Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Forty-Nine: Dungeon Time Lewd Time (R-18) (Illustrations!)

Spoiler is SFW!!!

“Come on, girl! You’re almost there!”  

“You can do it! I believe in you!!”  

“Goodness... Umm...”  

“Don’t look down!”  

Momo and I were straddling the top of the maze’s walls, looking down at an armored girl climbing up the spiked wall we had made over the last two hours. Albert had left us to find the maze’s exit. He was quick and deft. If he fell, he could return to my ring and appear beside me after breaking another blood crystal.  

I had an infinite number of those things.    

Momo had a tough time climbing. Even though she was a singi, she harbored a dislike for heights and dangerously ascended the ladder with her eyes closed.   

Yeah, it was nerve-racking. But Momo made it, and now we needed Srassa, who happened to develop a sudden case of lead feet. We turned to the spare rope and hook and tossed it down. Srassa carefully balanced and wrapped it around her waist, and then we helped her finish the climb. Luckily, the walls were thick at 3 feet, so we had ample room.   

But she was up here, and we waited for Albert to return while catching our breath. Srassa rested on her knees and held her hands to her heart. She bravely peeked over, went green in the face, and shivered. 

“Glad I’m not the only one afraid of being high up. You would think that, as part cat, I’d be fine. But I’m not... Grampy hated it, too. And worse than me. He always delayed fixing the roof during the rainy season until it was too late.”  

“And you’re just fine with heights, Servy?”  

“Yep,” I looked at Srassa. “I mean, I guess it can be scary, but take it from a girl who's been kidnapped twice.”  

“I don’t think being used to tall places after being snatched is similar,” Momo noted. She rested on her knees and hugged her bag to her stomach.   

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”  

“No, it’s not that. I’m sorry.”  

“Ms. Momo, didn’t you once tell me to stop apologizing so often?”  

“Geh!” Momo narrowed her eyes. “Oh, how far I’ve fallen to being lectured by my cute little student. Oh, woe is me!’  

“Yes, yes. Woe is you, captain. Woe is you. Tell you what, you can make it up to us by taking us to your favorite restaurant in Canary.”  

“Geh! You’re attacking my wallet?!”  

Momo’s smile was soft and comforting. And seeing Srassa's face at ease lightened my stress. I still didn’t know the true story behind her. She was so awesome in a few categories, weak and meek in others. It was...unnatural, almost. And there was that story of her being left alone with a kobold for a decade, but it wasn’t my place to question anything.   

Albert returned to us fifteen minutes later with a report. He said he scouted around the perimeter and found just one exit. “We would’ve never gotten there. The path leading to it is behind an invisible wall.”  

“Invisible walls, huh? Dineria didn’t tell us about that.” 

“I doubt it’s the poachers, Ms. Momo. Jony once said invisible walls requires so much skill energy to maintain that it was only feasible to use in times of war and strife.”  

“I believe the same. It’s a trap made by the dungeon, although Dineria’s refusal to mention it makes me believe the maze can alter its settings. If it were to change the layout while we’re here...”  

“Yikes. I don’t even wanna think about it, Albert. Can you lead the way?” asked Momo. Albert nodded, and off we went.  

Seeing an aerial view of the maze made me realize how long it was. A rough calculation put it at another 18 hours to get through, and if it didn’t change. We managed to climb down.  

How did we do that?  



The dungeon had stairs carved into the walls that led to the walls’ roof, so maybe the correct path was to climb to the top and avoid it all.   

But we put that behind us and continued deeper. Water slimes – the enemies in this part-- were few and far between, but with Albert as our scout, he had taken them out before we got near. His skeletons were working wonders. The weakest ones only required a few corpses to make, so he sent them out whenever we needed to catch our breath.   

We needed the torch to get around, though. The glowing blue crystals were extinct. It was as dark as a moonless night. That was where the primary trouble came. Srassa tripped over a rock more than once and grabbed my hand in fright, which usually brought me to the dirty ground with her. She always said she was sorry, but I didn’t mind it. Any injuries I sustained were healed without either of them knowing. Besides, it was better for me to take the needless wounds.  

