Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 76

Chapter 77 [Promise] Shall we make an appointment?

Since Mo Lin’s family all agreed to the treatment plan for the cryo-chamber, Snow made arrangements at the hospital and set the time for next week.

The board of directors of the Fengyang Group passed a resolution last month to let Mo Han serve as the deputy general manager. Once Mo Lin was frozen, he would not be able to continue to serve in the Fengyang Group as Mo Han. Mo Lin was not assured that he had been working for the Fengyang Group. During the follow-up projects, Fang Ziqian comforted him: “You can treat the illness with peace of mind and leave it to me from the company.”

Mo Lin was a little surprised: “Is Dad willing to go back to work in Fengyang Group?”

He always thought that his father didn’t like to stay by his father’s side, so he hid in the dark for these years.

Fang Ziqian rarely looked gentle, and gently hugged his son’s shoulders and said: “Relax, your father will help you handle all the work you are responsible for. I will continue to stay in the company and accompany you when you are cured before returning to the group to work. With your father, I won’t leave again.”

Over the years, he hid in the dark and rarely reunited with Mo Qiming and Mo Lin and his sons. He did not do his responsibilities as a father. He couldn’t escape the blame for Mo Lin’s accident. So Fang Ziqian didn’t want to leave this time. In his limited life, he should live with his Alpha and his most beloved son.

Mo Lin didn’t expect that his illness would allow his father and father to reconcile, which was an unexpected gain. He couldn’t help but smiled slightly, looked at the always cold father in front of him, and said: “Knowing your decision, my father will definitely be very happy.”

Fang Ziqian also smiled: “Aren’t you happy?”

Mo Lin nodded: “Of course.” He paused, then said softly, “I know that your brother’s death keeps you from letting go, but those things have passed. From now on, I will be Mo Han and Mo Lin, I will be by your side instead of my brother’s share.”

Fang Ziqian stretched out and hugged his son tenderly: “Okay, Dad will wait for you to wake up, and you will treat it as a long dream.”

Mo Qiming heard the conversation between the father and son outside the door, and his eyes suddenly burst into soreness. He took a deep breath to resist the urge to cry-he didn’t ask for wealth and rights, he was even willing to abandon these extraneous things, just ask The two people I love the most can enjoy Changle safely.

Zi Qian is back, and Mo Lin is about to be cryotherapy. When Mo Lin wakes up in the future, the family can be reunited. That’s enough.


Due to Fang Ziqian’s personal work and extremely efficient work, the handover work at Fengyang Group went very smoothly.

It’s just that Fang Ziqian is already dead in name, so he didn’t use his real name this time. Instead, he changed his ID and changed his name to “Mo Qian.” For top hackers like him, forging an identity card was not enough. The inspection by the personnel department of Fengyang Group is not difficult. Soon everyone knew that Mo Han could not come to work in the company because of something. He was temporarily replaced by a person named Mo Qian. Mr. Mo was very kind to this person and brought him personally. Follow him to inspect all departments of the company.

Everyone doesn’t know where he is sacred, only that this person who is so valued by Mo Qiming must not be offended.

There is no need for Mo Lin to worry about the company’s affairs. On the contrary, he has been idle these days and missed Luo Fei a little. Mo Lin directly sent Luo Fei a message: “My dad came out to help solve the company’s affairs, but I did. Nothing to do. I will be treated next Monday. I want to walk around again before being frozen. Can you accompany me?”

Luo Fei immediately replied: “Of course, anytime!”

Mo Lin smiled slightly and thought to himself that he was really powerful enough to let the empire prince order at any time.

He just wanted to take a breath of fresh air and walk around before being frozen. Because once he is frozen, he will completely lose consciousness and don’t know when he will wake up, so in the last few days he wants to cherish it, and then accept future treatment with a happy and relaxed mood.

Mo Lin thought about it carefully, and said, “I want to go to the planet Ryan to see the snow.”

When Luo Fei and his cousin Emil went to see the snow scene the last time they took the new smart spacecraft to Ryan Planet together, Luo Fei invited Mo Lin to go with him, but Mo Lin refused with “I still have work to do”. At that time, he hadn’t liked Luo Fei yet, he only thought Luo Fei was a stupid acting emperor, but now it is different, he wants to see Luo Fei together.

Luo Fei naturally agreed without hesitation: “No problem, let’s sit back and re-ming the past!”

