Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Nineteen: Animosity (R-18) (R-18-ish Illustration!)

The spoiler box is kinda NSFW-ish. It shows someone in a nightgown and their panties. Maybe I'm playing it too safe by calling it R-18ish. Y'all can let me know in the comments.

Nimyra greeted me with an upbeat good morning after I shifted awake, and after I returned it, she very quickly brought my attention to my morning wood.   

It was very, very, very hard to miss, especially with me being as big and girthy as I was. But it also turned me on. Seeing the distinct outline of my penis showing itself through the soft, warm blankets. And it felt good brushing against the tip.   

“It seems like you had a good dream. Care to share it?”  

“Let's just say I got to have fun with a beautiful woman,” I replied, giving her a teasing smile.   

“Oh?” Nimyra touched my shaft and gave it a few strokes. “Care to share?”  

“I could, but where's the fun in that?”  

“Aww… Hehe! That's fine. I woke up wet myself. I just got back from taking a morning bath. Perhaps I should've waited on you? Hey, are you going to take care of it? Or do you want me– On second thought, hold on. Stay right there!” Nimyra rolled out of bed and walked to her massively large closet, her seductive and tasty ass teasing me all the while.   

I threw the covers off and started to masturbate, my mind going back to Itarr. If I had to hazard a guess, she was probably experimenting. I couldn't blame her, though. Pleasures of the flesh felt… Well, it felt good.   

“Don't go blowing your load already, dear. Here, I want you to try this.” My roommate emerged from her closet, but not empty-handed. She pushed a weird object attached to a wooden base with wheels. But it also had two handles on the side and locking brakes at the bottom to keep it from moving. “You know how I have centaurs as my clients? Sometimes, they're too big to fuck me, so I had this custom-made. It's called a breeding mount, and it's modeled after me. One of my clients is a master sculptor, so he recreated what it's like to fuck me using slime." 

“Gotta confess. I didn't think I'd see something like that. But you got me interested.”  

“You're kinda cute when you have that curious expression. Come on, why not use that fat cock to plow this fuck toy? And don't worry, it's cleaned after every use.”  

I took Nimyra up on her offer and walked to the breeding mount with an erection. Even if I didn't have to be this big, being anything but wouldn't feel right.   

I grabbed my shaft and slowly pushed it past the artificial vagina’s pussy lips. Instantly, unfamiliar tightness swallowed my crotch.   

“Hehe! Come on! I know you're better than that! Here, let mommy help you.” Nimyra walked behind me and moved my hands to the handle. Then she gripped my balls and wrapped an arm around my stomach. Pressing from behind, I conquered the fuck toy until about 13 inches were fully inside.   

“That's a good girl. That's a wonderful expression. Now, pretend it's me. And fuck it. Fuck it like mad.” Nimyra pulled me back, then pushed me forward until my hips moved by themselves.   

“Ahhhh~~~ Fuck~~~ It’s like I'm being gripped from all around…”  

“It's more than that. In my work, entering a woman for the first time is a magical experience. Right away, you get to know her deepest, warmest, moistest innards.” I felt Nimyra's breath tickle my ear. Her wet tongue licked my neck and kissed my nape. “How do I feel, sweetie? Does mommy feel as good as you wished?”  


“Do you feel like filling her up? Do you want to flood her womb with your seed? Impregnate her?”  

Something nibbled my cheek, but I couldn't focus.   

“Then… Let it out… Don't hold back… Stop torturing your balls and let the semen flow free…” I did as the whispers commanded and sped up. I felt tightness in my testicles, which slammed into the breeding mount and made a lewd noise. When Ninyra reached a hand through my legs to grasp them, I ejaculated, climaxing until my legs started to wobble. The wall facing the other side of the breeding mount became doused in my essence.   

Every thick rope left my penis at breakneck pace, and it kept coming the longer I shook my hips like a mad woman.   

“Holy shit… That was incredible…” I walked backwards and removed my penis from the mount.   

It was covered in white, which seemed to be a running theme these last few hours, considering the fun I had with Itarr.   