Because I had that whole immortal thing going on.   

Momo said she heard water coursing beneath us, and since our destination was an underground spring with the wateronia petals... Maybe we were getting close? 

Two more hours later...and we were still in the area with water slimes. They were weak, but they were so plentiful the more we continued. Srassa hypothesized that it meant we were close to the underground spring at the bottom. Albert confirmed the path was still slightly declining. His new estimates put us at 500-600 feet lower than when we left the maze room.  

“Okay, let’s keep going for a few more minutes. I know we’re tired, but— WAAAAA!” The ground beneath us broke apart when our surroundings violently rumbled. We screamed and braced for impact, landing in a rushing river too strong to break free. It was like a waterpark ride, and the screaming from our fearless leader gradually turned into fun and excitement—as if it were a thrill ride.   

“Captain, I don’t think this is the right time!”  

“Ms. Momo—Kyaaaaa!!”  

“Crap, you’re right! Servy, grab Srassa, and then hold onto me!”   

I turned around and stretched for Srassa’s hand, then pulled her close until her arms wrapped around my stomach. Then Momo pulled me close when she snagged my fingers. Albert was further ahead, reporting to me what he saw. It was hard to hear him over the constant screaming and water splashing everywhere, but I managed to make one thing…  

“Prepare for a waterfall! We’re about to drop!” I shouted. I hugged Momo tighter, and Srassa did the same to me as the narrow waterslide gradually opened to reveal a beautiful underground paradise. The glowing crystals were everywhere, making it seem like a wonderland of abstract and vibrant beauty. The countless pillars were like an ancient titan struggling to hold the weight of the world.  


“AAAHHHHHH!” Our screams echoed together as we flew into the lake beneath us. It approached rapidly, and we caused a huge splash. Momo didn’t know how to swim, so she flailed around. Albert quickly appeared to lend her a hand, and I turned to Srassa, who slowly sank.   

She had passed out. Her unconscious body floated towards the abyssal darkness in wait at the bottom, but I swam to her. Her equipment was too heavy for me to swim to the surface, so I had no choice but to absorb her gear, which left her in a sleeveless white undershirt and a pair of green panties.    

“Servy!!! Srassa!!!!” Momo’s filtered voice barreled through the water. I held Srassa close and kicked until we breached the surface. “Hey, over here!” Momo waved and jumped around, and Albert dove to assist me.   

In seconds, we had Srassa on the rocky, partly grassy ground nearby. “She needs CPR. Captain, I need you to start a fire.”  

“Got it!” She acted fast and took the fire kit from her bag while I did chest compressions. After thirty, I tilted her head slightly and blew into her mouth.   

“Come on! Srassa!!” I repeated, feeling her ribs break slightly each time. Momo was worried. She nurtured the flames from a pile of sticks she held in her bag, but she screamed for joy when Srassa coughed, sending water all over my face. I quickly turned her to her side, where she vomited the rest.   

She was a soaking mess. And probably slightly disoriented. Momo didn’t help when she threw herself on top of our waterlogged friend and hugged her tightly.   

Albert had left us after Srassa emptied her lungs of water to scout around, and he returned with good and bad news. He found a forest about forty minutes away through the tunnel behind us. “I’m certain the wateronia petals are there. If I were to hazard a guess, I predict the underground spring Dineria spoke of lies within its heart.”  

“What about monsters?”  

“I didn’t detect or sense any. My skeletons didn’t encounter any, either, But there’s more.” Albert pointed across the lake. We looked and saw ice covering a bunch of pathways and tunnels. “The notes I found said the exits are blocked when night descends. We’re going to be stuck here until the morning.”  

“That’s not a problem, right?” Momo asked. She huddled close to the flames and hugged her knees. My ring had dried her off.   

“I don’t believe so,” said Srassa, back in her armor. She was shocked to find her boobs exposed through her wet shirt, but the noble was…oddly okay with it? Perhaps it was because we were girls. Albert wasn’t, but Srassa trusted him just as much as Jony, so she didn’t see a problem. She felt discomfort in her chest from her ribs cracking, but Momo’s healing spell and a potion fixed her up. “The path to our destination is still clear, yes?” Albert nodded.  

