Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 [Rescue] The handsome prince who fell fr

Mo Han said in the video message that Luo Fei gave the mecha to his father so that Mo always found a way to save him. But now, it may not be too late to find President Mo. After all, Mo Han is in a dangerous situation. Luo Fei doesn’t know why those people kidnapped Mo Han. If you delay it for a moment, Mo Han will be more dangerous.

Thinking of Mo Han’s situation at this time, Luo Fei did not hesitate and decided to save him himself.

Luo Fei immediately asked Chongming to start the mecha positioning program and search for Mohan’s location-a red dot appeared on the map on the screen, located in a cave deep in the forest of Cologne.

Luo Fei also visited that cave, the terrain is narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The front of the cave has a wide field of vision. Once Luo Fei appears, it will definitely arouse the other’s alertness. How to get there is the key. He asked Chongming to zoom in on the terrain near the cave and reconstruct the surrounding environment in three dimensions to find a breakthrough.

Soon, he discovered that the stone wall on the side of the cave was not thick and could be exploded directly with an ion cannon. If the opponent sent someone to guard the entrance of the cave and approached from the side, it would be a blind spot of vision, and the opponent might not be able to detect it. With Chongming, he can choose to attack, but only if he can’t hurt Mo Han.

Although he knew that Mo Han was there, Luo Fei was still uncertain about the specific situation. Before the rescue, the safety of Mo Han must be confirmed.

Luo Fei let Chongming land silently on the side of the cave, while he hid behind a big tree next to the rock wall. Chongming’s signal detection wave has the ability to penetrate obstacles, and quickly detects the scene in the cave.

There were four tall men in the cave, all wearing hats and masks. Two of them guarded the entrance of the cave, and the other two guarded both sides of Mo Han.

Mo Han’s whole body was tightly tied with a rope, and his hands were tied behind him, completely unable to struggle. When Luo Fei saw that scene, he felt that his heart was jerking up suddenly. He was stunned, and he wished to rush in immediately and get rid of the four bastards!

How dare you bully Mo Han like this, and still kidnap Mo Han under his nose? !

Luo Fei took a deep breath to keep calm, and tried to talk to Mohan’s Mecha Noah. As Noah and Mohan were connected with the white armor signals obtained in the Mecha Contest, Luo Fei let Zhongming connect to the white armor. Through this mecha as a relay, Zhongming was finally able to establish a connection with Noah.

Since both Zhongming and Noah’s systems are the highest-end S-level intelligence, the secretly connected signal source can be encrypted and processed so that no one can discover it.

Luo Fei conveyed the message through Zhongming: “I’m here to save you, Mo Han.”

In the cave, Mo Han was sitting in a corner and couldn’t move his whole body. At the moment when he sensed the heavy signal, his eyes brightened imperceptibly, but his face remained calm, saying: “Okay, I will Cooperate with you.”

Luo Fei whispered: “After a silent count of five seconds, you are lying behind the stone next to it.”

Mo Han nodded, wondering about his intention to let himself get down.

However, just five seconds after the countdown, there was a deafening popping sound in my ears-boom!

The side wall of the cave was actually blown off. In an instant, countless rubble and dust rushed in. The inside of the cave was almost submerged by rubble. The air was so full of dust that I couldn’t see the sight at all, Mo Han because Prepared in advance, he suddenly collapsed behind the big rock, not injured by the gravel and the shock wave of the air current, but the four men were caught off guard by the fierce air current. The four men flew out several meters away in embarrassment. The face and body are all traces of being injured by gravel!

In the chaos, Luo Fei’s low and gentle voice sounded in his ears: “Are you okay?”

Hearing this voice, Mo Han’s eye sockets were slightly hot. He didn’t expect Luo Fei’s rescue to come so quickly, he fell from the sky like a divine residence, and even directly blew up the cave without hesitation!

He cracked the code so quickly and rushed to the scene quickly? !

Luo Fei is not only very smart, but also quite calm when encountering things. As expected, he did not believe him wrong.

Mo Han took a deep breath to calm down, and replied softly, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Luo Fei was not in a hurry to untie the rope on Mohan. He knew at a glance that this kind of rope was made of special metal materials and needed laser cutting to break it. The knotted knot could not be solved for a while. He didn’t want to. waste time.

