Interconnected: Spliced Souls

Chapter Two: Immortality in Action (Illustrations!)

The image in the Spoiler Box is SFW. 

When I regained consciousness, the mutilated remains of a child confronted me. Filthy maggots reveled in its decomposing eye sockets, and I blinked three times. Breathing became a struggle—no, I no longer needed to do that. But where was I? It felt as if I were buried beneath a pile of corpses because I could see was death. 

Ahh, you’re awake. That’s good, Itarr said. I nearly jumped at her voice.  

How are you feeling? I asked in my mind, but it apparently didn’t reach her because she asked if I was okay, which led to us finding out she couldn’t read my thoughts. We eventually deduced our location, which had to be a wagon of some kind because the carcasses above me kept shifting, rusty wheels were squeaking, and I heard hooves rhythmically pounding against the ground. I slowly stashed the bodies in the ring until I heard someone speaking.   

“The lieutenant doesn’t hold back, does he?” said a husky voice. “Never knew him to strip a corpse to take her clothes.”  

I can understand them... Wait, I’m naked?! Sure enough, I ran my arms down my chest and felt my dirty breasts and filthy stomach.  

I whispered my surprise to Itarr, and she didn’t have a concrete answer. Well, she was a goddess, so she could’ve created this world with the other gods and goddesses. We deduced it was some innate ability of hers that was passed to me.   

“Maybe. I guess it doesn’t matter.”   

I suppose not, said Itarr.  Before she could say anything else, the other conversation continued.    

“Nope. I’m surprised to see that human back there, though. The only thing he hates more than a wildkin is a human that tries to defend the dirty bastards,” said another. “How far away are we?”   

“About fifteen minutes. The burn pits are already dug. We gotta dump 'em and scorch 'em. We’re his newest recruits. He gave this to test us. There ain’t no way in hell we can fuck this up. Remember how much effort it took to round up that boy and girl this morning? He said we can have their tails when he finds them again.”   

They said 'lieutenant,' so did that mean the two men in armor I saw were soldiers of that city? Their equipment looked fancy, so they had to be high up... So why? Why the hell would you do that to children?! 

I can feel your anger, Servi.  

 I gritted my teeth as hard as I could. When they shattered and chipped, they healed within less than a second. How could they talk about children as if they were trophies? It was fucking disgusting... “I want to end their lives. Can I kill them?”  

You may do as you wish. Ah, before you act, know this. [True Absorption] is Lv. 1. You can only absorb items and souls of those you didn’t kill within a range of five feet. For those you kill, the limit is further, but it is not infinite.  

“I don’t know what that means,” I said, absorbing the remaining corpses and wagon inside my ring. With nothing under me, I slammed into the ground and rolled, dirtying my already filthy body even more as tiny rocks scratched my face. Even if I was immortal, I could still feel pain. My arm unnaturally bent the opposite way, so I waited for that to heal before recovering to my feet. Right away, I was met with the hungry point of a sharp spear and the deranged edge of an axe waiting to taste my throat.   

"Explain to me what the fuck just happened?” demanded the man with a husky voice. He held the axe, but his gut was almost too big for his armor. You could see the palpable fear sweat down his bald head and onto his fat lips. “Where’s the wagon? Where are the corpses? Who the fuck are you?!”   

“You-- You were supposed to be dead!” the warrior holding the spear exclaimed. His arms were shaking like jittering teeth. The peach fuzz on his chin indicated he couldn’t be older than 20 or 21. Maybe even younger. There was a façade of strength and courage that gave way to regret on his face.   

Instead of staring them down, I turned my gaze skyward. “After you’ve passed away once, you appreciate things more.” Ignoring them, I couldn’t help but feel a restored kindness towards the celestial beauty and its twinkling stars. In the time it took to blink, a spear pierced my throat, and an axe found a home in my side. It was lodged securely against my spinal cord. I felt the pain, of course, but the moon?   

Well, it was worth the gallons of blood flooding out of these wounds. Grabbing both, I extracted the weapons from my body and dropped the spear to the oversaturated ground.   

“Fraun, what do we do?!”   

“I don’t know, Frank. Just get your damn axe back!”   

The husky one—Frank—tiptoed forward with eyes locked onto his weapon. He leapt forward with his arms outstretched, but Frank lost his footing on the slippery, crimson-soaked ground and fell to his back. Stepping back, I lifted the axe above me and brought it down upon his chest, splitting his armor and spilling his blood.   

“GUH!!!” he grunted.   

“[Lock-On]!” I looked at Fraun and noticed he retrieved his spear. It flashed yellow for a moment before he threw it, and I couldn’t react in time before it bore a hole through my stomach. Faltering and stepping back, fleshy tendrils started to heal the damage while a gasped look flooded his face. “You’re--- You’re a fucking monster!” When Fraun started to run, I had a choice between him and the wounded Frank.   