“Thanks for that, Albert.”  

“You’re welcome. I’ll be returning to your weapon now.” My revenant turned into energy and was whisked away in a wave of green energy that matched his eyes.   

So, we had time to kill. We were hungry, so Momo started preparing some grub. Meat on a stick was enough, so we passed the time. The excitement from earlier filled us with adrenaline, so sleep was out of the question.   

But then…  

“Brrr…” Momo shivered after a sudden gust came through and killed our campfire. She had it relit, but ice started to firm around us. In seconds, the nearby lake showed signs of freezing.  

“Umm… Here! I got this.” Momo pulled the water-resistant blanket and wrapped it around us…  

But it wasn’t enough. It was rated for water, not ice.   

We leaned closer to the fire for warmth, but it didn’t do much because the temperature dropped around thirty degrees seconds after another gust came through the cavern. It was chillier and left behind fragments of ice that noisily plopped into a nearby lake.    

And that only left one more option…  

“Lose…our clothes? Strip naked?” Srassa questioned our captain.   

“That’s right. Hypothermia isn’t a good way to go. We need to use our body heat to keep each other warm. Clothes will get in the way.” Momo quickly undressed herself, revealing her bare, naked body. Her boobs were smaller than average, she had very faint, pink-colored pubic hair, and she quickly hopped under the blanket.   

Srassa was next. She hastily and gently sat her beloved equipment on the dry land near us and removed her shirt and panties. She was hairless, but her boobs were…  

They were big. And they looked soft. And warm…and tasty…  

And I had a boner…  

I…didn’t have a way out of this, did I?   

Best get it out of the way early... 

I stood up and absorbed my clothes with my ring.  

“Woah…” Momo’s jaw dropped as she stared at my cock. It was erect, sticking out. The tip twitched slightly.    

“Eehhhh? Is that a penis? Servy, are you a boy?!” Srassa covered her eyes, but she peeked through her fingers.    

“No. I’m a girl,” I said, returning to the comfort of the blanket, adding that I had male and female parts between my knees. Momo and Srassa were shoulder to shoulder… But the blanket… 

It was big… Too big…and my penis… Well, it showed itself…  

“I just happen to have a penis… I’m sorry… I…can’t make it go down…”  

“That’s not the issue. We need to survive. That’s all that matters. Here, we gotta maximize body heat transfer. Servy, get the campfire. We need to retreat into the tunnel a little bit.” Momo was really in survival mode. She used to get herself off when I fucked the breeding mount or filled my mouth, so I partly believed she would be tongue-tied to see it so close.   

But no.   

She told us to move and change our position until…  

Momo and Srassa were in my lap. They faced me, each straddling a thigh with their chests pressed against mine. My back was against the wall, and my arms were wrapped around their waists. My penis…pointed straight up, and I knew they felt it rub against their stomachs. Momo threw the blanket over us, enclosing us in this cramped little space.    

It wasn’t that dark since the light filtered through…and I saw…pretty much all of them.    

But our naked bodies were rubbing together. Srassa’s fantastically large breasts rubbed my nipples. She squirmed slightly, and my thighs became wet.   

The noble was getting off on this. Srassa tried to hide it, but I felt it.   

Momo went red in the face. “We need to maximize our heat. And…it means…doing this…” Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my shaft. “I’m sorry, Servy, but we gotta stick close to the warmth. We need to keep our extremities warm. Frostbite starts in the fingers and toes. And it means…” Momo winced and slid her hands to my balls. “Srassa, you need to grab it too.”  

“Eh? Grab… That? Ms. Momo, but I’m—”  

“It’s a matter of life and death. Can’t you feel the coldness? We need to touch the warmest parts of each other.”  

Srassa closed her eyes and slowly reached for my shaft. Her soft hands made my penis slightly twitch, causing her to yelp, but Srassa pushed through the uncertainty she felt.   

It was a rather unique situation. Momo and Srassa were close enough for our breasts to touch each other, their hands were on my penis, and it was gradually getting toastier.   