“You like it, huh?” Nimyra kneeled and ran her tongue across the shaft. I nodded and asked why, and she said she always gave a clean-up blowjob. “The clients who used the mount are rather large, but even if I can't take them into my body, my tongue is more than enough to give them some much-needed aftercare. “Well, it's yours. You can have it.” When I asked if she was sure, she said she had four more in the closet. And she hadn't been getting many centaur customers that much. She said it was better for me to use it rather than have it rot.   

To show my thanks, I absorbed the messy proof of my climax, stashed the mount, then texted Itarr to tell her about it.   

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and the handle turned.   

“Ni-Ni, what's that noise? I'm hungry– Eh…”   




“Who’re– A client…” Lucy blankly stared.  

Then her eyes went wide.  

And her expression turned to angst as her ears folded against her head. 

“You're– you're the bitch that– Ow!!! Ni-Ni, why–” 

Nimyra stood and gently popped Lucy on the head. It didn't hurt. She grabbed a nightie off a nearby counter, told me to get dressed for breakfast, then looked at Lucy, who scowled. She stared daggers. “Go, head to the kitchen. We need to have a little chat.” 


“Not here. Go. We need to talk.” 

When the door closed, I used my ring to put my clothes on. 

“Living here?! Are you serious?! But she's the reason why I was like that!”  

“Servi is the reason why you aren't dead. She saved your life. Without her healing magic, you would still need a few more months before you could even think about walking! And I told you a hundred times not to get involved with that man!”  

“But I need the money!!!”  

“You don't need it bad enough to where your life is at risk!!!”  

“You don't know that!!!”  

Nimyra and Lucy argued at the breakfast table. I was an uncomfortable bystander.  

“What happened last night? You were so sweet and cuddly that I thought this was behind us!”  

“I– I…” Lucy clamped shut and sat down. Her apricot-colored hair angrily swooshed by her eyes when she turned her head at me. “So what? Are you a freak? A woman with a penis? I bet that's kinda nasty. Don't get much action, do you?”  

“Lucy!!! Don't be rude!”  


“I took care of that problem. Simone? You told me to get you out of the mess I got you into, and I did it,” I said coldly, an edge to my voice. “That bastard is dead, and those he was with won't be found. I can't understate how sorry I am that the consequences of my actions led to what they led to. But I feel like I've repaid my debt. Don't be a fool. Stay away from phrine. Don’t take Cassidy’s shot anymore. Nothing good will come if you use it to destroy your body’s natural balance and force it to act when it’s not healed.”  

“Don't insert your wishy-washy bullshit into things you don't know about.”  

"When the guards stopped me, I heard a rumor that the monotonia dens were hit. And I know Cassidy makes it with white monotonia as a base.”  

Lucy's eyes went wide. She told me to shut the fuck up and stop lying.   

“Please, just think of this as a sign. Distance yourself from the patron. Stop submitting to his sadistic desires. I still have your client list. You can go back to them. It's just that anything is better than this. Why can't you see that? Or if you want to go to school, I can enroll you in Adenaford Academy. You can make something of your life rather than continue down this self-destructive path. Please, just–”  

Lucy shook with rage and screamed, clutching her head before the sobbing started. Her foot was healed enough to endure her running to her room, where she slammed the door as hard as possible.   

Nimyra sighed and rubbed her temple. I decided to ask about Lucy’s history. “I once said it was better to hear it from her, but…”   

In short, Lucy was once a slave. She was peddled from client to client and treated like human cattle. One day, while in Adenaford, Nimyra was with a client who wanted to purchase a new slave girl to work as a maid in his mansions. She accompanied him. And there, in the dirty confines of a wagon with way too many splinters and diseased food, sat a young Goatkin on her knees. Her eyes were dull and listless. She was plastered with cuts, scratches, scars, and bruises.  

All it took was an ounce of strength to peek upwards ever-so-slightly to meet Nimyra's gaze, and she purchased her freedom then and there using the vast power and wealth obtained as Lando’s Queen of Night.   

More accurately, her client made the purchase, but he gave ownership to Lucy, who was subsequently freed from her horrible fate. The client even paid for a talented healer to cure the more dangerous wounds. At first, I thought he was a bastard, but Nimyra said he purchased slaves and put them to work to get them out of that depraved pit known as poverty. He never forced his girls to do anything they didn’t want to do and outright refused their offers of servicing him after night.  