I chose the former. Plucking the spear and dropping the axe, I gave chase. Since I didn’t need to breathe, I didn’t have to worry about running out of breath. Nor was there any worry of lactic acid building in my muscles to cause pain. His legs were trembling. Each time he turned around, I was closer and closer until I pushed him down. He slid across the rough terrain for a few feet, then hastily turned to his back and crawled backwards. “No! Please, don’t do this! I’m... I’m sorry... I don’t know why he did what he did! I didn’t have anything to do with it!”   

“That’s a damn lie, and you know it. You’re the one that rounded up those two kids. Yeah, that’s right. I heard you two talking.” I lifted the spear.   

“N-- No! That’s not true. The lieutenant made us do—” A spear through his head ended his life. Bone fragments and brain matter leaked via a river of blood as I stared at the corpse. I killed him...   

I used these two hands of mine to take a life... 

To kill someone... 

What exactly...did I feel? Happiness? No. Glee? That wasn’t it. It was like I was trying to find myself when a burgundy, reddish orb floated from his carcass.    

That is the soul given form, Servi. Only we can see it.  

It vanished when it approached my ring, but I didn’t feel different. Suddenly, a floating device appeared in front of me. It almost looked like a tablet computer, but it was carved from a piece of polished silver. It didn’t have a backlit display. Just words on stone, and that was it.   

“Skill Tablet?” I questionably read the words at the top and worked my way down, but it was mostly blank. There was a tab marked ‘Uncategorized.’ Then there was a large amount of empty space before two more phrases. “[Primordial Goddess]? [Forbidden Skill System]? What the hell is all this?”   

Is that what I am? This [Primordial Goddess]? Itarr asked as I expanded that section.   

“Possibly? Immortality and absorbing souls are a big deal. They’re powerful—almost otherworldly powerful.” Seven things were listed, and I could touch them to get more information.  

  • True Immortality (Lv. Infinite)  
    • The user never ages or perishes from attacks targeting the body or soul. 
  • True Absorption (Lv. 1)  
    • The user absorbs the souls of the fallen. If the user was not involved in their death, the range of this ability is severely limited. The user can also store or stash items inside the ring, but the ability's range remains restricted (Range: 5 Feet). 
  • Divine Ear (Prototype)  
    • The user understands any language in the world. This skill doesn't automatically grant fluency. 
  • Skill Stacking (Prototype)  
    • The user can stack skills equal to the number of souls absorbed, increasing their effectiveness. 
  • Voiceless Incantation (Prototype)  
    • The user can use skills, abilities, techniques, or magic by simply thinking their names. 
  • Blood Crystal Crafting (Prototype)  
    • The user crystalizes their blood, and they can imbue the created crystal with skills they know. 
  • Ichor’s Blessing (Prototype)  
    • The user can pass their strength to a chosen, trusted ally by having them drink the user's blood. Once consumed, they will be placed into the [Pantheon] or [Outer Circle], which determines the amount of power they receive from the user. 

“Uhh... There’s more here than simply being immortal and absorbing stuff.”  

This is a first for me. I do not recognize most of this. What does 'prototype’ mean?  

“It means the first model of something. Like if you’re building a car, you would go through a series of prototypes to iron out the kinks before moving on to mass production.”  

Was I in the middle of creating them before I lost my memories? Before being imprisoned? 

“It looks like that to me.” I expanded the category marked Uncategorized and saw one skill-- [Lock-On]. It was written in white text, so did that mean it was available for use?  

“Huh, let me test something out.” I picked up the spear from the corpse, then turned around. Frank’s death rattle was slowly dying, and the arm he reached towards heaven slowly started to lower.   

I thought of the skill [Lock-On]. A targeting reticle appeared in my vision. After keeping my gaze on my target, it eventually flashed red while the spear briefly illuminated yellow. When I went to throw it, it was like someone had taken over my muscles and guided me on how exactly I needed to move my body to hit my foe.   

After letting it loose, I watched the spear fly high in the sky in a perfect arc before coming down and impaling Frank through his neck. He perished more than 5 feet away, yet his soul floated over and rested within my ring.   

Servi? What’s wrong? Itarr asked after I sighed. I looked up to the moon for a second time and just said what came to my mind.  

“I killed two people. And what do I feel? Almost nothing. They deserved to die. If I hadn’t taken their lives, they would’ve hurt other children, and their trauma would be on my hands.”  

You killed them for the greater good? Is that a good thing?  

“Maybe? Killing is supposed to be wrong, but I don’t feel wrong. Hey, Itarr?”  


“Do you think...that’s related to my past? It’s a long shot, but what if I don’t like the person I used to be? If I can kill so easily, I wonder if I was a monster?”  

