Interstellar Age

Chapter 163 Completing The War Games

After a particularly scandalous event, the Centennial War Games came to a sudden halt. During which, an investigation was held to look into why a group of Alfheim Special Forces had taken it upon themselves to assault their Germanic counterparts with live weapons.

After a week of investigations, it was revealed that this was all part of a rogue prince's attempt to lead a coup against his Royal Mother. Because of this, the "guilty" parties were rounded up and executed.

As much as this answer satisfied those interstellar civilizations who swore fealty to the Alfheim Dominion. Erich believed it was a cover up to a far more scandalous reality. He just did not know why he was the one who had to be involved with whatever had truly happened.

In order to make up for the losses which the Germanic Star-Empire had suffered as a result of this supposed "coup" Celestia had declared that the Germanic Military would no longer be the defenders, and would instead join the Alfheim Forces in the vanguard of the Assault.

This was something that neither Erich nor his surviving comrades were particularly fond of. After all, they had just fought a battle of life or death against the most elite operators which the Alfheim Dominion had access to, and though they killed far more of the enemy, than they lost. It was an open wound that had yet to heal.

But with the Germanic Star-Empire, and its contingent of Star Marines, acting as the vanguard, the War Games, which were supposed to last a few months, ended within two weeks. With the defenders crumpling beneath the damn near suicidal assault which the GSE lead.

Zyranian Enclave was among the Alfheim Dominions' oldest and most powerful vassals, and they were selected to replace the Germanic Star-Empire as the defenders of the world. Yet even with their legendary might, they failed to resist the invasion which the Germanic Star Marines and special forces led.

Before Erich even realized it, the war games were over, something that would have lasted much longer, if his own people had still remained the Defenders. And while the Alfheim Dominion had suffered a scandal which normally would have caused their enemies to become emboldened. The rapid seizure of the world, and elimination of the hostile defenders, was something which not even Empress Lunaria was expecting, much less her rivals on the Galactic Stage.

As a result, the Svartalfheim Federation became much more hesitant to instigate conflict with their Light Elven cousins, who kept the Germanic Fleet at the border, to act as a spearhead at any given moment. Eventually, after three days of enduring such a threat, the Dark Elves cracked beneath the pressure, and agreed to enter a formal state of negotiations over the disputed territory.

But that was a discussion to be had for another time. At the moment, Erich was heading back to the Empire to properly groom himself for the upcoming Centennial Ball, which would be held in the world of Alfheim.

This year, the Germanic Star-Empire would be receiving a lot of focus, not only because of the role they played during the War Games as the vanguard which brought the Zyranian Enclave to heel in a matter of weeks. But also because everyone was interested in this new successor, who seemed to have a habit of taking the spotlight.

Erich arrived in Germania, where he was immediately washed and groomed by a team of professionals. His appearance was absolutely spotless, as these maidens dressed him in the finest suit that money could buy.

When Erich finally gazed upon his appearance in the mirror, he almost different recognize himself. His hair had been slicked back in a stylish design, and his eyebrows had been plucked to perfection. Erich had always considered himself a handsome man, but he rarely took care of himself to this degree. In fact, as a soldier, he was often deployed beyond enemy lines, where he had little time to dedicate to hygiene.

But gazing upon his own reflection, he looked less like a soldier, and more like a prince. Even the maids were blushing. Once he had been fully done up. He was just about to make a comment about this when he was interrupted by none other than the Supreme Leader himself.

While Erich was dressed in a solid black tuxedo, with an old school tail coat, and many of his more prestigious awards on full display. Emrys was the opposite. His attire was a pure white, which matched his golden hair perfectly.

There was a wide grin on the man's face as he gazed upon his protégé, before commenting on the man's appearance.

"I might have gone too far with your appearance. If you go out like this, I have no doubt that the Alfheim Empress herself will fall head over heels for you... But it is too late to change your style now. We are expected in Alfheim space shortly, and our Suzerains have spared no expense to construct a proper warp gate here in Germania.

It appears they are treating us rather well, after that whole affair during the War Games. Though I have not asked for compensation regarding the lives of your fallen comrades, Lunaria seems to be giving it, anyway."

Erich was curious about this piece of technology that was so foreign to the Germanic Star-Empire and was quick to ask about it.

"I'm sorry, a warp gate? What exactly is that?"

Emrys had forgotten that Erich was not the most explored man in the galaxy, and thus he chuckled before informing his protégé about this unique piece of technology that the Alfheim Dominion often used to traverse the vast territory of space they were in charge of.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. It is a gate which, when activated, tears a hole in time and space, allowing for damn near instant travel between worlds. The warp gate is an advanced piece of technology well beyond our means of construction.

The Alfheim Dominion uses it to quickly traverse across their own worlds, but they only build one in the capital of those vassals who have earned their favor, or those vassals who they require the forgiveness of.

To put this in perspective, despite winning a hundred wars on behalf of our suzerains, and earning the personal favor of the Empress herself, Lunaria has never allowed the construction of warp gate on Germania before now.

I don't know what really happened out there, and I don't want to know. But whatever happened, it must have been really serious for the Alfheim Empress to immediately approve the construction of the warp gate in our borders. I suspect there will be a formal apology at the Ball, so as the man who was personally involved in that affair, I expect you to be gracious to our hosts, if they make such a gesture."

In all honesty, Erich had never actually expected the Alfheim Dominion to apologize for endangering his life. Especially after they claimed it was the result of a failed coup attempt. But after hearing the lengths they were going to earn forgiveness, Erich was beginning to suspect that he was actually the target of someone very important in the Alfheim Dominion.

And had thus let his old paranoia take control of his mind, as he followed Emrys through the Warp Gate, which existed in a secluded complex. Little did Erich know just how right he was, or how the danger to his life had already passed.

As for Emrys, after having his protégé so blatantly attacked by the Alfheim Dominion, he too had become increasingly paranoid about his masters. And thus, would keep a very close eye on Erich, throughout the entirety of the Centennial Ball. After all, he could not allow anything bad to happen to the man who had been chosen to succeed him. At least not yet....

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