Interstellar Age

Chapter 185 Sharing Is Caring

After having his fill of Celestia's divine body, Erich lied in bed for a long time. He had no idea how he would explain this to the girl's mother, who was also his lover. In fact, Celestia had even said that she would tell Lunaria. Not that Erich intended to hide the truth from the woman.

While this was technically not his fault, as Celestia had tricked him with a convincing disguise, he doubted the extremely possessive Lunaria would care to hear his side of the story. Thus, he was deeply worried about his future.

Why was it that every time he interacted with this girl, she made his life difficult? This was one of the many questions currently on Erich's mind. Meanwhile, Celestia had not even bothered to clean herself up in the shower. She wanted her mother to smell Erich's scent all over her body, as a further way to antagonize the woman who had stolen the man she was interested in.

Erich simply didn't have a say in the matter, and thus, while Celestia was getting dressed once more, he lied in bed, in complete and total silence. The Alfheim Princess then leaned over and kissed Erich before whispering something to him that he did not believe for a second.

"Don't you worry, I will make sure everything is alright. Now are you going to get dressed, and come with me to speak with my mother? Or are you simply going to sulk in silence?"

The only sound which escaped Erich's lips was a heavy sigh, as he sat up on the edge of the bed, before coming to a full standing position. Where he then got dressed in his uniform. Once his appearance was tidy, he followed Celestia out of the bedroom. Who cautiously checked to see if anyone was nearby, before leading Erich towards the throne room, where her mother was no doubt currently waiting for her report.

The moment Erich and Celestia stepped into the throne room, Lunaria's heavenly face twitched. She could tell from a single inhale that Erich's scent was all over her daughter, and that Celestia's scent was all over her man. With a shrill voice, Lunaria screamed at all the attendants who were speaking about the strategic meeting that had just ended an hour prior.

"Everyone out! Now!"

Nobody bothered to question the Empress's orders and did as they were told. Once Lunaria was alone with her errant daughter, and her unfaithful lover, her golden eyes narrowed onto the both of them, before she hissed through her teeth, the immediate question that came to her mind.

"You dare betray me like this?"

Erich fell to his knees and immediately begged for forgiveness, he already felt guilty enough about falling into Celestia's trap, but the moment his lover spoke of his betrayel he could no longer contain his feelings.

"Lunaria, my love, I'm sorry, I-"

However, shockingly, or at least to Erich, Lunaria simply raised her hand to silence the man, before correcting his misunderstanding.

"Not you! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that my daughter has conspired against me from the start. After all, it was her idea to meet up with you in my stead, and pretend to be me. But she was supposed to show you around the palace and the city. Not sleep with you! Why Celestia? After everything I have done for you, why would you betray me like this?"

There was a stoic expression on Celestia's stunning face, as she honestly answered her royal mother about why she would go to such lengths.

"Because, mother, you denied me any opportunity to build a relationship with Erich, and compete with you fairly. From the moment I met him, I took an interest in him. It is part of the reason why I acted so irrationally during the War Games.

Yet you abandoned your duties to our people, and passed them off to me, so you could run away with Erich for a whole year. Before I ever got a chance to contend for his favor. That is simply unfair! So, since you have already resorted to some underhanded tactics, I decided to do the same."

It was only now that Erich realized that it was not he who Lunaria blamed for this betrayal, but her own daughter, Celestia. Because of this, Celestia was the focus of her mother's wrath. Thus, he decided to remain absolutely quiet, and let these two unparalleled beauties fight amongst each other.

Lunaria was furious with her daughter's words. While it was true that Celestia was the first to express interest in Erich, Lunaria had also been more intimate with him than her daughter had, and that was prior to her little vacation. It was part of the reason why she denied Celestia's attempt to marry Erich. After all, in her shamelessness, Lunaria had allowed Erich to touch her, something no man had ever done before in her life.

This was something that would normally result in the execution of the man in question, but because of Erich's gifts, Lunaria had decided to spare him, and instead pursue him. Naturally, she did not want her daughter competing with her, and because of this, she indeed took the initiative to steal Erich away for herself.

She thought this would solve the dispute between herself and her daughter. But to Lunaria's surprise, this had only strengthened the feelings that Celestia had for Erich. Naturally, Lunaria was unwilling to share her man with her daughter, but now that Celestia's chastity had been taken, she found herself in a difficult position. Thus, Lunaria stared hauntingly at her daughter, before speaking in a seemingly calm tone.

"State your terms..."

Upon seeing that her mother had decided to act rationally, despite the sheer rage she must be feeling at this moment, Celestia smirked, and with a rather conceited tone in her voice, she did indeed speak her terms.

"You want Erich, and so do I. Mother, we are not enemies. Our enemies are those outsiders who seek to claim him for themselves. Those other women are not worthy of bearing his offspring. After all, Erich is a sage, and according to our customs, sages are forbidden from marrying or siring children. But he does not have to obey our traditions, because he is not an Elf.

It is entirely possible for our two species to reproduce. You have conducted the experiments yourself. Though our daughters will be half-elves, they will also be Sages. Thus, circumventing the old traditions of our people. Now that you know the gift of prophecy is real, do you really not want a few sages in our dynasty?"

Erich was shocked that Celestia had claimed that his other women were enemies, but he was even more surprised when Lunaria finally spoke her thoughts on the matter. After all, she had remained silent for such a long time that Erich thought perhaps she had an aneurysm from her daughter's sheer audacity.

"You make a fair point.... What is done is done, your chastity has already been sullied, there is no fixing that. And as much as I loathe the idea of sharing Erich with another woman, you are my flesh and blood. And unlike those other women who are pining after Erich, we share a common goal and lineage.

It is better to keep this matter within our family than it is to share it with outsiders. After all, if anyone else were to find out about Erich's abilities, and they were to seduce him, it could prove disastrous for our dynasty. Celestia, how do you propose we share him?"

Erich's mind was in complete and total disbelief. Did Lunaria seriously just say that she was willing to share him with Celestia? Did he not get a choice in the matter? And what about his other women? Wasn't Lunaria technically sharing him with Erika and Ayumi already? What the hell was going on right now?

But before he could ask, a sinister smile formed on Celestia's juicy lips, as she stepped forward, and whispered something in her mother's ears, that made the regal empress's pale skin flush red in embarassment.

Erich could not even imagine what Celestia had suggested, however he was even more flabbergasted in the next moment, when Lunaria's lips turned into a nervous smile, as she nodded her head in agreement with whatever it was that Celestia had said, before expressing her thoughts aloud.

"Let's do that then... Come Erich, you have much to atone for! What, you did not seriously think that I would let you off so easily after you cheated on me with my own beloved daughter, now did you?"

However, it was not just Lunaria who grabbed hold of Erich's hand, but Celestia as well. Both of the two women, who were nearly identical in appearance, grabbed hold of one of his hands, and began to lead him out of the throne room, and towards the Empress's personal quarters. Erich had no idea what this mother and daughter duo had in store for him, but if he did, he would be dreadfully excited at this moment.

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