Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 88

Chapter 92 [Fanwai: Iman’s Story 2] Liuheyi Univers

Try to pursue it, and take the initiative to make a chance of success. If you don’t take the initiative, you can only watch the person you like stay with others.

Brian’s education made Iman like to express himself frankly since he was a child, ignoring that he is an Omega, and because of this, the enthusiasm and boldness of him gradually became an alien in the eyes of Alphas. However, Iman didn’t care about these things. When he grew up, he felt that his father’s statement was more reasonable. If he meets people like Ludwig, if he doesn’t take the initiative, he will wait for Luther’s ten or twenty years. Vichy can’t get rid of it either!

When Brian stalked and melted Snow, Iman decided to inherit and carry forward his father’s “cheeky” merits, and to melt the cold Ludwig with enthusiasm. Facts proved that his strategy was very successful. After taking the initiative to kiss each other twice, Ludwig agreed to associate with him, and Iman had to wake up in his dreams.

But what makes Iman depressed is that Ludwig is like a hard stone, completely incomprehensible.

Not to mention asking him for dinner or giving him gifts, he never took the initiative to even send messages and video calls.

Iman took the initiative to send it every time, and Ludwig passively accepted it. It was fine at the beginning, but this was the case for the entire vacation, even the energetic Iman gradually became a little tired.

This day happens to be the last day of the holiday, and Ludwig will return to the military school the next day. Iman thought, Ludwig should always tell himself before he leaves, right? It’s okay to make an appointment to meet, after all, it will be difficult for the two to meet again after the military school starts. However, Iman waited at home for a whole day, the communicator did not move, Ludwig did not even send a message as if he did not exist.

At night Iman finally couldn’t help it. He put his finger in front of the communicator and tried to dial it, but in the end he still retracted his hand.

Every time, he cheeked and took the initiative to talk to each other, and it was boring for a long time.

Iman, depressed, returned to the room after eating.

Brian noticed that his son was wrong, and immediately went upstairs to knock on Iman’s door, and said concerned: “What’s the matter? It seems to be a little depressed?”

Iman lowered his head and refused to speak.

Brian raised his eyebrows: “It’s not for that Ludwig, right?”

Iman was silent for a moment, and then whispered: “I feel like a failure. Every time I take the initiative to find him, he has never taken the initiative to find me once. It seems that he doesn’t care about me at all.”

Brian lightly touched his son’s head, and said, “I also had this feeling when I chased your dad back then. I have paid so much, but he is still indifferent, as if my existence is nothing to him. . When I looked for him, he promised, I’m not by his side, and he doesn’t care.”

Iman immediately nodded vigorously: “Yes, that’s it! He never takes the initiative to ask me, I have been asking him so many times, I am annoying myself.”

Brian said: “Then what do you want to do next? Give up?”

Iman scratched his head gloomily. give up? He has never given up since he was a child, and the harder he is to chase, the more challenging he is.

Brian knew what his son was thinking as soon as he looked at his son’s face, smiled and patted his shoulder and said, “If you give up here, then you don’t love this person very much. I never thought about it when I chased your dad. Give up, no matter how indifferent he is to me, I am determined to chase him. He did not pay attention to me at first, but then he fell in love with me. Your dad is cold on the surface, but in fact he is very soft-hearted and he needs it very much. I am also very dependent on me. I am not by his side. He can’t even sleep well. He can dream of me in his dreams, but he is embarrassed to say.”

As soon as I said this, a cold voice suddenly came from behind: “Really?”

Brian looked up and saw Snow standing in the doorway in a neat shirt and trousers, looking at him quietly.

Before Iman had time to react, he saw Brian dash forward, grabbing Snow’s shoulders favorably, and squeezing his shoulders while smilingly asked: “Wife, aren’t you on duty in the hospital? Why did you come back?”

Snow said lightly: “I am very dependent on you. I can’t sleep without you, so come back and have a look.”