Because the four men who had been blown up reacted, they all got up in embarrassment, raised their silent pistols and aimed them at where Mo Han was, and shouted, “Don’t move!”

The dust gradually cleared away, and they finally saw clearly that a handsome young man appeared beside Mo Han-he looked less than twenty years old, but his eyes were sharp as a sword.

The young man with such sharp eyes is like an enraged wild wolf, who will almost rush to tear them to pieces in the next second.

The four of them were terrified by the gaze. The next moment, they heard him say coldly: “Dare to take Mohan from under my nose, who gives you the courage?”

He was less than twenty years old, but when he said this coldly, his aura seemed to exceed 2.8 meters in an instant.

The four of them were stunned. Before returning to their senses, he suddenly took out a miniature anesthesia gun and fired four consecutive shots in just a few seconds. Each shot accurately hit four. Personal chest!

The four of them felt a palpitating feeling for an instant, because the young man made his move too fast. Once he really wanted to kill them, they would have been killed at the moment.

The effect of the new anesthesia gun was amazing. Within five seconds, the four of them fell to the ground and completely lost consciousness.

Luo Fei turned around and walked to Mo Han, looking at him distressedly, “How are you? Did you hurt?”

This voice was very gentle, unlike Luo Fei who was cold and sharp just now, Mo Han looked at his handsome face, his heart trembled slightly, and he shook his head and said, “I’m fine.”

Luo Fei stretched out his arms and gently hugged him horizontally.

Being hugged horizontally in the pose of a princess, with his body hanging in the air, Mo Han felt a little awkward. But he was **** with a rope and couldn’t struggle, so Ren Luofei walked out of the cave with his arms.

Mo Han’s body was full of the dust that was stained when the cave was blown up just now. He looked embarrassed. Luo Fei held him a little distressed. In order to prevent these people from having accomplices, Luo Fei did not stay in the cave for a second. Take Mo Han into Chongming’s cockpit.

Chongming spread his wings and flew into the sky 10,000 meters in no time.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds that appeared on the monitoring screen in front of him, and knowing that Mo Han was out of danger, Luo Fei finally relieved his heart-until now, his heart is still beating fiercely, for fear that something wrong with him will make Mo Han suffer unexpectedly. , His whole heart seemed to be hanging in the air, extremely disturbed. At this moment, seeing Mo Han by his side, this heart finally returned to its original position.

Luo Fei took a deep breath and asked Zhongming to untie Mo Han’s rope, and asked softly, “They didn’t beat you, right?”

Mo Han said calmly, “No.”

With the help of Chongming, the rope was quickly untied, but Mohan’s wrist was left with a clear strangle mark, and there was even a visible bruise on his skin. Luo Fei looked distressed and immediately lightened his hand. Hold it gently, take the spare medicine box to help him apply ice for a while, and then carefully apply the swelling and pain relief ointment.

Looking at Luo Fei, who was disgraced by the explosion in the cave in front of him, Mo Han’s heart softened inexplicably.

After a while, Mo Han stretched out his hand, gently rubbed the head that was hanging in front of him, and said, “Thank you.”

Luo Fei was startled suddenly.

Is Mo Han rubbing his head? Have you hallucinated?

Luo Fei raised his head in disbelief, but met Mo Han’s rare gentle gaze. Suddenly, his heart throbbed, Luo Fei was so excited that he could not wait to jump two meters high, and hurriedly said, “Thank you? I should save you. If you are in danger, I have nothing to do, so what am I? Worthy of liking you?”

Hearing his frank answer, Mo Han’s heart softened. While using his slender fingers to remove a few pebbles mixed in his hair, he calmly said: “Let’s go back to the hotel first. I want to take a shower. Take a shower, let me tell you clearly what happened today.”

Luo Fei nodded immediately.


The two came to the hotel room where Mo Han was staying, and Mo Han went to the bathroom.

When I just came out of the explosion site, his hair was full of mud, and there were a lot of small stones. The water that flowed down during the bath was all black. Mo Han hadn’t been so embarrassed since he was a child, but he remembered that Luo Fei directly exploded domineeringly. After falling into the cave, he felt warm again.

In the past, Luo Fei always felt naive, but today he was convinced of how reliable Luo Fei was at the critical moment.