It honestly sounded like the guy had noble intentions…  

At first, she didn't talk. It wasn't until she arrived at the Crimson Grotto that she uttered a few sounds. This was when Cassidy came into the picture and developed a 'friendship' with Lucy. Her independence returned as the months passed. Nimyra intended to have Lucy live with her. She never wanted to make her live the life of a whore ever again.   

Nimyra wasn't sure how it started, but Lucy soon asked to sit in with her and her clients. Considering her past, it sounded fucked to me. But because Nimyra had total control of who she sold her body to, I almost wondered if Lucy believed sex could be something comforting and not a Boogeyman who hurt her when she was at the lowest point? If she looked up to Nimyra, and Nimyra found genuine comfort in the arms of a man or woman, then perhaps Lucy believed she could receive that same care if she shared the same profession?  

It still sounded way too fucky to me.  

“One day, she wanted me to introduce her to more clients. Said she needed a lot of money. And she didn't explain why. But she was insistent. And she begged me– pleading with her eyes full of tears. So, I gave her my B list. And then the C list. And she soon encountered the patron. And her desire for money grew with the increasing wounds she came home with. When that damn monotonia spread its poison, she got hooked on the shot Cassidy concocted. I don’t blame her for making it, but I blame her for getting Lucy addicted.”  

“It's an enigma, for sure. But I didn't know. You still don't know why she needs the money?”  

Nimyra shook her head. “She avoids the question or refuses to answer. But… Oh, I wish I could help her. I wish I could…make her accept my money. I have more than I would ever need. I have willing nobles ready to give me their fortune and inheritance. I need but ask. But Lucy won't accept it. I'm sorry she said those things, Servi. I'm sure she didn't mean it.”  

“I accept my appearance for what it is. Words like that won't hurt me, but I'm sorry too. I wonder if my being here will make it worse for Lucy?”  

“But where will you go? Servi, you don't have to leave!” Nimyra stood and slammed both hands on the table.   

“I don't know, but I have money. Warden's been good to me. I could always get an inn. Or I can stay with Cassidy. But the last thing I want is to carve a crevice between you and Lucy. She hates my guts. The chances are high she'd come at me with a knife in the middle of night. But you're the one that can help her through this.”  

“Can I?” The exhausted Drow Elf sighed and slumped in her chair. “But don't leave. I'll find some–”  

“No, it's fine. Even if I don't have any memories, I do have a vow– one to help those that can't defend themselves. And Lucy is one of them. Staying here would poison that vow, so I have to leave. But it's not like I'm gonna get up and leave the city. I'll still hang around Canary. And I'll visit you, okay? Until I find a place, I'll be at Cassidy's.”  

“I wish things were different.” It was hard to hear her over me pushing my chair in. But the Drow Elf stood and escorted me to the door.   

“Promise me you're going to visit? We've been friends for a short time, but I've come to enjoy spending time with you.” Nimyra touched my cheeks and brushed the hair from my eyes.   

“I will.” I returned the affection and planted a kiss on her cheek.   

“Okay. I'll talk to Lucy... Be safe, okay? And take care. Please don't do anything dangerous. If there's trouble, run to the Crimson Grotto and show them the card I gave you. You'll be protected here.”  

Thanking my close friend, I bid her farewell with a friendly smile and left her apartment.   

Even if it was early, I made my way to the guild and sat on an empty bench. Itarr wasn't answering my texts, but that was fine. She was probably enjoying her new body. I didn't want to interrupt that.   

But waiting here was boring, so I left and checked out the market. There was a little bit of money burning a hole in my ring.   

“But what to get…”  

“Ah, I know that pensive look anywhere.” A deep, masculine voice caused me to turn from the turnips I was looking at to find an aged butler with a ponytail. He had this air of grace surrounding him. 

“Mr. Crystalerik? Good morning.”  

“And morning to you, Servi. Please, you can call me Albert,” said the friendly butler. He held a basket in his toned hands and stood with a warrior's pose.   

Yep. There wasn't any doubt. Albert was trained and disciplined.   

“Okay. Shopping again already?”  

