Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Party Time!!! (R-18) (Illustrations!) (Arc 1 – End)

A nice, long chapter to round out the end of Arc 1. Enjoy!!!!!!!

The Spoiler Boxes are SFW!!!!

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

"Servi, dear, I think that's them!" Nimyra called out excitedly from her room. I emerged from my room and peeked in, observing as she finished styling her hair. She wore that dark purple dress with an embroidered flower near her stomach—the one she wore when we first met. She looked beautiful... Actually, Nimyra was absolutely stunning. 

"Alright, I'll answer the door." I complimented her on her appearance, and Nimyra's soft cheeks blushed warmly, bringing me joy. Leaving her giggling to herself, I headed towards the door. 

"Hiya!" greeted Momo, looking adorable in a skirt with suspenders, long white socks, and a neatly buttoned-up shirt with a blue bow.  

She stood beside Srassa, who, without her armor, perfectly embodied the image I had of a noble beauty. Her white blouse complemented her kind nature, while the black vest and pants added a dash of fierceness, accentuated by the red hairband. I also noticed the carefully wrapped box she held, filled with delicate and delicious treats. 

She was really pretty... The crimson sunset filtering through the window behind her tinted her long, gorgeous hair. 


However, they weren't alone. 

Standing behind them was a man I hadn't seen in some time. The familiar butler had his arm in a sling, but it didn't hinder him from carrying out his duties. I noticed his gray hair was slightly messier, less meticulously combed over, and more naturally tousled. 

Despite his injury, he appeared to be in good spirits. Srassa seemed to have made peace with the fact that he had been wounded while protecting her, although the details surrounding that entire sequence of events were shrouded in doubt. 

The timeline didn't make sense, but I had no means of verifying what truly happened unless I had some control over time. 

Besides, it's not the right time or place to dilute my mind with that. Today's a day of fun! Of happiness! It's a party, not a pity party, a theory party, or a problem party! 

“Cute clothes,” I said, welcoming the three in. Jony characteristically apologized for lacking the use of one arm, so he wouldn't help much with the prep, but Srassa shut that down. She said this was to also welcome him back. To thank him for everything he had done for her since she was young, Srassa wanted him to take it easy and relax.   

“I do hope that's acceptable, Servi. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up.”  

“Don't worry about it. I'm happy Jony's back.” I quelled Srassa's worried heart about ‘changing’ what this party was supposed to be and said as long as we all enjoyed ourselves, I'd be okay with pretty much anything.”  

I shut the door behind them, and Nimyra emerged into the living room. A pair of compliments quickly came her way, with Jony saying that the Queen of Night certainly lived up to her beauty.   

“Oh my, I've heard the head butler was such a playboy. Thank you very much, Jony.”  

“Is that Lucy? Wow… Servi said you were thinking about attending Adenaford Academy. Guess that uniform confirms it, huh? It's pretty cute. You’ve cut your hair, too,” observed Momo when a friendly Goatkin walked into the room. She had her arms behind her back and found it…difficult to meet Momo and Srassa's eyes. They weren't aware of her being mind controlled, so perhaps they believed she was still a bitch? Lucy was nervous, though. Her ears were folded against her head, hidden under her hair. 


The school’s logo—the Adenafordian Unicorn-- was embroidered on the jacket’s back. 

I did my best earlier to say we were on friendly terms– that the earlier distaste she had for me was something neither of us could control, and it worked itself out.   

“Lady Srassa, please be mindful of the knife.”  

“Yes, I understand!”  

“Make sure your hands are thoroughly free of soap and completely dried.”  


“Please watch your fingers. You’re about to cut them.”  

“I’m sorry! Um– Umm… Like–Like this…?”  

“Wow… Srassa's…never really done this before, has she?” asked Lucy. She sat at the table and cut the stuff we needed for the tomato and basil salad.  

Actually, we were making two salads. One tomato and basil, and the other one was full of fruit and honey for a sweet, tasty treat. 

