Interstellar Age

Chapter 144 Rest And Recreation

Erich spent the entirety of his first two days back at his beachside mansion in bed with his wife and concubine. Though he missed Yumi's special brand of comfort, he made do with her niece, who he was able to mold into the perfect lover.

After spending two whole days in bed, Erich arose with the dawn on the third day, and decided to make breakfast for his two women. While Erika's body was genetically enhanced in its own ways, and was capable of performing such an act. Ayumi's was not, and because of that, he suspected that she would have a hard time walking for the next week.

Despite having numerous servants who were paid by the state to attend to Erich, and his loved ones, every need. Erich still enjoyed the act of cooking a nice breakfast when he could. And thus he began to make scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns for his two women.

Once it was done, he brought the meal into the bedroom, and set the plates to hover, so that they could be eaten from a relaxed position. He then climbed into bed between his two women, and woke them both up by nibbling kissing them.

Ayumi was the first to awaken, and she was indeed feeling quite sore, after spending two whole days in the arms of her lover. Thus, she was extremely thankful that he had prepared her a nice meal.

Though the food eaten in the Germanic Star-Empire was vastly different from her own people's cuisine, mostly being a mix of the cooking styles that were prominent within the Germanic countries of Earth's history. She had found herself enjoying it, nonetheless.

By the time Erika finally opened her eyes, after refusing her husband's wake up call for some time. Ayumi was already halfway done with her own meal. To Erich, the sight of the two naked women, both of which had extremely voluptuous figures, was like a dream come true. And he had to prevent himself from getting excited again, as he spoke of his plans for the day.

"Well, I hate to admit it, but I only have two weeks of leave. So I was hoping we could spend some time at the beach today. As much as I enjoy simply relaxing in bed, there are other ways to rest."

Ayumi blushed when she heard the words "relaxing in bed" knowing full well that they were doing anything but relaxing over the course of the past two days. She honestly had no idea how Erika could keep up with Erich, but she tried her best to match the woman's pace.

Of course, there was no way Ayumi was going to be able to walk all the way down to the beach, and thus she was quick to decline her lover's offer.

"I think I'll spend another day or two in bed, but you two go out and have some fun together."

Naturally Erich understood why this was the case, and thus, he chuckled before looking over at his wife, and speaking the words she had wanted to hear for quite some time, but never actually expected to.

'Well, I guess it's just the two of us today. How about it? You want to go to the beach with me? If not, I could always just stare off into space and drink some beer..."

This was obviously a call back to the early days of their marriage, when Erich and Erika weren't exactly on speaking terms. War had an effect on a man's mind, and to this day, Erich suffered from shell shock, which had only worsened with time.

This trauma was easy to hide while serving in the military. After all, he seldom had time alone while he was deployed, and was usually engaged in combat almost every waking hour of the day. And when your body was relying on instinct, it didn't have time to contemplate the horrors of war.

Erika was quick to ask the immediate question that was on her mind when she heard the words that her husband had spoken. As much as the man tried to pass them off as a joke, Erika could tell there was still some truth behind them.

"Erich... Are you okay? Do you need to talk about what you have seen and done?"

Contrary to what Erika was expecting, the man simply shook his head and avoided the question entirely as he got up out of bed and entered the shower.

"I'm going to go get ready for our day at the beach. You can join me if you wish."

Perhaps out of fear of leaving the man alone with his thoughts, Erika did exactly that, and followed her husband into the shower, where they once more engaged in the same activities they had been partaking in for the last two days.

Once they were done with a very long shower, they emerged from the bathroom and got dressed in their bathing suits before departing from the beach side mansion. It was a relatively short walk to the beach, and when they got there, Erich immediately set up some beach chairs and a parasol, while setting down his ice chest that was filled with beer.

Over the course of the next three hours, Erich and Erika spoke of many things, but whenever Erika would broach the subject of what Erich had witnessed in combat, he always avoided the subject. Instead, he only spoke of the peaceful times of his deployment. Which was almost exclusively a long bitching about the Confederation of Human Worlds and how much of an amoral wasteland it truly was.

Erika could hardly believe the things Erich had seen during his short deployment to the region, but Erich made it seem like he had not even seen the worst which humanity had to offer. As disgusting as the things he had seen that were considered acceptable by human standards truly were, Erich genuinely believed there was far worse that was being concealed from the public eye. Though for the life of him, he couldn't imagine what could possibly be worse than what he had witnessed.

After a lengthy discussion, and a six-pack of beers. Erich and Erika began to play beach volleyball. Which only made Erich even more excited as he witnessed his wife's fantastic body jiggle with every movement.

At a certain point, Erich could no longer control himself, and pinned his wife on the sandy beach, where they made love out in the open. Which, while dreadfully embarrassing for Erika, was not witnessed by anybody, due to how remote Erich's mansion was, and the vast amount of private land he had access to.

Eventually, after a long day of relaxation, the couple retired back to the Mansion, where they found Ayumi waiting for their return, along with a large feast that had been prepared by the kitchen staff. Thus, ending an enjoyable day, with a brilliant meal, and some fine alcohol.

For the rest of the two weeks that Erich spent at his home, he would enjoy every day like this one. Eating the finest food, drinking the finest spirits, and enjoying the bodies of the finest women he had ever met. He truly lived like a King, and despite this, the Civil War in the Great Oni Empire had never truly left his thoughts.

Before long Erich would pack up his things once more, and report to the headquarters of Germanic Military Intelligence, which was stationed on Germania. Where he would once more enter the fray. However, this time around, he left after repairing much of the damage that had been done to his relationship with Erika.

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