Brian: “…”

Iman saw his father’s back visibly stiff. But immediately afterwards, a scene that made him dumbfounded happened—I saw Brian suddenly knelt on one knee, intimately took Snow’s hand, looked at him seriously, and said cheeky: “I What I just said is actually myself. Without you by my side, I couldn’t sleep at all. I always dreamed of you in my dreams. Every time you were on night shift in the hospital, I would suffer from insomnia until three o’clock in the morning.”

Snow: “…”

Iman: “…”

His son was beside him. He was not ashamed or impatient to kneel on one knee and confessed affectionately. Snow really convinced him.

Seeing his son looked at him complicatedly, Snow’s face turned red, and he hurriedly pulled Brian up and said, “Get up quickly.”

Brian smiled, and kissed Snow’s hand very gently, and said: “My wife has worked hard, I’ll give you a bath.”

The blush on Snow’s face had not faded until Brian left, and he glanced at his son awkwardly.

Iman wisely changed the subject and said: “Dad is not on duty today?”

Snow said: “A colleague changed the night shift with me.” He walked to the bed and sat down and said in a low voice: “I heard that you have been looking for Ludwig every day these days. You really believe this person. ?”

Iman scratched his head and thought for a while, and then seriously said: “Dad, I have no interest in other Alphas, but Ludwig is particularly attractive to me and makes me want to catch up. What will happen to me in the future? I know, but at least for now, I like him very much and want to be with him. I really take him seriously.”

It’s Iman’s principle to take the initiative when you meet someone you like. After looking forward and looking forward, you may have missed it. Regardless of whether or not you can cultivate a positive result in the future, at least you can’t make yourself regret it.

Snow knew his son’s unfeared temper, looked at his firm appearance, sighed softly, and said: “Your thoughts are not wrong, but there is one thing you have to think clearly, even if you work hard to chase him. If you get it, if he doesn’t really like you, you will be very tired. When two people are together, you can’t always pay by one person, and the other person stays in place, and the feeling of force cannot be sustained at all.”

Iman nodded thoughtfully: “Understood. The best way is to make him like me sincerely, so that he can’t do without me.”

Snow smiled slightly and touched his son’s head and said, “Just do your best for emotional matters. If he really can’t like you, don’t be discouraged.”

Brian outside the door couldn’t help but smile upon hearing this. Snow seemed cold, but he cared very much about him and the children. He couldn’t bear his son’s emotional hardship. If Ludwig dared to make Iman sad, Brian would not rule out using force to catch the stinky boy and beat him to the hospital, and then let Snow clean up.

Brian squinted his eyes and said to his heart: Is my Iman really a bully? You try to bully!


At eleven o’clock in the evening, Ludwig returned to the room, tossing and awake.

His work and rest have always been very regular, and he will go to bed on time every day at the end of the day. The rare insomnias are actually related to Iman.

The last time I had insomnia was when Iman was forcibly kissed, but this time it was because Iman hadn’t sent a message to him all day.

Since confirming the relationship with Iman, Ludwig has eaten breakfast every morning and will hear the notification from the machine butler: “An Iman is looking for you outside the door.” “Iman is looking for you again.” “It’s Iman again. .”

Whenever he heard this familiar name, his mood would instantly improve.

Because of his cold personality and few words, he has no friends to talk to since he was a child. He used to stay at home to read materials and study during vacations, but this year’s vacation is very different. Iman comes to him every day and shoots. Fields, private estates, racing circuits, zoos, science and technology museums, mecha exhibition centers…

He knew for the first time that there are so many fun places in Capital Star, and for the first time he experienced so much fun in life.

Iman smiled brightly every day. Ludwig followed Iman and was infected by the emotions of the other party. Every day was very happy.

He found that he seemed to be inseparable from Iman, the treasure.

Without Iman by his side, he lived like years. But with Iman, I feel that time is not enough.

Seeing that the holiday was coming to an end, Ludwig had been waiting for Iman to come to him today, but I waited for a whole day without even a single message. Ludwig thought to himself that he probably had something to do. After all, he had already practiced in Mr. Bryan’s mecha factory, unlike his idle student, so Ludwig did not dare to bother him.

