Interstellar Love Everyday [Interstellar BL]

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Speed ​​of life and death

The defensive main ship where Lin Huaichu and Qi Mo were located was now confronting the enemy who could not see the edge. When the radar swept away, the dense red light dots all over the screen made people feel particularly dignified.

Most of the battleships of the Stars of Peppa and the White Empire are concentrated in Peppa’s Star Territory, choosing to solve the goal here, vowing to take the inheritors of civilization, and the rest, just kill them.

The Paige licked their lips hungry, and they smelled food.

As early as when the space channel was shaking, Qi Mo already knew the seriousness of the matter. But leaving the starship when the space is unstable is simply an act of seeking death. If there is still a glimmer of life going deep into the tiger’s den, then leaving the ship now is undoubtedly dead.

So when they saw the countless enemy troops in the passage out of the space, they didn’t have the slightest surprise. If the other party has spent so much effort to kill them, it can only be said to be full.

“All prepare for war. The mecha is ready to attack, the defensive cover is opened, the Azire gun is ready to fire, and the crack is opened in the three-point direction. Let’s go.” Qi Mo commanded in an orderly manner, he wanted to do his best to let the entire ship out alive.

This is the duty as a federal general.

“Yes!” The soldiers on the ship ordered and prohibited it, and no one questioned it at this time. No one is worried about his life at this time.

If there is really no way, he will let Huai Chu go back alive. Even with his life in exchange.

The enemy’s starships and mech artillery muzzles were all lit up, extending round by round toward the periphery. From a distance, it is as dazzling as a nebula. But in the eyes of the people in the Federation, the killings are all over the place.

Countless fire lights are like meteors, and showers of rain hit the main ship of the Federation. The starting point ripples on the defensive cover.

“Report to the major that the defensive cover has been worn down by 10% and it can support 40 minutes.

A young soldier in military uniform reported to Qi Mo seriously.

“Azley Cannon is ready.”

Qi Mo’s voice was very calm and steady, with no feeling of shaking. There is no doubt that the chief’s calmness is very important. Lin Huaichu could feel that the tension in the main control room was a little calmer.

“The countdown to the launch of the Azley Cannon. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!”

A beam of blue-violet mixed light shot out from the front of the starship, wherever it went, it suddenly became a blank. Even the parts were vaporized by high heat, and there was no trace.

“Close the shield and turn on the maximum speed. Go forward.”

Qi Mo’s voice sounded at the right time, and the driver who received the command turned on the turboprop before thinking, and pulled it to the maximum.

The huge starship suddenly turned into an off-string flying arrow, galloping along the path opened by the Azley Cannon.

The enemy was visibly stunned. Obviously it was the result of catching turtles in the urn, but why did the tortoise crack a crack in the urn? This unscientific.

But in the end it was the enemy general, and he was not stupid to a certain level. He quickly reacted and wanted to gather the encirclement again.

Qi Mo had already anticipated the opponent’s reaction, and directly ordered: “The uncombatant members take the escape pod to prepare to leave. Go forward in the direction of coordinates (6878, 344, 98) and make a space jump.”

The logistics personnel on the starship immediately stopped their work, backed up important data and placed them in the space storage device, and proceeded to the area where the escape capsule was located.

It only took 2 minutes, and the personnel were all ready.

“Report the major, the defensive cover can still support 10 minutes.” Just chasing Azire’s shooting trajectory, the high heat has lost a lot of defense value, and there are uninterrupted attacks by the enemy, making the defense cover already Some are shaky.

“You also go to the escape pod.” Qi Mo lowered his head and said to Lin Huaichu.

“No!” Lin Huaichu glared, “Go together, don’t want to send me that way. I will rely on you for the rest of my life.”

Qi Mo was silent for a moment, then raised his hand to touch his partner’s head, smoothly “Also, I can’t bear it either.”

When he thinks that Huai Chu will stand beside others and live with others in the future, he will have an urge to tear those pictures into pieces.

Even darkly thought, it would be good for Lin Huaichu to sleep with herself.

I have to say that Lin Huaichu’s attitude actually made him a little bit grateful.

The driver next to him had the urge to poke himself. Major Qi, is it really good to show affection in life and death? Do you still abuse singles now? T~T

Seeing that the chaser behind him had approached the tail of the starship, Qi Mo decisively ordered: “The escape capsule is launched, and the mecha strikes after 10 seconds, and the starship explodes after 15 seconds.”

“Understand!” All the people who received the order stood at attention and saluted, and then followed the instructions one by one, ready to go.

The huge starship suddenly accelerated, throwing away the chasing soldiers behind him for a certain distance. I saw that the escape pods under the starship suddenly assimilated their backgrounds when they touched the outer space, concealing their bodies. With the impulse of the thruster, it advances toward the designated coordinates.

There, there is a wormhole suitable for space jumping. It is their only life.

After 10 seconds, the mecha escaped from the starship and accelerated forward with all its strength. Let the chase behind very confused. Are the people in the Federation scared and stupid? Driving a mech can be faster than driving a starship. Kidding

As a result, the facts after 5 seconds show that the stupid is not the federation.

In the light of the fire from the starship explosion, the coalition forces of the two countries were consumed again.

The power of the explosion was like a pair of giant hands, pushing hard to the people of the Federation who were leaving, causing them to get away from the enemy behind them more quickly.

“Wear this.” Qi Mo solemnly twisted a space around Lin Huaichu’s neck. “There is a spirit link mecha.” He didn’t say the following words, but Lin Huaichu understood it.

This is the final sign prepared by the man for himself. With his current mental power, it is more than enough to control the spirit link mech.

“Don’t want to leave me.” Lin Huaichu raised his head and looked straight at Qi Mo’s gray eyes. From where he can clearly see his reflection.

“Don’t worry. Wearing it makes me feel relieved.”

“it is good.”

No matter how fast the mech was, it couldn’t compare to the starship, and soon the shadow of the enemy was seen behind him. Many mecha fighters have a mortal consciousness in their hearts. But they will not retreat. They will show the glory of Union soldiers under the leadership of the major.

“Landing to their resource star.” Qi Mo ordered.

In space, mechas can’t always surpass starships. Instead of this, it is better to land on the planet. On land, he believed in the fighting power of Union soldiers.

In order to prevent the enemy from throwing a rat trap and directly sacrificing a planet to achieve his goal, Qi Mo specifically selects the resource star of Peggy Star.

This resource star is the largest in the Page star domain, and it is also necessary to produce Harvey Metal for the manufacture of starships.

If this is really destroyed, the Peppers will not be able to produce a starship in the next 20 years. This is simply the worst result for the Peppers, who have enemies all over the universe. So no matter how anxious they were, they couldn’t blow up the planet, once and for all.

“Damn it! Cunning Federation people. Let the Wind and Thunder team attack and wipe out the hateful Federation rats.” Peppa’s general shouted angrily.

The final battle is coming.

The author has something to say:

Keke, the second watchman is dead. Continue tomorrow.

Alas, does anyone want to share life with the author

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