Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 66

Chapter 67 [Distressed couple] My wife is very clin

Luo Fei hugged the sofa outside and fell in love with each other. In the bedroom, Mo Lin was trying to get Noah to search for nearby networks.

The Federation’s network is different from the Empire, so the Empire Mech will lose its signal after entering the territory of the Federation, but it is not difficult for hackers, even if the network operators and signals are different, but the procedures for setting up the network are similar, as long as Being able to search the interstellar network, Mo Lin naturally has a way to connect to it.

Soon, Noah retrieved the satellite network signal and connected to the satellite network to search for relevant information.

Luo Fei was right. This is the Alden Star in the Federal Southern Cross constellation. It has rich reserves of minerals and rare earth resources. The troops stationed here are responsible for mining minerals. Most of the people living in this small city are The merchants and relatives of the mineral troops, therefore, the whole planet looks a bit desolate.

If you want to act in the federal state, you must first obtain two federal resident ID cards.

The production technology of the ID card is the core secret of the country. Mo Lin has not been able to obtain it for the time being, but he can hack the data system and make the instrument that detects the ID card produce wrong recognition, and misjudge the ID cards of him and Luo Fei as Federal resident identification card.

Mo Lin casually searched the information of a couple from the Internet, and remembered them as their new identities. Then he tried to send a message to his father, but the distance between the Federation and the empire was far, and there was no communication link between this planet and any planet in the empire, and the message he sent was also sinking into the sea.

It seems that Noah can only connect to the local area network of this planet for the time being.

If there is no contact with the outside world, there will be no one to rescue, and only rely on him and Luo Fei.

It was already one o’clock in the morning after all this work was done. Mo Lin had just been marked, already physically exhausted, so he put away his brain and fell asleep on the bed.

He fell asleep soon.

At the moment he fell asleep, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open slightly, Luo Fei cautiously walked to the bed and moved gently to help him cover the quilt.

Seeing Mo Lin who was sleeping deeply on the bed, Luo Fei smiled slightly, leaned over and kissed his forehead, and said softly: “I will listen to you and sleep on the sofa, but I don’t worry about you. I will wait for you to sleep. It’s safe to worry about it. Sleep well, I’ll guard you outside.”

Mo Lin didn’t hear what he was talking about.

I slept very deeply, and when I woke up it was ten o’clock the next morning.

Luo Fei immediately took out the few remaining bread and milk from the mecha storage room, and greeted Mo Lin graciously: “Come for breakfast.”

Mo Lin glanced at him and said faintly, “Is it comfortable to sleep on the sofa last night?”

Luo Fei smiled dryly: “It’s still, it’s okay.”

Mo Lin raised his lips: “His Royal Highness will continue to sleep on the sofa.”

Luo Fei: “…”

Mo Lin ignored him and seemed to be still angry. Luo Fei didn’t dare to provoke Mo Lin, so he lowered his head to eat quietly.

After eating breakfast, Mo Lin said, “I have to go to the nearby drugstore to buy something as soon as possible.”

If you don’t take contraceptive measures 24 hours later, you are likely to get pregnant. So Mo Lin wants to buy contraceptives as soon as possible, hoping that such things will be sold in federal cities.

Luo Fei was a little embarrassed: “We don’t have a federal resident ID card, and we don’t have any federally circulated crystal coins. What should we do? We can’t go to the pharmacy to grab it, right?”

Mo Lin said, “Go work as a temporary worker and make some money.”

In today’s high-tech society, it is not easy to find a job. Robots do all the manual tasks such as washing dishes and cleaning. Fortunately, this is the federal mineral resource star, and there may be opportunities for mining companies.

The two put Chongming away and went to the largest local mineral company together.

There was recruitment information on the big screen at the entrance of the company, but instead of recruiting mining workers, it recruited some adventurers to collect a medicinal material in the nearby forest. This medicinal material must be picked together with the roots and stored immediately. In the freezer, otherwise it will lose its medicinal function.

Mo Lin asked Noah to check the use of this medicinal material, and quickly found out that this is a natural herbal medicine discovered by Federal Medical Scientists in Alden Star a month ago. After special treatment, it can be used to develop new types. Omega inhibitors. Due to the troublesome picking process, humans have to do it manually, and robots cannot complete the job for the time being.

Mo Lin told Luo Fei the result of the investigation. Luo Fei nodded and said, “I’ll try it.”

Mo Lin asked: “The language used in the Empire is different from the Federation. Can you speak the Federation language?”

Luo Fei smiled: “Of course I will, since I was young, someone taught me specifically.”

After all, he is the heir to the imperial throne, and he may deal with the Federal President after he succeeds in the future, so it is normal to learn some Federal words in advance.

But Mo Lin doesn’t.

Luo Fei leaned into his ear and said with a smile: “If you are wronged, you will pretend to be dumb later. Your acting is so good, it shouldn’t be a problem to pretend to be dumb.”

Mo Lin raised his eyebrows: “My acting skills are good?”