“I visit the market twice daily to ensure I have the freshest ingredients. What about you?”  

“I’m branching out.”  

“Branching out? Ah, perhaps you're taking the first steps to gain independence?”  

“Something like that.”  

“Would you care for an old man’s advice for a second day? I believe I can be of assistance.”  

“Especially if it's from you.” I gave Albert a friendly smile.   

“I'm happy to hear that.” Albert returned the grandfatherly smile and switched topics to soups and stews while discussing the few stark differences. In either case, both were staples and easy dishes to prepare. And they were versatile. I walked the market with Albert and heard the story of his younger days, when he used to be an adventurer in his own right. The details were sparse, but the look in his eyes indicated they were fond memories.   

We went from stall to stall, braving through the early morning crowd to get the ingredients for Albert’s favorite vegetable soup. He was surprised, not astonished, when I stashed my items in my ring-- not like the Lizardkin, who gasped and rattled his scales.   

Chatting with Albert was calming. And he was awfully nice, too. He even took the time to write down the exact instructions to ensure I wouldn't mess up something simple. “And here. Consider it a gift from me to you to symbolize this friendship.” Albert retrieved a pouch from his waist and pulled out three bottles. 

It was enchanted– just like Momo’s bag.   

“Diligent and careful use of spices can enhance a dish to the next level. These are my personal blends that are perfect. But be sure not to mix and match before you're ready for it.”  

The first bottle contained an original mix of saffron, cardamom, ginger, fenugreek, cumin, turmeric, and coriander. It was aromatic and flavorful– perfect for carrot soup.   

The second was a blended mix of parsley, chives, chervil, thyme, marjoram, and bay leaves– perfect for a generic vegetable soup or stew. He said it was hard to go wrong when using this.   

And the last was his favorite. It held oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, crushed rosemary, dried lemongrass, and grounded peppercorn harvested from a farm in Westera that thrived on the fertile ash of a nearby volcano.   

Then there were two tinier bottles with sea salt and ground pepper.   

“Are you sure about this?”  

“Yes, I am. It is a shame to prepare and cook a dish only for it to be flavorless and dull. Spice is the variety of life. If I dare say it. It is a hill I will die on, haha!”  

“Seems like there's a heavy weight on my shoulder. Hey, if I make this, would you mind trying it?”  

“I don't mind at all. As I said, I come to the market twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. It refreshes my mind and offers a chance to relax.”  

“Srassa said you're the butler to Parrel Biggins? Can't imagine that's a stressless task.”  

“It is a great deal of work to look after his needs– I must admit… But it is my sworn duty, and I shall not fail him. I apologize, but this is where we must part. Miss Servi–”  

“It's just Servi. Wouldn't be right to call you Albert while you refer to me like that.”  

Albert chuckled. “Perhaps you're right. Servi, then. I must take my leave and return to my lord. Please, remain safe and take care of yourself.”  

“I will. You take it easy as well, Albert. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again.”  

I waved as he left to return to a life of serving a man responsible for a quarter of Lando and returned to the guild. The streets were much fuller.   

But there were also more guards. Way more than usual. And although they spoke in hushed whispers, they were talking about the fire from last night.   

The dens I destroyed.   

Their chatter wasn't that informative. Closer to useless than unusable, but it meant my actions were having an effect. 

I wonder if that means I'll encounter some resistance. If a noble is responsible for the monotonia, or if they're somehow connected to it coming into the city, I might face some opposition. But that's just conjecture. But it's also based on a feeling I have. Suppose I'll find out tonight. Ah, I'll make that soup for Cassidy and Saline. And I'll probably get some meat for Cue, too. If I'm going to be living there, I want to pull my weight and contribute. 

And now we have the first image of Lucy!

Actually, it's the second, but the first that I'm uploading. The first one has her standing naked. It was supposed to be used earlier, but I'm saving it for near the end of Arc 1.

She does have a cute design, but her personality? And attitude? Yeah... I'm sure she'll grow, though. She's been through a lot. She needs a lot of money, although Nimyra doesn't know what for. Lucy believes the Patron was the key to her getting the money she needed, but Servi messed it up. Lucy hates Servi, so we'll have to see how things play out in the future. 


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