Iman used to say “good night” every night, but nothing happened tonight.

Ludwig could not fall asleep over and over, always feeling empty in his heart.

Lying on the bed thinking about it for a while, there was still no sleep.

Could it be that without Iman’s “good night” news, I couldn’t even sleep well? Unknowingly, the poisoning was so deep?

Ludwig frowned tightly, playing with the communicator in his hand, as if news of Iman would appear.

After half an hour passed, Ludwig finally couldn’t help it, and cautiously sent a message: “Are you asleep?”

Iman couldn’t sleep either, and was wondering whether to go on looking for Ludwig with his cheeks, but the communicator suddenly turned on.

Looking forward to a person taking the initiative to find himself, the moment when the other party really sends a message, the excitement and joy is simply indescribable.

Iman sat up straight from the bed and quickly replied: “No sleep!”

Ludwig: “Why didn’t you say goodnight to me?”

Iman: “…”

This upright guy actually sent a message to ask this!

Iman was originally aggrieved, but now he was angry and laughed. He rolled his eyes and said, “I have no obligation to say goodnight to you every day, right?”

Ludwig couldn’t refute this sentence. After a few seconds of silence, he replied, “Isn’t it busy if I didn’t come to see me today?”

Iman: “Not busy at all!” After a pause, he said: “If I don’t find you, you won’t take the initiative to find me?”

Ludwig: “I’m afraid to disturb you.”

Iman: “…”

Iman: “Then you can’t ask me a word? Is there anyone who fell in love like this?”

Ludwig: “I haven’t been in a relationship before, and I don’t know what to do. If it makes you angry, I apologize to you.”

Iman’s heart softened instantly.

It’s really hard for this guy to apologize. It seems that he doesn’t have himself in his heart, but his personality is too cold and he doesn’t know how to get along with his lover.

Just thought of saying it’s okay, but Ludwig sent another sentence: “Actually, I prepared a gift for you. I originally wanted to give it to you today. You didn’t come today. I think you may be busy, so I didn’t bother. You. I’ll give you the present before leaving for school tomorrow, okay?”

Iman’s eyes lit up suddenly: “Gift?”

This piece of wood actually knows to prepare a gift for him? Is this a sudden leap in emotional intelligence?

Ludwig’s cheeks were a little hot, and he paused before typing: “I don’t know if you like it.”

Iman smiled and said, “As long as you prepare it, I like a stone!”

Ludwig: “…”

He is not reserved at all, but this is the real Iman.

The two quickly agreed on a time to meet the next day and said goodnight to each other.

What made Ludwig wonder is that Iman said good night, but he still couldn’t sleep, and this time he lost sleep until dawn.

In fact, Ludwig was inspired by his mother when he wanted to give gifts.

Recently, Iman ran to him every day. Mrs. Michael saw in her eyes and had already guessed the relationship between the two. She reminded her son: “Iman is so good to you, you should also show it!” Luther Vichy thought it made sense. Iman gave him models of guns and took him to various places in the capital to eat, drink and have fun. He rushed to pay every time. He played with Iman for nothing, and he should give him some gifts. Express it.

He is still a student and has no income of his own. Iman would definitely look down on the gifts I bought if they were too cheap. It would be better to give a memorial item.

I just don’t know if Iman will like it?


The next day, Ludwig got up early in the morning and put on a neat and tidy military uniform, because he was going back to the military academy to report today.

According to the agreement, Ludwig came to the restaurant near Iman’s house in advance, and waited for Iman to have lunch with him.

Iman came very punctually. He saw Ludwig sitting in the private room with a handsome military uniform. Iman unceremoniously rushed over and came into a bear hug. Ludwig quickly steadied his body and caught him.

The passionate Omega threw himself into his arms, and Ludwig found that his heartbeat was beating fiercely again uncontrollably.

What made his brain crash even more was that Iman was not enough to hug him, and he actually took the initiative to kiss him.

Ludwig said awkwardly: “Outside, take it back and restrain it.”

Iman raised his eyebrows: “You are my boyfriend, what’s wrong with me giving you a kiss?” After a pause, he leaned over to his ear and lowered his voice, “Don’t you like me kissing you?”