Neither of my friends said anything. Even Srassa had stopped moving her hips…  

Until another gust of icy wind came through the cavern. It caused the azure crystals to ‘turn off,’ so to say, and destroyed our campfire. Suddenly, the temperature dropped a few more degrees.   

In minutes, Momo was shivering. She bit her lips and looked behind, then turned to face me. “Srassa, we need to keep moving. We need to keep our body heat up, and that means…” Momo worked her hips and slowly humped my thigh. I felt her hot breath touch my lips.   

“Umm… I’m sorry, Servy…” Srassa squeaked. She leaned closer and rested her forehead against mine while grinding her pussy. My arms were still wrapped around their waists, but I brought them close and placed my fingers below their stomachs.   

Soon, they started to sweat, and they stopped for a few minutes. During that time, we conversed about my unique attachment between my legs.   

“Why would we ever think of you as anything but our friend?” Momo replied when I asked if this was going to change things. She worked her hands and squeezed my balls—probably because I felt them getting colder. Her fingers slipped close to my lower lips, but she never pushed past them. 

“I dunno. I guess…I was thinking that—”  

Srassa remained quiet. She quivered and closed her eyes, only letting loose a silent moan that cut me off.   

“Srassa, you’re about climax, aren’t you?”  

“What…are you talking—Mmmnnnn…” Srassa pushed further against my thighs. Her nipples were hard, and I felt the sweat dripping down her stomach.   

“It’s okay, Srassa. This situation is one of survival. We need to keep warm. And I know you’re feeling something between your legs. Don’t fight it. Just let it out, okay?”  

“It’s…okay…to—to let—Mmmnnnnn!!!!” Srassa suddenly hunched over, leaning her weight against me. Her whole body quivered as she squirted, soaking my thighs and penis in her juices. She breathed heavily, panting against my lips. She looked so cute. Her lips were… I’d imagined they were soft. And sweet, too.   

But her glazed eyes slowly closed, and she soon fell asleep, leaving Momo and I awake. She checked on Srassa and then confirmed she was sufficiently warmed. “It’s a bad idea to doze off when you’re still cold, but it’s starting to warm up. And… I hope you don’t hate me, Servy. This really was the only way. I understand if—”  

“Hate? Why? We’re surviving.” I hugged Srassa a little tighter and rubbed her back. “And… I’ve been…kinda liking how your hands felt.”  


“Uh-huh. I’m doing all I can to stop it from shooting out. You’ve been teasing me a lot. And I can see it from your eyes. You’re in your estrus cycle, aren’t you? You’re in heat. Your symptoms match the book about wildkin biology I read.”  

“…” Momo averted her eyes, but her hands didn’t stop massaging my balls.   

“And while we’re at it… Why don’t we change our party name to Peeping Cat?”  


“Or what about The Girl Who Likes It When the Peeping Cat Spies on Her?”  

“Huh? What did you say?” 

“I’m not mad.” I cupped Momo’s face. She looked so cute when her ears twitched. “I don’t know why the door kept opening. It never locked. And I saw you in the mirror. When I sucked myself... Or when I used the breeding mount I got from Nimyra… Watching you get off to watching me… I thought it was hot.”  

“Then you don’t hate me? Cause I was prepared to pay with my life. I was about two seconds away from letting the cold turn me into a kitty ice cube.” Her tail finally showed signs of life and wagged.   

“I don’t want you to become a kitty ice cube…”  

“Then… What do you want me to do? Or… Err—I…don’t know what the right move is…”  

“You can keep rubbing yourself on me. I don’t mind it. But as long as you keep warming your hands…”  

Momo smiled a sultry smile and somehow looked even cuter. Her somewhat flat chest seemed even perkier. Srassa’s boobs were pressed wholly against me. The captain… She worked her hips and did little to stifle her moans. She moved her hands to my shaft and pulled back my foreskin. Right before her eyes, it grew two more inches. “It responds to your and Srassa’s thoughts. It’s a skill called [Lover’s Blossom].”  

