Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

83 - The cuteness

–Would you like to redeem your Token?–

David grinned as he mentally confirmed his choice to use the Random Ability Token. The now-familiar rush of energy coursed through his body, accompanied by a faint tingling sensation that always made his fur stand on end. As the glow faded, he eagerly scanned his Status screen to see what new ability the Token had granted him.


–Nightshade Swarm: Call a swarm of tiny, nocturnal creatures that flit about, distracting enemies and spreading minor afflictions. Swarm size and debuff potency increase with Ability rank.–

David's eyes widened as he processed the implications.

A Summoning Ability? I uh…I didn't expect that, honestly. Probably has an obnoxious Stamina cost attached to some cloud of bugs or mosquitos or something…ugh…why does the universe conspire to make me terrifying? Omega, is this like a cosmic joke or something? At least they can use some afflictions, that's an upside. Pretty much confirms that User summons aren't entirely random though, which makes sense. If it gave me something that can't see in the dark I’d have just sold it off instantly for being useless.

"Alright, let's give this bad boy a try at least, if it sucks I'll just sell it anyway," he said, rubbing his wings together in anticipation after unwrapping himself where he hung off the ledge. Focusing his mind, David activated the Nightshade Swarm ability for the first time.

Instantly, a wave of dizziness washed over him, and he had to cling to the ledge with all his might to avoid plummeting to the ground below. His vision swam, and for a moment, he thought he might pass out, drawing out a snarl of concentration. But just as quickly as it had come, the lightheadedness faded, replaced by an odd sensation of connection, like invisible strings tying him to...something.

David's ears twitched as he heard the sound of tiny claws scrabbling against stone, and sudden, curious chittering noises from above him. He swung around and looked up, his keen eyes scanning the roof of the observatory.

There, emerging from a small gap in the weathered brick, was a swarm of tiny, black shapes, each one no larger than a kitten. They poured out of the opening in a writhing mass, their high-pitched chirps filling the air as they scurried down the wall towards him. David watched in amazement as they approached, their tiny bodies wriggling and bouncing with each step.

As the creatures reached him, they began to clamber onto him, their tiny claws finding purchase in his thick, dark fur. David could feel them nuzzling against him, their soft, fluffy bodies tickling his skin as they made themselves at home. A quick headcount as they hustled over revealed he’d summoned about a dozen of the tiny things.

"Oh my god," he breathed, reaching out a wing to gently stroke one of the tiny creatures as he continued to hang placidly from the Observatory. "You guys are the most adorable things I've ever seen!"

The creature he'd touched let out a high-pitched squeak of delight, its tiny eyes closing in bliss as it leaned into his touch. Its fur was the softest, most velvety thing David had ever felt, like a cross between a cat’s belly and a chinchilla's coat. He couldn't resist scooping it up and bringing it closer to his snout, marveling at its delicate features.

The creature's face was round and pudgy, with oversized ears and a tiny, button nose. Its eyes, when it opened them, were huge and shimmering, reflecting the light like polished amethysts. It let out another squeak, its tiny mouth opening to reveal a minuscule pink tongue that darted out to lick the tip of David's nose.

"Spooky, you could learn a few things from these guys," David cooed, rubbing his snout against the creature's belly. "You're just too cute!"

The other creatures, not to be outdone, began to swarm over him, each one vying for his attention with adorable chirps and playful nips. They scampered across his wings, nestled in the fur of his chest, and even perched atop his head like a living, wriggling crown.

David spent the next 20 minutes utterly entranced by his new companions, playing with them and marveling at their cuteness. He dangled bits of debris for them to bite at, scratched behind their ears until they practically vibrated with pleasure, and even engaged in a mock-fierce game of tug-of-war with a particularly feisty individual using a small twig that it had brought to him in a bid to outdo the others. To David's shock, Spooky seemed to be…happy about the interaction with the tiny summons, though he stomped hard on the irrational urge to assert his authority by eating one of them.

I have to show them to Claire! She’ll lose her mind, the only Summons we've seen so far have all been kinda ugly. The monkeys were nasty, and Gideons termite-thing isn't exactly winning any beauty pageants. I almost don’t want to make them fight anything, but…eh, it'll work out.

With a final affectionate pat to each tiny head, he gathered the cuddlebugs close to his body and launched himself from the ledge, gliding back down to the ground with his living, chirping cargo.

"Just wait until Claire sees you guys," he chuckled, imagining the look on the massive reptile's face when confronted with such concentrated adorableness. "She's going to love you guys!"

The creatures chirped in agreement, their tiny voices blending together in a harmonious chorus as they clung to David's fur while he drifted down and out of the shadow of the building, angling back toward where Claire still lounged in a shade. She was now surrounded by a growing pile of storage crates, and David grinned slightly as he saw that a few of them very clearly had enormous tooth-marks on them from where she'd moved them around herself.