Ludwig’s ears instantly turned red.

To be honest, he likes it very much.

Although this Omega’s behavior is too bold, he has to admit that he enjoys being kissed by Iman, his heart beats out of control every time, and his body feels like an electric shock.

Ludwig looked away uncomfortably, took out a delicate box from his pocket, and said, “This is a gift for you.”

Iman opened it, and it turned out to be a very delicate bracelet. Twenty beads are strung on the bracelet, each of which is a very rare gem. Most of the bracelets sold in shopping malls are strung together with the same kind of gemstones. There are few such smorgasbord works. Iman wondered: “Where did you buy this?”

Ludwig explained: “I made it by hand.”

Iman’s eyes widened: “You did it yourself?”

Ludwig nodded: “Well. Since I was born, every Christmas my mother will carefully choose a different gemstone for me as a souvenir. She said that these gemstones can bring good luck to people and wait for me in the future. When you grow up, you can give it to the most important person.”

Iman was taken aback. He didn’t expect these gems to have such a special meaning.

Does Ludwig really understand it or not? His mother’s intention was obviously to give gems to his daughter-in-law in the future!

Seeing his calm expression, Iman couldn’t help but want to tease him, leaning over and laughing: “Do you really understand what your mother meant? This chain is not a casual gift.”

Ludwig’s ears were red: “I know, that’s why I gave it to you.”

Iman was stunned, his brain was blank for a moment: “What do you mean?”

Ludwig glanced at him and whispered: “I have kissed you, now your boyfriend, when I graduate, I will marry you.”

Iman: “…wait, wait! Is this topic too advanced?”

He just wanted to have a good relationship. Why did he suddenly start talking about marriage?

Ludwig said solemnly: “I am a very dedicated person. Since I am with you, I will be responsible to the end.”

Iman said with a headache: “We only kissed twice, and I don’t need you to be responsible…”

Ludwig corrected: “Three times.”

Iman had a splitting headache: “Well, three times! That was just a kiss, and there was no mark… Besides, what age is it now, even if we have had a close relationship, it is normal for you to want to break up. Marriage is not a small matter, you Do you want to think about it again?”

Ludwig said: “I said I will be responsible for you.”

Iman: “I really don’t have to be responsible!”

Ludwig: “I haven’t graduated, nor the legal age for marriage. After I graduate, I will buy you a ring and formally propose to you.”

Iman: “Why don’t you understand? We just fall in love, fall in love, understand?”

Ludwig: “After falling in love, don’t you have to get married?”

The two talked with each other, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

After a long time, Ludwig realized that it was wrong, so he lowered his face and said, “Aren’t you serious about me, just teasing me?”

The sad expression on Alpha’s face was as if Iman had been “abandoned” by Iman, causing Iman to suddenly feel a little uneasy in his conscience.

Ludwig lost his gaze and looked away, and said stiffly: “If you just think it’s fun to tease me, I’m sorry, I don’t want to play this game with you.”

Iman was completely defeated: “I’m not making fun of you, I’m serious about you, it’s just…but I didn’t think so far.”

Ludwig looked up at him and said solemnly: “Then you accept the gift.”

Iman: “…”

This is the first time being forced to accept gifts!

Iman found that he had slapped a guy who was very serious about feelings this time.

If you are in love, you will get married, and you will be responsible for a few kisses. Is Ludwig’s brain circuit a straight line?

Iman, who bullied Alpha since he was a child, really got the iron plate this time. Probably this is the feeling of “riding a tiger with difficulty”.

Facing Alpha’s serious eyes, Iman felt soft and had to bite the bullet and accept the gift he handed over, saying: “I will keep it for the time being, you can take it back at any time.”

The expression on Ludwig’s face eased a bit, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he took Iman’s hand seriously and said, “The gift I gave will not be taken back. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you well. .”

“…” Iman couldn’t laugh or cry.

The brain circuit of this guy is really a straight line, right? If he is kissed three times, he will be responsible, and if he kisses a few more times, will he be responsible for the whole life?