“That's the noble life for you,” replied Momo, sitting across from her. Her knife work was decent, something she learned from her grandfather. I thought things would've been tense between those two, but no. I was happy I was dead wrong. Lucy had tried to apologize earlier when we went to the kitchen, but Momo did what she did best and struck up a friendship then and there by saying Lucy was obviously troubled by something. She said she was happy Lucy was doing better– better enough to attend a big fancy school.   

Nimyra and I were busy preparing the sauce for the pork. Meanwhile, Srassa struggled with her knife skills, resulting in uneven and mushy chunks of meat. Jony, unable to stand idly by, stepped in to assist. He directed Srassa to hold the pork while he took charge of the preparation. Srassa quietly apologized, and Jony realized he should have stayed as an observer rather than getting directly involved. 

They talked before she took back the knife and resumed. Granted, she got better, not worse, but the cuts were coarse, uneven, lumpy, and not at all even.   

“That's a great job for your first attempt.” Nimyra's kind words lit up Srassa's green eyes. And that little pat on the head probably did a little more. She helped Jony to the table, where she refrained from chopping veggies.   

After taking the manhandled pork, placing it in a large dish, basting it with a portion of the apple honey sauce we'd prepared earlier, and popping it into the oven, it was time to work on the fish.   

Albert had that department covered as far as prepping it with seasoning. He also taught Itarr to do it if she wanted to attempt the recipe once she had acquired a physical body. 

In a passing second, the beautiful seasoned fish appeared on the other baking tray, and I plopped that into an oven in one of the other kitchens this place had. Low and slow, it would still be done before the main course. After ten minutes, we placed the salads inside the fridge, ready to be served alongside a delicious appetizer. 

There was nothing resembling electricity in this world– barring lightning spells, if you count that– yet it still amazed me that you could use magic to recreate the appliances I knew so much about, yet were practically unheard of in reality.   

We returned to the living room and socialized with each other, with Nimyra using her natural charisma to regale us with a few stories of her life. All appropriate for this occasion, of course.   

Time flew by in the blink of an eye, and soon, we were all sitting down for the fish and salad– the first course of this three-course event.   

And I was happy to say it was a big hit, which definitely perked Albert up. Cooking was his favorite pastime, so I knew it was gushing as much as a skeleton could. The filets were so juicy. And the flavor was out of this world. There was a hint of a peppery, almost savory aftertaste, and it wasn't too spicy-- Momo was happy about that. And it helped that it was tender and soft.   

The salad was also a talking point. The ingredients were as fresh as possible without picking the tomato and veggies an hour earlier. The light dressing was made with olive oil and some seasonings we purchased, but it wasn't too heavy on the stomach. The cracked black pepper definitely made it tastier than if it didn't have it.   

The fruit salad had apples, oranges, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and cherries, with a light drizzle of honey before mixing it. It satisfied our sweet tooth, and it was even better if you stacked a little bit on the chocolate cookies Srassa brought.   

After that appetizer, in which we left some cookies for the last, we chatted about the delayed ball in Adenaford. Nimyra said she had heard about the postponement and always enjoyed her time attending, but her favorite part was attending the festival itself. There was always so much delicious food and games, and then, on the night of the final day, beautiful fireworks were ignited and lit up the night sky in a cacophony of gorgeous, jaw-dropping colors.  

Adenaford went all out and spared no expense. Srassa seemed proud when she said overseeing the event always fell to her father. We chatted about that while Nimyra excused herself for a moment.   

“Ah, I found it!” We heard Nimyra's voice from a different room. She returned to the living room with two bottles in her manicured hands.   

Jony gasped. “That’s the logo of the Dwarven brewer, Lackeour. Each of those bottles is worth well over 25,000 dupla.” 

“Tw–Twenty-five thousand?!” exclaimed Momo. She couldn't even imagine something costing that much.   

For Srassa's family, it was probably the same as a slightly less wealthy family buying a single apple at the market.   

The Flynns were just that insanely wealthy.  

"These were actually given to me as a gift around six months ago. Can you believe I thought I had lost them? Luckily, I found them this morning. It's the perfect opportunity to crack them open and make the night even more special than it already is!" 