Luo Fei noticed that he had said something wrong and immediately changed his words: “No, no, I don’t mean anything else, I mean you are good with everything.”

Mo Lin glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

Both of them changed their clothes today. Mo Lin looked very gentle in a white shirt and light coffee-colored slacks. Luo Fei wore a neat vest and a pair of sports pants, with sneakers on her feet.

No one is here to apply, only an interviewer sitting in his seat, a fat middle-aged man with a beard, yawning and lethargic. Suddenly I heard a clear voice in my ear, saying in pure federal language: “Hello, are you recruiting temporary workers here?”

Seeing Luo Fei’s tall and strong figure, the interviewer’s eyes lit up and said, “Do you want to apply?”

Luo Fei nodded: “Well, how is the salary calculated?”

The interviewer said: “According to the collected medicinal materials, 500 crystal coins per plant.”

Luo Fei asked: “Can you give cash?”

The interviewer glanced at him suspiciously. You can scan your ID card directly for shopping on this planet, and very few people use cash. However, there are some people who have special hobbies. The interviewer didn’t think much about it, and simply nodded and said, “Yes, let’s register first.”

He gave Luo Fei a registration form, and Luo Fei quickly filled in according to Mo Lin’s previously forged identity.

The other party asked to check the ID card, Luo Fei took out the ID card with the blue protective cover and showed it to the other party.

Just when he wanted to swipe his card to verify, the credit card machine suddenly “banged” and black smoke appeared.

The fat man was puzzled: “Why is it broken?”

Mo Lin, who was standing behind Luo Fei, had a calm expression-of course I told Noah to hack its system, and the program was disordered and the chip burned out.

Luo Fei smiled and said, “Why don’t you check it yourself?”

The fat man had to check Luo Fe’s identity card while muttering. The information on the crystal card’s surface had been modified by Mo Lin. Naturally, he couldn’t see anything. The interviewer returned the identity card to Luo Fe and looked at Luo Fe’s face behind him. The gentle man asked, “This one is?”

Luo Fei said, “He is my wife, can he go with me?”

The fat man frowned, “Look at him gentle, it may be more dangerous if you take him there. There are many mutant rats in the forest that can bite people.”

Luo Fei said without changing his face: “My wife is a dumb, very sticky to me, without me by his side, he will be afraid, let me take him.”

The fat man saw that the man behind him did not say a word, and followed Luo Fei closely. He believed Luo Fei’s explanation, and said, “Well, then you have to protect your wife. The forest is very dangerous. I can provide you with a fighter plane and an electromagnetic knife. These are the freezer, medicinal instructions and navigation map. Good luck!”

Luo Fei took the tool and turned and left with Mo Lin’s hand.

It wasn’t until the two of them walked far that Mo Lin said calmly: “I am your wife, and I am very attached to you. I would be scared without you by my side, wouldn’t it?”

Luo Fei’s back stiffened suddenly: “You, don’t you understand Federal dialect?”

Luo Fei and Fatty were all in Federal language just now, and I thought Mo Han couldn’t understand it.

Mo Han looked at Luo Fei like a fool: “I don’t understand, but Noah can analyze the data and translate it to me.”

Luo Fei: “………………”

Oops, forget that Mo Lin also brought this super S smart mecha. He understood everything he said just now.

Luo Fei suddenly became unlovable.

Mo Lin patted Luo Fei’s shoulder lightly, and said, “It seems that sleeping on the sofa can’t satisfy you, so let’s sleep on the floor in the future.”

This guy, thinking he didn’t understand Federal language, was talking nonsense there, it seemed that he hadn’t cleaned up enough.

Seeing Mo Lin turned and walked forward, Luo Fei wanted to cry without tears, and immediately followed behind him: “I was wrong. Didn’t I hide from the interviewer? I just said that you are my wife and stick to me, otherwise How can I bring you here?”

Mo Lin ignored him, and walked into the cockpit of the mecha. Luo Fei had to bite the bullet to keep up.

The fighter jets provided by the other party are quite different from the imperial mechas, but the manufacturing principles of the mechas are similar. Luo Fei fumbled for a bit and quickly learned how to use it. In fact, this kind of task would be much simpler if he let Zhongming help, but to avoid being discovered, he didn’t want to start Zhongming for the time being, and the internal energy of Zhongming was limited, and he couldn’t waste it on this kind of thing.

Sitting in the cockpit, the two hurried to the target forest.

Looking at the virgin forest on the monitoring screen, Luo Fei couldn’t help feeling: “We used to practice in the training room of the military academy, but today we are actually going to fight.”

Mo Lin was expressionless, he was letting Noah connect to the LAN to retrieve data.

Soon, all the information on the so-called “mutant inflammation rat” that can bite people appeared on the screen in front of you-this creature is more than a meter high, and it is red all over, running extremely fast, like a jumping flame. . They have sharp teeth and attack mainly by biting.

Their teeth can’t bite through the metal, so driving the mecha is relatively safer, but when collecting medicinal materials, they must dig down and cannot damage the roots of the medicinal materials, so they have to face a sudden attack from the inflammation rat.

