Interstellar Age

Chapter 202 Silencing An Echo

Erich and Emrys had a long chat about what happened in the icy world, and who was responsible for the WRAITH's absolutely humiliating defeat. Emrys was just as outraged as Erich when he found out it was Echo who had betrayed the Empire. And thus he and Erich immediately took the warp gate back to the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire.

Where Emrys ordered the immediate arrest of Echo and the rest of Erich's team besides JT. After all, neither he nor Erich could be certain that Ghost and Heavy were not involved with the treasonous plot. While Ghost and Heavy were being interrogated by professionals. Erich arrived in front of Echo.

Naturally, Echo did not remember being killed by Erich, but he had suspected that he was after Erich ended up being the only survivor of the mission. He had planned to leave the Empire and flee for the Svartalfheim Federation, but unfortunately, those individuals who participated in the failed mission were kept under constant surveillance after the treason was revealed.

Thus, until now, he could not escape without being branded as the traitor. The fact that Erich had returned to the Empire so soon had indeed confirmed what Echo was thinking for some time about Erich. Which he was quick to give voice to when they were alone together.

"So it is true after all... You are the Dark Sage? Which I take it means you have already secured the Light Elven princess as your bloody bride?"

Erich knew only a little about the Sage's prophecy, but he had once heard from his Light Elven lover that she suspected that the Sages were in cahoots with those who were employed by the Svartalfheim Federation. Because of this, Erich sneered, especially now that Echo had decided to drop his silent facade.

"And I take it this means that the Light Elven sages are working together with those from the Dark Elven race?"

Echo refused to comment on this matter, as Erich approached the man while cracking his knuckles. In doing so, he revealed the bitter truth of it all.

"I will have you know that I have been named an Archon by Empress Lunaria Asterion herself. Which means your fate is now in my hands...."

This was a particularly bit of grim news for Echo, because it meant that he would not be leaving this cell alive. At first he hoped he could escape from Germanic prison, which was far more strict that the colony which Erich lived in for a few months within the Svartalfheim Federation. But because Erich was now named an Archon, his fate was sealed. There was no escape, because he would be dead the moment this conversation was over.

But Echo did not seem too dismayed. Instead, he sighed and nodded his head.

"A wise move, one that has been prophesied by the Great Sage of the Svartalfheim Federation. I do pity you. By naming you her Archon, Lunaria has now placed a target on your back by the prophets of fate. Perhaps my defeat at your hands was the will of fate as well..."

Erich was surprised that Echo was such a believer in fate, or that he had met with the Dark Elves Sages, and he was quick to ask about this.

"Oh, don't worry, I plan to deal with those old fogies soon enough. But I am curious, how exactly did a Germanic man like you meet with a Sage of the Svartalfheim Federation?"

Echo shockingly did not hide the truth. Perhaps this was the confession of a man who knew his life was forfeit, but he spoke of the Sages with a hint of pride in his voice.

"I was thrown to the wolves after my wife was stolen by a cowardly politician, and I tried to reveal the corruption that protected them. The Dark Elves captured me and brought me to a maximum security prison. Where during my sentence, the Grand Sage visited me and spoke of the role which I was destined to play.

One that would help retain the balance in the galaxy and would save countless lives. In that moment I saw what he saw, and weaves of fate revealed their mysteries to me. Now I know that potential destiny was not one that came to pass, because you bested me.

I have fulfilled my role, even if it was not the one I saw. And now I am to be tossed aside. Such is the will of destiny. If you are going to kill me, just make it quick. Although I should warn you, now that you have been named Archon, it is entirely likely that the Sages are going into hiding, knowing that only they can combat your rise to power. When you search for them, you will not find them."

Erich was surprised that Echo had admitted so much to him, and thus he could only wear a bitter smile as he pulled out a plasma sword, one that Echo had used to kill countless enemies of the Empire. Though it was not the same one he had plunged through JT's torso, it was the same make and model. Which Erich felt was close enough.

After activating the plasma section of the blade, Erich smiled before saying his last words to the traitor.

"If those old fools dare to harm a hair on my head, or those of my loved ones, I will not hesitate to track them down and murder them all. I have been given an immense amount of power, and I plan to wield it appropriately. But so long as they remain to themselves, I will not harm them. The choice is theirs. As for you, your usefulness has come to an end. When you meet your making tell him that I sent you."

After saying this, Erich swung the blade onto Echo's neck, effortlessly severing the man's head, which fell to the ground without a pool of blood, due to the wounds instantly being cauterized by the plasma edge of the blade.

With Echo dead, and no chance of revival. Erich had successfully terminated the traitor. But in doing so, he had made an enemy of the Sages. Men who wielded an incredible amount of power and could see far further into the future. And if Echo was to be believed, the Grand Sages of each order were capable of sharing those visions.

How he would track them down and eliminate them Erich did not know. But he suddenly found himself thrust into a shadow war between two ancient orders of prophets, and himself. Luckily, he had the backing of the entirety of the Alfheim Dominion at his disposal, and because of this, Erich believed he would eventually emerge victorious against his newfound foes.

As for his military service within the Germanic Star-Empire. That had swiftly come to an end. He was now a free agent, sworn only to Lunaria herself, and could freely come and go from his home and family as he saw fit. Thus, closing a volume of his life, and emerging a stronger man because of it.

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