The fact that the two were going to Ryan Planet together was soon known by the parents of both parties. Nishizawa frowned and said: “The kidnapping just happened. If you go in private, it is not safe. I will send someone from the Royal Guard to protect you.” Mo Qiming also said: “I don’t worry about you going out with the eldest prince. I will send a few bodyguards to protect you.”

The father’s kindness was not easy to refuse, so the two people followed behind the mighty protection team and set off for the planet of Ryan together.

Along the way, many people saw this scene and thought that something important happened to the royal family!

Someone in the Empire Gossip Forum quickly analyzed: “It’s His Royal Highness and the male **** Mohan. They went to the planet Ryan to play together. The Royal Guards followed along with the bodyguards of Mo Family. They were in such a big battle. It seems like!” “They have such a good relationship?” “Senior Mo Han was a popular idol at Hermann University. I didn’t expect the prince to admire him so much!” “Cheers to the friendship between the two Alphas!”

No one knew that Luo Fei and Mo Lin had actually had the closest relationship long ago. Everyone’s Mohan male **** has been marked by the eldest prince.

The two of them are not friendship, but steadfast love.


As a group of guards and bodyguards followed, Luo Fei and Mo Lin were not ashamed to show affection in front of so many people. The two always kept a friendly distance along the way. The outsiders looked like they were indeed a pair. Very close friends play together.

Mo Lin politely called Luo Fei “His Royal Highness”, and Luo Fei also politely called him “Mohan Senior”.

But once he stayed in the hotel room at night, Luo Fei immediately hugged Mo Lin and kissed him fiercely, almost swelling his lips. Mo Lin also took the initiative to encircle the opponent’s neck and opened his mouth very frankly. In response, the two kissed hard to separate. The long kiss can last for more than ten minutes, as if they were about to eat each other into their stomachs.

Of course, no one saw this scene, otherwise the guards and bodyguards would collectively drop their jaws.

After waking up the next day, the two went to several well-known scenic spots to watch the snow scene. Then Luo Fei suddenly came to Mo Lin’s ear and said, “There is a large snow sculpture museum on Planet Ryan, and all the sculptures are made of snow. Because of the cold climate here and the constant temperature control inside the museum, the snow sculptures will never melt. Are you not interested in seeing it?”

Mo Lin nodded with interest: “Okay, let’s go and see.”

Luo Fei directly called the museum and asked to visit it at night.

The curator of the museum was flattered and did not expect the prince to come in person. The evening was originally closed, but since Luo Fei politely asked for a visit, the curator was naturally welcome. Luo Fei told him to keep a low profile as much as possible and not to prepare anything specially.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Luo Fei and Mo Lin came to the Snow Sculpture Museum together.

The curator personally came out to greet them. Since the eldest prince was visiting in private this time, there was no media report, and there was no need for too much pomp. The two let the guards stay outside and walked into the museum with the elderly curator. Luo Fei smiled and said, “Chairman, you can go to work. We just want to stroll around on our own. Thank you for your hard work.”

The curator wanted to accompany him personally, but at the smiling eyes of Prince Shang, he immediately understood that His Royal Highness did not want him to follow, so he walked away wittily and gave the two a map of the museum for them to visit at will.

The Snow Sculpture Museum usually has a lot of tourists, but it is closed now, so Luo Fei and Mo Lin are the only two people in the venue of the University of Nuovo.

This museum has a peculiar shape and a pure white appearance. It is made of piles of snow. Thanks to the constant temperature technology, it will not melt even in the sun.

The exhibition hall of the Snow Sculpture Hall is divided into several areas. All the snow sculptures are artificially carved. As soon as you enter the door, you will see a pure white flower field. All kinds of flowers are sculptured with snow. Every silk pattern on it is very clear. The petals, The leaves and rhizomes are lifelike, just like white flowers blooming here. Going further, there are all kinds of lovely animal sculptures, as if you have come to the ice and snow zoo.

Mo Lin admired the realistic snow sculptures with different shapes and couldn’t help but praise: “I have seen many pictures on the Internet before, but it is still very shocking to visit the scene in person. No matter how fast the development of science and technology intelligence, human handcraft and art Unreliable creativity is still something robots can never replace.”

The hand-carved snow sculptures, the small ones are only a few centimeters of delicate petals, but the large sculptures have giant mechas and high-rise buildings tens of meters high. The exquisite handcraft and rich imagination of human beings are fully displayed here. No wonder many parents like to bring their children to visit here.

Luo Fei holding Mo Lin’s hand, walking and watching, all the way to the top sculpture area.