It doesn’t seem bad to think about it this way?


Iman returned home with the gem bracelet, and his complex expression quickly attracted Brian’s attention.

Bryan pulled his son aside and asked, “Tell me how is the progress?”

“Ludwig gave me a gift and said that he would be responsible to me and marry me and go home after graduation.” Iman rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. “I didn’t expect him to be so simple!”

“It’s so good to be innocent. Unlike those dudes, such an innocent Alpha will be absolutely loyal to you after getting married.” Brian put his arms around his son’s shoulders and smiled, “Then what do you think? Have you thought about marrying him? ?”

“Ah, I haven’t considered that long-term.” Iman actually didn’t know what to do. He admits that he likes Ludwig, but he is not sure how long such a like will last. Iman is even more uncertain whether he can stay with each other for a lifetime. His idea is: cherish the present and have a relationship with someone you like while you are young. In the end, it is best to cultivate a positive result. If you can’t, there is nothing to regret.

Brian knew that his son was heartless, and he didn’t want Iman to marry so early, so he said, “Don’t worry, let’s talk about it in a few years.”

Iman immediately nodded in agreement: “I think too!”

However, Iman overlooked one thing. There is no reason for the gift to be taken back. The simpler the person, the more serious he will be emotionally.

He completely disturbed Ludwig’s heart that had been calm for twenty years, but he couldn’t just run away after committing the crime.

It was not Ludwig who was responsible for this incident, but his Omega who took the initiative to tease him.


After Ludwig returned to the military academy, the number of meetings between the two decreased significantly, and Iman began to work in his father’s mecha company with peace of mind.

Every weekend, Iman would go to the military academy to visit Ludwig, and Ludwig would consciously spare time on weekends to accompany him, and travel together during the holidays. The relationship became more and more stable.

Ludwig’s concept is very conservative. When the two are together, he will kiss Iman at most, and he doesn’t make any more extraordinary moves. Iman was so itchy that he wanted to strip this cold man naked, but was afraid that he would be “responsible for a lifetime” in case of a relationship. Concerned about this, Iman did not dare to be too bold, and the two never crossed the red line.

But Iman had to admit that he liked Ludwig more and more.

This man looks cold and serious, but he is actually very upright and stable, and he is tolerant enough. No matter how Iman is tossing, Ludwig has a “just as you like” attitude, which makes Iman particularly relaxed.

Ludwig is about to graduate in a blink of an eye, and of course Iman, as a boyfriend, is going to attend his graduation ceremony.

However, what Iman didn’t expect was that when the two went to the restaurant for dinner at the end of the ceremony, Ludwig suddenly knelt on one knee and took out a ring from his pocket.

Iman looked at the ring dumbfounded: “What are you doing?”

Ludwig said solemnly: “Keep his promise. I said that after graduation, I will propose to you.”

Iman grimaced: “But I’m not ready to get married yet.”

Ludwig: “It doesn’t matter, I have done it.”

Iman: “…”

In the more than a year that the two were together, Iman was indeed very enthusiastic and proactive, and Ludwig would respond to him. This way of getting along made Iman feel very comfortable.

But getting married? Is it too fast? !

Ludwig took Iman’s hand and asked in a low voice, “Do you like me?”

Iman nodded quickly: “Of course!”

Ludwig said: “Then you promise, I will prepare for the wedding. Don’t worry, I will be absolutely loyal to you.”

The expression on his face was very serious, as if he was applying for approval of a very important matter.

Iman looked at him blankly, unable to say a word to refuse. As a result, Ludwig simply put the ring on Iman’s hand.

Riding a tiger, Iman had to bite the bullet and said: “Uh, marriage is a big deal, I have to go back and discuss it with my father…”

Ludwig nodded, “Well, I will visit your father myself another day.”

He stood up, with a rare smile at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hands to embrace Iman, leaned over and kissed Iman on the forehead lightly.

The two have kissed countless times after being together, but the moment he was gently kissing his forehead, Iman felt a kind of heart palpitations.

