Interstellar Age

Chapter 227 Getting to Know the Crew Part II

Chapter 227 Getting to Know the Crew Part II

Erich had left Sinaria alone after intruding upon her meditation. If he was being completely honest with himself, he actually did not care that much about the origins of the feud between the Light Elves and the Dark Elves. He was sworn in service to Lunaria, who was also his lover. That meant that even if the Light Elves had done something horrendous in the past, it was still his duty to protect the Alfheim Dominion.

But then again, was that all that his life was or ever will be? Serving others... In fact, if he was being honest, his service had not gotten him very far. Sure, he was now an Archon of the Alfheim Empress, but that was a fancy way of saying he was just the hound of another master.

Erich was starting to become sick of serving others. At the very least, his new position afforded him a certain level of freedom that few in the galaxy had. Most living beings served another in some way or another. Whether this was through employment, military service, or outright slavery. Everyone had a master to call their own. Everyone except for those who stood at the top of the galaxy.

While Erich was thinking about these things, he decided to give Kali another visit. After all, she was one of the rulers of the Asura Cabal, which meant she was on the same level as Lunaria. And thus, he could not help but ask for her opinion regarding his thoughts.

After all, he would never get a straight answer from Lunaria, who would simply coddle him as if he were a mere child. Thus, he had no choice but to speak with Kali. Of course, the moment Erich found the mysterious beauty, she was sitting in the shower, in a similar stance that Sinaria was in.

Evidently, the Dark Elves were not the only ones who meditated, because Kali was completely nude, as she shut her eyes, while the water poured down upon her deep blue skin. Erich did not even bother averting his gaze. He had already seen the woman nude, so he would not bother pretending otherwise.

She had a very nice body, large breasts, thick thighs, wide hips, and a rather substantial ass. However, what was weird was the fact that she had four arms. All of which were striking a meditation poses.

Erich was about to leave the woman behind when she smirked and commented on his arrival.

"Are you just going to continue to stare, or did you search me out for a reason?"

Erich simply chuckled when he heard this, before sitting down across from the woman. She did not even bother concealing her sensitive spots, as she waited for the man's answer, which ultimately didn't disappoint.

"Well, actually I had a few things on my mind... If you are fine talking like this, then I suppose I am as well..."

Kali simply smirked when she heard this before commenting on Erich's shameless behavior.

"You know you are the first man in ten thousand years to gaze upon my naked form. The last man who tried had his eyes gouged out. Yet you show no fear. You are a peculiar creature, aren't you?"

Erich simply chuckled as he heard this before responding to Kali's "threat" with a lighthearted response.

"I mean, if you gouged out my eyes, they would just regenerate, so it's not like that is anything more than a momentary punishment..."

This comment slightly surprised Kali, as she made a jest about Erich's species and their survivability.

"Your people have regenerative abilities? Interesting... No wonder the Alfheim Empress favors you as her most beloved warhounds. So tell me, Erich, what can I help you with?"

Erich scratched the back of his head after being called a warhound. He thought about his reasons for visiting for several seconds before finally responding to the blue-skinned beauty.

"I was curious... What is it like, having no masters to bend to? You are a Devi of the Asura Cabal, which means you hold about as much sovereignty as Lunaria does. So I was just wondering what your perspective on having such power is like?"

Kali's lips curled into a sneer, almost as if she were mocking Erich for his position in life. Which was evident by the tone she used when she finally spoke to him.

"You wish to live a life without rules that restrict your every movement? Do my ears deceive me, or do you, a Germanic citizen, require the liberty which has been denied you for your entire life?"

Erich scoffed when he heard these words. Liberty? That was not what he desired. No, he desired sovereignty. To be the master, and not the servant. He currently had all the liberty a civilized society could allow him, and he wielded incredible authority in ways which he could not possibly fathom. And yet he still bent the knee to Lunaria.

But he was a man, and she was a woman. Was it not right for her to bend to his will? Especially since they were now lovers? Why did she wield authority over him? It was because she had the power to do so. He was forced to obey her wishes and whims, even if he did not agree with them.

Erich wanted to take control of his life. This was a thought that had been pestering him for some time now, and which he had only started to consciously realize. Thus, he was quick to refute Kali's words with these sentiments.

"Liberty? I already have that, and yet I am not satisfied.... No, what I desire is sovereignty. I do not wish to abide by the rules, or be free from said rules. I wish to make the rules that all others must follow. So, won't you tell me what such a life is like?"

This comment caused Kali's lips to curl even further into a sneer. She had met a handful of archons in her life, all of which were like loyal dogs to the Alfheim Empress, eternally grateful of the favor which she had bestowed upon them. Perhaps if Erich was not Lunaria's lover, he would feel the same. But Kali did not know this, and thus, she was simply intrigued by Erich's ambitions.

"How interesting.... An Archon who thinks about his own ambitions, rather than his loyalty to the Empress, is a dangerous thing indeed. You hold near limitless power in Alfheim Space, and the only one who can rein you in is the Empress herself. And yet you wish to be free from this single restraint..."

Erich once more smirked as he shook his head before correcting Kali on her misunderstanding.

"I am not disloyal to Lunaria. In truth, I love her with all my heart... I have just grown disillusioned with the disparity in our status. If I can not stand as her equal, then I will always be forced to bend the knee before her. And that just isn't my style..."

Kali suddenly realized something about Erich. She now understood why he had been given the title of Archon at such a young age, and with such a limited lifespan. In fact, she was forced to open her eyes and break her meditative state as she gazed at Erich as if he were an entirely different person.

"You're fucking her, aren't you? This makes so much sense.... I now understand why you suddenly have a desire to become your own sovereign... Well, if you wish to do such a thing, then first you will need to defeat these sages who are gunning for your life.

And then, you will have to carve your own territory in the galaxy, because only the leader of a Galactic Power could possibly stand toe to toe with Lunaria as her equal... I pity you; you have a lot of work cut out for you, and not enough time to fulfil it."

Erich frowned when he heard this. He had perhaps another two hundred and twenty years before his natural lifespan came to an end. But, then again, his memories nad personality were saved in storage within both the Alfheim Dominion and the GSE. Perhaps he could have Tia download his consciousness into another body when the time came for his eventual death.

Or perhaps he could gain immortality in a different way. After all, Lunaria had assured him that they would be together forever, and she did mention once that she had the ability to make him immortal.

With this in mind, Erich shook his head with a smile, knowing that he had more than enough time to make his plans a reality. And thus he stood up and left the room, but not before leaving behind one last comment.

"Well then, I am extremely lucky that I have recently obtained a very valuable subordinate who can help me with my goals in life!"

It took Kali a moment to realize that Erich was speaking about her, thus, she could only smile and shake her head before speaking her thoughts aloud.

"Well played...."

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