He left the password in the model just in case. After all, he usually has bodyguards to follow when he goes out. If something happens, his father will get news as soon as possible, but only when he is with Luo Fei, he doesn’t want to be that way. Many bodyguards followed, so if something happens when you are alone with Luo Fei, you must at least let Luo Fei know how to save yourself.

Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped for less than ten minutes, Luo Fei came to the scene and decisively blew up the cave to rescue him. This efficiency was comparable to the military’s special forces, which surprised Mo Han.

Thinking of Luo Fei’s handsomely blowing up the cave and quickly disposing of the four people, Mo Han couldn’t help but raise his mouth.

After taking a shower, Mo Han put on a white bathrobe and came out of the bathroom, and said to Luo Fei: “You should also take a shower, the hair is all gray.”

Luo Fei nodded and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

As a result, after taking a shower, I remembered that I didn’t bring a change of clothes, so I can’t continue to wear this all-gray suit, right? Luo Fei knocked on the bathroom door and said awkwardly: “Um…can you bring me a spare set of clothes?”

Mo Han quickly found a set of pajamas and handed it in. Luo Fei only opened a gap in the door, reached out and took the clothes and quickly closed the door.

After a while, he came out wearing Mo Han’s pajamas. Because of the difference in body shape between the two, Luo Fei was ten centimeters taller than Mo Han. The clothes in Mo Han were obviously smaller by one size. The sleeves only reached the wrists, and the buttons could barely be fastened. The trouser legs even show the ankles directly…

Looking at him like this, Mo Han couldn’t help laughing out loud, Luo Fei like this was really cute.

Luo Fei didn’t feel awkward in Mohan’s clothes, and said with a smile, “Your clothes are a little small for me. I put all the clothes in the washing machine and dry them, and then change them later.”

Mo Han beckoned to him: “Come and sit down.”

Luo Fei immediately walked over and sat down on the sofa. Seeing that Mo Han had no other wounds except for some strangulations and bruises, Luo Fei was relieved and asked seriously: “What is the origin of the people who kidnapped you? Are you **** for money?”

Mo Han shook his head: “It’s not for money. They want to get the cracking code for the new generation of spacecraft. Although they didn’t specify the origin, according to my guess, it should be related to the Tianyu Group.”

This is also the news that Dad found before.

Not long ago, during a call between Mo Han and his father, Fang Ziqian asked Mo Han to tell his father that the code source of the Rock Virus was related to Tianyu Group. Mo Han has been investigating this matter recently. Tianyu Group is KM Airlines. The biggest competitor, they probably wanted to use Rock Virus to destroy KM. They did not expect that KM suddenly launched a new generation of smart spacecraft and fought a beautiful turnaround. This also caused the Tianyu Group’s recent stocks to plummet and its performance. This is a decrease of nearly 70% compared to previous years.

The other party probably jumped over the wall in a hurry, and simply tied Mo Han to force Mo Han to tell the code to crack.

When Luo Fei heard Mo Han’s words, she immediately guessed that it was related to commercial competition, and couldn’t help but angrily said: “This method is too obscene!”

Mo Han said coldly: “The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Everyone is bright and beautiful. There are not many people who use this unbearable method in private. I actually noticed it a long time ago, so I left the password and gave it to you. They’ve been following me for a long time. They usually have bodyguards who can’t do it very well. Today, taking advantage of my bodyguard’s not around, they forcibly abducted me.”

Luo Fei asked: “You have a C-class armor around you, didn’t you resist it at that time?”

Mo Han said lightly: “They are all professionally trained, and they all wear battle armors, and they suddenly appeared without me being prepared. I don’t want to cause casualties in one-to-fours, so I just didn’t resist, just follow them obediently. Let’s go. I think they must have a plan to tie me back and will not endanger my life. If I resist, it will cause trouble for myself.”

Luo Feizan said: “You are indeed very calm. In this situation, it is right not to resist. Give me and Chongming the task of saving you.” After a pause, Luo Fei said in confusion, “You promise Where is Yazang? Didn’t they find it?”

There was no mecha space button necklace on Mo Han’s neck, Luo Fei was a little wondering where Noah was.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Mo Han pulled a strand of hair away from behind his ear and said, “Here.”

Luo Fei looked carefully, and she saw that he was wearing a small ear stud on both ears. The diameter of the stud was only a few millimeters. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find it. Even if you see it, most people will think it’s a decoration. In fact, one of the earrings hides Noah, the most advanced smart mecha in the empire.