Nimyra popped the corks, Lucy helped with the glasses, and booze was added to the equation. I still had that liquor from Viridian's wine cellar in my ring, but now probably wasn't the best time to mention it.   

The taste of alcohol didn't trigger any specific memories, but it was smooth and relaxing, with Srassa instructing Momo and me how to drink like a prim and proper lady.   

It didn't take long to realize I would forever remain sober no matter how much alcohol I ingested.  

But the wine livened up the party, and the fun festivities continued until dinner was ready.   

The meal was just… otherworldly. Juicy and packed to the brim with flavor, yet sweet enough to tickle the palette of even the most deranged critic. The way the juices squirted in your mouth after biting down…  

“Ooooh… I…can't eat another bite…” whined Momo, who shamefully placed her fork on the plate near the last two chunks of apple honey-covered pork. She grabbed her glass and gingerly took a few sips. Srassa had taught her and me how to drink as a noble would– to get us ready to attend the ball.  

“That's four plates, captain. Why not make it five?” I joked, on my third myself. Thanks to my [True Immortality], I didn't have to concern myself with overeating, getting fat, or being bloated from going well past what my stomach could handle.   

“Says you…” replied Momo, commenting that I ate almost as much as her.   

“It really was delicious,” said Srassa, who ate with grace and elegance befitting a woman of her upbringing.  

It seemed the meal was a substantial hit. Lucy went around and refilled our glasses, and we chatted happily about the food.   

The wounded butler was interested to know where I had come across the recipe, and I said I overheard a housewife at the market talk about it. She gave me the recipe when I asked. And that was all she wrote.  

I can’t really tell him I learned it from skeletal butler living in a scythe I keep in my ring, can I? Srassa and Momo know, but they won’t tell him. 

A couple of cookies were left over, so we finished them off.   

The night progressed for about another two hours. The laughter and cheers followed suit until nearly everyone was more than a little bit tipsy. Only the butler and Queen of Night seemed to hold their alcohol as well as I did. Srassa became more extroverted the more the wine touched her lovely lips. She was more outspoken and brave, taking charge and telling the others of our adventurers and fights, regaling the rest of the group. Momo gulped down her glass and joined in on the tales, taking a chance to spread the word of her grandfather.  

Momo was acting how she usually would, full of bravado and vigor, with all the friendliness I’d come to know and expect. But Srassa?  


She was certainly different, but how much did the liquid courage help out? Regardless, she was cute like this. And hyperactive, too, like a little puppy. If she had a tail, it would surely be swinging about as fast as Momo’s.  

If there was one thing I took from this…it was that I didn’t want this night to end. But all things were destined to come to a conclusion, either satisfactorily or not, and my wishes weren’t answered.   

Jony eventually looked at his pocket watch and exclaimed it was nearly midnight. He also noted how tired Srassa looked and didn’t want her to overstress herself, especially since this was the first time alcohol had touched her lips. She adorably whined and said she didn’t want to leave. “No! Not unless Servy walks me down!” 

“Servy?” Okay, maybe she’s wasted. She drank more than all of us. I’m surprised Jony let her do that. 

“Yep! You’re Servy! Servy the Servi from now on!” Srassa scooted near me and outright claimed ownership of my arm. She hugged it tightly. “Ahahaha!!!” 

Her laugh is cute. 

Jony sighed and cracked a small smile. “Servi, I’m terribly sorry to ask this of you, but would you mind?”  

“Not at all.”  

“Let me help,” said Momo, giggling as she emptied her glass. She walked over and got one of Srassa’s arms. I took the other, and I followed the butler down to the lobby after everyone had their chance to say their goodbyes.  

“Don’t worry about a thing, hon. Lucy and I’ll take care of the cleanup.” Nimyra gave me a smile as she softly closed the door. Her cheeks were flushed and warm, and the sparkle in her auburn-colored eyes was pretty.  

Jony excused himself once we reached the lobby and went to fetch the carriage.  

