped against his fur, a sound that usually soothed him but now just added to his irritation. "Great. So the crazy bird-man is still hanging around, only now he's got an extra eye and a mission. Fantastic."

Kozlov's deep voice rumbled through the room. "This development, combined with your encounter with the new group…it’s not optimal, if I’m being honest."

"Oh joy," Claire drawled from her position at the door. "I can't wait for the neighborhood block parties and potlucks. I'll bring the mystery meat casserole."

David couldn't help but chuckle at that, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. "Yeah, and I'll whip up a batch of my famous Gloom cookies. They're to die for. Literally."

Wally, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly perked up. "So what do we do now? I mean, we can't just sit around waiting for the next weirdo to show up, right?"

All eyes turned to Kozlov, who seemed to be deep in thought. After a moment, he spoke. "We need more information. About the Owl, about this new group, about any other survivors in the area. Knowledge is power, especially in our current situation."

David nodded, a determined glint in his eye. "Right. So, reconnaissance missions? Scouting parties? Please tell me we get cool codenames."

Kozlov's lips twitched in what might have been the ghost of a smile. "We'll discuss specifics shortly. For now, I think we all need to rest and process this new information. I’ll work on a response for now."

As the impromptu meeting wound down, Kozlov motioned to Adam, the man following with a resigned grunt. "We'll start on a preliminary plan," Kozlov rumbled, his massive form already moving towards the makeshift 'office' they'd set up, not wanting to waste the already fading light.

Gideon and Wally, both looking utterly drained, exchanged a glance before flopping dramatically onto the lobby floor.

"Nope," Wally yawned, his canine teeth flashing dramatically. "Not going outside. Sky's got owls in it."

Gideon nodded in agreement, already curling up on a dusty cushion. "Indoors. Safe. No birds. Pinchy, watch the door, would you? Good Pinchy." The insect clicked it's mandibles together protectively, placing itself between Gideon and door with single-minded determination.

David chuckled, shaking his head at their antics. "Alright, you two. Try not to snore the place down." He turned to Claire, who was still blocking most of the doorway. "Guess that leaves us with the lean-to, big girl. You coming?"

Claire nodded, backing out of the entrance with surprising grace for something her size. "Lead the way. I could use some fresh air that doesn't smell like five people's breath."

As they made their way back to their makeshift shelter, David's mind was still whirling with the day's events. He settled into his usual spot atop Claire's scales, the familiar warmth a comfort against the cool night air.

"You should get some sleep," Claire rumbled, her voice vibrating through David's entire body once again. "I'll wake you if I start to nod off."

David yawned, his wings stretching wide before wrapping around himself like a leathery blanket. "You sure? I can take first watch if you want."

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling David's fur. "Please. Like I could sleep after all that. Besides, someone's got to keep an eye out for any more electric ferrets or three-eyed owls."

David chuckled softly, already feeling the pull of sleep. "Fair enough. Wake me if anything exciting happens. Or if you come up with any good puns for tomorrow's strategy session. I've got a reputation to uphold, you know."

As he drifted off, David's last coherent thought was a jumble of potential wordplay. What would tomorrow bring? More importantly, how many puns could he work into their inevitable strategy meeting?

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