Luo Fei asked, “Is that one?”

Mo Han said: “The one in the left ear.”

There was no difference between the two earrings, and, because he saw Mo Han’s ear up close, Luo Fei saw the red mole behind Mo Han’s earlobe again. Mo Han just let him look at his ears generously and didn’t worry about the red mole being found. This shows that Mo Han probably didn’t know that there was this red mole behind his earlobe, let alone that Luo Fei saw it on Mo Lin’s body. Got this red mole.

Luo Fei smiled slightly. Probably Mo Han would never have imagined that his well-arranged seamless script would be sold by such a small mole.

Looking at the red mole behind Mo Han’s ear again, Luo Fei suddenly asked in a low voice: “Mo Han, I have been chasing you for so long, have you wavered a little bit?”

Mo Han did not answer, but looked back at Luo Fei.

The two people looked at each other and found that Mo Han’s eyes were very calm. Luo Fei couldn’t help holding his fingers nervously, looking at Mo Han expectantly as if waiting for the judge to pronounce his sentence.

In the next second, Mo Han smiled slightly and said softly: “Fool.”

Luo Fei was stunned: “Huh?”

Why are you stupid again? Could it be that his impression of himself still remained with the silly big prince who was acting in a transparent vest?

Luo Fei scratched her head awkwardly, and said, “Do you still think I’m stupid?”

Mo Han looked at Luo Fei, with a smile that seemed like nothing at the corner of his mouth, and said, “Aren’t you stupid?”

Luo Fei: “…”

Seeing him drooping his head in frustration, Mo Han was a little funny, enduring the urge to rub his head, and whispered: “I have a lot of things to be busy lately, and Tianyu Group has to find a way to deal with it. Your military academy also Isn’t it about a staged assessment? Let’s slow down this matter first, and we’ll talk about it later.”

Luo Fei immediately became excited: “So, I still have hope?”

Mo Han: “…”

It’s so stupid! Not only do you have hope, you are almost reaching your goal.

I gave Xiao Mohan to you, why don’t you understand?

Mo Han has a headache. Does he have to say the words “I like you” by himself so that he can understand?

In fact, Luo Fei just didn’t expect Mo Han to fall in love with him so quickly, so he thought that the model Mo Han sent was just a gift in return, so he didn’t dare to think about it. In this relationship, because he was the person he fell in love with first, he always felt that Mo Han was unattainable, and always felt that he must take a lot of time to impress Mo Han.

Unexpectedly, his sincerity and frankness, gentleness and caring, would have defeated Mo Han’s bottom line of defense.

Mo Han smiled slightly at Luo Fei’s expectant eyes, and stretched out his hand again to help him tidy up his wet hair, and said, “Yes, you have hope, keep working hard.”

Luo Fei’s eyes lit up and his arms stretched out and said, “I was really scared to death today. I thought something would happen to you. For the sake of my fear, can I apply for a hug first?”

Mo Han nodded and took the initiative to reach out and hug him.

Luo Fei immediately hugged Mo Han back tightly, her fingers still trembling slightly, obviously she was extremely afraid that something would happen to Mo Han.

Mo Han felt his worry, his eyes gradually softened.

The simple prince has the purest heart to care for himself. Usually like a little milk dog, instantly transforming into a wolf at critical moments, and when risking to rescue himself decisively and without hesitation, how can such a man be disliked?

He was indeed a bit stupid, but so silly and lovely, Mo Han fell willingly.

The kidnapping this time was not like the previous year. The other party obviously jumped over the wall without careful planning, and Luo Fei reacted quickly, and Mo Han was rescued in less than half an hour. Mo Han was not injured, but those who dare to threaten him, Mo Han will never tolerate it!

When these trivial matters are resolved, maybe you can consider giving Luo Fei a little bit more sweetness.

Just a hug, Luo Fei became so excited, if he kissed him then, would he be so excited to have a heart attack?

The author has something to say: Luo Fei: I want brother Mohan to hug him!

Mo Han: Okay, satisfy you. [Hold a kiss]

Luo Fei: Ah, ah, ah, ah, I’m going downstairs to run laps!

Mo Han: fool.

You can spoil the sky when you are spoiled ^_^

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