“Servy… Ahahahaaaa… So warm… So soft… Ahahaha!!!” Srassa tripped over her feet, giggled even louder, and rested her head against my shoulder. Her sweet perfume tickled my nose.  

“Geez, the girl really doesn’t know her limit, does she?” Momo asked. “Hhhup! Come on, drunky. You’re a big girl. You can stand on your own two feet.”  

“Nooooo….” Srassa offered an ounce of resistance before those green eyes slowly closed. Yep. She had fallen asleep just like that.   

“Well, since she’s hugging you, let me get in on this action.” Momo wrapped her arms around me. “It’s seriously impossible to measure the relief I felt when I saw you at her place. I feared the worst each night… It just seemed so sad. You don’t have any memories, and then… And then you died? I know you didn’t die, but it just didn’t seem fair. I know life isn’t fair, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make.”  

“It kinda sounds like you’re a bit buzzed, captain.”  

“Maybe I am. I don’t really drink that much. Maybe it’s the wine talking through me.” 

“Perhaps, but I appreciate your words all the same. When I woke up near that forest, I feared the worst. Just who was I going to run into? How will I get by without knowing anything? And it wasn’t easy. Far from it. But you and Srassa? And Lucy, Jony, and Nimyra? I consider myself blessed my life managed to intertwine with everyone. It makes me feel much more confident about the future. I know I’m in good hands. I know I don’t have much to worry about. Seriously, you’re like a lighthouse. If that makes sense.”  

“Keep talking like that, and my heart’s bound to jump out of my chest.” Momo was embarrassed and blushed like a blossoming flower. “I… I’m glad I met you, too. And Srassa… You’re a friend, Servi. A very close friend. I know it hasn’t been long, but my grandpa said I would immediately know the right people when I see them. The right people to be my friends. And he said to hold onto them tight and not let go. And to do everything to help them because they would be there to help me when I needed them the most. You and Srassa are those people. And you’re stuck with this kitty, haha.” Momo’s smile was super beautiful.  

Jony returned to help Srassa to the carriage, and after confirming plans to meet at the guild in the morning, I waved and watched as they pulled away.   

Once I couldn't see the carriage anymore, I returned to the apartment while on cloud nine. I was just so happy. Nimyra and Lucy weren’t anywhere to be seen. It was late, so I thought they were asleep. 

But no. I walked past Nimyra’s room, and her door was open. Lucy was lying in her lap, suckling her nipples as Nimyra teased Lucy’s pussy. 

“Ni-Ni…. There… Ah~~~” 

“Mmnnn… Lucy… Your sweet cries are even sexier… You're so cute… So precious…I'll make it go away, sweetie. Just leave it to me… Hmm?” Nimyra looked at my face and smiled. “You’re back already, hun?” 

“Yeah, I am. What are you doing?” 

“Lucy felt an itch she couldn’t scratch, so I’m helping her. Are you heading to bed?” 

“Yeah, that was the plan.” 

“Okay. Good night, sweetie.” 

“Good night.” I left the two women with a wave and shut the door as Nimyra affectionately fingered Lucy. The last thing I saw was this… motherly expression on Nimyra’s pretty, blushing face.  

She truly loved Lucy. 

After getting to my room, I hopped on the bed and returned to our soul world. Albert was sitting near the fountain, staring at the eternally night sky. He waved his hand, and we chatted about the party before I went deeper into the tower to search for Itarr.   

I found the goddess in her room.   

And she was jumping on the bed as if she was a little kid. Her smile… It was just so beautiful. Seeing her genuinely happy was almost enough to make my heart leap out of my chest with how fast it skipped beats.   

“Servi! How long have you been there?” Itarr jumped once more and landed on her butt.   

“Long enough to know you were having the time of your life,” I said, closing the door behind me. I joined her on the bed and reached for her hand. “You know… This night was something else.”  

“It was fun?” I nodded. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I learned a lot by watching everyone.”  