Are you fine without your memories?  

“Maybe? I’m just suddenly realizing the person I used to be might not be the person I want to be. What if this is a fresh start? For me, that is. And maybe you, too. I don’t know the first thing about this world. It’s like a blank canvas, and I’m the artist dictating my life. I can go where I want to go, do what I want to do, and be who I want to be.”  

And who is that?  

“A protector... I want to fight for those that can’t defend themselves. Itarr, this incredible power came from you, and I have a choice of how I want to use it. I know what it’s like to be left for dead... I mean, I died, right? Alone and afraid... And if I were stronger, I could’ve saved that girl and stepped in earlier for those children. So that’s my answer. I’d rather remain a stranger to the truth if it meant being happy with myself. Does that mean I’m a coward?”  

I’m sorry, Servi. I can’t answer that, but I wish to know my past. Will you still help me recover my memories?  

“Of course, I will. I just don’t know where to start. Do you?”  

I do not. Even if you do not wish to regain them, there is a chance they will come back, right?  

“Yep. As unlikely as it is, they could return to us in a week out of nowhere,” I said, looking down at Fraun’s carcass, which soon disappeared inside my ring. I did the same to Frank’s body and the two weapons before remembering I was stark naked. I asked Itarr how to retrieve items from the ring, and it was as simple as imagining what I wanted to take out. But that only worked if I had a clear picture, and I didn’t.   

I can give you their clothing if you’d like, but there’s something I need to teach you. Servi, it’s possible to visit our soul world. Would you like to try it?   

I nodded. Itarr told me to focus on the ring as if it was a portal to another realm. After closing my eyes, I did just that and felt an unnatural air swoosh me by while the ring burned like wildfire for a split second.   

It didn’t hurt, so I opened my eyes to find my surroundings completely different.   

It was still very much night, yet the moon and stars were an afterthought in the void-like abyss above me. There wasn’t a single spec of light, yet it was evening. I stood near a tremendously tall tower-- stretching far beyond the infinite sky. It had hundreds of thousands of jagged points, sharp steeples, and slanted spires. I heard an odd gurgling noise, then turned around to find a fountain of blood. It was about seven feet tall, yet it was a gentle flow-- producing no sound after the initial gurgle.   

Beyond that lay a stretch of grassy plains and tall trees 

I was on an island of some kind because I saw the ocean far in the distance, but it wasn’t filled with water. Like the fountain, its liquid was a bright crimson. The somewhat powerful winds produced sizable waves that never once threatened this island.    

“Welcome, Servi.” I turned to the tower and watched the massive doors slowly push outward. Itarr was there, but she looked different. It was almost like looking in a mirror and seeing myself. Her new form had my body, from the same healthy bosom to the shapely hips and well-rounded ass. Yet she was, at the core, a collection of red energy, and her boobs didn’t have nipples. Her eyes were still black, but they looked more human and softer like mine. It was the same with her mouth, lips, tongue, and teeth. Still black but easier on the eyes. Her hair, which mimicked my style and not the color, was just a darker shade of crimson to make it stand out. 

I’d go as far as to say she was cute in her own goddess-like way.   

“Why does it look like this?” I asked, walking to her while still stark naked.    

“What do you mean? When our surroundings collapsed after you put on my ring, this is what surrounded us. I believe it reflected the freedom and potential I once had before my memories vanished. When you absorbed it into the ring, I believed it combined with the leftovers of my soul to create our new spliced soul. Ah, as for my appearance? It is a result of becoming one with you. Do you like it? Are you upset?”   

“This is a first for me. I didn’t see anything like this when before we broke out. And yes, I love it. And if you’re fine with looking like me, I’m happy. You look cute, you know,” I replied, walking side-by-side with her and explaining the concept of cuteness. I didn’t think she understood it, but that was fine. Once inside, I couldn’t see a single light source, but like the outside, it was like it was evening. “It’s very spacious and empty, though. It’s a giant circular room with one corridor to the side and spiral stairs in the middle. I don’t see any floors above us.”   

“It will grow and expand. If it pleases you, I can manage the improvements. Additionally, I can use what you absorb to decorate the place. In fact, I’ve already started,” Itarr said, guiding me down the only hallway. We came to a door on the left, and it opened at her touch to reveal a large armory. Frank and Fraun’s equipment were on display via crimson mannequins. “I’ll also oversee organization, so you aren’t required to vividly remember everything you store in the ring. All you must do is ask for something, and I will retrieve it.”   

“That’s incredible, Itarr. You’re amazing,” I said, my breath was almost blown away. I took the spear, and Itarr escorted me to the only other door in this hallway.   

