Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Dr. Digging said and hurried off the ring with a puff of smoke, and as the iron cage closed, the excited shouts of the audience filled the club.

“The game is officially on! We can see that Gu Ze’s whole person is almost like a bullet rushing out, and actually brought out a string of afterimages! On the other hand, the machine squad, they… Ga? Dr

. Digger was excitedly explaining, and suddenly got stuck when he talked about the robot’s reaction.

Not because he ran out of words,

but because the other party could no longer react.

In short, they were blasted by Gu Ze a few times.

That’s right, in just two or three seconds, Gu Ze’s baseball bat had already greeted the three machines one by one, bursting them in an instant.

The audience only had time to see Gu Ze rushing out at great speed, and then drawing a bat to attack, the fast machine could not respond at all, and then the machine exploded, and Gu Ze did nothing in a cloud of dust and sparks.


The entire club fell silent in an instant, and the deafening cheers that had just now completely dissipated, and everyone’s open mouth seemed to be able to stuff a fist.

Although those robot players have lost so far, they have been defeated by their opponents in a few seconds!

“What the hell.” Dr. Digging swallowed his spit, was the first to react, and then pinched the microphone and quickly said: “The game is over!” The winner is Gu Ze!

His words pulled back the attention of the audience, and everyone shouted Gu Ze’s name vigorously, and they still saw such a fierce person for the first time.


At this moment, there was a brisk applause from the corner of the fight club, which attracted the attention of everyone present.

There were several round tables, and a dozen people with red bands sat around.

The man who applauded was the winner of the competition just now, with a steel knife resting at his feet, and the bright blade emitted a snow-white light in the light.

“This little brother can defeat those robots in such a short time, it is really skillful.” The man spoke.

“Who is this person?” Gu Ze looked at the digging doctor beside him.

“You don’t even know him?” Dr. Digging looked at Gu Ze like an alien (although Gu Ze is indeed an alien), and explained in a low voice: “This name is Boris, a famous and one of the best masters of earth fire, did you see the big steel knife next to him?” It is said that this guy has hacked hundreds of monsters to death with this knife!

“Oh, listen to you say that, then he is probably very strong.”

“What do you call probably! That must be strong! Dr

. Digging corrected seriously.

“This guy is also a regular at the fight club and also the winner of the last major competition.”


Gu Ze nodded and said to Boris: “Boris, right? Would you like to come up and fight me? The

digging doctor on the side froze directly after hearing this.

Good guy, actually directly provoked the champion of the previous session? No one has done this before!

This little brother is too brave!

“Challenge Boris directly? Good boy has guts!

“Hey! Boris is fighting! You shouldn’t be afraid!

“Come on! What a provocation! ”

The audience immediately started booing, and some even started whistling.

A powerful rookie challenging the previous champion is exciting to think about.

“Oh, are you sure?” Boris got up and moved his wrist, he was also quite interested in this newcomer named Gu Ze, and it happened that the other party proposed a competition, and he didn’t mind a fight.

If his performance is very bright, you can also invite him to enter the earth fire.

“I’m sure, by the way, take the steel knife at your feet and use your strongest strength to duel me.” Gu Ze pointed to the steel knife beside him and said lightly.

“Wait, Boris’s knife technique is not for fun, you better think clearly, in case you are injured and disabled, it will not be good.” Dr. Digging even reminds.

“It’s okay, that’s it.” Gu Ze waved his hand so that he could gain more experience points.

“It’s crazy.” Boris put the steel knife against his shoulder, “Okay, I’ll satisfy you!” I hope you don’t regret it!

When Boris walked into the ring with a steel knife on his shoulder, the crowd erupted into bursts of applause, cheering and inspiring the former champion.

To see Boris fighting with a knife is really worth the fare!

“Now for a special showdown! Former champion Boris versus super newcomer Gu Ze! Dr. Digging hurriedly introduced the two sides.

“Then, the game begins!”

Dr. Digging did not talk nonsense and directly announced the beginning.

But Boris was not in a hurry to attack, he carried the wine bottle in his hand and poured the spirit on the steel knife, after doing it, he looked up at Gu Ze with a smile: “Do you know why I did this?”

“Is it because the wine kills two drops of blood, and one peach can’t be recovered?”

“What the hell?” Boris was a little angry, “This is disinfecting the knife, and when you are injured, it is more convenient to go to Dr. Natasha to bandage!”

“I can’t see it, you’re quite kind.” Gu Ze nodded, “Okay, I’ll start lightly later.”

“Hmph, you can talk about it!” Boris snorted coldly, stepped forward, and swung up with a steel knife.

He knew that Gu Ze was fast, so he came up with all his strength, intending to suppress him first.

Gu Ze’s figure flashed, directly avoided, Boris steel knife swung faster and faster, brushed out the Dao Dao light, Buddha like an airtight net rushed towards Gu Ze.

Gu Ze’s figure is dexterous, and he is tossing and turning in this octagonal cage, the position of the two changes again and again, and the pace of battle gradually becomes faster, but Boris has never been able to cut Gu Ze.

“Damn it! This guy’s footwork is so weird, he seems to be able to predict my moves! Boris was a little surprised, and at the same time a little weak.

It’s as if you can’t beat your opponent no matter what!

At this time, Gu Ze had already figured out the opponent’s path, simply withdrew the bat in his hand, raised his palm, and threw his arm hard.


The two figures are staggered.

Gu Ze’s arm collided with Boris’s steel knife, and the latter’s weapon directly broke away, and after rotating twice in the air at great speed, it slammed into the ground.

“Victory and defeat are scored.” Gu Ze shook his hand.

“This…” Boris looked at his steel knife stunnedly, and was speechless in surprise.

He was actually killed by a new person with one blow!

The audience was also silent.

They really realized now that

the strength of this newcomer was beyond everyone’s imagination!

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