Such a pure kiss seemed to represent the sincere heart of this Alpha.

Iman could feel Ludwig’s seriousness.

This Alpha is really a rib. After being kissed by Iman, I recognized Iman and wanted to stay with Iman.

Iman looked away guiltily, touched the ring on his hand, and thought to himself that he would have to finish the sin he did when he was kneeling.


After returning home, Iman told his father about the incident.

Brian helplessly raised his forehead: “You just agreed?”

Iman scratched his head vigorously: “I was really embarrassed to refuse at the time. Ludwig, this wood, usually rarely speaks sweet words, but he is very sincere when he kneels in front of me and proposes. Besides… I chased him first, and I took the initiative. With him, if I don’t agree now, won’t I become the most scumbag omega in the entire empire? Isn’t it good to start chaos and give up?!”

Brian endured a smile and said, “No excuses. If you agree, it means that you like him very much, and you can’t help but soften at his pleading. If you change to another Alpha to propose to you, you must have kicked it. .”

Iman: “…How can I be so violent!”

Brian touched his son’s head and said, “Get married, I’m going to prepare now.”

Iman was a little speechless: “The average father hears that Omega’s son is going to get married, so he is reluctant to do everything possible to embarrass the Alpha who deceived his son?”

Brian said solemnly: “You are different. You lied to someone else’s pure Alpha.”

Iman: “…”

This seems to be correct?

Since his father had no objection, Iman also let go of his concerns and soon became happy, and asked: “Is the wedding very complicated? Do I need to prepare for it?”

Brian said softly: “You can stay home and wait for the marriage. Father will prepare everything.”


Three days later, Brian and Snow met with Ludwig’s parents to discuss their sons’ marriage.

General Michael is a very serious person. He has never dealt with Brian normally, but his son had to marry Brian’s demon Omega, he couldn’t stop him, so he had to bite the bullet and attend this “parent meeting.”

Ludwig’s mother really liked the lively Iman, and found Iman straightforward and cute. In fact, she was there every time Iman came to look for Ludwig, but she deliberately avoided it and peeked in the corner.

Brian smiled and said: “Since the children have decided to be together, as the elders, there is no reason to object, General, let’s discuss the details of the wedding.”

General Michael solemnly said: “Well, Mr. Brian has any request, you can directly ask.”

Brian said: “In terms of the bride price, what do you think is appropriate?”

Michael said: “After marriage, you have to live in a two-person world. It is not convenient to live with your elders. It is better to buy them a separate property, what do you think?”

Brian nodded in agreement: “It makes sense. Does the general have any other requirements?”

Michael: “I have nothing to ask for.”

Brian said: “Then it’s decided, the bride price is a set of real estate, right?”

Michael: “No problem.”

Both parties were very simple. The parent meeting ended happily. The wedding was set at the end of the year, and there was still half a year to prepare.

Iman was still heartless and didn’t care about everything. From time to time, he ran to date Ludwig, and the fathers of both parties began to intensively prepare the details of the wedding.

As the wedding was approaching, the parents of both parties met again.

Bryan took out a real estate certificate and said: “The bride price is ready.”

General Michael: “Aren’t we here to prepare???”

He also put the real estate certificate on the table, looking confused.

Everyone looked at each other.

After a while, Brian rubbed his nose and smiled: “Iman has been restless since he was a child. I’m afraid he will bully your Ludwig after he gets married, so I Ludwig prepared a dowry.”

Ludwig: “…”

Omega’s father, preparing a bride price for Alpha, this is the first time I have heard of it!

Iman grinned and handed the real estate certificate to Ludwig, and said: “Our family’s mind, you can accept it!”

General Michael’s face was strange.

Why did he accept the bride price when his son married his wife? It feels like marrying his son to Iman in reverse!

In order to correct this misconception, General Michael immediately gave the bought house to Iman, saying: “This is our dowry gift to Iman.”

Iman accepted it politely.

So, the two of them each received a dowry gift and went to see the house together, only to find unexpectedly that the dowry gift prepared for them by their fathers happened to be two connected villas.

