Interstellar Age

Chapter 165 The Centennial Ball Part II

Desiring an answer to this question, but not wanting to make a scene. Erich used his telepathic abilities to directly converse with the Princess with their minds.

"You're saying that you are responsible for this incident? Why? What motive do you have for attacking your vassals?"

Celestia was absolutely amazed that Erich had the ability to communicate with his mind. She had never heard of Germanic citizens have such extraordinary abilities, and though they were uncommon among the Germanic race, they did exist as a result of their extensive exploration of the human genome. Of course, this was a secret that the Germanic race had seldom revealed to outsiders. Thus, Erich was breaching all kinds of protocol to get a proper answer from the woman.

The Alfheim Princess continued to bow her head, afraid to even look Erich in the eyes as she silently admitted her shame with her thoughts.

"The prophets of my people have said that a figure of an unknown background will one day light the galaxy ablaze in his wars of conquest. They said that I had my own part to play in this chaos. They also said that this man would be one of them. I mean, you do have the ability to see the future, don't you?"

Erich was absolutely stunned by this information. He indeed had the ability to see several seconds into the future. It was an ability he was born with, one that not even his own people knew he had. He had never told anyone about this ability, not even his own mother.

Yet, this Elven princess was telling him that there were others like him out there in the universe, and that their abilities were far beyond his own? That these Elven prophets had seen his entire future? And it was so barbaric?

He could hardly believe this, but then again, nobody else would really believe him if he said he could see thirty seconds into the future. Thus, he was quick to ask a follow up question to Celestia, as she continued to kowtow before him.

"So… You attempted to eliminate me in order to preserve the relative peace that exists across the galaxy before I could fulfill this prophecy?"

Celestia silently confirmed this to be true with her thoughts. Their entire conversation had occurred in a matter of nanoseconds, as if the world had suddenly gone into slow motion.

"That is correct… Please, punish me however you see fit. I deserve it…."

Yet Erich's next words completely shocked Celestia. She was expecting the man to react with rage, yet there was a hint of kindness in his tone as he forgave her on the spot.

"Why should I punish you for undertaking a righteous action?"

Celestia finally looked up at Erich after hearing this question. She was completely astounded that there was not a stern expression of fury on his handsome face, but rather a gentle look of understanding, as he continued to speak to her with his mind.

"If I were to have been told by a prophet that somebody else would be responsible for such chaos and destruction, I too would make an attempt on their life when the opportunity presented itself. I have no idea if your prophet's words are true. I mean, I barely understand my own abilities myself. But, I know this much, I won't punish you for doing the right thing….

I don't know how I can possibly become the person in your prophet's visions for I am neither bloodthirsty, nor ambitious enough to wage war against the galaxy for the sake of conquest. But I also don't know anyone else with my ability to see the future.

Perhaps something will happen in the future that will turn me into a man of cruelty, I do not know, I can't see that far ahead. But regardless of what fate has in store for me, I won't punish you for trying to maintain the order of the galaxy, nor do I believe you need to be forgiven for doing so. So please, won't you stand up and stop making a scene?"

Celestia was stunned by Erich's words, and continued to cry. After hearing what Erich had to say, she believed for the first time in her life that the Sages might have made a mistake in their prediction. After all, they have said to themselves that the future isn't certain, and that on occasion they have been wrong in how they interpreted their premonitions.

Thus, the Alfheim Princess rose to her feet, where she immediately did the unthinkable. Celestia got up on the top of her feet, and reached as high as she could, grabbing hold of Erich's head, and stuffing it into her bosom, where she then publically thanked him, for the words that nobody else had heard him say.

"Thank you…."

The Entirety of the ball room gasped in shock at this sight. Everyone knew what it meant for an outsider to touch a member of the Asterion Dynasty, but nobody had ever seen an Alfheim Princess volunteer to touch such an individual. Needless to say, Empress Lunaria and the rest of her household were beyond furious with Celestia's sudden and shocking actions.

As for Erich, when he felt the warmth of Celestia's bosom pressing against his face, as well as her sweet fragrance, that smelled almost like a mixture of honey and milk. He knew that he was well and truly boned this time around. Though he had not personally done anything wrong, the fact remains that he was an outsider, who had now suddenly found his face stuffed in the bosom of an Alfheim Princess.

Sure enough, Lunaria was furious, and had immediately pulled her daughter apart from Erich, where she was quick to order her royal guards to arrest him.

"Guards! Seize this outsider who dares to defile my sacred blood!"

Instantly, a group of heavily armed Light Elves stepped forward to apprehend Erich. The man was so stunned by this sudden turn of events that he did not even react. At least not at first. However, before he could even think things through, shockingly enough, Celestia stepped forward in his defense. Standing between him and those who wished to imprison him.

"Don't you dare touch a single hair on Erich's beautiful silver head! Mother, this man has done nothing wrong, and you know it! I have freely chosen to take this man into my embrace, which by the laws of our family means we are now husband and wife! Would you dare to sully our ancient traditions because of your petty jealousy?"

Lunaria was beyond furious. Her face had practically turned red from the sheer volume of wrath that was contained inside of her at this moment. Not only had her daughter done the unthinkable, and touched an outsider, but she had even taken him into her embrace. Which was the Asterion Dynasty's tradition of proposing to a loved one. By law, this meant that Erich and Celestia were now engaged.

However, that rule was clearly meant to also follow the Asterion dynasty's incestuous traditions, and had never throughout the entire history of the Alfheim Dominion been practiced on an outsider. Thus, the Alfheim Empress was quick to bring up this point.

"Celestia, you know as well as I do that tradition only applies to the members of our dynasty. You can not take an outsider, let alone an alien, as your husband. It is forbidden! Stop this nonsense right now!"

Erich's mind was nearly blown when he heard what Celestia and her mother were arguing about. Marriage? What fucking marriage? He barely even knew this girl, and now he was allegedly married to her? What the fuck was going on? Did he not get a say in this matter?

Of course, Erich had no idea that Celestia had been determined to do this since before the ball even began. After her mother had stripped her status as the Heiress to the Alfheim Dominion, she had decided to stop struggling against her fate and instead embrace it. She saw no way which she and Erich could reasonably be together, other than by forcing it like this.

Celestia might barely know Erich, but she trusted that he was not the man who the Sages thought he was. After all, she was an excellent judge of character. She had given Erich an opportunity to do whatever he wanted with her, as a punishment for her attempt on his life, and he rejected it.

There was no man in this room who could say the same. As Celestia was all too aware of the lustful gazes that even the members of her own family gave her, every time they saw her angelic figure. Yet, Erich did not give into such temptation, even when presented with it.

That, along with his statement that she had done the right thing by trying to eliminate a potential galactic Hitler, before he even rose to power, had convinced her that at the very least, Erich was not a cruel or depraved man. Which was more than she could say about her other potential suitors.

Thus, Erich had unknowingly stepped foot into the proverbial lion's den the moment he walked through the Warp Gate, and now he had two lionesses fighting over whether or not he should live.

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