Internet Magic in Fairy Tail

Chapter 37: Mystogan and Laxus

"My magic power has increased again. Is this what it feels like to reap the rewards effortlessly?"

Lying down and leveling up felt incredible.

This time, Nate's magic power had increased a few days earlier than expected, thanks to the explosive growth of Internet users. Watching the increasingly lively forum, Nate felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

"At this rate, it won't be long before I qualify as one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

The title of Ten Wizard Saints was conferred by the Magic Council to those whose strength far surpassed that of ordinary S-class mages. However, since the number was fixed, becoming a Saint meant taking someone's place.

"Then again... it's just an honorary title in the end."

"The weakest and the strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints are worlds apart."

"For now, let's focus on completing the system's task."

Nate straightened his clothes and headed out.

Instead of going to the guild, he visited a magic shop and bought some items for modifying the magic rings.

Cost: 200,000J.

After returning home, he got to work using the knowledge he'd gathered from the books to modify the magic ring. He mainly added a mind-magic component that, when used by a non-magic person, would absorb a small fragment of their mind as a unique identifier.

After about half an hour of effort, he finally finished.


However, the system didn’t indicate that the task was complete.

Nate was puzzled.

He checked the task description again.

[Task: Develop a new type of Internet login device that non-magic people can use, based on the magic ring.]

"Develop something new... so modification doesn't count?"

Thinking it over, he set the modified ring aside. He figured he would need to test it on a non-magic person. If it worked, he could then buy some basic magic materials and craft a new one from scratch.


Arriving at the guild, Nate saw Erza.

After a few days of rest, her injuries had fully healed. She stood in the guild hall with her hands on her hips, like a strict class monitor.

“You guys! You're all spending too much time on the Internet and not doing your jobs! This can’t go on!"

"Cana! Are you seriously drinking straight from the barrel? It's the middle of the day!"

"Vijeeter, if you want to dance, go outside!"

"Wakaba, your cigarette butt is about to fall on the floor! How long do you need to think about your next card move?"


Erza suddenly fell silent and sighed.

The people she called out looked like they were under a paralysis spell, each frozen in place with awkward expressions.

"You could at least say something to me!" Macao complained.

"Ah, you’re all just a bunch of overgrown kids," Erza muttered, rubbing her forehead and shaking her head. "Fine, I’ll let you off today. I don’t want to nag too much."

But you already did...

Nate stood at the entrance, deciding that it might be better not to go in just yet.

Just as he was about to turn around—


Erza called his name.

Nate froze in place. "Hey, Erza. You seem to have recovered well. You look great. That’s a relief."

"Thanks to you, I ended up lying in the infirmary for a week!"

Erza’s eyes were sharp, and Nate immediately had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, his fears were confirmed in the next second.

"Let’s spar again. This time, I’ll be serious!"

"Is there no honesty left between people?"

"A woman’s words can't always be trusted," Erza said with a sly smile. Seeing Nate's reluctance, she added, "I was just joking. I won’t go back on my word. But why were you trying to leave when you saw me? It hurt my feelings. Come, have a drink with me."

You were just lecturing Cana for drinking in the middle of the day…

Sighing inwardly, Nate had no choice but to walk over.

The two of them sat down at the bar, but Mirajane wasn’t around. So, Erza took it upon herself to grab a bottle from the shelf and poured drinks for the two of them.

"Thanks for helping me out last time."

"Don’t mention it."

Nate accepted the glass and took a small sip.

Erza, clearly not much of a drinker, downed her glass of red wine in one go, only to wrinkle her nose in distaste.

She wondered why Cana enjoyed drinking so much.

"Thanks to you, the Dark Guild Eisenwald wasn’t able to succeed. Otherwise, the guild masters would have been in danger."

Hearing her say that, Nate couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Should he call her disrespectful of the guild masters, or perhaps too respectful?

Suddenly, a wave of drowsiness hit him.

Nate’s eyelids fluttered, his eyes focusing on the guild’s front door. A figure stepped inside, and a drowsy atmosphere began to spread throughout the guild.

"This feeling..."

Erza’s body swayed, and one by one, the people in the guild fell unconscious, slumping over their tables. Some lay directly on the floor, snoring loudly.

Up on the second-floor railing, Makarov’s head bobbed as he fought to stay awake.

"Is that... Mystogan?"

Makarov squinted and murmured to himself.

At that moment, Erza finally gave in, her glass slipping from her hand and rolling across the bar as she collapsed.

Nate caught her just before she fell to the ground.

He turned his head slightly, his gaze locking on the person who had just entered.

The figure wore a black hat, a green mask, and a black cloak, with five magic staves strapped to his back. Only his eyes were visible.

Seeming surprised that someone was still awake, Mystogan’s gaze met Nate’s.

Who is this person?

Mystogan was puzzled but didn’t approach. He walked straight to the request board, tore off a mission, and turned to leave.


Nate called out to him in time. "You must be Mystogan, one of the guild's S-class mages, right?"

Mystogan paused, nodding slightly with his back still turned.

"Sorry, for certain reasons, I prefer not to be seen."

I know, Jellal from the neighboring guild...

Nate chuckled lightly and pulled out a magic ring.

“I’m Nate, the new guy. This is my Internet magic. If you wear this, you can accept missions online without needing to put everyone to sleep each time."

“Could you come and get it? I’m holding Erza and can’t move.”

Mystogan hesitated for a moment before turning slightly, glancing at Nate from the corner of his eye.

Nate sat at the bar, holding the unconscious Erza, clearly unable to walk over.

He’s strong enough to stay awake under my sleep spell. Looks like the guild has gained another powerful mage.

Mystogan thought to himself, then spoke quietly, "Toss it to me."

With a swift motion, Nate threw the ring, and Mystogan caught it with precision.

"Thank you."

Though he didn’t fully understand what Internet magic was or how online missions worked, Mystogan still politely thanked Nate. After giving him a slight nod, he left.

As soon as he exited the guild, the sleep magic was lifted.

Erza suddenly woke up, realizing she was in Nate's arms.

“Sorry, Nate. You had to see me like this.”

Rubbing her temples, she straightened up in her chair. Then, suddenly realizing something, she exclaimed, "Wait, Nate! You were able to stay awake?"

“Barely resisted being put to sleep.”

Nate smiled and set her fallen glass upright.

If it had been three days ago, he might have fallen under the spell as well. But after learning the basics of mind magic and with the help of his Six Eyes, he had been able to resist Mystogan’s sleep magic just in time.

"That’s amazing!"

Erza was clearly impressed. “That guy was Mystogan. Every time he comes back, he puts everyone to sleep. Probably only the guild master knows what he really looks like.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than a teasing laugh came from the second floor.

“No, I know too.”

Nate looked up, not surprised by the figure standing there.

He had sensed him before entering the guild.

“Hello, senpai,” Nate greeted with a light laugh.

“Laxus!” Erza frowned.

On the second floor, Laxus leaned on the wooden railing, glancing briefly at Erza before shifting his gaze to Nate.

“This trip back has certainly brought some interesting surprises.”

“Staying awake under Mystogan’s sleep spell? Not bad!”

“How about joining my Raijinshuu?”

Nate noticed the ring on Laxus’ finger, indicating he had already registered for the Internet. It seemed like today was full of good fortune.

Of Fairy Tail’s five S-class mages—besides Mira and Erza—two of the remaining three had appeared today.

“Thanks for the offer, Laxus-senpai, but I’m not really into working. I’ll have to decline.”

"Is that so?"

Laxus raised an eyebrow, electricity crackling between his strands of hair. “I heard you beat Erza. How about you and I have a match? Let’s see what you’re made of!”

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