“This night doesn’t have to end just yet. Itarr, remember what happened a few days ago? I took a bath, and…you played with yourself? We talked dirty to the other? Well... I’m here, so why don’t we…enjoy ourselves…” I held her soft hand and placed it on my cheek.   

It was cute seeing her blush. Together, we stood and undressed the other without using our rings. Seeing her large, beautiful brown breasts, with her perky, cute nipples, got me hard. Itarr rubbed my erection through my panties, and I did the same for her once we were nearly naked.   

“Does it feel good?” I rubbed my thumb across the tip. Her precum stained her underwear.   

“Yes… It does… It feels different with your hand than when I do it myself.”  

“Same here… It’s because I love you, Itarr. My sweet, sweet goddess. Doing stuff with who you love feels better than doing it with a stranger. Hey, let’s have our boobs join in on the fun.” We closed the distance and touched nipples, continuing to rub our crotches.   

Itarr tensed and closed her eyes. She leaned against me as her panties became soaked in thick, goopy semen, running her underwear. She didn’t mean to thrust her hips forward, but our tips touched, and my climax followed suit. I rubbed her stomach and reached under her panties to sensually rub her messy cock.   

“You came a lot,” I said, looking at my hand. I brought it near her mouth. The goddess sucked my fingers clean.   

We undressed the rest of the way and massaged each other until our erections returned. Itarr left to fetch the breeding mount because I wanted to try something.   

After locking the wheels, I stood behind Itarr with my hands on her penis, then guided her past the artificial pussy’s lips.   

“Servi?! It… It feels…”  

“Fuck it. I want to see you cum.” I licked her ears and moved my hands to her stomach. I humped against her ass in sync as she thrust into the breeding mount. My dick was slick with my semen, so it acted as lube to keep things nice and slippery.  

“Am…I doing…it right~~~” Itarr moaned. I reached one hand between her legs to grab her dangling balls and groped her chest.   

“Yes… You are… Keep at it… Fuck it…” I kissed her cheeks and licked her lips. Her sweet moans continued until she bent forward, grabbing the side handles while working her hips. She blasted her load and filled it to the brim.   

“That’s a good girl, right there. You made it… Fuck, you came so much.” I still tapped her ass with my dick when I removed her penis. We watched as her semen drained like a leak in a pipe…  

But that was a waste. Itarr turned around and quickly moved behind me, then ushered me to the mount. As I did for her, she guided my penis into the fake pussy and humped my ass.   

I plunged deep and grew four inches larger. All of Itarr’s hot semen surrounded my dick in the purest warmth. “It’s my turn to talk dirty to you. Umm… Ma—Make your…goddess proud,” she forced out, embarrassed. Her voice was so cute. “Its… Umm… It's my…essence? Yes! My holy essence! How does it feel? The essence of a goddess?”  

“Like the best thing in the world,” I confessed. “I love the sound it makes. Hey, grab my tits… And don’t worry about being gentle. Aahhh~~~ Yes! Just like that! Harder… Itarr!!!” Itarr was like a wild animal. She pressed her chest against my back and humped my thighs while molding my boobs to her touch.   

Just a week ago, she didn’t know how special it could feel to feel the touch of a loved one, and now? 

She had me like putty in her hands… She came over my testicles and shaft when I climaxed, shooting more than I had ever done before.   

Itarr’s hands went to my stomach when she hugged me. I pulled out slightly, but the goddess stopped me, saying she wanted to try something. “If we…make it smaller, could we do it…at the same time?” Itarr’s penis became tinier and cute.   

I nodded and adjusted my size, then moved a half step away to make room. Itarr approached, and I wrapped my arms around her waist to get her as close as possible. Together, we put it in and moved, enjoying the sliminess of the fuck toy and each other. We alternated movements. Itarr sounded like she was in heat, and I felt the same. Her lips… They looked so soft and inviting. Her boobs jiggled with each thrust, and her ass was so supply and fluffy.   

Without warning, I sealed her lips with mine, groped her ass, and played with her breasts. My lust was getting the better of me.   

