interstellar ego

Chapter 72 The Eve of the Battle

Chapter 72 The Eve of the Battle
"Captain Han Dao, I suggest that you set off immediately and rush to the target location, and ignore other selfish people." Qian Fang said, looking at Lin Luo with contempt.

"What is a selfish person? Lin Luo is just expressing his opinion out of good intentions, how can it be called selfish?" Gao Hu couldn't see it anymore. Qian Fang was really arrogant. It was the second middle school, Lin Luo was questioned, of course he had to stand up and support Lin Luo.

"That's right, Lin Luo is also the team leader, so why can't he express his opinion? This team is not run by your family, so why can't others express their opinions?" Zhou Xinyu also came out to support Lin Luo, now Lin Luo represents the second There is no room for bullying by people from other schools.

"That's right, Lin Luo just suggested that all the staff should be assembled, and if he attacks again, you'll call him selfish. That's too much."

In fact, other people from No. [-] Middle School also hope that their reconnaissance team will come back soon. If they really capture the second-level insect nest, they can also earn more points from No. [-] Middle School. As students from No. [-] Middle School, they also have a sense of honor. Cannot enter military school.

Seeing everyone speak for themselves, Lin Luo felt a little warm in his heart, indicating that everyone has a sense of collective honor.

Although Qian Fang thought about him this way, he didn't care much, because Lin Luo didn't care about the eyes of Qian Fang and others, and he didn't live for them, so why bother too much.

"Okay, okay! Don't argue, let's go to the worm's nest first, and let the other scouting teams rush to the target location, I believe we can still catch up with the battle." Han Dao said to stop, at this time he also had a headache, if If you don't make a sound to stop it, maybe even bigger conflicts will break out.

Although everyone is a teammate and cannot cause damage, internal conflicts will affect the team's combat effectiveness, which Han Dao does not want to see.

"Actually, Lin Luo's worry is not unreasonable. The fighting power of these Zergs is virtualized by the federal government based on the fighting power of the Zergs. It is very close to the real combat power, so don't blame him. Everyone has their own opinions. Entitlement, right?"

"According to the principle that the minority obeys the majority, go to the location of the second-level insect nest immediately, don't wait for the scouting team, and start." Han Dao ordered directly. As the captain, he is qualified to give orders, while the other teammates You must obey his command, after all, everyone is in the same camp now.

Now that Captain Han Dao had spoken, many people fell silent.

"Okay, each team leader will give you 3 minutes to give your team instructions and then set off together." After Han Dao finished speaking, he returned to the team of No. [-] Middle School and briefly talked about the precautions during the battle.

Lin Luo also returned to his No. [-] Middle School team.

"Now I'm assigning teams. Right now, our No. 27 Middle School is temporarily divided into three teams. Gao Hu and Zhou Xinyu each lead [-] people, and the others follow me. After the reconnaissance team returns, they will be under my direct command. Gao Hu, Zhou Xinyu, you all Hurry up and assign teammates, we will fight soon, and listen to my orders later.”

"Yes!" Gao Hu and Zhou Xinyu had nothing against Lin Luo, they were very cooperative with Lin Luo's work.

After the allocation of personnel, there were only two people who followed Lin Luo, and the others were all divided by Gao Hu.

"The two of you haven't spent any money yet. Follow my advice. Buy a grenade gun each, and use the rest of the money to buy ammunition. Follow me." Lin Luo ordered.

The main reason for Lin Luo to choose these two people is that these two people have not purchased weapons yet.

Grenade guns are priced at 7000 each in the system store, and the system sells each grenade for 300. Therefore, each of these two people can buy 10 grenades. Counting the 3 grenades delivered with the grenade gun, each person can fire 13 grenades.

The power of the grenade is equivalent to that of the grenade, but the range of the grenade is as far as 600 meters, and the accuracy is relatively high. May I ask, can a person throw a grenade 600 meters away?But also accurately bombed to the target location.

The grenade gun is very powerful and is a very popular weapon on the battlefield.

Everything was arranged, everyone set off, and moved forward according to the target location.


In front of them, a large group of insect soldiers gathered together, densely packed, it was difficult to count exactly how many there were.

Among them, the most numerous is a ferocious monster about 1 meter long with wings on its back.

It has four legs, runs very fast, and has very good endurance. It can run for more than ten hours continuously.

It can run 50 kilometers per hour, which is very amazing.

There are four sharp claws, one pair is in the front, and the other pair is on the shoulders. It is very aggressive. It has two wings and can fly short distances. It is about ten meters long and three to four meters high. It can easily jump up to any place, and it is extremely maneuverable.

The federal government refers to this type of insect soldiers as velociraptors, which are the most basic type of Zerg and also the largest in number. They are also the so-called cannon fodder types.

The combat power of an ordinary human soldier can cope with 2 to 3 velociraptors.

But the number of velociraptors is very large. Once they are submerged by swarms of velociraptors, it will be a very bad situation. Those who can escape smoothly can be said to be blessed by heaven.

Although the velociraptor's combat power is not high, it is still unknown whether it can deal with one with the current student level.

Lin Luo is very powerful, so of course he will not be afraid, what he is worried about is other people.

"People from your two teams will follow the others, and I will take mine elsewhere." Lin Luo instructed Gao Hu and Zhou Xinyu to leave with them.

When the others saw Lin Luo leaving, they were also slightly taken aback. Didn't the others leave the team to weaken the team's combat effectiveness?

However, seeing that Lin Luo only took away two people, he didn't say anything. There were only three people, and everyone didn't care. It is not appropriate to start a dispute on the eve of the battle.

Lin Luo's actions were not concealed in the slightest, and Qian Fang also noticed Lin Luo's actions.

Although Qian Fang disliked Lin Luo, he felt very disdainful when he saw Lin Luo leaving the big team.

"Hmph! He's looking for death. When the battle starts, I don't believe he can make waves. It's better to leave, so as not to compete with us for points." Qian Fang secretly said.

"Okay, now that the target is found, everyone counts their equipment and launches an attack in 2 minutes." Han Dao said.


Lin Luo took the other two people to a place with relatively high terrain, set up the sniper rifle he bought, and aimed it at the direction of the insect nest, one by one insect soldiers came into view, as long as Lin Luo wanted, he could shoot at any time .

However, Lin Luo did not dare to shoot lightly without Han Dao's order. If the other team members were not ready and disturbed the swarm, it would be terrible.

"Remember, both of you, when the battle starts, your grenades can be directed at places where the insect soldiers are densely populated. You don't have to worry about the arrival of the insect soldiers. Because there will be a large team to attract their attention." Lin Luo instructed.

"Yes!" The two nodded in agreement.

The location is very good now, and the range of the insect nest is within the range of the grenade gun. The only worry is that the insect soldiers will attack their direction. With the firepower of three people, I am afraid they will not be able to suppress the offensive.

However, after listening to Lin Luo's words, a large team attracted firepower, and I felt a lot more at ease.

 Although my update is not good, I still have the cheek to ask for a recommendation ticket!Recommended ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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