Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Eight-Two: Emotionally Supporting a Goddess (Illustrations!)

The Spoiler Box is SFW!!!!!

We left Harold’s mansion via carriage, but Percival took a second one to give us privacy. Dineria placed her seals as we set off, letting us discuss everything.   

Nimyra deserved to know it all. We were a crying mess when we arrived.     

“I know you’re tired, sweetie,” said Dineria when we entered Nimyra’s apartment. “But you need a bath. You’ll feel much better. I promise you will.” Our mentor took Olga to clean up while Nimyra readied a late-night dinner. It was probably closer to dawn than dusk.     

Olga was covered in dirty grime, yet the little girl who emerged into the kitchen looked foreign. She really was a cute child. Olga's soft hair cascaded around her neck as she ran to Merka in that vibrant sundress Nimyra had found in her closet. She had no idea where the children’s clothes came from, but she had so many outfits that it was impossible to tell. It was probably a gift from one of her many suitors.     

“I’ve never seen someone so attached to a spirit like that,” said Percival, who had forgone his slender armor for a suitable tunic. It was in his [Dimensional Storage].     

“That’s because Merky reminds me of my brother!” Olga proudly said from his lap. She was eager to follow it if it meant she wouldn't be separated from Merka. However, it wasn’t that big of a lie, if any. Her family was gone. Merka was her brother. He didn’t look the same, but this new Merka did remind Olga of her brother. Because he was her sibling.    

Percival needed to be coerced by Nimyra to sit at the table. She apologized for the 'lacking' meal. “Nonsense. Eating food prepared by the beautiful Queen of Night is an honor. I’m sure many men would give the world over to trade places with me for the next hour.”   

It was sausage and eggs… It was always sausage and eggs… Yet... If it wasn’t the most delicious sausage and eggs I had ever eaten… A certain fox-eared singi was enjoying it more than I realized.     

“It’ good...”    

“Haha! I’m glad. Eat up, Momo. There’s plenty more. I’m not sure what golems eat, Merka. Forgive me for not having anything prepared.”    

Please don’t apologize, Ms. Nimyra. I’m fine. We don’t require food. Servi’s skill energy is all I need.    

“The food’s really yummy… Thank you, Ms. Nimyra!” Olga’s cheeks were stuffed like a squirrel’s.     

“Aww… Aren’t you adorable! You’re very welcome, my dear. Ah, but don’t eat too quickly. You don’t want a tummy ache.”    

“Okay, I won’t.”    

“It is certainly delicious,” said Albert, who emerged upon our arrival. Fisher remained in the ring. He didn’t want to leave.     

Itarr, however, was still distraught. She had a lot on her mind. The goddess wanted to talk with the elves. She didn’t know how to approach, yet that wasn’t an issue because they sensed something was amiss.  Ni-Ni asked if we wanted to join her and Dineria in the bath.     

Albert sent a message. Fisher manifested a second later.     

That’s the benefit of being a woman.     

We followed the elves to the bathroom a moment later. “I figured this would happen, so I drew another after Olga was finished,” said Dineria. We entered the tub after undressing. No one seemed surprised by how accurately Itarr was anatomically like me. The warm water was so relaxing. It could melt the densest stresses—just like it did for Itarr. She broke apart almost right away and collapsed like a building. Everything she wanted to vent exploded from her chest. Nimyra hugged her clothes. Momo and I held her hands, rubbed her back, and let her talk.     

“You were shaking, Dineria. You’re scared of me, aren’t you... I... I did that... The mountains are gone because of me... I...”    

“I...” Dineria closed her eyes, then took a deep breath. “I won’t lie. My body reacted before my mind. But no, Itarr. I am not afraid of you. I’m not scared of you,” confirmed the elf, saying what Itarr wanted to hear. “I wouldn’t be this close if I was scared. You’re not going to hurt me or anyone else.”    

“Why...did it have to happen like this? My manifestation shouldn’t have happened like this. Innocents died... Those souls are gone... There isn’t a trace... Nothing can bring them back... I know... I must get strong, but I can’t stop feeling like this. I want to change... I’m a goddess, so why do I feel so useless? I don’t know what I can do. Or even what I should do. Oskar and Patty... The others shouldn’t have died. I should’ve saved them...” Itarr tightly formed two fists. She gritted her teeth. “I... Servi, you want to fight for those who don’t have the strength to defend themselves. But I want to live for those who couldn’t. I want to live for the children that died. I can honor them that way, right? Please say I can!” She cried into my chest. I hugged her, not failing to notice how fragile she felt.   