The only noises were the slickness, sopping semen being pushed around the breeding mount’s soft, slimy innards and our moans.   



We cried the other’s name and orgasmed, drenching the mount with so much seed it gushed out like a dam. Our cocks slipped out when they went flaccid, and after catching our reason, we walked to the bed and laid down. My hands searched for hers, and we stared at the ceiling, naked, with semen still covering our penises.   

I looked at her. She turned those multi-colored eyes my way…  

I rolled onto Itarr and stared at her penis. Mine was dangerously close to her lips. She grabbed my ass, opened her mouth, and took me into her throat. The sudden feeling overwhelmed me, but I couldn’t let her remain like this.    

“It smells just like you,” I whispered, inhaling her scent. I licked the brown tip and savored the sugary sweetness assaulting my taste buds.    

Slowly, I wrapped my lips around the wonderful thing staring at me and licked her flavor. My head moved more and more until more than half of her shaft’s length was tightly smothered by my throat.   

Not needing to breathe had its good sides.  

“You can move your hips. You don’t have to stop. Here, I’m…feeling it took… Your tongue is the best,” I said, kissing her penis. After I took it in my mouth again, her hips pumped, sending it deeper.   

I did the same and fucked her throat.   

“Mmmnnnppphhh!!!!” Itarr ascended past the cusp of pleasure before me, shooting it directly into my stomach. I removed it from my mouth and jerked her off as she covered my face in her spunk. It was hot and inviting, and the sweet smell drowned my nostrils.   

“A perfect penis deserved a lot of service. Let me clean it up.” I leaned down and licked the shaft, kissing her balls before moving up, then used both hands to work it while focusing on the tip.   

Itarr’s technique changed. She managed to find my ass and stuck a finger inside, causing me to tense in surprise. “I’m cumming!!!! Aaahhhh~~~ My ass… It feels so good!!!!”  

The suddenness… It was too much to handle, and I fell to my side, exhausted. Itarr’s mouth still latched on tightly and sucked what I poured down her throat. I peeked over my shoulder and saw her wiping her mouth when she sat up. My eyes went to her erection…  

And she looked at my ass… Itarr jerked off and bit her lips. She didn’t know what to do or how to understand her newfound feelings. Her desert-kissed cheeks were a faint red.    

“You can put it in my ass,” I whispered, slightly embarrassed. I got on my hands and knees and wiggled my butt. My waist was in the air, taunting my goddess, and I felt my penis slap against my thighs.    

Without a word, she crawled over and plunged it in without warning.   

“AAAHHHHHH!!!!” It was an involuntary, painful yelp, which frightened her a ton. It took a lot of coaxing for her to continue. “It’s fine… It just surprised me, but be gentle… Go slow… Use long strokes…”  

Itarr nodded. I felt her hands grab my waist as she moved, her meaty cock filling my ass. It felt so fucking good when she pulled out and slowly jabbed it in…  

Goddamn, it was otherworldly. I found myself moaning in no time at all. My penis throbbed—it ached from the pleasure.    

“Fuck me harder, Itarr!!! More!!!” The sound of her clapping my cheeks overpowered our combined moans. She leaned forward, reached around my waist to my penis, and jerked me off. I gripped the sheets and arched my head in feminine pleasure. I climaxed over the bed and lost strength in my legs. We fell to the bed. My penis was smothered in my emission as Itarr’s sexy voice hinted she was close to cumming. With one final thrust, I came again as her hot seed filled my ass. It was an ejection of love that marked our first time crossing the lustful line with each other.   

She remained in me, heaving, panting, and licking my cheeks. Her penis continued to shoot out what little it had left, and I felt so loved to feel her warmth…  

I didn’t know how long we remained like that…but I didn’t want it to end… 



That was sex… You do it with people you love, right? 

“That’s right. We did it because we loved each other,” I said, sitting on the roof of the Crimson Grotto overlooking the sunrise. Cassidy's cigarettes were resting in my pockets, not including the one I held between my fingers. I brought it to my lips and inhaled, filling my lungs with cancerous smoke that had no effect on me. The smokiness vanished, and the taste went away when I exhaled.  

