Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 [Gene Screening] Prince and Concubine? H

Cepheus galaxy, capital star, Lacey Imperial Palace.

The teenager quickly stepped up the steps in a formal royal dress, walked into the discussion hall, and bowed to his father on the throne to salute: “Father, are you looking for me?”

-The man on the throne is the founder of the new era of the empire, Your Majesty Nishizawa.

Nishizawa is currently in his forties, and his appearance still looks young. A man who has experienced countless storms has a kind of wisdom and calmness that is unique to an emperor. He usually treats the eldest son of the prince extremely harshly, but today, there is a rare smile on his face, and he said gently: “Luo Fei, in another month, it will be your 18th birthday.”

Luo Fei nodded: “Yes, father.”

Nishizawa asked, “What birthday gift do you want?”

Luo Fei smiled slightly and said, “I want to apply for a half-month holiday, can I?”

Nishizawa was very surprised. He didn’t expect that the birthday gift his son wanted would be so simple.

Half a month’s vacation?

Nishizawa stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Luo Fei has been extremely smart since he was a child. He inherited the powerful genes of the empresses of Xize and Lin Yuan. At the age of five, his mental power surpassed the 300 peak that ordinary people can hardly reach, and he can even control S. For this reason, Nishizawa placed extremely high expectations on this child.

Over the years, Nishizawa has been extremely strict with the eldest son of the emperor, and has been training him as the heir to the throne. Since he is sensible, Nishizawa has arranged intensive courses for him to train his abilities in an all-round way. When many children are holding comic books at home, Luo Fei has already started to learn fighting skills from the teacher. ; When many people of the same age can only calculate addition and subtraction, Luo Fei can already calculate very complicated mathematical formulas; when many children only know that the current majesty of the empire is called Xize, Luo Fei has been able to recite the modern history of the empire. It must be overcooked.

Probably it was Nishizawa’s advanced education method that allowed this child to walk in front of his peers since he was a child, so he was more mature and stable than his peers.

He was only an eighteen-year-old boy, but he was always so calm.

Perhaps, he really forced him to press too hard, right? Always demanding him as the heir to the throne, for so many years, he has never even given him more than three days of vacation.

Looking at his son’s gaze, Nishizawa couldn’t help feeling a little guilty, stepped off the throne and stood in front of his son.

Alpha’s body grows fast. Now Luo Fei is about the same height as his father. She is tall and straight. She has a handsome face inherited from royal genes. His facial features are sharp and sharp. His chin is sharp and sharp, and he has deep brown eyes. Mou, looks like His Majesty Nishizawa by seven points, except that there is still a touch of youthful youthfulness on his face.

-No matter how calm the character is, after all his age and experience are there, he is only eighteen years old.

Nishizawa looked very much like his son, couldn’t help but smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Applying for a holiday, what are your plans?”

Luo Fei said bluntly: “I have never left the Cepheus galaxy. I want to go for a walk before school starts.”

Nishizawa nodded in understanding. Although the child has been pampered since childhood, he has lived in a closed aristocratic school during school. After the holidays, he has to study various courses according to his father’s arrangements. He has stayed in Capital Star for so many years and did not go. Have played anywhere.

Luo Fei just took the imperial unified admissions test some time ago, and passed the San Romia Military Academy with full scores in all subjects. He will go to university in one month, so if he wants to go out and play, he can only catch it. This last month.

Nishizawa was silent for a moment, looked at him and asked: “Luo Fei, do you think that the requirements of your father are too strict?”

Luo Fei smiled and shook his head: “I am the prince’s eldest son, and I should set an example for my younger brothers. My father is strict with me and hopes that I can grow up as soon as possible.”

His son’s consideration warmed Nishizawa’s heart slightly, and he rarely reached out, rubbed his hair intimately, and said in a low voice, “You can think of it this way. I will approve this holiday. You apply for half a month. , I will approve you for one month. You go for a walk and remember to come back before your birthday. Father wants to hold a grand coming-of-age ceremony for you.”

Luo Fei nodded immediately: “I see, thank you father.”

Nishizawa smiled slightly, turned and walked back to the throne to sit down, and then said: “There is one more thing to tell you. According to the previous rules of the royal family, all Alpha princes who will become adults will undergo a genetic screening match to find a suitable Omega. For marriage partners, the Omega Association has just sent over your genetic matching results.”

Luo Fei was stunned, frowning slightly, but he quickly changed to a calm expression, and said: “Father, I need to follow the royal family’s previous rules and choose the one with the highest genetic match. Omega, will you get engaged by the way at the eighteenth birthday?”

Nishizawa asked, “What do you think of this matter?”

Luo Fei looked up at his father on the throne, and said seriously: “I don’t want to get engaged so early, and I don’t want to get engaged to Omega, which I don’t like. Regardless of the result of the association, it will not be my criterion for choosing lovers. I hope, For my future prince and concubine, I can use my own eyes to find, rather than relying on mechanical data screening.”

Although he was only eighteen years old, he was very decisive in speaking.

Nishizawa admired in his heart, but pretended to be serious on the surface: “Oh? So, do you want to violate the rules of the royal family?”

Luo Fei said: “Unreasonable rules, I think, should be abolished.”

Nishizawa fell silent.

The young man standing under the steps is tall and straight, neither humble nor overbearing, and his eyes are as bright as stars.

In a trance, Nishizawa seemed to be back in his youth. Standing in front of his father, he said calmly and frankly: If I can’t even protect my beloved, then I want this excellent gene of Alpha again What’s the use?

—It’s really worthy of being a son that I cultivated by myself.