“A closet?” I asked, surprised by the pair of mannequins wearing clothes and the room's size. It felt like you could walk for hours and not reach the other side, which didn’t make sense because I clearly saw the wall opposite me.    

“Is that what they’re called?” replied Itarr. I nodded, and she continued. “Frank and Fraun were wearing these under that armor. I used [True Absorption] to clean the blood and make them presentable.”   

“Thanks for that. Putting them on here means they show up on my outside body, right?" 

“That’s correct.” Itarr was far more expressive. Sometimes, she crossed her arms or held them behind her back. Other times, she folded her fingers across her chest and gave me a smile as if she was practicing. “I can also dress you from within the ring. From your perspective, it would be like the clothes suddenly appeared on your body. All you must do is ask, and I will help you however I can. If it pleases you, I can absorb for you when you must focus your attention elsewhere.”   

Since I was already here, I took Frank’s gambeson and wore it over his white shirt, then slipped on his padded pants. As weak as they were, these garments would at least cover me. After sliding on his socks and boots, I realized they were too big.  

Frank was an overweight bastard, so I took his massive shirt and used it like a dress while forgoing the gambeson. It reached my knees. I didn’t want it to flare up and expose my crotch, so I tore some threads from Frank’s pants and wrapped them around my waist– like a makeshift belt. It would prevent my shirt dress from fluttering in the wind. 


After exiting the ring and confirming what I wore, I grabbed the spear and walked toward the city.   

Or the direction I thought it was in.    

I followed the tracks while Itarr and I talked more about her skills. Mainly, [Blood Crystal Crafting]. I wanted to try [Skill Stacking], but [Lock-On] couldn’t be stacked. At least, I didn't think it could. I thought it over twice, but nothing ever changed. And Itarr said Frank didn’t have any skills.    

But when thinking of my crafting skill, a glass dagger appeared floating in front of my eyes while instructions filled my mind. I pressed the tip into my wrist, then watched as it filled. Once the knife was completely red, a series of shapes appeared in my mind, and I chose the square. Just like that, a shiny red cube about an inch big appeared. The blade’s blood had drained, and the dagger vanished when I ended the skill.   

Servi, look at this, Itarr said. That same stone tablet appeared in front of me, and down near the bottom, right next to [Blood Crystal Crafting], was a separate section called [Imbue]. Pressing my finger to that altered what I saw and listed all the skills I knew. [Lock-On] was the only one present, so I tapped that, which brought up a list of blood crystals I’d made. ‘Cube 1’ was there, but I touched it, which allowed me to change its name to ‘Prototype 1’. It flashed once. When I imbued my only skill to Prototype 1, it flickered again.   

“If I somehow attach this to a spear, I’m pretty sure whoever holds it can use [Lock-On] without knowing it. But I don’t know how that can be helpful because I can use skills normally, right?”   

Are we missing something?   

“Probably. But it’s also incomplete,” I replied, stashing the cube inside the ring. Itarr told me she was going to mess around with it. Meanwhile, I kept examining the tablet. The section marked ‘[Forbidden Skill System]' was glowing. When expanded, it showed the four categories. [Necromancy], [Chronomancy], [Elemental Manipulation], and [Reality Warping]. Of those, only the last one was highlighted. Opening that showed me a skill called [Lover's Blossom], which was at the bottom. Based on how it was spaced out, there was room to fit about fifteen more skills above it. 

  • Lover’s Blossom – 1 SP  
    • This ability may only be acquired if the host of the Primordial Goddess is female. Once learned, the user will grow a penis, thereby replacing their genitalia with that of a male. Customization options will be unlocked after purchase. 

“What the hell? Why would this be a skill? And how come it’s the only thing there?”  

Perhaps we must do something before the other three categories are illuminated? I wish I knew. But... A penis? I do not know what that is.   

“It’s something guys have between their legs. Are…are you curious?” I asked, not believing the quizzical tone of my voice.    

It costs 1 SP. I am certain you will not lose any strength from using this resource. But yes, I am. Servi, will you…show me?  

“I... I guess... I don’t mind, but can we wait until we reach the city? We can experiment with it later.”   

That is fine.  

Near the top of the tablet sat ‘SP: 2’. Itarr and I talked about it, and it seemed absorbing a soul granted me skill potential, or SP, to spend on acquiring skills. 

But how do I make other skills show up? If I get them from killing people that have them, is there a need to spend SP? I wonder if we're missing something.  

Ugh... Here I was talking about growing penises after killing some sick bastards that deserved death.   

We continued to chat until we came to the fork in the road. Briefly, I checked to see if the oversized bees were still there, and they were, but they were dead. Their sharp sword-like appendages were cut from their carcasses. I wondered if they were worth something? On that topic, what was the currency of this country?    

I can find that out once I get to the city. Better get to it.   

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