Where would my life lead me from here?  

What journeys were awaiting me? The future was scary. It was the very definition of unknown and unpredictable.   

All I could do was hold on for the ride of life and use this chance to steer myself and my friends to safety.   

But with all things considered…  

I was happy…  

I was fine…  

I was…looking forward to what this new day would bring me… 

Servi! I…think I’m onto something. The souls weren’t completely wiped. Little remnants of…something were left behind. I’ll see what I can do with that.  

Itarr sounded excited. With any luck…maybe I wouldn’t be totally locked out from [Shadow Shot] and my other skills.  

Until then, I relaxed on the roof and watched the sunrise.   

Far away in the noble district, in a room on the top floor built exclusively for her, Srassa, the girl, who had extraordinarily changed over a week, was lying on her back with her legs spread open.   

She tearfully bit her pajama collar and felt the electric shock of pleasure for the first time.   

“Aaahh… I'm…feeling so hot…” Srassa moaned, twisting and turning until she couldn't take it anymore. She finally disrobed and touched her dripping peach directly, quickly discovering how good she felt when her puffy, reddened clit was stimulated.   

The more she squirmed and filled her mind, the longer her healthy, sizable bosom became more enticing to her wandering hands. Her nipples became erect, but no matter how hard she touched her body, there was still a yearning she couldn't satisfy.   

Srassa sat up, slightly frustrated because she was…close…to something. She couldn't identify it, but Srassa scanned her room and settled on her largest stuffed animal.   

Without waiting, she grabbed and tossed it into the bed, then straddled its furry face. She gyrated those hips and arched her back, pinching her nipples and biting her lips hard enough to draw blood. Srassa humped until she felt that invisible feeling within reach and continued even harder, not stopping when it seemed her world was about to come crashing down.   

“Ahhhhhh… What… Is this… Ahhhhhh… I…can't stop my hips… I want more!!!” She pushed the head of her stuffed bear deeper and deeper, finally crying out when she experienced her first-ever climax.   

Her sweaty breasts jolted when it was as if a bolt of lightning surged through her body. Srassa's mouth was wide open, her tongue hanging out as she fell chest-first onto her bed. Her delicious juices squirted out so passionately. The fluids completely covered her masturbatory aid. However, her sexual thirst wasn’t quenched. She resumed her riding nearly right away.  

And she wasn’t alone…  

Momo’s sensitive ears--often a boon-- were a slight curse because she heard everything from Srassa's room. When she couldn't take it anymore, Momo rolled out of bed and marched up the stairs to Srassa's room. The singi wanted to tell her she was being loud, but when she arrived at the door... 

It was partly open.  

The singi took a peek inside…and Momo saw Srassa’s unclothed, bountiful body, complete with large, bouncing, sweaty breasts, shinning in the glimmering moonlight. Right away, her thighs squirmed. She bit her lips and carefully placed a hand on her lacking breasts, at least when compared to the busty noble she spied upon.   

Momo wasn’t a stranger to touching herself. And she knew how wrong it was to spy on her like this.  


She found it so…thrilling

This is wrong… It’s so wrong… Momo… Why are you…still doing…this?!?!  

She didn’t listen to the voice in her head as she squatted. In seconds, her pajama bottoms and panties were around her ankles. Two fingers soon ravaged her pussy, which ached and throbbed more than usual, while watching the girl ride her stuffed animal as if it was a man.   

She was worried her estrus cycle was approaching, but that was still a month or two away. Besides, she would bleed for a week or two before that happened. Then she tried to blame these feelings on the alcohol.   

But was that the truth?  

She wanted to throw herself off a building for even spying in the first place…  

But she couldn't. She thought Srassa's bouncing breasts were delicious. She wanted to lick the sweat clean from her thighs and savor the taste upon her lips.   

And that made her all the more upset with herself.   

“Haaa… Haaaa…”  

“Aahhhh~~~ It… feels so good…” Hearing Srassa made Momo even more excited.   