“You can,” I whispered. “We’ll do it together.”    

“Don’t forget about me.” Momo rubbed Itarr’s back and offered her support. “I want the same thing. This power... I don’t understand it.” Momo summoned her mirror. It danced around until landing on Nimyra’s shoulder. “I know it’s something amazing, though. I think I only have it because of you.”    

The tips of Nimyra’s ears wiggled from happiness.     

“It won’t be easy,” said Dineria.    

“She speaks the truth,” added Nimyra. “Come. Would you let me wash your hair?” Itarr nodded, sniffling while she moved over. The Drow Elf lathered her fingers and scrubbed her soft, gorgeous hair. Dineria did the same for Momo and me. It kinda felt like we were kids. “Time heals all wounds. To proclaim that you’ll feel better within a year or two is a falsehood I will not subject you to.”    

“...” Itarr whimpered.    

“I’ve been the sole survivor more than once. I’ve had to kill to survive. The nightmares vanish for a decade, and then they return. But I didn’t have anyone. Now I do, but I didn’t back then. You’re different. You’re surrounded by those who cherish you, so it’ll be okay. You’re strong. Your vow is a heartfelt one. It’s noble.”     

Itarr’s shoulders shook, but Nimyra wasn’t done. The aged elf had experience in spades, and she saw someone who needed advice more than ever. How ironic was it that she emotionally supported someone possibly known as the Primordial Goddess? Momo met my eyes—we had thought the same thing, but her lips were shut.     

“You must never clam up. I’m not saying you must speak to everyone, but refusing to acknowledge your feelings and burying them deep is not how you do it. The pressure builds, Itarr. When it explodes, you’re not the only one who’s going to be affected. It’ll hurt the ones you care about. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You must be innately aware, or you wouldn’t have been so open. I’m proud of you. Some people go their entire lives without learning that. So... That’s why I know you’re going to be fine. You might stumble. You might fall. It might seem like all things are hopeless, but they’re not. Just... Promise me you’ll remember that. Ah, hold your breath. I’m about to dunk you.”   

Nimyra gently lowered Itarr’s head into the water, scrubbed her hair a little more, and raised her. The water carried away the soapy suds.     

“I... Thank you…” Itarr's voice was weak. She hugged Nimyra. The topic altered to Itarr’s body—a happier topic because we focused on her new sensations. If the soul world had a breeze, it wasn’t strong. It didn’t have the same smells or sensations. So, this was new for Itarr. She hadn’t had a chance to focus on it because of the obvious.     

Honestly? We’d probably need a few days to process it all. An immortal’s mind wasn’t immune to overburden or overloading. Momo once said sleeping was a way for the brain to process what it experienced. We needed that more than ever.    

Dineria dunked Momo and me before it was time to get out. The topic switched to Fisher and what I forced him to endure. Nimyra learning about Sakdu was a shocker. She didn’t know Canary’s destruction was that close. Her feelings for the former lieutenant conflicted. Dying for his sins was one thing, but being repeatedly put to death by a kobold who made it his life mission to get revenge? The same one partly responsible for monotonia?    

So much anguish had been developed from hatred.    

Nimyra agreed that we didn’t need to say anything. Fisher was already tormented enough by his mind. I said it before, but kicking him while he was already at his lowest…while he had already been punished…    

No one regretted his actions more than him.     

He probably hated me. I took away his death, but I didn’t regret it. I’d trade his life for Momo any day of the week.     

He’d have an immortal’s lifespan to repay his sins unless Itarr discovered a way to remove the ring. She didn’t know if that was possible. Itarr tried to showcase a happier façade by telling us how she wanted to improve the phones. I had told her about multimedia messaging and thought it was interesting. Video calling and customizable ringtones were on her list, too. She felt nothing was impossible. Her tinkering increased her understanding while enhancing her creative desires.    

