Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The appearance of this monster looks a bit like Kokoria, but it adds a bit of madness and violence to herself.

Its body is covered with star-like sights, its long gray hair falls to its waist, and its whole body is covered in armor like ice crystals.

“Star core? Is this a last-ditch effort? Gu Ze narrowed his eyes and looked at the ice-carved monster and said.

The plot has changed somewhat, and Gu Ze is keenly aware that the power of the star core in front of him may be much stronger than in the game.

“You’re too dangerous! I can only destroy you, even if you are my kind…” The monster spat out, sighing leisurely.

“I’m not your kind, I just have a star core sealed in my body, don’t confuse me with you.” Gu Ze stretched out a finger and shook it, “I don’t have any interest in destruction, unlike you.”

“I was going to join forces with you to destroy the planet… Now it seems that I thought wrong. Star Core stared at Gu Ze, and an extra knight’s spear made of ice crystals condensed in his hand resembled the weapon used by Kokolia in the game.

“Star Core! Destroy him quickly! He wants to get in the way of our plans! Although Kokolia was trapped, she was still talking loudly.

“What, you thought it was going to help you? It just said it would destroy the planet. Gu Ze looked at Kokolia helplessly.

“Hmph, that’s just what you think!” Kokolia sneered.

“Rebirth comes at a cost, erasing all the stale marks of the old world, giving up meaningless survival… This is the price that Starcore offers, and that’s what I trade with it. She

could only weakly watch Beloberg being corroded step by step by the rift in her perseverance day after day, and the belief in conservation in her heart became more and more shaken, coupled with the constant demagogic whispers of the star core.

In the end, the spiritually eroded Kokolia completely abandoned the faith of survival and the oath of the city builder, and instead embraced destruction and traded with the star core.

At the cost of helping Star Core accelerate the elimination of the old world, a new civilization is ushered in.

Gu Ze understood that the reason why Kokolia believed that the star core could fulfill her wish was because the first great guardian, Alisa, fell into despair under the onslaught of the antimatter legion, and made a wish to the star core to end the war, so the cold wave broke out and swallowed everything.

However, although the War of Legionnaires ended, the Arilo-VI was also covered in ice and snow, leaving only Beloberg as the last bastion of human existence.

So Kokolia firmly believes that the star core will also fulfill its wishes.

But what she didn’t know was that star cores had always had the primary purpose of destruction.

This time,

she was doomed to be disappointed.

“There will be no new world, Kokolia. This kid is right, I will destroy here. Star Core turned to look at Kokolia and said lightly.

“What do you say? What do you say, I don’t understand!

Kokolia’s eyes suddenly widened after hearing this, and she became short of breath.

“I said, after the demise of the old world, there will be no new world.” Star Core repeated with a sneer.

“Impossible! That’s impossible! You showed me, I saw it with my own eyes!

She held the rock spear and shook her head a little maniacally, unable to believe that all this was real.

“Those scenes are just images printed out with data in the rift.” Star Core explained, “In fact, after the demise of the world, rifts will cover the planet, and new civilizations will not be born.

“After people are devoured by the rift, they will only face death, nothing will be left, even resurrection is impossible, at most… It can only be printed out by the copied data, turned into a monster, and appeared in the rift.

“But you clearly promised me that you would make the whole world look new!” Kokolia hissed and cried out.

Star Core glanced at her, and said in an increasingly cold and low tone: “I just promised you to help you realize those scenes you saw, didn’t I?”

Kokolia never expected that the other party actually played a hand-word game, and when it proposed the transaction, it really said so.

“When this place is completely occupied by the rift, even if you print a picture of spring blossoms, the scenery of the four seasons is no problem.”

“It’s just that there will be no more humans, only monsters who vainly try to destroy everything, etc., this seems to be a reconstruction of civilization, although it is not a human civilization, but it also fulfills your wishes, right?” Hahahaha! The

star core couldn’t help but laugh wildly when he said this, it could no longer maintain a low and mysterious tone, and instead revealed a terrifying voice.

This is what it is, and those sacred tones that seem to be reverberated from ancient times are just a disguise to seduce mankind.

“I thought you were a god who came to save this world, but I didn’t expect you to be a devil from hell!” Kokolia’s face was full of regret, and her hands clenched hard, even her nails embedded in her palms.

However, she could no longer feel the physical pain, her heart seemed to be torn apart, and the whole person was unable to kneel, and tears were connected into lines.

The new world is actually fake!

After so many years and doing countless wrong things, it was finally in vain!

In the end, it just completely gave up hope and hastened its demise!

The future promised by Star Core is nothing short of a scam!

“What the hell am I doing?” Kokolia cried in despair.

“Haha, your expression of despair like falling into the abyss really makes me laugh! Kokolia, you are so good at deceiving you! The star core taunted on the side.

“You only saw that I helped Alyssa cover the enemy with the wind and snow, but ignored that this wind and snow attacked along with the entire planet.”

“You only see my great power, but you ignore that I am the root of calamity and the essence of destruction, Kokolia, this is the mistake you made because of stupidity!”

“I never help others achieve their wishes! It will only twist the wish! Star

Core said this and turned to look at Gu Ze: “I originally planned to use you to help me accelerate the destruction of this place, but with this kid, I can’t use you.”

“I remember I just said I wouldn’t help you.” Gu Ze gave this guy a blank look.

“Hehe, don’t worry, I heard it clearly.” The star core sneered, “I don’t need you to make a move, as long as I kill you and seize the star core in your body, it can also improve my strength, so that I can destroy the life here alone.” ”

This is also the reason why the star core decided to abandon Kokolia, it believes that as long as it devours Gu Ze, its strength will definitely soar.

“Kill me? Then we have to see if you have this ability! Gu Ze raised his hand and waved, and the rock element condensed in the blink of an eye, and a rock spear appeared.

“The tone is not small, do you think that you can be counted as strong if you clean up a group of rift monsters?” Star Core sneered.

“Let me show you what true power is!”

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