Iman laughed at the door and his stomach hurts: “What should I do? From now on, we will each live in a neighboring room?”

Ludwig twitched his lips and thought, there has never been a precedent for Omega to prepare a dowry for Alpha! This was a good time. Both fathers prepared a dowry gift for each other’s son, and they happened to buy it in the same community.

Standing in the doorway for a moment of silence, Ludwig said: “The building on the left will live together after we get married, and the one on the right will change its decoration style and use it as a mecha laboratory for you.”

Iman excitedly hugged him and kissed him: “This is a good way! Why are you so considerate?”

Ludwig blushed after being kissed, and put his arms around Iman’s waist, and whispered: “I am your Alpha, of course I have to be considerate for you.”

Iman’s heart was warm. Suddenly I felt that it would be nice to marry this serious Alpha. Although he didn’t understand romance and didn’t talk much, he thought about himself in all aspects, thoughtful and tolerant.


Brian is the chairman of the Mecha Association, and he controls the largest mecha manufacturer in the empire. He is not short of money. Of course, his son’s wedding must be successful.

General Michael cooperated fully and gave the two a grand wedding.

But what people wonder is, is Ludwig, who is Alpha, actually has a bride price to receive? ?

Iman really is an extraordinary Omega!

Many people on the forum were discussing: “Is Ludwig married Iman or Iman married Ludwig?”

Probably only the two of them know this.

Iman smiled brilliantly on the day of the wedding, and Ludwig, who had always been serious, rarely smiled.

After the grand ceremony and banquet, the guests dispersed and the two were sent back to their new home. As soon as Iman entered the door, he took off his complicated dress and threw it on the sofa, hugged Ludwig and gave him a hard kiss.

Ludwig stiffened his back and asked in a low voice, “Would you like to eat something?”

Iman smiled and put his arms around his neck: “I don’t want to eat, I just want to eat you.”

Ludwig: “…”

Understanding what Iman meant, Ludwig blushed.

Iman thought that his blushing look was particularly good-looking, and while touching his cheek, he smiled and said, “You are still shy when you are married? Then I just stopped the inhibitor. What should I do in the next few days?”

Ludwig took a deep breath and said uncomfortably, “I, I will take care of you.”

Iman chuckled softly: “Do you really know how to take care of Omega?”

Ludwig: “…”

Questioning the ability of an Alpha?

In order to prove himself, Ludwig directly beat Iman to the bedroom.

In the end, Iman was not at all shy and didn’t say anything. Instead, he proactively threw down Ludwig and took the initiative to take off his clothes, looking impatient.

Ludwig was stunned.

Where is such an Omega?

Facts have proved that such Omega is also exceptionally delicious.

Ludwig spent three very unforgettable days.

Afterwards, Iman lay in Ludwig’s arms and smiled: “It’s really comfortable. Or, I won’t need inhibitors in the future. Let’s do it every day, how about?”

Ludwig: “…”

I couldn’t ask for any other Alpha requests, but did Iman take the initiative to say it? Isn’t he dreaming?

Iman said excitedly: “Try a different posture next time.”

Ludwig: “…good.”

Iman: “You lie down and don’t move, I’ll come.”

Ludwig thought to himself: I am afraid that he has married a fake Omega, who is more open than Alpha.

However, this is better, the wife is so enthusiastic and active, and a happy life in the future can be guaranteed.

【End of Iman】

The author has something to say:

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting so long, the chapter of nearly 20,000 words, Iman’s chapter is finished at once.

Today I’m going to another place. I will come back to Genglingan×Brad on June 22, and it will be over again at that time.

After leaving the scumbag and finishing the divorce procedures, I have regained my vitality, and I feel really relaxed all over. I don’t want to explain more, I can only blame myself for being blind. Girls must live together for at least half a year before marriage, don’t be too impulsive.

Starting a new life, Xinwen will also work hard to prepare. If you like ABO themes, you can go to my column and pay attention to the second prince Luo Ning’s new article “The Secret of the Movie King”, which will be opened in mid-July^_^

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