As David glided down towards Claire, the cuddlebugs clinging to his fur like adorable, living decorations, he couldn't help but grin at the thought of her reaction. Claire was about to be confronted with a swarm of the most adorable creatures imaginable. It was going to be priceless.

But as he landed a short distance away, wings kicking up a small cloud of dust as he touched down, David was surprised to see Claire's eyes widen. Not with delight, but with sudden, instinctive terror as she gasped and flinched away from him. Claire let out a startled hiss, her massive tail lashing behind her as she scrambled backward, nearly toppling the pile of crates she'd been lounging against.

"Rats!" she snarled, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and disgust. "David, why the hell do you have rats all over you?!"

David blinked in confusion for a moment before realization dawned. Of course, Claire's phobia of rodents. He'd forgotten all about it in his excitement to show off his new summons.

But before he could explain, the tiny creatures reacted to Claire's hostility. They rose from David's fur in a flurry of flapping wings and angry chirps, forming a protective cloud around him. Their tiny faces, so adorable mere moments ago, were now contorted into fierce little scowls as they chittered and hissed wickedly at the perceived threat to their master.

Oh wow, they went from ‘cute’ to ‘horrifying’ in like two seconds. Damn, they’re really ugly when they snarl like that, I think I like it better when they're chill and cute. Gideons bug did that too when I tried to pet it, except it was never cute to begin with. Maybe they're all really protective like that until you raise the rank? …Does that mean I can have a big swarm of fluffy cuteness?!

Claire's eyes widened even further as she took in the sight of the flying swarm. "Wait... those aren't rats," she said slowly, her posture relaxing slightly. "David, are those... bats?"

David couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden shift in Claire's demeanor. "Not quite, but close enough. They're my new summons, courtesy of a Random Ability Token. I’ve been thinking of them as Cuddlebugs."

At the sound of their name, the Cuddlebugs' aggression melted away, replaced by a chorus of delighted chirps. They flitted around David's head, nuzzling against his cheeks, playfully tugging at his fur, and he winced slightly as the feisty one hung protectively from his ear, still hissing and spitting at Claire.

Claire's expression morphed from wary confusion to utter enchantment. "Oh my god," she breathed, leaning closer to get a better look. "They're... they're…ohmigawd!"

David grinned, reaching up to scoop a wingful of Cuddlebugs from the air. "You want to hold them? They're super friendly as long as you aren't being scary, I promise."

Claire hesitated for a moment, a flicker of her earlier fear passing across her face. But as she watched the tiny creatures snuggle contentedly in David's grasp, she couldn't resist. With a careful, almost reverent movement, she lowered her massive head, bringing it level with David's outstretched wing. The Cuddlebugs, sensing a new playmate and David's mental approval, immediately swarmed onto Claire's snout. They scampered across her scaly hide, their tiny claws finding purchase in the nooks and crannies of her armored skin. Some nestled in the folds of her frill, while others dangled from her short horns like living, chirping ornaments.

Claire's eyes drifted shut in bliss as the Cuddlebugs explored her face, their soft fur and gentle touches almost unbearably sweet. A deep, rumbling purr began to emanate from her chest, a sound David had never heard her make before. It seemed to go on forever, changing in pitch only slightly in time with her breathing.

Damn, I really wish I had a camera right now. That's not something you see every day, although I have a feeling it's going to be a frequent request now. Hah! She looks like she's posing for a greeting card from nightmare-world or something.

"This is the best thing ever," Claire murmured, her voice soft and dreamy. "I could stay like this all day, they're sooooo soft."

David couldn't help but agree.

Seeing Claire, the mighty and fearsome beast, reduced to a puddle of happiness by a swarm of adorable bat-creatures was a sight he knew he'd treasure forever. But the moment was suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps and a familiar voice. David turned to see Gideon emerging from the observatory, his insectoid companion skittering along beside him as it tirelessly dragged a crate behind it. The small, poofy man froze when he caught sight of David, an odd expression flickering across his face. He sat in total silence, not blinking, and barely breathing as the wind tugged at his pristine white fur.

Then, to David's utter bewilderment, Gideon's face split into an extremely guilty grin. "I'm so sorry about this," he said, his voice laced with barely suppressed laughter. "But... David! Our eyes have met, and now we must battle!"

David blinked, his mind momentarily blank as he tried to process Gideon's words. But then, as he took in the mischievous glint in Gideon’s eyes, realization dawned. It was a reference, a playful callback to a game they'd both enjoyed in their previous lives.

A slow, answering grin spread across David's face. "Gideon," he said, his voice mock-serious as he straightened to his full height. "I accept your challenge. Nightshade Swarm, I choose you!"

And with that, the tension of the moment dissolved into laughter, playful taunts, and dramatic calls for attacks that simply did not exist. David and Gideon fell into a familiar rhythm, their respective summons chittering and skittering around them in a whirlwind of adorable chaos. Claire, still blissfully covered in about half the Cuddlebugs, simply watched with a bemused expression, content to bask in the absurdity and joy of the moment.

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