Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Gu Ze ignored them, his primary purpose was to make things bigger.

He ran lightning on his tiptoes towards the silver-maned iron guards.

“Shoot!” Bronia ordered without hesitation, the strength of the other party was far beyond her imagination, and she could not be careless.

The silver-maned iron guards quickly lined up in formation, raised their guns and fired.

“Bang bang!”

More than a dozen bullets burst out in an instant, as if a large net was wrapped around Gu Ze.

Gu Ze did not hide and continued to move forward.

“This guy, don’t die?” Bronia raised an eyebrow.

However, the picture of Gu Ze being beaten into a sieve in her imagination did not appear.

I saw that Gu Ze’s arm quickly waved in front of him, bringing out the Dao Afterimage, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

When everyone looked again, they found that all the bullets they had just fired had disappeared.

“What about the bullet just now? Why is it suddenly gone? The

silver-maned iron guards were shocked when they saw this, but what shocked them was still behind.

Gu Ze opened his hands and only listened to the clanging sound one after another.

It was the sound of copper-yellow bullets touching the ground.

“He caught all the bullets! At such a close distance!

A silver-maned iron guard couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Incredible! How is this done?

“What are you kidding?” Is this guy a monster of the Rift Realm? The

silver-maned iron guards exclaimed in shock.

“Prepare for melee combat!”

Bronia was the first to react, quickly waving her weapon and preparing to meet the enemy.

Gu Ze didn’t leave them time to react, in fact, when Bronia spoke, he had already entered the formation.

He clenched his right hand and swung out a fist, easily knocking out Bronia’s gun, forcing her back, and at the same time kicking her with a series of kicks, kicking all the iron guards in front of him to the ground.

Everything happened between electric light and flint, and the iron guards simply did not have time to deal with it, and Gu Ze’s strength and speed were far beyond their imagination.

“Remember what I said, my target is only the star core! Don’t get in my way! Seeing

more silver-maned iron guards surrounding them, Gu Ze did not waste too much time with them, turned around and ran out of the gate, rushing towards the iron guard forbidden area.

This speed is simply not something that others can keep up with.

“It’s not good, that direction is…” Bronia looked at Gu Ze’s back and frowned.

“Sir, what should we do now?” A silver-maned iron guard looked at Bronia and asked.

“I’ll go and report this matter to the Great Guardian, and you guys will line up to track down that gangster!” Bronia thought for a moment and said, “As for the arrest of those extraterrestrial visitors, put it on hold for the time being. ”


The silver-maned iron guards present led the way, and Bronia immediately set off for Fort Creper.

Just as Gu Ze was hurrying, a firework suddenly burst out in the sky, and then he felt that the ground was shaking a little, and hurried footsteps came from all around.

“Signal flares? It seems that he planned to mobilize people to stop me. Gu Ze’s eyes sharpened, his speed increased, and he rushed to the Iron Guard Forbidden Area wrapped in a whirlwind.

When he was tracking Karl in the city before, Gu Ze had already touched the surrounding environment.

He still knew the direction of the forbidden area, and he was now approaching there.

“Stop! Rift forbidden area, idlers do not enter! The silver-maned iron guards who were guarding there immediately raised their iron axes and tried to stop Gu Ze.

But Gu Ze did not stop, he made a one-handed move, instantly changed a rock spear, the spear danced, like cutting tofu, and instantly cut those axes in half.

“What?!” The Iron Guards looked at their weapons in horror, they were still intact a second ago.

Gu Ze stretched out his palm and straightened, flung out a few times, and hit them between their necks accurately, knocking these guys out.

“Intruder! Surrender immediately!

Just as Gu Ze was about to step in, there was a loud shout behind him.

It was Jepard, and after seeing the signal flares, he immediately led the team to guard the place.

“You dare to trespass here and attack the guards, according to the regulations, I will arrest you now!” Don’t do unnecessary resistance.

Jepard said, and the silver-maned iron guards took up a formation to meet the enemy, approaching Gu Ze step by step.

Gu Ze stopped, turned around, and brandished a rock spear towards him.

The silver-maned iron guards behind had already been ready, and when Gu Ze turned around and rushed over, he had already raised his gun and fired a volley.

The dense bullets shot like raindrops, Gu Ze did not avoid it this time, and continued to move forward directly against the rain of bullets, letting them hit his body, but there was no scar.

When he was in the Iron Guard headquarters before, he had already tested the power of these bullets, and he could not cause damage to himself at all, or even break the cloak.

“Didn’t the bullet have an effect on him?” Jepard looked at Gu Ze who rushed towards him, knowing that this guy must be very strong, so he clenched his right hand and swung out a fist.

Preemptive strike!

Under the improvement of the character card, Gu Ze’s combat experience has become extremely rich, and as early as when Jepard’s shoulder was raised, he anticipated the opponent’s next move.

Gu Ze’s figure was deviated, and he had dodged in advance the moment Jepard punched, and immediately threw the rock spear after circling his back, knocking him away under the rapid force of the gun.

At the same time, he hurried forward, and while Jeppard had not yet returned to his senses, a hand knife hit him in the neck, causing him to faint.

“Chief Jepard!” The rest of the Iron Guards exclaimed in surprise.

Just two moves!

Just two moves to stun Jepard cleanly!

Their commander is actually no match for this guy!

Although the iron guards knew that they were not opponents, they could only forcibly pluck up their courage and fire at Gu Ze.

It’s a pity that bullets are like toys to Gu Ze.

He moved, ignoring the bullets, swept to the side of the iron guards in the blink of an eye, raised his arm and snapped a few times, knocking them all over.

After doing all this, Gu Ze did not stay in place, but turned around and ran towards the depths of the forbidden area.


Fort Creper.

“Are you saying that a thug attacked the headquarters of the Silver-Maned Iron Guard and claimed to snatch the star core?” Kokolia’s brows furrowed tightly, and the expression on her face darkened.

Bronia still saw her mother with such an expression for the first time.

She opened her mouth and asked, “Mother, what is the star core he said?” ”

“…… Bronia, summon the silver-maned iron guard, let’s go to the restricted area. Kokolia did not answer her, but gave another order.

“Yes.” Although Bronia was curious, she first carried out the instructions given by Kokolia.

The two left Fort Creper and, after mobilizing their manpower, rushed to the Iron Guard restricted area together.

When they got there, they found that the iron guards guarding the door of the forbidden area had fallen to the ground in staggers, and as for Gu Ze, they had disappeared.

“What about the attacker?” Kokolia hurriedly asked an iron guard.

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