We attempted to talk about it, but Momo was close to climaxing. I was almost there, myself, and I moved my hand from her cheeks to her chest and rubbed her. She arched her back and said her pussy was throbbing when I climaxed, shooting a dozen thick ropes of semen all over us. It splashed against the blanket, covered our breasts, and soppily splattered to Srassa’s back.   

Momo licked her lips, taking my semen in her mouth. “It’s so sweet, like sugar. Why?”  

“That’s the skill,” I replied, encouraging her to keep humping. We were a roving mess, two sweaty bodies trapped in our heat, evidence of our sexual deeds on display for the other. Momo gathered more semen and kept tasting it, remarking that the flavor changed every time. “If you think it tastes different, then it will. I like it sweet, myself.”  


“Do you want to see it? And not from a distance… But from close?”  

Momo’s pearly blue eyes went to my penis, my chest, and then to my lips before she nodded. And she stared, gasping as my cock grew, snaking between my semen-laden tits, and touched my lips. Her hands traveled up to my boobs and glanced against them when I took myself in my mouth.   

“That’s… It’s turning me on so much…” Momo’s voice was hot and heavy. I felt a third hand.  

Srassa had woken up, her face still in a starry daze from her orgasm. Her face crunched into genuine confusion until I explained everything. “I didn’t mean to cover you in it. I…can’t exactly control how much comes out.”   

“You helped me, so I must return the favor. It’s only fair, yes?” Srassa’s voice was weak. I felt a tinge of lust in her words… I nodded, and she resumed rubbing her soaked pussy against my skin. Her hands squeezed my breasts while both watched me perform autofellatio on myself.   

After this encounter…I doubted we would return to how we once were. And maybe that was fine. And perhaps it was what I wanted. 

When my balls tightened, Momo whispered something to Srassa, who rode my thigh like a cowgirl. She nodded and climaxed, spreading her cute voice all throughout the cavern. Even the icy, howling wind couldn’t drown her out. The mess of sweat and fluids running everywhere made us slippery. Right before I shot my load in my mouth, I grabbed their bouncing breasts and squeezed, simultaneously chasing her to orgasm.   

Srassa’s boobs are so big. And soft. They’re so…perfect…   

“Mmmmppphhh—” Suddenly, Momo took my penis out of my mouth and planted her lips on mine. Her tongue was aggressive, scraping out what semen I had collected while the rest covered her chest in a sticky layer of white. When she backed off, Srassa charged forward, accidentally bonking me on the head while stealing what was left.   

I felt her swallow my ejaculate even while we swapped spit. A thick line of salvia connected us when the noble leaned slightly back. Her shocked expression quietly admitted she didn’t think sperm would taste like candy.   

“That was my first kiss...” Srassa touched her lips and licked them softly.  

“And you’re okay with it being me?”  

“Why wouldn’t I? Servy, you’re my friend, and this...situation... It’s not...unusual to think that something like...this would happen, right? We’ve spent so much time together. And we’ve been holding onto each other when we sleep.” Her words were soft and warm. It was clear she had adjusted to this unique turn of events, especially with how she kept grinding her pussy against my thighs. Or perhaps it was her hormones. “So… Umm…”  

“Srassa’s right,” Momo whispered. “We’ve been together for a while." 

That led us to another conversation, and by the end, it was clear…  

We would need a few more hours to ensure we were…extra toasty...and by the time that was done... Well, we were sticky. I had ejaculated six or seven times and covered our chests and stomachs in thick, white semen. While it was gross, Momo said it was warm. She compared it to a hot bath in a frigid blizzard to warm up.  

I didn’t think you could compare those two things, but survival was the name of the game.   

But when it was all said and done, and when Momo and Srassa’s eyes were too heavy to keep open, my friends—lovers, you could call them, laid their heads on my shoulders while I wrapped my arms around their waists. Slowly, they drifted off to sleep, hugging me, and I kept them comfortable as the icy winds continued to howl.   

It took 49 chapters, but Servi, Momo, and Srassa has progressed their relationship! I wonder how will it evolve from here? Srassa is a noble's daughter, and Servi, as far as we know, is a commoner...

Would Srassa's mother and father accept them? Let alone the relationship between the three of them?


Next chapter has at least two R-18 images!

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