Interstellar Age

Chapter 199 SOS

While Erich was locked away on a prison colony of the Svartalfheim Federation. Lunaria was doing everything in her power to get him back safe and sound. However, the damned Dark Elves would not reveal how many prisoners that had, or what their identities were. All the Alfheim Empress could do was believe that Emrys had told her the truth, and that Erich was still alive.

Lunaria grew increasingly anxious as the time passed, to the point where she had begun venting her feelings to her daughter, who was just as nervous as she was for their lover's safety.

"What do you think? Do you believe that Erich will be alright? I mean, if he is alive, then is the prisoner of those damned Dark Elves. I can only imagine what horrors they are putting the man through!"

Celestia did her best to remain calm, despite sharing her mother's anxiety. In the seven plus centuries that she had been alive, she had never seen Lunaria freaked out, not even once. Yet now the woman was acting as if the entire universe was collapsing around her.

Because of this, Celestia had to be the adult, and find a logical and rational solution to this problem. She forcefully calmed her nerves before speaking words of comfort to her terrified mother.

"I am sure he is alright. After all, Erich is a valuable asset to the Svartalfheim Federation. After all, he is the heir to the Germanic Star-Empire. They would not harm him in any permanent capacity, or else it could cause serious diplomatic issues. And you know how strict they are about obeying galactic law."

Galactic Law was in the eyes of the Alfheim Dominion, more of a guideline on how to deal with interstellar civilizations. But to the Svartalfheim Federation it was a strict code that must be followed, one whose rules they helped write in the first place.

Thus, it was this thought that helped soothe Lunaria's worried mind. Just when she was about to calm herself to the extent that she could speak, she received a peculiar message on her personal comlink.


Erich had tried for well over a month now to get Sinaria Bloodwhisper to fall for him, but the exotic beauty had stubbornly resisted his charms this far. Knowing that this would sooner or later turn into a massive interstellar incident, Erich was now convinced he had to find another way out of the prison complex.

And as he became more familiar with the facility's layout. He found that there was a communications tower within the prison facility that was capable of broadcasting a signal across the galaxy. Knowing this, Erich began to formulate a new plan of action to escape.

Thus, after observing the guard shifts for well over two weeks straight, Erich believed he could escape from his cell, incapacitate a few guards, and make his way into the Comms tower, where he could then send a message to Lunaria asking for a prison break.

And tonight was the night he put this plan into action. As Erich slowly watched the clock in his NeuroLink strike the proper hour. He covertly activated his cyber-kinesis, where he placed the security feed of the entire prison colony on a loop. This was only possible with the help of Tia, who was his partner in crime on this mission.

Once he no longer had to care about the security cameras, he unlocked his door, which was all part of the same security system, and exited his room. Erich carefully stalked down the corridors of the Prison Colony, effortlessly making his way through the halls without making a single sound.

After all, he was a skilled soldier who had been trained better than just about anyone in covert operations. Naturally infiltration was one of his specialties. Though Some guard patrols made their way through the halls, they were all either knocked unconscious, or simply never saw Erich's figure in the first place.

It took some time, and a hell of a lot of effort to covertly make his way to the comms tower, but when he did, Erich quickly dispatched the two men inside, before slicing into the terminal. Tia's voice resounded in his ears as she assured him she was familiar enough by now with the Svartalfheim Security systems that it would be a breeze.

"Master, Tia estimates an ETA of fifteen seconds before she can grant you access to the comms relay. Once she does, Master will be able to send a message anywhere in the galaxy. Where she will then wipe any trace of the communication."

Erich smiled when he heard this, before nodding his head and thanking Tia for her assistance.

"Tia, you're a lifesaver!"

The adorable artificial intelligence blushed, as she accepted her Master's compliment, and soon enough, like she had said, Erich had access to the terminal where he typed a simple message to Lunaria's personal commlink. It was the star coordinates of the prison colony he was stationed in, along with another message: Cell B-3542 -Erich

After sending this message, Tia wiped any trace of Erich accessing the terminal, where he then exited the Comms Tower, and returned to his cell. Throughout the entire operation, Erich had not alerted a single soul to his presence.


Lunaria gazed at the message over and over again, worried that it might be a trap. Which she was quick to voice to her youngest and most beloved daughter.

"What do you think? Is it a trap?"

Celestia shook her head, partially in disbelief as she gazed at the message.

"They're star coordinates! I don't believe it. Erich has managed to send us a message. There's no other possibility. Who else knows your personal commlink? He would rather die than give up that info. It is definitely from him!"

After saying this, Celestia quickly accessed the nearest holo terminal, where she typed in the coordinates that Erich had given them. Once she had done so, it lead to a rather large asteroid within a star system that was located near the border of the Svartalfheim Federation.

Although there was nothing marked on the chart, Celestia knew enough about the Dark Elves, and how they handled prisoners that there was without a doubt a prison colony on that asteroid which she was quick to voice aloud.

"I'm willing to bet anything that asteroid is a prison colony. Erich even gave us his cell number. If we can send an elite team of Banshees to infiltrate the colony, and extract Erich, we won't even have to negotiate with those hideous dark skinned freaks! Mother, this is it! We can save Erich now!"

Lunaria did not dare believe her daughter's words, as much as they made sense. It took several seconds for her to calm her heart before she asked for clarification on the matter.

"Are you serious? Can we really save Erich?"

Celestia did not hesitate to confirm her thoughts once more, with the widest possible smile on her flawless face.

"Of course! Give me three days to prepare a proper rescue team, and we will break Erich out of prison! I promise you that!"

For the first time since Erich had gone into radio silence, Lunaria began to feel like there was actually some hope. She burst into tears as she hugged her daughter and cried out all the emotions she had kept built up until now. All the while saying Erich's name.

"Erich! Oh Erich! You're finally coming home!"

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