Mo Lin quickly made a decision and said, “I will go down to dig herbs later, and you will be driving the armor to protect me.”

Luo Fei nodded immediately: “No problem!”

The two came to the area circled in the navigation map, and they found many medicinal materials in the pictures.

This kind of medicinal material will give off a special taste that Yan rats like. Therefore, many medicinal materials are surrounded by threes and threes of Yan rats.

Luo Fei controlled the mecha with a few sharp slashes to drive them all away, while Mo Lin walked out of the cockpit to the ground, took out the collection tool and quickly collected the medicinal materials by roots and put them in the freezer.

The two cooperated tacitly, and the collection process became more and more smooth.

Every time Mo Lin finds medicinal materials, Luo Fei immediately goes over to eliminate all the surrounding Yan Rats. With his posture and technology, he can easily control this low-level armor. Even if the Yan Rats have strong attack power, they can’t destroy the metal war. A, Luo Fei didn’t want to kill them either, only wounded or ran away.

Under Luo Fei’s protection, Mo Lin quickly collected medicinal materials, and quickly collected all the medicinal materials that could be found in this area.

There is also an area deep in the forest marked on the map where this medicinal material is also distributed, and the distribution is more dense. But Mo Lin returned to the cockpit and said, “The deep forest will not go today. It may be more dangerous. Let’s go back and change money. I have to buy medicine as soon as possible.”

Luo Fei controlled the mecha to return, so it would be enough to buy medicine to make money, but the energy of the mecha gave him a headache.

The energy required by the S-class mecha is different from that of the ordinary C-class armor, and the price is extremely high. If you can make money by collecting medicinal materials in this way, it is estimated that one month can earn enough money to buy energy. It is best to find natural energy stones for extraction. But it depends on luck.

Luo Fei secretly planned to wait for Mo Lin to buy the medicine, and then take Zhongming to take a look in the depths of the forest tomorrow.


After the two came to the mineral company, Luo Fei gave the herbs in the freezer to each other.

The fat man was also straightforward, and soon liquidated the cash to Luo Fei.

Mo Lin quietly followed Luo Fei, with a dependent look, clutching Luo Fei’s clothes tightly. The interviewer thought: His wife really sticks to him!

Luo Fei smiled and asked, “Hello, can you ask, is there a pharmacy nearby?”

The young man was so fast that he could get so many medicinal materials in just a few hours. The fat man admired him quite a bit and replied with a smile: “Next to the city center square, there is a big pharmacy on the corner of T7 street. All medicines.”

Luo Fei said gratefully: “Thank you!”

The two looked for the address he said, and they saw a pharmacy.

Luo Fei took Mo Lin into the pharmacy, and the doctor in white coat asked, “What do you need?”

Luo Fei blushed and asked, “Are there any contraceptive drugs?”

The doctor was taken aback, glanced at Mo Lin behind him, and asked, “Omega used?”

Luo Fei nodded: “Well, my wife and I had an accident during the trip, but we don’t want children for the time being, so…”

With an expression of “I understand”, the doctor gently greeted Mo Lin to sit down next to him, did some simple checks on him, and told him: “The contraceptive pill cannot be taken with the inhibitor. Take one pill a day and continue to take it. Three days will do. It won’t have any impact on having children in the future, so you can rest assured.”

Mo Lin nodded calmly after listening to Noah’s translation.

The doctor found that he was not talking and thought he was shy, so he didn’t say much, smiled and looked at Luo Fei: “Take care of your wife. A few days after marking, Omega’s body is still more sensitive and his resistance will weaken. , It’s easy to get a fever. You should pay more attention to him, pay attention to supplementing nutrients, so that the pheromone in his body can be stabilized as soon as possible.”

Luo Fei had a “taught” expression on his face, and said seriously, “Thank you doctor, I will.”

Luo Fei paid the cash and bought the medicine, then took Mo Lin’s hand and turned and left the pharmacy.

Mo Lin was expressionless as a “dumb who relied on her husband.”

As soon as I walked out of the drugstore, I heard a familiar voice: “Doctor, is there any medicine for trauma? My friend’s legs were cut deep by mecha fragments.”

Mo Lin’s back stiffened, and he immediately pulled Luo Fei to quickly turn around and leave.

It was not until after walking far away that Luo Fei realized that he was pale, and then asked softly: “What’s the matter?”

Mo Lin leaned over and whispered in Luo Fei’s ear: “People of the Star Thieves group, when Mo Qifeng kidnapped me, I heard this person’s voice.”

Luo Fei frowned and said, “Are they also on this planet?”

At that time, there was no time to clean up them, but they sent them to the door by themselves.

A sharp flash flashed in Luo Fei’s eyes, and he whispered to Zhongming: “Let the micro drone follow him to determine how many people there are and where they live.”

Zhongming immediately released a miniature drone the size of a mosquito, and when the man walked out of the drugstore, he hid it in his pocket without knowing it.

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