Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“How? Now you can listen to us properly, right? Gu Ze said with a baseball bat on his shoulder.

“If we had been malicious, you wouldn’t be able to stand like this now.”

The blow just now didn’t even use one percent of his strength, even if the silver-maned iron guards present rushed forward, Gu Ze could still easily defeat them.

Although the other party’s tone was a little arrogant, what he said was indeed the truth, and Jepard could not deny this.

If Gu Ze really wanted to do something, they alone would be completely unable to resist.

“Who the hell are you?” Jepard is worthy of being a guard officer, and he can still remain vigilant and calm at this time.

Seeing that the other party was finally willing to listen to people, Gu Ze put away the bat and said: “We are extraterrestrial visitors, well, you can understand as aliens, which is probably what it means.” ”

Aliens?” Jepard heard someone introduce himself like this for the first time, and his mind couldn’t turn for a while.

“That’s right, we are not citizens of Beloberg at all, if you look closely, we are dressed differently than you.” Gu Ze nodded and said, “March, show him the planet photos you took.”

“Ah, yes, and this.” March Seven took out the camera, fiddled with it a few times and handed it to Jepard, “You haven’t seen what your planet looks like, have you?” I’ll show you the Yalilo-VI I photographed.

Jeppard took the camera and looked closely, and the picture recorded exactly what their planet looked like covered in ice and snow.

“Is this white planet where we live…” Jeppard’s brows furrowed slightly.

He seemed to be thinking about remembering something, and after a moment said: “It is said that a long, long time ago, strangers from outside the world often came here… But after the cold wave, no one came to Belloberg through the snow curtain.

“If what you say is true, then only the Great Guardian can decide what to do.” Jeppard sighed and said, “I can take you to meet the Great Guardian. ”

Great Guardian?” March 7 felt like things were about to turn around.

“The Great Guardian is the leader of Belobor elected by the city builders.” Jepard explained.

“It seems that if we meet, we may be able to ask about the traces of the star core.” Danheng analyzed.

“Then we’ll just have to go.” Gu Ze nodded.

“We want to meet the Great Guardian, trouble you to lead the way.”

“Outsiders, come with us, Belloberg is behind this snow curtain.”

Jepard and the silver-maned iron guards led the way in front and led Gu Ze and the others towards Belloberg.

A moment later, a vast city appeared in front of everyone, looking at it from a distance, I saw that the various railway tracks in the city were crisscrossed, the central building was particularly prominent, the houses were densely arranged, and the pure white color of ice and snow added a little mysterious beauty to it.

“Welcome to the City of Conservation, Belloberg.” Jepard introduced.

“It looks like an industrial age.” Gu Ze looked at Belober and couldn’t help but think in his heart.


】【Detected that the host has arrived in Belloberg, the task is released.】 【

Mission: Seal

the Star Core】”Seal the Star Core?” Gu Ze nodded, this is also what he is about to do.

After entering the city, the three felt an inexplicable warmth filling their bodies.

“Hey, it doesn’t seem so cold.” March Seven said in surprise.

“Because you’re in Beloberg, the last bastion of humanity.” Jeppard explained.

“Seven hundred years ago, monsters from outside the sky set fire to the entire planet, and the earth at that time fell into scorched earth.”

“At this moment, the cold wave suddenly came, and they were buried by the wind and snow, and only Beloberg remained.”

“The determined city builders founded the city, and under the protection of the star god Creep, Beloberg was forever warm although eroded by wind and snow.”

“So, the frozen monsters I saw on the snow screen just now are the guys who came to this planet hundreds of years ago.” March Qiyi clapped his hands and said.

“And those buried houses … It seems that they are all ancient ruins. Danheng said thoughtfully.

“You’re right.” Jeppard nodded, “But it has now been invaded by many rift monsters. After

entering the city, Jeppard did not stop, but led the three of them all the way towards Fort Creper, the heart of Belloberg, the residence of the Great Guardian.

“You see how strange they dress.”

“What happened, such a big battle.”

Instead, the citizens cast curious glances at everyone.

Instead, they saw the guards followed by a few strangely dressed men, and a large number of silver-maned iron guards escorted them.

In fact, Jepard is also afraid of what Gu Ze will do to the Great Guardian, so he must bring someone to follow to ensure safety.

That’s why it’s so loud.


Jeppard and a group of silver-maned iron guards brought the three to Fort Creper.

The whole fortress is very large, and it looks grand, giving people a very reassuring feeling.

“The current guardian is Lord Kokolia Rand, and all major decisions in the city are made by her.”

“Sounds like a big guy.” March Seven said with a cross at the waist.

“I have sent a messenger to deliver the message, she already knows your intentions, come with me.”

Jepard led the three up the stone steps, entered the fortress, and came to Kokolia’s office.

“However, such a sacrifice is meaningless, you can’t…” Pushing

open the door, Gu Ze saw a silver-haired woman with a spiral ponytail arguing about something to the fair woman standing behind the desk.

“You can stand down, Bronia.”

Seeing the visitor come to visit, the woman directly waved at the silver-haired woman, interrupting her speech.

Bronia seemed to want to say more, but did not continue.

“Yes, my lord mother.”

She had to give up, and then glanced at Gu Ze and the others and left the room.

“Lord Guardian, I brought three outsiders to see you.” Jepard said respectfully.

“The messenger has already told me the situation and is doing well.” Kokolia said, “Jepard, you can stand down.

Jepard saluted, then turned to leave.

“Welcome, visitors from heaven?” Kokolia said, “I am Kokolia Rand, the guardian of Beloberg, and I am here to listen to your wishes.

“Don’t you doubt our identity?” March Seven asked with some doubt.

“No, I see that you are by no means citizens of Belloberg.” Kokolia shook her head slightly.

“We’re here for something called a star core.” Danheng said.

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