“I...felt so accomplished when the voice feature worked. It didn’t work for the longest, but... It just worked, I guess. It clicked.”    

“Voice?” Nimyra was confused as she dried Momo’s hair. Itarr called my phone. The two elves slightly jumped at the odd, sudden noise. I answered it. My goddess’s voice came through after I put it on speaker.     

“Our blood changes the Skill Tablet,” said Itarr. “We’re connected. Our voices will always reach the other.”    

“That’s astounding...”    

Dineria dried Itarr’s hair. She told her not to use the ring since having someone else do the drying felt good. “Those creative urges aren’t there anymore. I look at the phone, but it...”    

“That’s normal, sweetie,” said Nimyra. She dressed while Momo slipped on her pants. Like her shirt, it was tight. Whatever happened hadn’t just changed her ears and tail and gave her a mirror. She was curvier in the chest and hips. Her tail barely fit the hole, so that had to be adjusted.     

Those issues weren’t severe. Momo said it was only slightly uncomfortable, but it wasn’t a big problem since she could take a knife to the hole.     

We left the bathroom after getting dressed and found Percival asleep in the living room. Merka was playing with Olga using toys he crafted from his body. Dineria grabbed her stuff and said she had to go home. “I’ll tell Claire you’re safe, okay? She’s asleep. I doubt anything could wake her. She’ll probably be over bright and early in the morning. The poor thing's been running herself ragged with worry.”    

“What about the guild?” I asked. “Is she working tomorrow?”    

“Does it matter? She’s scheduled for the morning shift, but I’ll force them to give her the day off.” Dineria’s smile was...convincingly cold. “They can’t deny a request from me. Not if they know what’s good for them.”    

“Wow... That was kinda icy...” Momo said. The elf’s grin made me shiver.    

“Dineria’s very passionate about the ones she cares about—as I’m sure you know, haha. Take care, sweetie. Be safe.”    

“I will.” My mentor hugged and kissed our foreheads as she said her goodbyes.     

“Now... About you two. I’m sorry it’s so late, but can you follow me?” Nimyra escorted Merka and Olga to their room.     

“Wow… It’s so big… Ah, Merky, look! That bed is huge!!!”    

Thank you again, Ms. Nimyra.     

“What kind of host would I be if I didn’t do this much? You’re very welcome. I’m right down the hall, okay? Servi’s room is right there.”    

“Don’t hesitate to get us if you need anything,” I added. “Look, she’s already asleep.” Olga’s exhaustion hit her like a speeding carriage—she was out the second her head touched the pillow.    

We closed the door and returned to our room, where we found Albert and Fisher. “Hmm...”    

“What’s up, Ni-Ni?”    

“Your tail... I know you said it’s fine, but... I might have something...”    

“It’s fine--”    

“No. It’s not. I’ll be back in a second...”    

Nimyra slipped out after Momo tried and failed to stop her. Itarr walked to the bed and felt the pillow, brushing her hands against the blankets. The elf returned with a nightgown. It was modest and opaque in all the right areas. She also had a pair of pajama bottoms with a hole clearly cut haphazardly with a knife.  

Fisher and Albert returned to my ring as Momo used hers to swap her clothes. She messed up, but she got it right on the second try.     

“That’s... That almost feels like second nature. It’s like I’ve always used one. Is that how it feels for you?”    

“Kinda? I’m not as good as Itarr, but I still stumble if I don't focus,” I replied.  

I saw Dineria’s motherly, affectionate smile. “That should be much more comfortable, but a surprise may be waiting for you in the morning. Sweet dreams, you three. Dawn isn’t far, but I hope your rest is eventful.” The elf left with a quiet goodnight after a quick hug. I turned around and saw Momo snuggled in bed. She probably didn’t want to doze off so quickly. She was likely scowling or pouting in our soul world.   




“Should we join her?” I asked, extinguishing the candle.     

“Yeah... I...”    

“Come on. We’ll keep you warm.” I took her hand, and we slipped under the covers, with Itarr between Momo and me. She was sound asleep, but her hands still somehow found Itarr’s fingers. She held them against her chest as those soft lips curled into a beautiful smile.     

Just like that...    

“So...” Momo sat on the fountain. She covered her face, so her voice was partly muffled.     