Never compromise on issues of principle.

The corners of Nishizawa’s lips smiled again and nodded: “You are very good. Unreasonable rules should indeed be abolished. Since you don’t like it, Father King will abolish this genetic screening convention for you. You Prince and concubine, you decide for yourself.”

Luo Fei looked up at his father in surprise, but met his gentle gaze.

Although the father is strict, he loves his eldest son very much. Luo Fei’s heart warmed and smiled and said, “Thank you Father.”

Nishizawa said: “Are you interested in seeing the screening results sent by the association?”

The man on the throne gently swiped his finger on the touch screen Guangnao in front of him, opened a document, and a series of numbers quickly appeared on the huge virtual LCD projection screen.

Luo Fei is a juvenile character after all. Driven by curiosity, he took a step forward and quickly scanned the information on the screen.

The system screened the genetic data of all unmarried Omegas in the Empire around the age of 20, and finally found ten people with a match of more than 90% with Luo Fei. Because Luo Fei is talented and intelligent, and his mental power is even more outstanding, the Omega that can match him must have very strong genes.

Many of the Omegas on the list are the sons of generals or the daughters of government members. Most of them know Luo Fei, and those who do not know have heard of the names.

But he found that there was a very strange name: “Mo Lin?”

He said the name gently, and asked with some doubts: “Who is this? I have never heard of it.”

Nishizawa said: “You can look at his information.”

In order to protect the privacy of Omega, the information entered is only family introductions and genetic data, and no images of real people.

Luo Fei opened it and took a look. There was only one line of keywords—

Mo Lin, 20, is the youngest son of Mo Qiming, CEO of Fengyang Group. His mother has died.

Luo Fei of the Fengyang Group has naturally heard that this is one of the largest consortiums in the empire, and the current boss is Mo Qiming.

Hundreds of years ago, the Imperial Military Department set up a dedicated mech manufacturing factory. The mecha of the military department involved a lot of secrets and could not be disclosed to the public. Therefore, highly intelligent mechas were gradually monopolized by the royal family and the military. But the empire’s population of billions, in addition to the military’s fighters, the people’s demand for home smart mechas is also extremely high. It was the ancestors of the Mo family who discovered this business opportunity and created a mecha manufacturing factory from scratch, starting from the simplest The housework mech started.

At the beginning, it was just a small mecha manufacturer. After several generations of hard work, the scale of the company has grown and the smart mechas developed have become more and more high-end.

Today, Fengyang Group has become one of the largest large-scale enterprises in the empire. Its main business is the research and development of high-intelligence mechas, intelligent programs, software and holographic online games. It has many branches and covers all major galaxies throughout the empire, covering a wide range of fields. . Fengyang Group has a market share of more than 30% in smart programs, software, games, mecha and other businesses, and the Mo family has also jumped from an unknown family in a remote galaxy to an imperial giant.

This knowledge is taught by teachers in the economics class. The words “Fengyang Group” and “Mo Qiming” often appear in the news of the financial channel, so Luo Fei is no stranger to this company. But he had never heard of it. Mo always has an Omega son named Mo Lin.

Thinking of this, Luo Fei couldn’t help but smiled slightly, and said: “The blame has to know, it turns out to be a rich second generation.”

He has always had no liking for the rich second generation. The rich second generation Alpha he has seen before are mostly playboys, with a lot of lovers around; most of the Omega are vain and hypocritical, only knowing that they are spoiled for buying and buying. Luo Fei looked upset.

Therefore, he has no interest in learning more about “Mo Lin”, the rich second-generation Omega.

Luo Fei directly turned off the screen and looked up and said: “Father, this match result should be destroyed by the association as soon as possible.”

“Well, I have promised you to abolish the matching system, and this result will not be passed on.” Nishizawa glanced at the time and said, “You go back first. Father has some things to deal with.”

“Yes.” Luo Fei respectfully saluted and turned to leave the chamber.


At the same time, Fengyang Group headquarters.

The highest level of the skyscraper, in the study at the corner. The floor-to-ceiling windows occupying one wall projected the outside light into the house without any omission. The young man sat at the table with a coffee cup in his hand and squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Guangnao in front of him like a lazy cat. Dense data on the screen.

After a while, he put down the coffee and said: “The Omega Association suddenly called my encrypted data. From the tracking path, they matched my genetic data with an Alpha genetic data. The result of the analysis is , The match is over 90%.”

He seemed to be talking to himself, and his eyes on the screen were very cold: “The eldest prince Luo Fei is about to turn eighteen. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion-that is, the Omega Association is helping The eldest prince did a genetic match and screened out a partner who could be engaged with him. And I was selected.”

The room was quiet for a moment, and then a gentle mechanical sound came from my ear: “Master, what are your plans next?”

The teenager did not speak. He gently placed his slender fingers on the Delete button, and the dense numbers on the screen were quickly erased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The traces on the Internet were cleaned up, as if nothing had happened.

The mechanical voice continued: “Would you like to destroy the genetic data about you in the association database?”

The teenager shook his head: “Don’t act rashly, and don’t let people discover our existence. There are a total of ten Omegas that have been selected, most of them are of prominent origin, and the prince may not necessarily be worthy of me.” He stood up from his seat. , Holding a coffee cup and walking to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the bustling city with tall buildings below her feet, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said with a faint smile: “Certainly watch the changes.”

-Prince and Concubine? He has no interest.

-In this business kingdom built by money and technology, he is the real king.

The author has something to say: In the coming year, the black belly will be gentle and the queen will be strong, a new article in the ABO series.

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