“I'm… I'm so despicable… Ahhh.. I'm… I'm cumming!!!!! My fingers… I can't stop them…” Momo bit her lips hard enough to draw blood as she came, squirting her sweet nectar all over the door, wall, and floors. Tears welled as she looked at her drenched, soaked fingers. A few slimy strands were still connected to her pussy.  

It looked so...delicious... Before she knew it...she licked them clean. Momo couldn’t stop the itching and masturbated again with her eyes closed. The power of imagination kicked into overdrive as her fingers increased in speed.  

“Ahhhhhh!!!!! I’m…. It’s here…. I… I… MMmmmnnnn!!!!! Ser– Servy!!!!!!!!” 

Servy? Servi?! Momo opened her eyes and peeked in the crack just in time to watch Srassa’s strongest climax yet. Both hands groped her breasts as her pussy throbbed and ached.  

It...looks like she’s...thinking about Servy... Servy's cute... She’s strong... And...and Srassa's imagining Servy holding her close, right? Maybe...rubbing her fingers through her legs? Or...kissing her? Me? Kissing...Servy? 

Srassa still wanted more. Her glazed, lustful eyes saw her desk’s corner... Momo was taken back when Srassa got off her bed. She held her breath and froze her fingers, worried her voyeurism was about to be discovered.   

To the singi’s surprise, Srassa was drunk on her brand-new feeling.  

And Momo was drunk on hers—feeling hot and bothered. 

The wine’s making me do this... It’s...not me... I’m...not a pervert... 

Momo remained beside the door until Srassa had humped and rubbed her pussy on nearly everything in her room in her sexual conquest to find an answer to the sudden feelings assailing her body. Eventually, Srassa seemed to come down. She collapsed on the bed with her legs spread, inadvertently giving Momo a perfect look at her pussy...  

It was so... delicious looking...   

“I...must clean up... I...can’t leave it like this...” Srassa whispered. Momo overheard her, then watched as Srassa walked to her personal bathroom. Once she heard the door shut, Momo looked at the floor...  

“It’s so wet... Ugh... I’m just the worst, aren’t I...” Momo removed her panties and used them to clean her mess, then took a walk of shame back to her room while pondering what she had done and overheard. 

Srassa likes Servy, doesn’t she? I do too, but...that way? We’re women, though. How do you do it with girls? But Lucy said Servy had something between her...legs? Does she mean a penis? But she’s a girl, not a boy. But...if she does have one? And she puts it in me...  

Momo felt her cheeks instantly redden. She quickened her pace, stepping through the large mansion as quiet as a cat, and locked her door. She dove onto her bed and squirmed, unable to get the thought of Servi’s potential penis out of her head.   

Oh, geez! Momo! She’s your friend! You aren’t supposed to think of her like this!! won’t hurt, right? If I touch myself again? It's the last time...and it’s the alcohol... Yeah, I can blame it on that... 

No doubt, the three women who found themselves intertwined in each other's lives were connected by more than one thread.  

And Arc 1 has come to an end!

Servi and Itarr have crossed the line, and they had sex. And it seems like Momo and Srassa are feeling... something for their precious Servy.

Srassa sure is beautiful, isn't she? Her personality changes when she becomes drunk, and that was fun to write.  And Lucy looks cute in her new uniform. Here's hoping she can really get the help she needs to recover from that brainwashing Myrokos used on her. 

Next week, I will have an Update Post. I like to do these after I'm finished with an Arc since it gives me a chance to talk about the writing process. I like to go into things that were removed, changed, and altered, and since this is a rewrite, I can do even more comparisons and talk about why certain things didn't make the cut. 

As for editing of Arc 2? It's done. Completely finished. It's a bit over 100k words, and I'll talk about it more in that Update Post.

For those curious, I'm about 68k/253k words edited for Arc 4 of Chimeric Ascension. (Seriously, it's long enough to be two full, complete Arcs. I probably should've intended it to be that way, if I'm being honest. It would've been out already...)

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