“Well, you’re always hungry. Can we add sleepiness to it?”    

“Geez... I’m still a growing girl!” barked Momo. “That’s truer than ever!”    

“Haha! Well, your sleeping expression’s adorable, so... Why don’t we see that again? Itarr?”    

“Huh? Oh—Yes. Let’s go.” I broke her from her thoughts, and we walked to the tower. My revenants were talking. I had a few guesses about the topic, but I was leaving them to them.     

We reached our destination, ascended the stairs, and encountered that beautiful bedroom. Itarr was in the middle. She laid on her back, and Momo and I were on our sides, cradling her hands in ours. Parts of sunlight from Momo’s soul world filtered through the windows, but it wasn’t distracting. It was warm—lovely, even. Like a gentle grace or reminder. Of what? I didn’t know, but it just felt right.     

“Ni-Ni...said not to keep it in, it really okay? For me to keep talking about...”    

“Yeah. Of course, it is. What’s on your mind? We’re here for you.”    

“I...” Itarr’s emotional ride continued. She unloaded her heart’s worries and admitted she felt like a stranger. She had spent as much time with everyone as me, but Itarr still felt alone. A part of her feared they saw her as a monster. It took all she had to keep a straight face—she said the food felt tasteless-- like she didn’t deserve to savor the flavor, even though she wanted Nimyra’s cooking. Her genuine, unabashed emotions were evident in her uncertain words.     

Her emotional breakdown in the tub… Itarr said she wanted to cry even more. Her mind was probably a breeding ground for paradoxical feelings concerning her manifestation. We could help, but we couldn’t fix her problems. Only she could do that.    

Her vow of wanting to live for the children who had died was a good start. I knew it felt like she was thinking in a circle, but emotions weren’t logical.  People weren’t defined by strict rules that said they had to act or feel a certain way—I’d imagine goddesses were even less so.     

Itarr kept talking until her tears led her to a slumber. Momo and I remained awake to discuss our goddess.     

“She’s not having it easy. I mean, I don’t blame her. I can only imagine the pressure on her heart.”   

“Yeah...” whispered Momo. She snuggled tighter. “Itarr needs a break. Or something. We’ll always be here to help, but there are some things you need to figure out yourself. No, ignore me. That’s the wrong phrase. Some...problems can only be solved by you.”    

Momo was right. You could help someone with everything, but the person in question always had the final say. They had to want help to receive it.    

“Hey... Servy?”    


“Have you figured it out yet? It feels like someone’s been staring at you, right?”    


“Yeah. I knew it. It’s this.” Momo lifted her hand and proudly showed off her ring. The simple crimson surface caught the sunlight from her soul world, making it sparkle.     

“These things are an unbreakable link. We’ll always be connected no matter where we are. Itarr’s asleep, but we’re with her. The guys are out there, but they feel us out there. That’s why I know you’re anxious. You’ve been all day.”    


“So... Why don’t we join our goddess? Dawn’s a few hours away, but today’s been long. Even people like us need to rest our minds.”    

“I’m starting to think more than your appearance changed.”    

“I’ll take that as a compliment! I’m still the same cute, adorable singi. The ears and tail have changed, but they’re still as fluffy as ever!”    

“Yep. You’re still the same growing girl...”    

“Haha! You know it, girlie!” Momo’s giggles could brighten my day in the darkest storm. She rested a head on Itarr’s shoulder, I took the other one, and we fell victim to the sandman’s wonder...”    



We found Itarr crying when we woke up. In a teary voice, she admitted she hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. Her eyes were closed, but that was it. She had remained awake until she couldn’t take being alone with her thoughts. They wandered endlessly into places she hated—a world of ‘what ifs’ and ‘I should’ve done this’ railroaded her into a deep madness.     

A day wouldn’t be enough.    

Neither would two or three.    

Four? I had doubts.    

“Help me... I don’t want to think like this...” Itarr rocked back and forth. She held her arms against her chest, shivering like an abused child. “I hate feeling like this. I... I...”    

It was like a repeat of the previous night. Itarr was suffering, and Momo and I refused to let her go until she calmed down...    


I owed everything to my goddess.     

I meant everything.     

It hurt us so much to see her like this.     


Chapter 83 will also have an image.

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