This is the DIY work area. All the works are carved by tourists themselves. Guests can use their creativity to sculpt various sculptures with white snowflakes and tools provided by the museum, but if you want to save your own sculptures , It will need to spend a huge amount of storage costs.

Mo Lin wondered: “What did you bring me here for?”

Luo Fei smiled: “You know it by looking at it.”

He found a clearing, and then started to do it. The snow provided in the Snow Sculpture Hall is very clean. Luo Fei quickly builds a snowman. The snowman has a shape and a well-proportioned body. It puts a round head, plus nose, eyes and mouth. It’s cute.

Mo Lin thought to himself, the prince is really childlike…

I was thinking about it, but found that Luo Fei clapped his hands after finishing a pile, and then started to pile another one.

Mo Lin was puzzled: “Why are you stacking two?”

Luo Fei looked back at Mo Lin, blinked, and said, “This is me, and the next one is my prince and concubine.”

Mo Lin: “……………………”

How old are you prince? Could it be three years old?

Luo Fei ignored Mo Lin’s funny gaze, and continued to pile up a snowman quickly.

The two snowmen looked alike and stood together holding hands, but one of them was slightly shorter than the other by about 10 cm, which happened to be the height difference between Mo Lin and him.

After Luo Fei finished, he walked back to Mo Lin and said with a smile: “It was often said that the snowman would melt when it meets the sun, which symbolizes the shortness. But the snowman here is different because of the constant temperature system. The snowmen will never melt, they can be kept here forever. They symbolize not shortness, but eternity.”

Mo Lin’s heart trembled, and he finally understood what he meant for the snowman.

Luo Fei smiled and looked at the lovely pair of snowmen in front of him, and said, “I made these two snowmen by myself. They will always be kept in the museum. Even if they come back decades later, they will still be there, coming and going. Visitors will see them standing together holding hands and never separating. They are the witness of the two of us.” Luo Fei said here, suddenly turned around to look at Mo Lin, “I want to tell you, no matter what happens in the future, I will never let go of your hand.”

He gently held Mo Lin’s hand and his eyes were extremely gentle: “Let’s make an agreement. You will be treated in the freezer with peace of mind. I will wait outside for you to wake up. I will often visit you in the hospital and wait for you to wake up. After that, we will never be separated again, okay?”

Mo Lin’s eyes were sour and suddenly he couldn’t speak.

The world made of ice and snow is so pure that there is no trace of impurities, just like Luo Fei’s feelings for him, and as pure as this first snow.

Two lovely snowmen stood together holding hands, looking at them, it seemed that they really became a testimony to their relationship.

——The snowman will never melt, and the feeling will never die.

To Mo Lin, such a promise was like a powerful tranquilizer, dispelling all the anxiety in his heart.

Mo Lin raised his head, smiled slightly at Luo Fei’s gentle gaze, and only said one word: “Okay.”

Luo Fei immediately bowed his head and kissed him excitedly, and hugged him tightly into his arms.


A week later, various physical data of Mo Lin passed Snow’s detailed examination and confirmed that he could receive cryotherapy.

On the day of admission, Mo Qiming and Fang Ziqian came to the hospital in person. Of course Luo Fei would not be absent. Even friends like Iman, Frank, and Kathleen rushed over after hearing the news, and everyone had a meal together. After dinner, Mo Lin walked into the freezer with the care of his family, lover and friends.

Mo Lin was put into the freezer compartment, the equipment started to operate, and the freezer compartment began to be filled with blue liquid. His body felt a bit of icy cold. First, his limbs lost consciousness, and then his body gradually lost consciousness.

At this time, his consciousness was still sober, and his whole body was out of his control and unconscious. The average person would feel terrified in his heart, but Mo Lin was very calm, because he was fully prepared psychologically. Accept this treatment with a relaxed and peaceful mind.

He closed his eyes lightly and waited for the moment when he lost consciousness.

The freezing process must be performed in a sterile room, so family members cannot come in, only Snow is by Mo Lin’s side.

Seeing Mo Lin closed his eyes, Snow whispered: “Don’t be afraid, everything will be fine when you wake up.”

Mo Lin nodded, feeling his consciousness gradually withdraw from his mind.

Then, he heard Snow whispered a word: “Luo Fei asked me to tell you, remember your agreement with him, he loves you.”

Mo Lin: “…”

The body was so cold that there was no sensation, but there was a slight warmth from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you, Luo Fei, I love you too.

I will remember our agreement, and when I wake up I will be with you, and we will never be separated again.

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